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There are at least six known Wilburys (that’s right, from The Traveling Wilbury’s fame) all ending in Wilbury. What are their names?

Question #66258. Asked by zbeckabee.
Last updated May 15 2021.

Answer has 7 votes
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19 year member
18 replies

Answer has 7 votes.

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I found only five they were Bob Dylan (Lucky), George Harrison (Nelson), Jeff Lynne (Otis), Roy Orbison (Lefty), and Tom Petty (Charles T. Jr.). They sang in Vol. 1 as The Traveling Wilburys using fake names. Roy Orbison died on Dec. 6, 1988. The others made a Vol. 3 album in 1990. George (Spike), Jeff (Clayton), Tom (Muddy), and Bob (Boo) all last names as Wilbury hope this answers your question.


Response last updated by looney_tunes on May 15 2021.
May 27 2006, 11:49 PM
Answer has 3 votes
24 year member
1550 replies avatar

Answer has 3 votes.
Reversing the usual process by which groups break up and give way to solo careers, the Traveling Wilburys are a group made up of solo stars. The group was organized by former Beatle George Harrison, former Electric Light Orchestra leader Jeff Lynne, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, and Roy Orbison, thus representing three generations of rock stars. In 1988, the five (who had known each other for years) came together to record a Harrison B-side single and ended up writing and recording an album on which they shared lead vocals. It turned out to be a way to transcend the high expectations made of any of them as individuals, and a delighted public sent the album to number three, with two singles, "Handle With Care" and "End of the Line" hitting the charts. Unfortunately, Orbison died of a heart attack only a few weeks after the album's release.
Two years later, the remaining quartet released a second album, inexplicably titled Vol. 3. Although it didn't match the success of the first Wilburys album, it was another million-selling hit. Throughout the '90s, there were rumors of another Traveling Wilburys record in the works, but no new albums from the group surfaced. Harrison and Lynne did re-team in 1995, when Lynne produced and reworked two John Lennon demos with the Beatles for their Anthology rarities collection. ~ William Ruhlmann, All Music Guide

Response last updated by looney_tunes on May 15 2021.
May 29 2006, 9:42 AM
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