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Game of Thrones

How much do you know about Game of Thrones? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Game of Thrones (Television). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information. There are 165 questions in this immediate directory. Last updated Mar 28 2025.
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81 It's usually Sam's brains and not his bronze that gets him out of most situations. Because he knows so many things from staring at marks on paper, what does Gilly believe he must be?
Answer: Wizard

After Sam tells Gilly a long story about an abandoned castle and a secret tunnel they can use to get south of the Wall, she tells him, "You're like a wizard". Sam beams with pride as he's never been admired by anyone before. Also, in Season One, Sam tried to console Jon when he angry he put with the stewards. When Jon said, "I always wanted to be a ranger", Sam replied, "I always wanted to be a wizard".
  From Quiz: "Game of Thrones" Sam I Am
82 The Warlock of Qarth steals the dragons belonging to Daenerys, and chains them up in what tower of illusions?
Answer: House of the Undying

Ser Jorah Mormont and Daenerys circle the House of the Undying, a tower without openings, into which Daenerys disappears. She sees visions of the Red Keep, the great Wall, and her dead husband and son. She finds her dragons chained up by the warlock Pyat Pree. He chains Daenerys. But when Daenerys gives the command, "Dracarys", the dragons toast Pyat.

Also in Qarth the merchant Xaro Xhoan Daxos (Nonso Anozie) met Daenerys at the city gates and promised ships, proposing marriage. Xaro and Pyat Press then stage a coup, kill the city rulers and steal the dragons. Also dead are Daenerys's maid and men, because the bedslave Doreah (Roxanne McKee) betrayed Daenerys. In response, Daenerys locks both Xaro and Doreah in a vault, to slowly starve and die together.
  From Quiz: Hell is Other People
83 Jorah Mormont, Daenery's trusted advisor for most of the series, becomes afflicted with a deadly disease that was thought incurable. What is the name of this disease?
Answer: Greyscale

Jorah obtains this disease while transporting Tyrion through the ruins of old Valyria. Greyscale causes scales to form and cover the entire body, while the afflicted person slowly loses their sanity. The cure of greyscale mostly involved the extremely painful process of simply removing most of the person's outer skin.
  From Quiz: "Game of Thrones" - Preparing for Season 8
84 During the Red Wedding, which Houses were allies against the Starks?
Answer: Frey, Bolton and Lannister

The massacre was orchestrated by Tywin Lannister, who forged a secret alliance with the Freys and the Boltons in order to defeat the Starks.
Though Tywin was absent from the wedding, "The Rains of Castamere" was the signal for the Boltons and Freys to attack Robb and his family. Moreover, Roose Bolton says "The Lannisters send their regards" to Robb before killing him.
    Your options: [ Frey, Forrester and Lannister ] [ Frey, Lannister and Tully ] [ Frey, Bolton and Lannister ] [ Whitehill, Arryn and Bolton ]
  From Quiz: "Game of Thrones" - Relationships
85 To whom Jon says "If I fall, don't bring me back."?
Answer: Melisandre

Jon Snow says this to Melisandre before the battle with Ramsay Bolton, since she was the one who revived him, supposedly with the help of the Lord of Light. If he died during the battle, he did not wish to be brought back to life once again.
  From Quiz: "Game of Thrones" - Jon Snow
86 What is the guest right?
Answer: When a guest eats or drinks in the host's table and beneath his roof, neither the guest or the host can harm each other

The guest right is an ancient tradition and social rule in Westeros, held as inviolable and sacred (regardless of which religion is preached).
The most iconic violation of the guest right was done during the Red Wedding, where the host Walder Frey murdered Robb, Talisa and Catelyn Stark, his guests, who had a wedding feast in The Twins.
  From Quiz: "Game of Thrones" - General Knowledge 2
87 The "Red Wedding" claimed the lives of many a Stark. Which member of that northern clan DIDN'T die as a guest of Walder Frey?
Answer: Benjen Stark

Why would anyone ever attend a wedding in Westeros? Benjen, Ned's brother and First Ranger, was lost and assumed dead north of the Wall when the slaughter at the Twins took place.
    Your options: [ Robb Stark ] [ Benjen Stark ] [ Catelyn Stark ] [ Talisa Stark ]
  From Quiz: Who Killed Whom on "Game of Thrones?"
88 In which cities did Daenerys stop by before taking up residence in Meereen after crossing the Red Waste?
Answer: Qarth, Astapor and Yunkai

Qarth, ruled by the Thirteen, is an exotic place where warlocks and assassins can be found. Astapor and Yunkai are known for their slave trade. Astapor specifically is known for the Unsullied, who were freed by Daenerys.
    Your options: [ Qarth, Astapor and Yunkai ] [ Myr, Lys and Naath ] [ Qarth, Astapor and Braavos ] [ Valyria, Astapor and Yunkai ]
  From Quiz: "Game of Thrones" - General Knowledge
89 On their way to Meereen, Jorah and Tyrion find the stone men near the ancient ruins of which place?
Answer: Valyria

While sailing in the Smoking Sea, both Tyrion Lannister and Jorah Mormont have a dangerous encounter with the stone men, plagued by a contagious disease called Greyscale. Once the seat of House Targaryen, Valyria and the surrounding places are now deserted, except for the previously mentioned stone men.
It is also in this place that Tyrion sees for the first time a living dragon, Drogon.
    Your options: [ Oldtown ] [ Valyria ] [ Qarth ] [ Pyke ]
  From Quiz: "Game of Thrones" - Locations
90 "You'll have to carry me."
Answer: Lommy

In season 2, Arya's friend and travel companion Lommy had an injured leg after being shot with an arrow. When they were captured, Lommy asked the captors to carry him. They killed him instead.
    Your options: [ Lommy ] [ Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane ] [ Jojen Reed ] [ Myrcella ]
  From Quiz: Last Words of "Game of Thrones" Characters
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