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Quiz about What Happened in  1990s edition
Quiz about What Happened in  1990s edition

What Happened in ...? (1990s edition) Quiz

Here we are--the last decade of the 20th century. I hope you enjoy your short trip back through time!

A multiple-choice quiz by john_sunseri. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
7 / 10
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Last 3 plays: Guest 72 (4/10), zeljko74 (9/10), nmerr (8/10).
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Question 1 of 10
1. What happened in 1990? Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years, Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait, the guys in Milli Vanilli lost their Grammy when they admitted lip-synching their hits, and Janet Adkins, a Portland, Oregon woman, became the first to do what? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. What happened in 1991? Rodney King was beaten by four Los Angeles police officers, Queen Elizabeth II addressed the United States Congress, Boris Yeltsin became the Russian President, and a world-famous basketball player announced that he had contracted HIV. Who was it?

Answer: (One Word, Last Name Only)
Question 3 of 10
3. What happened in 1992? George H.W. Bush vomited into Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa's lap, Pope John Paul II lifted the Inquisition findings against Galileo (better late than never), Andrei Chikatilo (the Butcher of Rostov) was found guilty of 52 murders and sentenced to death for each one, and the Maastricht Treaty was signed. What did this signify? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. What happened in 1993? Intel released the first Pentium chips, Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin shook hands in the White House Rose Garden to signal peace accords (they didn't work), the BATF besieged the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and Ty Warner, Inc. began selling a line of toys that would become a huge cultural hit. What toys? Hint

Question 5 of 10
5. What happened in 1994? Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" won seven Oscars, singer Kurt Cobain committed suicide in Lake Washington, Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson were murdered in Los Angeles, and Ilich Ramírez Sánchez was captured. What was he better known as? Hint

Question 6 of 10
6. What happened in 1995? Aum Shinrikyo killed twelve people by releasing sarin gas into the Tokyo subways, 168 people died in Oklahoma City during the Murrah Building bombing, Cal Ripken, Jr. played in his 2131st consecutive baseball game (beating Lou Gehrig's record), and a band that had played over 2300 live concerts since they were founded in 1965 played their last gig in Chicago. What was the band? Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. What happened in 1996? Dolly the sheep was the first cloned mammal, Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorced, the Taliban took control of Kabul, and something called "Deep Blue" did something unprecedented. What was it? Hint

Question 8 of 10
8. What happened in 1997? Madeleine Albright became the first female American Secretary of State, the Toyota Prius went on sale in Japan, Bobbi McCaughey gave birth to septuplets (who would all survive infancy) in Iowa, and two of the most famous women in the world died within a week of each other. Who were they? Hint

Question 9 of 10
9. What happened in 1998? Bill Clinton denied that he'd had sexual relations with intern Monica Lewinsky, "Titanic" won eleven Oscars (and "My Heart Will Go On" played eleventy zillion times on the radio), the United Kingdom abolished the death penalty, and former actor Charlton Heston became the president of what organization? Hint

Question 10 of 10
10. What happened in 1999? The world prepared for the Y2K bug, which some people thought would cause civilization to crash and burn, Hugo Chávez became President of Venezuela, the population of the world hit the 6 billion mark, and Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on a shooting rampage in which community? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. What happened in 1990? Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years, Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait, the guys in Milli Vanilli lost their Grammy when they admitted lip-synching their hits, and Janet Adkins, a Portland, Oregon woman, became the first to do what?

Answer: Commit suicide with Jack Kevorkian's help

Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisted Janet Adkins in her suicide with his 'suicide machine'--a device that allowed her to push a button and release deadly chemicals into her bloodstream. "Dr. Death" lost his medical license in 1991, but continued to assist people who wanted to end their lives, usually in the back of his van, and in 1999 he went to jail for second-degree murder.

He was paroled in 2007.
2. What happened in 1991? Rodney King was beaten by four Los Angeles police officers, Queen Elizabeth II addressed the United States Congress, Boris Yeltsin became the Russian President, and a world-famous basketball player announced that he had contracted HIV. Who was it?

Answer: Johnson

Earvin "Magic" Johnson, a basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers, won five championships in his professional career and is considered one of the best players of all time. He announced his health status in November of 1991 and retired, but he came back for the All-Star Game in 1992 (winning the MVP award) and he played for the American team at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona.
3. What happened in 1992? George H.W. Bush vomited into Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa's lap, Pope John Paul II lifted the Inquisition findings against Galileo (better late than never), Andrei Chikatilo (the Butcher of Rostov) was found guilty of 52 murders and sentenced to death for each one, and the Maastricht Treaty was signed. What did this signify?

Answer: Creation of the European Union

The treaty was signed in Maastricht, the Netherlands, and went into effect in 1993. It set up the Euro as the EU currency, and erected three pillars of the EU: the European Communities pillar (economic, social and environmental policies), the Common Foreign and Security Policy (military) and the Justice and Home Affairs pillar (criminal matters).

Some countries, in particular the UK, secured 'opt-outs' from some provisions of the treaty, for example, the common currency. (The European Union was established on the foundation of the European Community, which had had a continuous existence - in slightly different forms - since 1950s).
4. What happened in 1993? Intel released the first Pentium chips, Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin shook hands in the White House Rose Garden to signal peace accords (they didn't work), the BATF besieged the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and Ty Warner, Inc. began selling a line of toys that would become a huge cultural hit. What toys?

Answer: Beanie Babies

Ty Warner, Inc. eventually became just Ty Inc. When the first nine toys came out (including Legs the Frog and Chocolate the Moose), they were modest sellers. They really became a phenomenon later in the decade, and sales of the cute little suckers became a $6 billion industry.

The most desired Beanie Baby is the dark blue edition of Peanut the Elephant--not many of them were made (the color was supposed to be light blue), and some have sold for over $4000.
5. What happened in 1994? Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" won seven Oscars, singer Kurt Cobain committed suicide in Lake Washington, Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson were murdered in Los Angeles, and Ilich Ramírez Sánchez was captured. What was he better known as?

Answer: Carlos the Jackal

Sánchez, a Venezuelan terrorist, had been on the Most Wanted lists since 1975, when he'd taken over the OPEC headquarters in Vienna, killing three people and receiving in the neighborhood of $20 million from an unnamed 'Arab President'. In 1994 he underwent surgery in Sudan, and while he was recovering he was snatched by his own bodyguards and sold to the French, who tried him and sentenced him to life imprisonment.
6. What happened in 1995? Aum Shinrikyo killed twelve people by releasing sarin gas into the Tokyo subways, 168 people died in Oklahoma City during the Murrah Building bombing, Cal Ripken, Jr. played in his 2131st consecutive baseball game (beating Lou Gehrig's record), and a band that had played over 2300 live concerts since they were founded in 1965 played their last gig in Chicago. What was the band?

Answer: The Grateful Dead

Bandmember Jerry Garcia died in August of 1995, and the remaining members of the Grateful Dead decided to break up the band (though many of them have participated in reunions and revivals, they've never used the name). The name "Grateful Dead" came from the Funk & Wagnalls Folklore Dictionary, and meant a spirit that thanks the human or humans that arranged its burial.

The band had only one #1 hit (1987's "Touch of Grey").
7. What happened in 1996? Dolly the sheep was the first cloned mammal, Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorced, the Taliban took control of Kabul, and something called "Deep Blue" did something unprecedented. What was it?

Answer: Won a chess game against the World Champion

Deep Blue was a chess-playing computer developed by IBM, and on February 10th it played--and beat--champion Garry Kasparov. Kasparov eventually won the match 4 games to 2. The next year, the new and improved Deep Blue (called 'Deeper Blue') won the rematch with the human, 3.5 games to 2.5 games. Kasparov was not pleased--he maintained that the computer had had human help (he said he could detect 'intelligence and creativity' in Deep Blue's play).

BTW--it was Skynet that would become self-aware, but not until 1997.
8. What happened in 1997? Madeleine Albright became the first female American Secretary of State, the Toyota Prius went on sale in Japan, Bobbi McCaughey gave birth to septuplets (who would all survive infancy) in Iowa, and two of the most famous women in the world died within a week of each other. Who were they?

Answer: Princess Diana and Mother Teresa

Princess Diana died as the result of injuries suffered in an automobile accident in Paris on August 31, and Mother Theresa died of heart failure in India on September 5. Diana's funeral was watched by two billion people worldwide.

Fitzgerald and Leakey died in '96, Rogers and Turner in '95, and Onassis and Tandy in '94.
9. What happened in 1998? Bill Clinton denied that he'd had sexual relations with intern Monica Lewinsky, "Titanic" won eleven Oscars (and "My Heart Will Go On" played eleventy zillion times on the radio), the United Kingdom abolished the death penalty, and former actor Charlton Heston became the president of what organization?

Answer: The National Rifle Association

Heston held the presidency of the NRA until 2003, and became a large voice for gun rights, declaring in 2000 that if Al Gore became President of the United States the 2nd Amendment would be threatened. In 2001, Heston made a cameo appearance in Tim Burton's remake of "The Planet of the Apes" (he'd starred in the 1968 original), in which he made a little speech about guns: "What you hold in your hand is the proof of their power - their power of invention, their power of technology. Against this, our strength means nothing.

This has the power of a thousand spears." Heston died in 2008.
10. What happened in 1999? The world prepared for the Y2K bug, which some people thought would cause civilization to crash and burn, Hugo Chávez became President of Venezuela, the population of the world hit the 6 billion mark, and Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on a shooting rampage in which community?

Answer: Littleton, Colorado

Harris and Klebold killed 12 students and one teacher, then killed themselves at Columbine High School in the deadliest high school massacre in 20th-century America. In the aftermath, people sought to blame the students' actions on video games (both boys played "Doom"), music (Marilyn Manson, for one), lax gun laws (they'd acquired their weapons through a friend at a gun show) and the Internet--but in the end, no one really knows why they did what they did.
Source: Author john_sunseri

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