This is to let you know that the kids and I have left. We are not coming back, and I have taken extraordinary steps so you will never find us. So don't try.
You have always
being abusive towards me because you never hit me.
is visible, but the abuse you inflicted on me was more insidious.
is a recent term that describes your abuse towards me. Whatever it is called, it is still
. When we were first married, what I thought was your over-protectiveness towards me was just a need to
me. Over the years, your behaviour has gotten much worse. In the early stages of our marriage, I
feeling that I was swimming against the tide - you made me feel I was the one in the wrong. When I look at all the abuse you have
on me, I wonder why I have stayed with you for so long. You gave me barely enough money to cover food, let alone any "extras" like clothes or bus fare. I had to
for those. One by one, you
me from having friends and
my movements so I could not meet new ones. You checked my phone and demanded to know who I was calling and who called me. When you
cameras in the house, you said it was for security, but the real reason was so you could keep tabs on me. You gaslighted me nearly all the time and called me horrible names in front of the kids - you tried to turn the kids against me. You told me when I could eat and sleep and even the amount of time I could spend in the bathroom. Our life in the bedroom
about what you wanted. Any input on my part was
. However, the final straw came when you started threatening the kids, just to get at me.
When you read this note, you will be angry, but for the wrong reasons. You should be angry that we have gone, but you will be angry because, for once, you cannot control the situation. You need to
this change and get professional help for your problems. Only then will you
to make a fresh start, but it will never be with us. That is in the past. It's over.