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Thematic Food Trivia Quizzes

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116 Thematic Food quizzes and 1,624 Thematic Food trivia questions.
A Soup and Aside
  A Soup and Aside   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
A quiz based around soups and side dishes, with thematic asides along the way. Have fun as we sample our way through ten popular dishes!
Easier, 10 Qns, lordprescott, Sep 02 23
lordprescott gold member
Sep 02 23
578 plays
FunTrivia in the Grocery Store
  FunTrivia in the Grocery Store   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I made a trip down to FunTrivia Grocery and noticed a lot of food items that share names with non-related items. This quiz delves into my findings.
Easier, 10 Qns, MovieMaster14, Jul 08 21
Jul 08 21
7450 plays
  Edible Connections   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
The premise is simple - join these food items with appropriate words to form commonly used terms.
Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Jun 11 18
zorba_scank gold member
Jun 11 18
1814 plays
  A Little Bit of Salt and Cracked Pepper    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Are you worth your salt trivially? Here is a little bit of savor and spice to test your knowledge and shake things up!
Average, 10 Qns, exceller, Mar 13 22
Mar 13 22
725 plays
  Foods For Thought   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Order up! Ten questions about food, all served piping hot to sate your appetite for knowledge...and food, I guess. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Oct 01 22
kyleisalive editor
Oct 01 22
1358 plays
  A Little Salt on It, Sir?   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A salty quiz. Many thanks to Huw27 for setting me this challenge.
Average, 10 Qns, ozzz2002, Apr 17 23
ozzz2002 gold member
Apr 17 23
2142 plays
  Guitargoddess and the Pan-galactic Gargleblaster   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster is the drink from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Its weird recipe is the inspiration for this mixed knowledge quiz!
Easier, 10 Qns, guitargoddess, Jul 08 17
guitargoddess gold member
871 plays
  All About Breakfast   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For the true generalist, these questions about breakfast are drawn from literature, cinema, culture, advertising, music, language, television, and several other places.
Average, 10 Qns, FatherSteve, Nov 24 19
FatherSteve gold member
Nov 24 19
617 plays
  Slinging the Hash   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hash isn't just messy, greasy food, you know. The word has a variety of meanings. See how many of these you know. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, Creedy, Apr 08 23
Creedy gold member
Apr 08 23
795 plays
  Tasty Trivia   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
General trivia, but all questions or answers will involve a food item. Everything from soup to nuts. Bon Appetit.
Average, 10 Qns, justawful, Jul 09 17
6014 plays
trivia question Quick Question
BarNaCle Bill is wondering if anyone noticed the formula for common table salt in his name. Which is it?

From Quiz "BarNaCle Bill's History of Salt"

  What Happened in Pudding Lane?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will ask you to answer the title question, and other pudding-related posers.
Average, 10 Qns, spanishliz, Oct 02 21
spanishliz editor
Oct 02 21
699 plays
  Trivial Mixed Nuts    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Take a trip through our various nutty FT categories. Every question relates to "nut' or "nuts." How many can you crack open?
Average, 10 Qns, Nealzineatser, Apr 08 23
Nealzineatser gold member
Apr 08 23
434 plays
  Pass The Mustard, Please!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz may be mustard-themed, but don't be fooled - it's not a food quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Aug 25 17
Kankurette gold member
707 plays
  A Tour of My Coffee Plantation   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's December 1901. Join Alberto Santos Dumont, the world's first celebrity aviator, for an imaginary tour of the Brazilian coffee plantation on which he grew up. You'll meet some of his famous contemporaries and test yourself on the history of coffee.
Average, 10 Qns, glendathecat, Oct 14 23
Oct 14 23
355 plays
  Flatter than a Pancake   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you answer these "pancake questions" from around the world? Ah....but remember, flatness depends entirely on the lumpiness of your batter.
Average, 10 Qns, coachpauly, Aug 09 24
Aug 09 24
628 plays
  BarNaCle Bill's History of Salt    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
BarNaCle Bill loves salt. In fact he IS an 'old salt' (term for sailors). Besides being essential to life, what other roles has salt played?
Average, 10 Qns, alexis722, Aug 25 17
376 plays
  Scone of Contention   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
So you think that you know about scones...And the famous Scot destiny stone...Well, if you would move...That assertion to prove...Take this quiz, make your mastery known.
Average, 10 Qns, uglybird, Apr 08 23
Apr 08 23
665 plays
  The Night of the Living Bread    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Waking one night with a great hunger, I toddled into the kitchen to make myself a quick snack. Imagine my dismay when I found my bread had turned mouldy. It got me thinking about all things mouldy and, naturally, I went off on a bit of a tangent.
Average, 10 Qns, Snowman, Jul 09 17
Snowman gold member
487 plays
  Hungry Ghosts and Thirsty Ghouls    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Trick or Treat! This is a mixed food quiz with a Halloween theme. So eat, drink and be scary!
Average, 10 Qns, RedHook13, Oct 28 19
RedHook13 gold member
Oct 28 19
424 plays
  Some Tannic Tangents   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is NOT primarily a quiz about the various sorts of tea, but on people and things that can be associated with TEA.
Average, 10 Qns, Ampelos, Apr 04 24
Ampelos gold member
Apr 04 24
383 plays
  Is It A Vegetable Or A Fruit?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Well, fight amongst yourselves about what pumpkins are but, it being October at the time, pumpkins are quite in vogue so here's a quiz about them. Enjoy!
Difficult, 10 Qns, Gatsby722, Feb 23 25
Feb 23 25
3348 plays
  It's Tea Time    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Pour yourself a cup and enjoy this quiz that is all about things involving the word tea!
Average, 10 Qns, SmoothBrain, Apr 08 23
Apr 08 23
286 plays
  International Menu - Answers Are Food & Drink    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The questions are from a mixture of categories, but the answers all have a connection to well-known food and drink items.
Average, 10 Qns, shuttlemania, Nov 16 23
Nov 16 23
816 plays
  Would You Like an Oatcake?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You might never have heard of the oatcake, but for many it has been a staple food. It has also inspired a poem, the name of a cover band and has a fanzine named after it.
Average, 10 Qns, Calpurnia09, Dec 17 20
Dec 17 20
426 plays
  Wibble Wobble Wibble Wobble Jelly on a Plate   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on jelly, but more specifically on the amazing substance gelatine from which jelly is made. Please note I'll be using the Commonwealth spelling for jelly and gelatine throughout this quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, Creedy, Feb 10 25
Creedy gold member
Feb 10 25
590 plays
  Food for Thought - Comestibles with Attitude    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Are you feeling a bit peckish? Please tuck into the following quiz that has food items in the answer.
Average, 10 Qns, Jinxgirl, Apr 07 23
Apr 07 23
421 plays
  You Cannot Be Cereal!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Cereals are a child-oriented product. Cereals have made offers that will always remind us of our childhood and will consist of a valuable token and collectible. See if you are lucky enough and have collected some of offers made in the 20th century.
Average, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Jul 10 17
DeepHistory gold member
775 plays
  I Should Coco    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
To celebrate the first birthday of Coco, the Chocolate Labrador that shares this mad corner of the Funtrivia kingdom, here are 15 questions based on the words coco or cocoa.
Average, 15 Qns, darksplash, Feb 09 25
Feb 09 25
528 plays
  Salt of the Earth    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Please Pass the Salt! You may want to throw a handful over your left shoulder for good luck before starting this Author Challenge from Terry! Standard UK spelling throughout.
Difficult, 10 Qns, lilyalli, Apr 07 23
Apr 07 23
399 plays
  Salty Questions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you scan over the questions, it will become visibly obvious that at least some of these questions are related to 'salt'. Have fun...
Difficult, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Apr 07 23
thejazzkickazz gold member
Apr 07 23
597 plays
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Thematic Food Trivia Questions

1. What British children's fantasy author once commented, "You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me"?

From Quiz
It's Tea Time

Answer: C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis followed a very regimented daily pattern of activity, with breakfast at 8 AM, then working at his desk by 9 followed by a cup of tea at 11. Later in the day he would go for a walk and upon his return, he would expect a cup of tea no later than a quarter past 4 PM.

2. The hotel at which you have a reservation offers a "free" continental breakfast. What may you properly expect to be served?

From Quiz All About Breakfast

Answer: sweet roll, jam, fruit, coffee

The term "continental breakfast" has been around since the middle 1800s to describe a light morning meal in contrast to the heavier full English breakfast of many fried foods. The British used the term to mean what one is likely to be served in France or on the Mediterranean: a baked good, jam, fruit and coffee. It does not include eggs, nor meat, nor potatoes, nor pancakes, nor waffles. It is typically served in a hotel, a restaurant or at a convention center to a large group of people.

3. Hobbies(Food): What are the two primary ingredients of Nutella?

From Quiz Trivial Mixed Nuts

Answer: sugar and vegetable oil

I hate to break the bad news to all you Nutella fans out there, but Nutella is not a nutritious breakfast food. It's really a dessert, and a nutritionally questionable one at that. Leading the Wikipedia entry is the following definition: "Nutella is a brand of sweetened palm oil spread, flavored with hazelnut and cocoa solids..." More than 50% of it is sugar and oil, with about 13% being hazelnuts and somewhat less than that being cocoa solids and skim milk. The ingredients may vary somewhat depending on the country where it's marketed. Despite these facts, Nutella remains popular throughout the world as a creamy, tasty, chocolate-flavored nutty spread. It was formulated and first introduced in Italy in the early 1960s. The manufacturer is an Italian company, Ferraro SpA, now the second largest confectionery and chocolate producer in the world. The company was founded in 1946 by Pietro Ferrero, who was a confectioner and local pastry maker in Alba, Piedmont.

4. What happened in Pudding Lane (or nearby) on 2nd September 1666?

From Quiz What Happened in Pudding Lane?

Answer: The Great Fire of London started.

It has long been accepted that the Great Fire of London started on that date, in the bakery of Thomas Farriner, whose property was in Pudding Lane. It was reported in 2016 that modern research had placed the actual site of the fire's beginning in nearby Monument Street, though it would have been in Pudding Lane in 1666. Pepys, whose diary gave a first-hand record of the Great Fire, lived from 1633 until 1703. He kept his most well-known diary between 1660 and 1669. Wren, the great architect who was given the task of rebuilding London (especially its churches) after the fire, lived from 1632 until 1723. Yorkshire pudding is said to have originated in Yorkshire some time in the 1730s.

5. In England, corned beef hash has been a meal there of many years standing. Their corned beef is not how we have it here in Australia, though. England imports its corned beef in tins from South America. With which product has this meat been treated?

From Quiz Slinging the Hash

Answer: Saltpetre

That dish would be quite delicious from our perspective otherwise. In Australia, we cook our own and have it freshly sliced with meals. In England, however, harking back to the days of the world wars, beef was in such short supply there that they took to importing it in tins from the Americas. The tradition has continued from that time. The English combine this tinned corned beef, the idea of which makes me feel decidedly queasy, with fried and browned onions, gravy or stock, and sometimes tinned tomatoes. They then add boiled and sliced potatoes (mashed would be nice too), and peas and carrots - and brown the lot under the grill. Quite yummy sounding really, apart from that canned corned beef. Interestingly, saltpetre has been used for several centuries as a food preservative, BUT this is a product which is also used in fertiliser, fuel for rockets and, perhaps most comical of all, in fireworks. One wonders how this works on the aftermath of the meal.

6. What TV crime solver is shown to be inordinately fond of tea, especially during his investigations?

From Quiz Some Tannic Tangents

Answer: Patrick Jane ('The Mentalist')

Patrick Jane is a reformed psychic and con-artist, employed as a consultant to the California Bureau of Investigation. In almost every episode he is shown as brewing or drinking a cup of his favourite beverage, on which he is quite an expert. One of his favourites is Lapsang Souchong. He often uses a cup of tea as a means to set the mood for his questioning of suspects and witnesses.

7. Literature: William Shakespeare wrote a play featuring the fairies Pease-blossom and Mustard-seed, a group of actors, and some very confused couples. Which play is this?

From Quiz Pass The Mustard, Please!

Answer: A Midsummer Night's Dream

'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is a Shakespeare comedy which takes place in Athens and features three different groups of characters: the fairies, a group of actors (one of whom is Nick Bottom, a weaver whose head is transformed into that of a donkey), and a group of young Athenians. Hermia, who is supposed to marry Demetrius, loves Lysander; Lysander loves Hermia; and Demetrius loves Hermia at first, but ends up falling in love with Helena, who has the hots for him. Oberon, the fairy king, orders his servant Puck anoint Demetrius' eyes with a love potion that will make him fall in love with the first person he sees, and chaos ensues after Puck mistakes Lysander for Demetrius. Peaseblossom, Mustardseed, Moth and Cobweb are all servants of the fairy queen Titania, another victim of the love juice, who falls in love with Bottom. Random mustard factoid: the first people to use mustard as a condiment in Europe were the Romans, who mixed grape juice with ground mustard seeds imported from India. In fact, mustard gets its name from the Latin 'mustum ardens', which means 'burning must' ('must' is a type of grape juice made in the early stages of winemaking).

8. Salt has always been a precious commodity, used even as currency in prehistoric times. About how much of the earth's water is salty?

From Quiz BarNaCle Bill's History of Salt

Answer: 90%

Most of the saltwater on Earth is in the oceans. There are also several salt lakes such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah, USA, which is reportedly eight times saltier than the oceans. We bobbed around in it on a camping trip many years ago and found that it was almost impossible to sink. The Morton Salt Factory sits on the shore of the lake. Unfortunately, the surface was almost black with salt flies or no-see-ums. Being out in some strong sun and unable to shower until the next state, we noticed our skin turning whitish and we became very thirsty in the next two days. Showering in Arizona's Grand Canyon campground got the worst of it off.

9. We'll start with the obvious. What food item is an oatcake like?

From Quiz Would You Like an Oatcake?

Answer: Pancake

It is a kind of pancake made from oatmeal, flour, baking powder, shortening and water. It is usually cooked on a griddle or 'baxton'.

10. John, the manager of FunTrivia Grocery, told me about a customer who asked him for a product named after Fergie and Which product was the customer asking for?

From Quiz FunTrivia in the Grocery Store

Answer: Black-eyed peas

The Black-Eyed Peas are a hip-hop band formed in 1995. In the southern United States, it is thought that if you eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day, you will prosper for the next year.

11. The recipe for the Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster starts with a full bottle of Janx Spirit. Here's a question about another Janx: Kara Janx. Which television show, hosted by Heidi Klum, did Kara Janx appear as a contestant on?

From Quiz Guitargoddess and the Pan-galactic Gargleblaster

Answer: Project Runway

Kara Janx is a fashion designer originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, residing in New York City. She was a contestant during the second season of "Project Runway" (2005-2006) and was eliminated after 11 episodes. "Project Runway" premiered on Bravo in 2004, and moved to the Lifetime network in 2009. Supermodel Heidi Klum hosts.

12. Common salt is comprised of some quite volatile elements. What is the chemical symbol for common salt?

From Quiz A Little Salt on It, Sir?

Answer: NaCl

Sodium is a very reactive alkali metal, and chlorine is a dangerous gas, but together they combine to make one of the most useful compounds known to mankind. Iron oxide, or haematite, is a black, or in its rarer form, red crystal used in jewellery. C7H5N3O6 is the formula for trinitrotoluene, commonly known as TNT, which is not likely to be used with food, nor is HCl, which is hydrochloric acid, and very potent stuff indeed.

13. In 1968, a 'Beggars Banquet' was enriched with some 'Salt of the Earth'. This was not a delicious meal, but an album by whom?

From Quiz Salt of the Earth

Answer: Rolling Stones

'Salt of the Earth' is the final track of the acclaimed 'Beggars Banquet' album by the Rolling Stones. The lyrics, penned by Keith Richard and Mick Jagger are as relevant today as they were forty years ago - a toast to hard-working people, the 'Salt of the Earth'.

14. Moccus, was the Swine-god of the Celts...which Roman deity best represents this personage?

From Quiz Salty Questions

Answer: Mercury

15. What tasty song lyric included the unforgettable line 'A-Wop-Bop-A-Lu-Bop-A-Lop-Bam-Boom'?

From Quiz Tasty Trivia

Answer: Tutti Frutti

The Little Richard classic.

16. A sitcom which ran on CBS primarily in the 1960s was a fish out of water tale telling the story of a family which moved from the Ozarks to California due to the father discovering "black gold, Texas tea." What was the name of this sitcom?

From Quiz It's Tea Time

Answer: The Beverly Hillbillies

With seven Emmy nominations, "The Beverly Hillbillies" is one of the most popular and widely syndicated shows in TV history. A 1993 film adaptation wasn't quite as critically acclaimed.

17. Truman Capote wrote the novella in 1958 and Audrey Hepburn played the lead in Blake Edwards' 1961 motion picture of "Breakfast at Tiffany's." Who was the protagonist?

From Quiz All About Breakfast

Answer: Holly Golightly

Hepburn co-stared with George Peppard, Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, Martin Balsam and Mickey Rooney. Holly Golightly was a toast of Manhattan café society. The film won two Academy Awards: one for Best Original Score and the other Best Original Song, "Moon River."

18. Animals: Decide what a nuthatch is. Now, what does it eat?

From Quiz Trivial Mixed Nuts

Answer: insects, nuts, and seeds

Nuthatches are a genus of small, passerine birds belonging to the Sittidae family. All the several species weigh less than one ounce. Passerines are a large and varied order of birds characterized by feet which allow them to perch on thin branches. Given their size, they couldn't possibly kill mammals and have no interest in roadkill. Very few birds are true, strict vegetarians. Even most largely plant-based bird diets are supplemented with insects. The nuthatch gets its name from its feeding behavior. It will take a seed, wedge it into a crevice in the bark of a tree or the crotch of a branch, and 'hatchet' it open with its sharp beak. These birds can be observed hopping up and down trees, pecking into breaks in the bark, looking for insects.

19. Police charged into my kitchen and found the illegal figs that I use in my jam. They did not have a warrant. Which "fruit" does the law refer to describe evidence not legally obtained, in the USA?

From Quiz Food for Thought - Comestibles with Attitude

Answer: Fruit of a poison tree

The correct answer is the legal term used in the USA to describe evidence that was tainted because it was obtained illegally. The others are fruity answers that are incorrect.

20. Proverbially, in what is the proof of the pudding?

From Quiz What Happened in Pudding Lane?

Answer: The eating

The literal meaning of "the proof of the pudding is in the eating" was that you had to eat the pudding to know if it was any good. Expanding on that it came to be applied to other enterprises, and to mean that only by trying something could you judge its worth. The shortened version, "the proof is in the pudding" came into use in the 1920s, with essentially the same meaning.

21. Cereals are very beloved and popular among children and a good way for companies to advertise their products. The Walt Disney Company would not be an exception. What Disney-related product did "Cheerios" offer?

From Quiz You Cannot Be Cereal!

Answer: Four pocket-size Disney comic books

The most notable Disney comic books are "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories", whose first issue was published in October 1940 and "Uncle Scrooge" which debuted on March 1952. Both of them and especially the second featured most of the stories written and drawn by Carl Barks, aka The Duckman.

22. Not delicious at all and decidedly illegal, this narcotic product is commonly referred to as hash. From which plant is this illegal product manufactured?

From Quiz Slinging the Hash

Answer: Cannabis

Cannabis, also known as marijuana or "hash" in its concentrated form, is a plant that has been used for thousands of years by mankind, both as a medicine and as a psychoactive substance. In the dried plant form, this is smoked by those addicted to the substance, to alter their normal state of mind into that of relaxation and a feeling akin to euphoria. It also increases the appetite and sends half its users into fits of unrestrained laughter about nothing at all. Additionally, its negative effects can include red eyes, short-term memory loss, and acute feelings of paranoia or anxiety. How delightful. I have the same reaction from the electricity bill. As a medical substance, it has been used for thousands of years to alleviate symptoms of various illnesses. In the 21st century, it can be utilised to ease the feelings of nausea brought about when a patient has, sadly, had to undergo chemotherapy treatment. Those suffering AIDS have also been treated using the medical properties of cannabis/hashish, as have people who have to deal with painful muscular spasms or other painful conditions on a daily basis. Bearing in mind its negative effects, however, the medical profession is still definitely split over the issue of the safety and efficiency of using this product as a medical aid.

23. The Marx Brothers starred in numerous films in various combinations, but in which 1933 film did Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho) become President of Freedonia?

From Quiz International Menu - Answers Are Food & Drink

Answer: Duck Soup

"Duck Soup" featured Groucho as Rufus T. Firefly in 1933. "The Cocoanuts" was released in 1929, "Animal Crackers" in 1930 and "Room Service" in 1938.

24. What fields did The Beatles say they would "take you down" to in 1967...maybe forever?

From Quiz Foods For Thought

Answer: Strawberry

"Strawberry Fields Forever", a single release with "Penny Lane" in 1967, became one of the band's most famous hits from their psychedelic era. Many outlets have regarded it as one of The Beatles' most defining tracks. It reached number two on the UK Singles Chart and number eight on the Billboard 200 chart in the U.S., failing to top "Penny Lane" on the same record. The original Strawberry Fields were in Liverpool, England. After John Lennon's death in the 1980s, Strawberry Fields became a memorial in Central Park as well. Strawberries-- despite being referred to as berries-- are not actually berries. They're fruits created with several seeds on the outside. Allegedly, bananas are.

25. The 1970 album 'Tea for the Tillerman' was a major hit for which recording artist?

From Quiz Some Tannic Tangents

Answer: Cat Stevens

This album, which included tracks such as 'Wild World' and 'Where do the Children Play', was the one which established Cat Stevens' reputation in the United States, getting into the Top Ten in 1971.

26. BarNaCle Bill is wondering if anyone noticed the formula for common table salt in his name. Which is it?

From Quiz BarNaCle Bill's History of Salt

Answer: NaCl

Natrium (Sodium) Chloride is common table salt. Potassium can also be combined with chlorine to make potassium chloride, KCl, or both can be mixed in and used as cooking or table salt. Sodium and potassium are both necessary in the human body and ideally should be well balanced so one doesn't try pushing the other out. These minerals are needed for proper heart rhythm and many other functions. Too much or too little of either can cause leg cramps, dehydration or otherwise affect the organs and general health.

27. In the United States, which pancakes, named for money, are served up often five to ten on a plate?

From Quiz Flatter than a Pancake

Answer: Silver Dollar Pancakes

Silver Dollar Pancakes are about the same size as a pre-1979 U.S. silver coin. The ingredients of these bite-size portions include the following: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg 1 1/4 cups milk 3 tablespoons butter, melted Oil

28. What is the West Midlands county that is most famous for its oatcakes? In fact, these oatcakes are exported from there to expats all over the world.

From Quiz Would You Like an Oatcake?

Answer: Staffordshire

Oatcakes are a local specialty in North Staffordshire. They have often been called 'Staffordshire oatcakes' or 'potteries oatcakes' by non-locals because they are made in the area. It was once common for the oatcakes to be directly sold through the window of a house to customers in the street. There are very few of these old-time businesses left, but there are many small commercial businesses that sell their own products. There are also large commercial enterprises that sell oatcakes to supermarkets and even on-line.

29. John also informed me of a customer who wanted a fruit that shares its name with Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter. What type of fruit does the customer want?

From Quiz FunTrivia in the Grocery Store

Answer: Apple

Apple Blythe Allison Martin was born on May 14, 2004 to Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. Paltrow told Oprah on the "Oprah Winfrey Show" that the name "sounded so sweet and conjured up a great picture". (Source:

30. "Are you worth your weight in gold (or salt)?" Salt was once as valuable as gold, and was used to pay Roman soldiers a salary (salarium). Talking of weight, approximately how much actual body weight of a 50kg adult is made up of salt?

From Quiz Salt of the Earth

Answer: 7 tablespoons

Sodium and chlorine are essential as separate ions within the human body and sodium chloride (salt) is not stored as such. Too much, or too little salt in the diet can affect health and recommendations for daily intake are in force in many countries.

This is category 22693
Last Updated Mar 01 2025 5:54 AM
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