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Geography "What Country am I in?" Trivia

Geography "What Country am I in?" Trivia Quizzes

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Fun Trivia
36 quizzes and 393 trivia questions.
  Santa's Magical Mystery Tour   best quiz  
Label Quiz
 23 Qns
In order to economize on reindeer food and sleigh weight, Santa Claus has been busy during December, setting up gift depots in 23 countries all across the world. Identify which country he has set up a stash in each day from the 1st to the 23rd!
Easier, 23 Qns, WesleyCrusher, Jan 12 25
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11,12
WesleyCrusher editor
Jan 12 25
500 plays
  Which Country Am I?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are ten questions which give you certain information about the country, and you have to guess which one I am referring to.
Easier, 10 Qns, junepearl, Apr 26 20
Recommended for grades: 7,8,9
Apr 26 20
33608 plays
  Name that Country!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is another quiz about countries from around the world. I'll give you various information about the country, and you have to guess which one I am referring to.
Average, 10 Qns, junepearl, Nov 08 18
Nov 08 18
27439 plays
Which Country Are We in Kids 3
  Which Country Are We in, Kids? (3) editor best quiz   best quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
We have visited 20 of the world's 200+ countries in the first two quizzes in this series, so they should be getting more difficult now. Here are ten more for you to identify from the photo and the clues.
Tough, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Sep 30 15
EnglishJedi gold member
3437 plays
Which Country are we in Kids
  Which Country are we in, Kids?   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
There are more than 200 countries in the world. Take a tour that visits ten of them...
Easier, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Jun 26 15
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11,12
EnglishJedi gold member
2314 plays
  Which Country Are We Looking For?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
To pass the time, let's play with the number of letters in the names of countries or places, based on the United Nations list of 2022. It is up to you to write or to choose the correct name. Be very careful with the spelling.
Easier, 10 Qns, masfon, Jan 25 23
masfon gold member
Jan 25 23
1097 plays
Which Country are we in Kids 2
  Which Country are we in, Kids? (2)   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
We visited ten of the world's 200+ countries last time. Here are ten more for you to identify from the photo and the clues.
Easier, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Aug 31 15
EnglishJedi gold member
1889 plays
  Where In The World Am I?   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the geographical feature to the correct country.
Easier, 10 Qns, ramonesrule, Nov 27 21
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11
Nov 27 21
1727 plays
In Which CountryProvinceState
  In Which Country/Province/State?    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Travel around the world and I'll give you the names of a handful of cities/towns (although perhaps not the very largest). You just have to identify the country/state/province in which they can be found. The photographs may provide an extra clue.
Average, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Feb 16 21
EnglishJedi gold member
Feb 16 21
1475 plays
East or West Homes the Best
  East or West, Home's the Best    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Using some directional clues and some sights the country is known for, can you determine where each questioner is from?
Average, 10 Qns, reedy, Nov 06 20
reedy gold member
Nov 06 20
696 plays
Which Country Are We in Kids 5
  Which Country Are We in, Kids? (5)    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
We have been to 40 of the world's 200+ countries in the first four quizzes in this series, so they are getting tougher now. Here are ten more countries for you to identify from the photo and the clues.
Average, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Jun 27 16
EnglishJedi gold member
915 plays
  Red, White, Blue   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You know these colors from the flags of the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, but many other countries use them as well. I'll describe ten of them for you - you name the country. And remember - proudly fly the red, white and blue!
Easier, 10 Qns, WesleyCrusher, Sep 25 13
WesleyCrusher editor
2795 plays
  We're Heading North   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
We're on a journey north. But where exactly are we? Can you match the northern area to the country it belongs to?
Very Easy, 10 Qns, AcrylicInk, Jan 07 19
Recommended for grades: 5,6,7,8
Very Easy
AcrylicInk gold member
Jan 07 19
978 plays
  Guess My Country   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this quiz, I will give you clues about a country. From these clues, you must figure out where I am. Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, geobeechamp, Aug 10 12
4456 plays
Which Country Are We in Kids 4
  Which Country Are We in, Kids? (4)    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
We have been to 30 of the world's 200+ countries in the first three quizzes in this series, so they should be getting more difficult now. Here are ten more countries for you to identify from the photo and the clues.
Tough, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Mar 18 16
EnglishJedi gold member
841 plays
  Countries with Amnesia    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Who am I? A description of the country is given in first person and you must pick the correct country. There are three FITB's located in this quiz.
Easier, 10 Qns, pennie1478, Mar 13 25
pennie1478 gold member
Mar 13 25
9327 plays
  Weird Where-Have-Yous   best quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
There are plenty of weird places in the world, and this quiz looks at ten of them. I give the interesting location, you give the country. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Mar 08 16
kyleisalive editor
862 plays
  School's Out For Summer   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
School's out for summer, so that means it is time for a vacation. I want to go see some UNESCO World Heritage Sites that are found around the world. I'll give you some clues and you need to figure out which country I am planning to visit.
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Dec 31 14
1850 plays
  Overseas Territories    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Just match the overseas territory with the country that it belongs to. Most of them are islands. Shouldn't be too hard. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, Carolle, Aug 11 24
Aug 11 24
5588 plays
  The Countries of the Worldwide Wizards   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We are the Worldwide Wizards and we come from a variety of different countries. In this quiz, we'll describe the countries that we live in and your job is to figure out which country is being described. Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, ElusiveDream, Dec 19 23
Dec 19 23
1326 plays
  Where Are You Now?    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a kind of game that will really squeeze your brain out because you have to know which country is which. My imaginary time and space shuttle will help you exist in a particular place as if you're on it from past to present. Good luck!
Difficult, 20 Qns, mariah2001, Mar 27 25
Mar 27 25
7528 plays
  Which Country Is It In?    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Can you match these places/geographical features with the country in which they are found?
Average, 10 Qns, Dizart, Jan 09 17
Dizart gold member
738 plays
  Where in the World? Test   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Choose the correct country from a brief description.
Average, 10 Qns, Globetreker, May 05 15
3217 plays
  Other Natural Wonders on our Planet    
Match Quiz
 15 Qns
It has been documented that there are Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Well, there are many, but here are just fifteen of the others, so can you identify the natural wonder and the country in which it can be found.
Easier, 15 Qns, zambesi, Mar 14 17
525 plays
  In Search of Sky Gods    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
See if you can guess the country or region where the sky deity came from based on the geographic clues.
Easier, 10 Qns, gme24, Jul 20 14
gme24 gold member
941 plays
  Around the World in Ten Questions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Simply, name the city, landmark or country being described.
Average, 10 Qns, TheProphet91, Nov 27 12
1094 plays
  Now Where Did I Leave My Yacht?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In which country did I leave my yacht?
Average, 10 Qns, kershyd, Nov 26 20
Nov 26 20
1455 plays
  USA, UK, Australia or Canada    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quick travel to four of the world's most industrialized countries. Try to guess to what country the following facts belong to. Enjoy!
Easier, 10 Qns, rohnald, Apr 26 15
898 plays
  The Where's Next? Geography Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
To help us get around our world, it has been marked up in lines of latitude and longitude. Travel along some of these lines through three specified country and tell me where is next on that list.
Average, 10 Qns, darksplash, Nov 05 20
Nov 05 20
245 plays
  Go West, Young Man    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'll tell you where you start from and in which direction to go. All you have to do is identify the next country you would enter on your journey.
Difficult, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Nov 07 12
EnglishJedi gold member
591 plays
  Say You'll Be There Quiz for Experts    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome everyone, say you'll be there in my quiz where you have to find out where I am by figuring out what country the city or island is in. Let's play!
Average, 10 Qns, mathking97, Feb 19 24
Feb 19 24
1627 plays
  Country Quiz - With A Theme    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The idea is simple - based on the descriptions and the clues, fill in the country names. Remember, all of the answers have exactly four letters.
Difficult, 10 Qns, alhcip, Feb 28 25
Feb 28 25
1973 plays
  Misspelled Country Names    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Miss Happ is working for a travel agency and she organises travel arrangements to countries all over the world. However, Miss Happ makes the occasional typing error. Unbeknownst to her, she sends travellers way off course.
Tough, 10 Qns, Daikenro, Nov 03 12
1002 plays
  Little Known Natural Wonders    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Mysterious and exotic places of the world. Tell me which country they can be found in.
Difficult, 10 Qns, quogequox, Jun 04 08
3516 plays
  Geographical Facts    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Though, geography taken in its widest sense,from Physical to Human Geography, includes more than just rivers, mountains, political entities, country borders,languages spoken, capitals, that's what this quiz mostly refers to. Allow for a few liberties
Difficult, 10 Qns, flem-ish, Oct 23 24
Oct 23 24
3057 plays
  Cities to Countries    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I'll give you a city and a direction. Then you give me the first country (besides the one you start in) that you would come to!
Very Difficult, 15 Qns, biohazard930, Aug 18 23
Very Difficult
Aug 18 23
4542 plays

Geography "What Country am I in?" Trivia Questions

1. The Mesa Verde National Park is one of this country's UNESCO's Heritage Site. Where is it located?

From Quiz
USA, UK, Australia or Canada

Answer: USA

The Mesa Verde National Park was one of the two sites in the USA that was first added to the list of World Heritage Sites of UNESCO. Located in Montezuma County, Colorado, USA, this is the largest archaeological preserve in the country.

2. The name of this town comes from a phrase meaning, 'place of the east wind'. The Spanish explorer Mendana claimed this town in 1568. It is the capital city of its country.

From Quiz Around the World in Ten Questions

Answer: Honiara

Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, saw some famous battles during World War II. The battle of Guadalcanal was fought nearby, and The Battle of Henderson Field was fought on the site the city's airport now stands on. Manila was founded by the a Spanish conquistador in 1571. Malabo was founded in the 1800s by the British who were at the time, leasing the island it is situated on from Spain. Buenos Aires was founded in 1536, also by the Spanish.

3. What country do I need to travel to if I wish to see the ancient city of Petra which lies near the Dead Sea?

From Quiz School's Out For Summer

Answer: Jordan

I would need to visit the fascinating country of Jordan. Built around the 6th century BC, Petra is famous for its rock-cut architecture. The city was unknown to the Western world until 1812 when it was first described by Swiss explorer Johann Burckhardt. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.

4. Where will you find the famous Rialto Bridge?

From Quiz Where in the World?

Answer: Italy

The Rialto Bridge is found in Venice, Italy along the Grand Canal. For an excellent and inexpensive way to see the Grand Canal, take the number one water taxi round trip.

5. Arriving at an island in the south of this country, I left my yacht in the Marina Grande. I went ashore to visit the Blue Grotto, wearing a charming pair of three-quarter length pants named for the island.

From Quiz Now Where Did I Leave My Yacht?

Answer: Italy

The Island of Capri is on the south of the Bay of Naples, Italy. Capri pants were particularly popular in the 1960s. Grace Kelly was pictured wearing Capri pants on the island of Capri.

6. Say you'll be there in this country where you may find me in Freeport, where English author, Justin Hill was born. What country am I in?

From Quiz Say You'll Be There

Answer: Bahamas

In 1955, Wallace Groves was granted 50,000 acres of what is now Freeport. In 2000, it was the second most populous city of the Bahamas. The most populous city was Nassau.

7. Located on the southeastern edge of the Arabian peninsula, this country was occupied by the Portuguese in the 16th and 17th centuries.

From Quiz Country Quiz - With A Theme

Answer: Oman

Apologies - an unhelpful hint reminiscent of a British cryptic crossword. "Necromancy" is, of course, another word for witchcraft and the string o-m-a-n can be found within the word. As for the country in question, Oman is a sultanate - a monarchy ruled by a sultan. Like the US, Oman's borders is non-contiguous. Besides the area described in the question, Oman is also composed of the tiny Musandam Peninsula on the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic position in the movement of crude oil.

8. In the year 2000, Saudi Arabia and I agreed to a delimitation of my border. I border the Arabian and Red Sea along with the Gulf of Aden. I'm located in the Middle East and Joey Tribbiani from 'Friends' doesn't believe I'm a real place.

From Quiz Countries with Amnesia

Answer: Yemen

My coastline is 1,746 kilometers in length. Over 19,000,000 people live in me. My capital is Sanaa and my highest point is Jabal an Nabi Shu'ayb.

9. What is the 12-letter name of the country, or place, that is home of the "Darvaza gas crater"?

From Quiz Which Country Are We Looking For?

Answer: Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan became independent in 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It is a landlocked country, with a population of 6.5 million and an area of 491,210 km2 (189,660 sq mi), bordering the Caspian Sea. Its official language is Turkmen, 93% of the inhabitants are Muslims and the largest ethnic group is Turkmen, a people of nomadic and equestrian tradition. It is a unitary presidential republic, that in reality is a dictatorship. The Human Rights Watch considers Turkmenistan one of the world's most repressive countries. The country is basically composed of deserts and oases and has large reserves of natural gas and oil. The oases are responsible for the supply of water, fertile and cultivated lands, and industrial activity. The capital Ashgabat is located in the Kopet-Dag oasis. They are famous for their knotted Turkmen carpets (whose patterns can be seen on the country's flag) and a traditional house, the round portable tent named "yurt". The Darvaza gas crater, also known as the "Gateway to Hell", a gas field that collapsed into a cavern near Darvaza and has been burning since 1971, has become a tourist attraction. In January 2022, the country's president declared that they are researching ways to extinguish the fire, for environmental and health reasons.

10. The Jardine River is the largest river located in Cape York Peninsula. You can visit this river by going to what country?

From Quiz USA, UK, Australia or Canada

Answer: Australia

The Jardine River is located in Cape York Peninsula in northern Queensland, Australia. The area is also a national park. It is the traditional country of several Aboriginal group including the Atambaya, Yadhaykenu and several other tribes.

11. That was lovely. Encouraged by the prospect of further explorations, the following information is quickly entered at the console: Deity name: Horus. Normal abode: Sahara Desert. Where in the world will the transporter take him?

From Quiz In Search of Sky Gods

Answer: Egypt

Egypt spans two continents as it lies in the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia. Egypt has land borders with Libya, Sudan, the Gaza strip and Israel. The Sahara Desert covers areas of Egypt, as well as Algeria, Chad, Eritrea, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara. Horus, the falcon head god, was one of the most important deities in Egyptian mythology.

12. Giuseppe Garibaldi donated to help the construction of this monument. Building of the monument was completed in 1869. It is best described as a Gothic tower. It commemorates Scotland's most famous national hero.

From Quiz Around the World in Ten Questions

Answer: The Wallace Monument

The Wallace Monument is a gothic tower built to commemorate the 14th century Scottish rebel, William Wallace. It stands 220 feet tall and is said to stand on the same volcanic craig that William Wallace watched the English forces arrive from before the Battle of Stirling Bridge. It contains items believed to have been owned by Wallace and busts of other Scottish heroes.

13. Which country am I traveling to next, if I am planning to tour the ruins of the ancient city of Carthage?

From Quiz School's Out For Summer

Answer: Tunisia

I guess the choices let you know I will be going to the continent of Africa. While there are many wondrous things to see I will have chosen to travel to the capital city of Tunis, Tunisia. The remains of the city of Carthage are found here and are at least 2,500 years old. At one time a powerful city originally founded by the Phoenicians, the city was destroyed by the Romans around 146 BCE during the Punic Wars. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.

14. Which country completed construction of the world's largest dam body in 2006?

From Quiz Where in the World?

Answer: China

The Three Gorges Dam project, which began in 1994, forced the relocation of more than two million people. Generations of families were forced to pack up and move to higher ground. The dam is 7,661 feet long.

15. Say you'll be there in this landlocked country in Tiraspol, next to the Dniester River. What country am I in now?

From Quiz Say You'll Be There

Answer: Moldova

Tiraspol is the second largest city in Moldova. The largest city in Moldova is Chisinau.

16. This South American country's three official languages are Spanish, Aymara, and Quechua.

From Quiz Country Quiz - With A Theme

Answer: Peru

Once the heart of the Incan empire, this country's capital (Lima - thus the "bean" clue) is home to the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, reported to be the oldest university in the Americas. It shares control with Bolivia of the highest navigable lake in the world (Lago Titicaca) and is the location of the ultimate source of the Amazon River.

17. What is the present-day name of the country that was born from a merger between British Togoland and Gold Coast?

From Quiz Geographical Facts

Answer: Ghana

British Gold Coast and British Togoland merged in 1957. It was the first British colony in Africa to achieve independence. Capital: Accra.- Ivory Coast or Cote d'Ivoire: its neighbour to the west. Capital Yammousokro, in replacement of Abidjan. - Benin: nominal capital Porto Novo. Political and economic capital: Cotonou.- Nigeria: civil war in the late sixties. Capital Abuja. Main port: Lagos.

18. What is the eleven-letter country named in honor of a Spanish king that comprises more than 7,000 islands?

From Quiz Which Country Are We Looking For?

Answer: Philippines

There are ten countries whose name contains 11 letters, located in Africa, Europe, and Oceania. In this question we are referring to the most populous of them, the Philippines, officially the Republic of the Philippines, an archipelago country, with about 7,641 islands, located in Southeast Asia, in the Pacific Ocean. These islands characterize three main geographic regions: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The capital city Manila, and the largest city Quezon, are located on the island of Luzon. The country has great ethnic and cultural diversity. The Philippines was named in honor of King Philip II, king of Spain during the Spanish colonization in the 16th century. The country spent 333 years under Spanish rule and around 50 years under the United States. The official languages are Filipino and English. It is a presidential republic whose economy is based on agriculture, forestry, and fishing and is turning to services and industry. Tourism accounts for about 11% of the gross domestic product and many areas of the country are becoming popular retirement destinations for foreigners, because of the climate and low cost of living.

19. The monumental country house known as Blenheim Palace was designated as a UNESCO Heritage Site in 1987. Where can you find this site?

From Quiz USA, UK, Australia or Canada

Answer: UK

The palace is situated in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England, and is the principal residence of the Dukes of Marlborough.

20. An elderly man plans to visit relatives in Liechtenstein... and finds himself on his way to Lichtenstein. At least they do speak German in Lichtenstein. In which country do we find Lichtenstein and Lichtenstein Castle?

From Quiz Misspelled Country Names

Answer: Germany

Lichtenstein is a municipality in Baden-Württemberg and best known for its castle. The castle was the namesake for the novel "Lichtenstein" by Wilhelm Hauff, the success of which led to the rebuilding of the castle after it had been in a ruinous state for over four centuries.

21. This country gained independence in 1929. This nation has no military but has its military defence provided by a neighbouring nation. It is home to many of the world's most famous works of art.

From Quiz Around the World in Ten Questions

Answer: Vatican City

The Vatican City gained independence from Italy on February 11th, 1929. Like Costa Rica, the Vatican has no military. The Swiss Guard are responsible for the protection of the Pope rather than the defence of the state. Italy is responsible for the military defence of the Vatican. At just 0.17 square miles, the Vatican City is widely regarded as the smallest nation on earth.

22. Iguazu Falls is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world. Brazil is on one border; which country makes up the other side of the falls?

From Quiz Where in the World?

Answer: Argentina

Visitors can get excellent views from both Argentina and Brazil. This famous waterfall has over 275 cascades and is taller than Niagara Falls!

23. Say you'll be there in this country where you'll find me in the Camargue, the lowest point in the country. What country am I in now?

From Quiz Say You'll Be There

Answer: France

The Camargue is south of Arles and is western Europe's largest river delta. The delta is made by the Rhone river breaking up into two branches going into the Mediterranean Sea.

24. Located in the interior of Western Africa, this country's capital is Bamako.

From Quiz Country Quiz - With A Theme

Answer: Mali

Landlocked Mali (whose name, so far as I know, does not derive from the Latin root mal- to which I allude in the clue) was once ruled by the French and connected to the Atlantic Ocean through other territorial holdings. Imperial domination left a permanent stamp on the nation. Not only is French the country's official language but the Malian legal system derives from French civil law as well.

25. Shakespeare's greatest love story took place in one of my northern cities. Sophia Petrillo from 'Golden Girls' was born in one of my cities and I'm shaped like a popular piece of footwear.

From Quiz Countries with Amnesia

Answer: Italy

Italy became a nation-state in 1861 when King Victor Emmanuel was in charge. When the fascist Benito Mussolini allied with Nazi Germany it led to my defeat in WW 2. I am 301,230 square kilometers.

26. Located in northern South America, I am a small country with a population of 697,181. My capital is Georgetown.

From Quiz Name that Country!

Answer: Guyana

Guyana was under the control of the Dutch until 1815, when it became a British colony. Guyana is bordered by Suriname, Brazil and Venezuela, and has 459 km of coastline.

27. The Cliffs of Moher

From Quiz Little Known Natural Wonders

Answer: Ireland

On the west coast of Ireland, steep cliffs, superb when the fog rolls in off the Atlantic.

This is category 24883
Last Updated Mar 27 2025 7:05 PM
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