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Asian History Trivia Quizzes

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From Buddha to Confucius, ....try these history quizzes about Asia .
261 Asian History quizzes and 3,654 Asian History trivia questions.
Afghanistan Afghanistan (2)
Burma Burma (3)
Cambodia Cambodia (3)
China China (58)
East Timor East Timor (2)
India India (61)
Indonesia Indonesia (2)
Iran Iran (5)
Iraq Iraq (3)
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Tibet Tibet (2)
Turkey Turkey (4)
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan (1)
Vietnam Vietnam (7)
  The Age of Conflict    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This quiz pertains to the Muslim attacks from ninth to twelfth century that were launched on the South Asian countries like India, Afghanistan etc.
Tough, 20 Qns, swashbuckler, Apr 13 06
829 plays
  British Colonies in Asia    
Collection Quiz
 16 Qns
The British Empire was one of the largest empires in history. Most of the Asian nations gained independence after WWII.
Average, 16 Qns, sw11, Oct 15 23
sw11 gold member
Oct 15 23
518 plays
A Black Sea Journey 18th Century
  A Black Sea Journey: 18th Century   top quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
This quiz focuses on the 1700s in the Black Sea regions on the western edge of Asia, where empires have clashed and borders shifted for centuries.
Average, 10 Qns, nannywoo, Sep 17 17
nannywoo gold member
293 plays
The Xiongnu Empire Strikes Back
  The Xiongnu Empire Strikes Back   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Though one of the largest and longest-lived nomadic empires that dominated the Eurasian Steppe from classical antiquity to the early modern era, the Xiongnu Empire is still relatively obscure in the West.
Average, 10 Qns, LadyNym, Jun 14 21
LadyNym gold member
Jun 14 21
195 plays
  To Be and Not To Be: Hmong-American History   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Hmong have survived millennia of assault by some of history's greatest powers. The open question is: can their unique way of life survive the modern world?
Average, 10 Qns, stuthehistoryguy, Nov 13 13
stuthehistoryguy gold member
788 plays
  The Abbasid Dynasty    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Abbasid Caliphate was the third to succeed the prophet Muhammad. Their reign saw the creation of a Golden Age that made their capital city, built near the ancient city of Babylon, one of the greatest the world had seen.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jun 24 22
pollucci19 gold member
Jun 24 22
397 plays
  The Empire of Genghis Khan   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Genghis Khan and his descendants made Mongolia the largest land empire in human history, but their story is often left out of textbooks. Test your knowledge of the first Great Khan.
Tough, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, May 03 14
CellarDoor gold member
2302 plays
  20th Century Middle East    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This quiz is based on the information we are covering in our highschool world cultures class, so it shouldn't be very hard. Good luck!
Average, 20 Qns, fingolfin7lotr, Mar 04 15
1713 plays
  The Mighty Mughals    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I love Indian History and the Mughal Dynasty is my favourite. I hope you enjoy my quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, bukworm, Aug 19 20
Aug 19 20
978 plays
  ASEAN Nations Not Always Neighborly    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Nations making up ASEAN cooperate to foster progress and development in the region, but this has not always been the case. This quiz is about some of those times when they didn't act so neighborly, both before and after membership of ASEAN.
Average, 10 Qns, SP44000, Aug 14 12
395 plays
trivia question Quick Question
In what year was Saigon captured by North Vietnam, ending Vietnam's bloody civil war?

From Quiz "Southeast Asia"

  The Mongol Horde   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Mongol Empire was the largest (contiguous) empire ever in history but sadly many people know very little about it. Answer these questions and prove you are not one of those people.
Tough, 10 Qns, theskink, Jun 24 10
540 plays
  Southeast Asia    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My first quiz is all about a region of the world I've been lucky enough to travel to.
Average, 10 Qns, lobejks, Sep 30 21
Sep 30 21
826 plays
  Questions on Asian History    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is a toughy, and it will make you think. Many of you are going to have to use 'eany meany miny moe'
Average, 10 Qns, katieclubine, Sep 24 04
3353 plays
  Early Islam: 600-800 AD    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is mainly concerned with the early years of expansion, the Umayyads and early Abbasids. If you know your stuff it shouldn't be too hard.
Difficult, 15 Qns, personx, May 04 13
1253 plays
  For the Horde!   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Let's see what you know about the famous Mongol Hordes and their Empire.
Average, 10 Qns, Helene61, Jan 21 15
245 plays
  Military Coups In Asia    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
I will ask you about some military coups in Asia. I give you the year of the coup and the coup maker. You give me the country.
Average, 20 Qns, author, Jun 09 02
1425 plays
  Asian History, 1947 to 2003    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Since the end of World War II, Asia has transformed itself from a continent largely under colonial rule into a potpouri of very diverse independent countries.
Tough, 10 Qns, avin113, Dec 19 10
1342 plays
  The Middle East and North Africa    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
One question each from the modern histories of 15 different countries of the Middle East
Difficult, 15 Qns, grangousier, Jun 26 22
Jun 26 22
779 plays
  Disputed Areas in Asia    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
I will give you the name of two or more Asian countries and a year in the 20th century. I want the name of an area.This year there either was a clash or dispute about this area, or it was handed over peacefully from one country to another.
Tough, 25 Qns, author, Apr 20 11
1430 plays
  The Silk Road    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz tests your knowledge about the famous trade route that connected China, India, and the Mediterranean world in medieval times.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Guiguzi, Jun 04 13
380 plays
  A Walk Through Time- Asian History    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
In this quiz, the role of a time traveller is being assumed. There will be sudden changes of time ... It is important to be able to identify time periods/and or events during the journey. Good luck.
Average, 25 Qns, greg9570, Feb 01 15
1376 plays
  Portuguese Colonial History of Bengal    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Portuguese were the first colonial power to establish a settlement in Bengal. Although short-lived compared to other European settlements there, it had a great influence. Answer these questions about the Portuguese colonial history in Bengal!
Average, 10 Qns, angikar, Aug 21 20
Recommended for grades: 10,11,12
Aug 21 20
118 plays
  Muslim Empires 750-1924    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
In this quiz I will test your knowledge about Muslim dynasties and their conquests and losses.
Tough, 25 Qns, author, Aug 10 18
Aug 10 18
1083 plays
  Tamerlane Mix    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Timur or Tamerlane was one of Asia's greatest conquerors. Here is a mixed bag of questions about him and his empire (some easy, some hard). Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, shutthatdoor, Nov 09 24
Nov 09 24
212 plays
  History of the Peranakans    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A look at the history of this unique ethnic group of South East Asia.
Average, 10 Qns, meifeng, Nov 09 24
Nov 09 24
376 plays
  Asian Countries That No Longer Exist    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
In this quiz I will ask you about countries in Asia that once were independent or semi-independent, but are now part of another state.
Difficult, 20 Qns, author, May 14 05
1206 plays
  Former Asian Kingdoms    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
None of these states exist anymore as kingdoms. They were all situated in Asia. I give you some information. You give me the kingdom.
Difficult, 20 Qns, author, Aug 24 11
1035 plays
  Difficult Asian History Trivia    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Good luck on the Asian history quiz.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Tricia15, Aug 31 15
2132 plays
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Asian History Trivia Questions

1. Very little is known about the early days of Dubai. What is known is that around 5,000 years ago, the small nomadic communities left the area for what reason?

From Quiz
History of Dubai

Answer: Desertification

It was about 5,000 years ago where the coastline of the United Arab Emirates became sandy and desertified, leaving the area largely inhospitable. It is unknown how large nomadic settlements there were at the time but nomadic communities left the area and never returned. Records and artifacts from this era are largely nonexistent. The Sumerians called the area Magan because of the vast deposits of precious metals. However, it wasn't until 1799, that firm records of Dubai can be traced back to. Dubai was around long before then but its history prior to 1799 is largely unknown.

2. The first ever Portuguese settlement in Bengal was established in 1528, when the Portuguese established a trading post in which city?

From Quiz Portuguese Colonial History of Bengal

Answer: Chittagong

'Chittagong' was called 'Xatigan' by the Portuguese. The Portuguese called the port city as Porto Grande de Bengala, which meant 'The Grand Harbor of Bengal'. Chittagong was the largest seaport in the Sultanate of Bengal. In 1528, the Sultan of Bengal permitted the Portuguese to establish factories and customs houses in Chittagong. A fort and naval base was established in the present day location of Firingi Bandar (literally 'Foreign Port') in Chittagong. It grew into an important Eurasian port on the Bay of Bengal for the Portuguese during the Age of Discovery.

3. Animals were central to the Mongol nomadic life but this animal was so important in daily life and so sacred to them that warriors would cut a non-lethal vein and drink its blood and milk. What animal was most important to Mongols?

From Quiz For the Horde!

Answer: Horse

The horse was the single most important part of the Mongol's economic life. Without horses, they could never have conquered neighboring areas easily and swiftly. For example if they had had to rely on travelling by foot or caravan, they would have been too slow and thus at the mercy of violent tribes along their route. As horse-nomads they were fast, and by necessity moved along the steppes and other grasslands to maintain the herd. Even today Mongolia is known as 'The Land of the Horse'. A particular kind of horse known as the 'Takhi" was the original breed which grazed along the Eurasian steppes and became a spiritual ideal to the Mongol hordes.

4. Who was the emperor who created the Xia dynasty, the first ruling house of China?

From Quiz Chinese Greats

Answer: Yu

King Yu was one of the three sage-kings - Yao, Shun and, Yu. These three kings laid the cornerstone for Chinese society. Yu was the person who, the legends say, worked tirelessly for thirteen years to tame the Yellow River (Huang He).

5. Where was Timur born?

From Quiz Tamerlane Mix

Answer: Kesh

Kesh, now known as Shahrisabz, is in the Transoxiana area of Asia. At the time it was part of the Chagatai Khanate and is now in southern Uzbekistan. It is about 50 miles south of Samarkand.

6. Which country gained independence from Indonesia in 2002 to become the first new sovereign state of the 21st century?

From Quiz Southeast Asia

Answer: East Timor

Indonesia's occupation of East Timor began in 1975. It had previously been under Portuguese colonial rule.

7. Kuwait's Failaka Island was originally colonized by the Greeks in the 3rd century BC. What did the Greeks call this island? (Hint: feathers, wax, and the sun).

From Quiz Kuwait History

Answer: Ikaros (Icarus)

Ikaros (Icarus) and his father, Daedelus, were in exile on the Isle of Crete. Daedalus made wings from wax and feathers for himself and his son. Ikaros flew too close to the sun, and the wax melted and all the feathers fell off. Ikaros fell into the sea. The reason for this name being applied to this island is not very clear, but some speculate that it is because of the extreme heat.

8. In ancient times the Egyptians mined which mineral in the Sinai?

From Quiz The Sinai Peninsula

Answer: turquoise

Turquoise was mined in the Sinai going back to at least 3000 BC, but the mines are depleted and no longer profitable.

9. Which leader unified the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ?

From Quiz Saudi Arabian History

Answer: Abdul Aziz ibn Saud

Abdul Aziz's family, the Al Saud, have had three goes at creating a unified kingdom on the Arabian peninsula. The first of the three Saudi states lasted from 1744-1818 and was destroyed by the Ottoman empire, unhappy at the growing power of the Saudis within their kingdom. The second state lasted from 1824-1891, when it fell victim to family squabbles and was finally overthrown by a rival tribe. The Al Saud family went into exile in Kuwait for 20 years until Abdul Aziz regained his kingdom by conquering Riyadh in 1902.

10. During the Middle Ages Kurdistan consisted of a collection of semi-independent states called emirates. The first formal division by outside powers was formalized in the 1639 Treaty of Zuhab. Who were the parties to this treaty?

From Quiz A History of Kurdistan

Answer: Persia and the Ottoman Empire

The exact boundaries between these two entities would never be firmly established, however. During the four centuries prior to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, there were an amazing total of 18 different treaties which attempted to resolve the various boundary disputes.

11. Who was the founder of Mughal Dynasty?

From Quiz The Mighty Mughals

Answer: Babur

Zahir-ud-din Mohammad Babur founded the Mughal dynasty in 1526. He felt that because the Punjab and the Delhi Sultanate had been conquered by Timur, he had a right to rule them.

12. The first Peranakan settlements were established in Java in which century?

From Quiz History of the Peranakans

Answer: 10th century

During that time, the Hindu Javanese Kingdom of Majapahit established trade routes with China. Chinese merchants and traders went there in droves. An imperial edict at that time forbade women to leave China. As a result the Chinese men took local wives. The children of such mixed intermarriges were known as Peranakans.

13. What belief do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share?

From Quiz 20th Century Middle East

Answer: They all have one God

These three religions all developed in the Middle East. They have all divided into different sects, the Sunni and Shi'ite are sects of Islam.

14. Which country in Asia was the first to win its independence from the British Empire?

From Quiz Asian History, 1947 to 2003

Answer: India

India (and Pakistan, including what became Bangladesh) gained independence from Britain in 1947. Sri Lanka became independent in 1948. Although the Declaration of Burmese Independence was made in 1947, it was not formalized till 1948 in a pact signed by Clement Attlee and Our Bogoyoke.

15. Which city in Morocco was an "international zone" from 1923 to 1956?

From Quiz The Middle East and North Africa

Answer: Tangier

Most of Morocco was turned into a French protectorate in the Treaty of Fez (1912), but Tangiers on the straits of Gibraltar was a special case: all the major European powers wanted to keep the straits a neutral zone for shipping purposes. As a result, a Convention in 1923 made Tangier an international zone and duty free port, governed jointly over the next 33 years by a combination of the UK, Spain, the USSR, Italy and the United States among others. It was only incorporated into Morocco on independence.

16. The journey begins in 2050 BC, in the Arabian Desert. Your character, the time traveller, is unfamiliar with the territory he has landed in. He spots a body of water due south. What has he stumbled across?

From Quiz A Walk Through Time- Asian History

Answer: Arabian Sea

To a large extent, civilization originated in Mesopatamia and neigboring areas. Bodies of water were used by Mesopatamian societies such as the Phoenicians, for transport.

17. This dynasty ruled the Muslim world as Caliphs from 749-1258 with Iraq as centre.

From Quiz Muslim Empires 750-1924

Answer: Abbasids

The Abbasids moved their Caliphate to Egypt in 1258 and stayed there until 1517.

18. Vietnam, Taiwan, China, Malaysia and Philippines, no specific year.

From Quiz Disputed Areas in Asia

Answer: Spratly Islands

These uninhabited islands are disputed, partly because of possible oil resources in the area.

19. Who was the first Muslim ruler to attack India?

From Quiz The Age of Conflict

Answer: Muhammad bin Qasim

Qasim was infact the first Arabian to attack India. In 712 he invaded Sindh and defeated and killed Raja Dahir, the ruler of Sindh.

20. Son of a tribal chieftain, Genghis Khan nonetheless had to struggle from childhood - not only for political power, but also for survival. Why was his father's prestige useless to him?

From Quiz The Empire of Genghis Khan

Answer: His father had been assassinated by a rival tribe.

Originally named Temujin ('blacksmith'), Genghis was the third son of the minor chieftain Yesugei. He was 9 when his father was poisoned by the neighboring Tatars. Since Yesugei's followers then fled, the child had to become partly responsible for keeping his family from starvation.

21. In China, what did Shih Huang-Ti (Shihuangdi) build as a defense against raids by nomadic people?

From Quiz Asian History

Answer: Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is the longest artificial structure in the world.

22. The Abbasid Caliphate was one of the great dynasties of the Muslim Empire. For approximately how long did it reign?

From Quiz The Abbasid Dynasty

Answer: 500 years

The caliphate overthrew the Umayyad Dynasty in 750 CE and remained in power until Baghdad was destroyed in 1258. The establishment of the original caliphate came into being when the Prophet Muhammad passed away in 632 CE. In the period to 661 CE there were four "rightly guided" caliphs, but the first three did not sit well with the Shia Muslims who wrote them off as usurpers, proclaiming Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin, as the only true caliph. Ali was murdered in 661 CE which opened the door to the absolute monarchy installed by the Umayyads. To their credit, the Umayyads administered the realm successfully. Their biggest problem was that they ignored those they considered less worthy, applying politics or brute force to keep them in check. This alienated a number of Arab and non-Arab factions, the largest of these being the Shias and the Persians. The Abbasids, who were the descendants of Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (an uncle of Muhammad), used this division to their advantage, and established a propaganda campaign that would be the fore-runner to their open revolution.

23. Confucianism in traditional China served to ...?

From Quiz Asian History

Answer: maintain the social order.

24. One of the first mentions of Dubai probably came in 1590 when Venetian trader Gasparo Balbi said Dubai had good quality what?

From Quiz History of Dubai

Answer: Pearls

Dubai (which Balbi called Dibai) is located conveniently on the Persian Gulf which makes it a prime spot for trade between Europe, Asia and Africa. Its main industries at the time were fishing and pearl diving, the latter of which brought in wealthy merchants from around the world. Still, it is not certain if Balbi was referring to the city of Dubai itself, a region that now encompasses Dubai or an entirely different area (which is unlikely but cannot be ruled out).

25. Joao de Silveira helped establish the first Portuguese factory in 1517. Also the person to establish the first embassies in Bengal, Silveira was the first captain of which other Portuguese colony, appointed by King Manuel I?

From Quiz Portuguese Colonial History of Bengal

Answer: Ceylon

The first commercial settlements in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) was established by Lourenço de Almeida, son of Francisco de Almeida, first viceroy of Portuguese India. On 9 May 1512, a fleet of four ships under João da Silveira from the Estado da India (literally' State of India' in Portuguese) arrived in Chittagong from Goa. Some Portuguese settled in Pipli in the present-day state of Orissa in 1514. From the settlement in Orissa, the Portuguese also visited the modern-day state of West Bengal in India. The Portuguese established a system where ships in the area needed to purchase naval licenses from them.

26. Which philosopher tried to implement "junzi" in Chinese society?

From Quiz Chinese Greats

Answer: Confucius

Junzi is the ideal of becoming an exemplary and perfect individual. "Ren", "li", and "xiao" are required to become a junzi. "Ren" means an attitude of benevolence, or possessing humanity. "Li" means to have correct etiquette and have knowledge of the norms of society. Finally, "xiao" means filial piety, or respect to elders. Confucius lived between 557-571 B.C.E. - and his ideas have continued to be important in China.

27. Scholars estimate that Timur's military campaigns caused the deaths of how many people?

From Quiz Tamerlane Mix

Answer: 17 million

At the time that was 5% of the world's population! Estimates of world population between 1300 - 1400 vary between 300,000,000 to 430,000,000. Renowned historian and demographer, Colin McEvedy (1930 - 2005), wrote and produced various books, reference books and atlases (e.g. "The Atlas of World Population History (with Richard Jones)), estimated it around the 300,000,000 mark.

28. What Roman writer inveighed against Roman matrons' taste for diaphanous silk garments imported at great cost?

From Quiz The Silk Road

Answer: Pliny the Elder

Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 23-79) is probably best known for his encyclopedic "Natural History." But it's not at all clear that the silk was actually coming all the way from China. It may have been made from broken cocoons of wild silkworm moths on the Aegean island of Cos. The earliest confidently datable silks definitely of Chinese origin that have been recovered by archaeologists in the Roman world were found at Palmyra (today's Syria) and date from the third century AD.

29. Which country is home to the 12th century temple complex Angkor Wat?

From Quiz Southeast Asia

Answer: Cambodia

Today, Angkor Wat is a major tourist destination that attracts over half a million visitors a year.

This is category 173
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:44 AM
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