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Words Within Words Trivia

Words Within Words Trivia Quizzes

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  This Quiz Is All About Finding Her    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The answers to this quiz have only words with the letters "her" somewhere in them. Pick the right 'her' word to score a perfect 10. I'll give you a good short hint, and you pick whichever "her" word best fits. Here's to your good time with this one.
Easier, 10 Qns, Windswept, Sep 08 16
871 plays
  All You Need is a Good Laugh   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Laughter makes the world go round, here it adds a new meaning. Add one of these laughter elements, one of HA, HE, or HO, to selected words to create the new ones defined.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Apr 06 13
pollucci19 gold member
449 plays
  Come on Over to my House   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I have ten different houses for you to visit in this quiz. Can you work out which house you're invited to from the information I give you? All the answers include the word 'house' at the beginning or the end.
Average, 10 Qns, rossian, Dec 03 13
rossian editor
826 plays
  Pro Words   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I PROmise you that you have PRObably heard or read these words, even if you aren't quite sure what they mean. PROceed.
Easier, 10 Qns, minch, Aug 29 20
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11
minch gold member
Aug 29 20
5062 plays
  'Tea'-terring on the Brink    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Each answer has the word 'tea' in it - see if you can work out the correct answer from the clues given.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, VegemiteKid, Oct 05 18
Very Easy
VegemiteKid gold member
Oct 05 18
599 plays
  The Last Word   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the 'last' word, which appears somewhere in all the answers. E.g. a 'last' word which means 'something that weighs down a ship' is 'ballast'. Good luck.
Average, 10 Qns, rossian, Sep 23 23
rossian editor
Sep 23 23
1011 plays
  I Found a Boy   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Once I started looking, I found lots of boys. Can you see if you can find them too? All the answers in this 'fill in the blank' quiz include the word 'boy' somewhere. For example, a boy who herds animals on a ranch would be 'cowboy'.
Average, 10 Qns, rossian, Apr 29 22
rossian editor
Apr 29 22
815 plays
HOTel and Other Warm Receptions
  HOTel and Other Warm Receptions    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Kev is working feverishly, but needs help to uncover words with 'hot' hidden in them. He knows the letters in the word HOT will be there - trouble is...there may be other letters interspersed with the HOT ones. Time to fire up your cHariOT!
Average, 10 Qns, VegemiteKid, Oct 11 18
VegemiteKid gold member
Oct 11 18
256 plays
  Chin Up   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You will find the word "CHIN" in each of these words. I'll try to have a little fun with the information section too. All these questions are FITB, no worries though. Have fun!
Very Easy, 10 Qns, linkan, Jan 11 20
Very Easy
linkan gold member
Jan 11 20
745 plays
  Vocabulary Menagerie   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome to the 'Vocabulary Menagerie', where all the answers start or end with the name of a member of the animal kingdom. Should be fairly easy. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, Jennifer5, Sep 30 11
Jennifer5 gold member
732 plays
  Dogs Not Allowed   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The word within a word is either an animal, bird or insect, but no DOGS are allowed in this quiz! How good is your vocabulary?
Average, 10 Qns, Plodd, Sep 23 14
1052 plays
  My Friend Ash   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My friend Ash has been a bit rash with his dash through the dictionary to find words which include his name. He's rather abashed, having crashed and made a hash of his search. Can you help me sort out where he's gone wrong?
Average, 10 Qns, rossian, Feb 22 14
rossian editor
577 plays
  Put It All Together One More Time   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My fourth installment of this type of quiz. The answers to the clues are words made up of smaller words like fanatic (fan, a, tic), only my clue is (adherent, single, twitch). I will also indicate how many letters each smaller word is. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, reedy, Sep 09 13
reedy gold member
3482 plays
  Keys and More Keys    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Use the given keys to identify various 'key' words and their definitions.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, Verne47, Sep 06 15
Very Easy
584 plays
  Easy Word Power Trivia    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Want to join the "in" crowd? Here are 10 adjectives that begin with the prefix 'in', and end with the suffix 'able'. So if you're ready and "able", delve "in" to this test designed to make words more accessible to you.
Easier, 10 Qns, THE TRIVIA KNIGHT, Mar 14 22
Mar 14 22
4584 plays
  SINcerely Yours   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Each of the following answers either starts or ends with the letters 'SIN'. Can you find the word that fits the clue?
Average, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Aug 29 20
Recommended for grades: 7,8,9
looney_tunes editor
Aug 29 20
804 plays
  An Expedition Full of FUN!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Each of the words used throughout the following 'journey' contain the three letters 'FUN', but do you know the definition of these rarely used words?
Average, 10 Qns, moonraker2, Mar 14 22
moonraker2 gold member
Mar 14 22
841 plays
  This Is About "His" Place in It All    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is the latest of my quizzes on words with pronouns inside--"we," "she," "him," "you," etc. This one, about "his", will have no proper nouns or names of people--just words within words. Hope you have fun with it.
Easier, 10 Qns, Windswept, Nov 04 10
611 plays
  This Quiz is Grate!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
According to the Oxford English Dictionary there are over fifty words containing 'grate' within them. Can you connect the correct meanings to the following grate words?
Average, 10 Qns, coachpauly, Mar 03 12
808 plays
  Vocabulary: Paint It 'Black'    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
The following 15 questions have answers which all contain the word 'black'.
Average, 15 Qns, ravenskye, Jan 20 22
Jan 20 22
5306 plays
  A Rose by Any Other Name   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All the answers will contain the letters ROSE in order. ROSE may be at the start, end, or in the middle of the word.
Average, 10 Qns, jondalah, Oct 25 09
1136 plays
  A Sigh of Relief   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Each one-word answer contains a syllable that is pronounced "sigh." However, that syllable may be spelled any of a number of ways. The "sigh" syllable does not always appear at the beginning of the word. Some of the answers are proper nouns.
Average, 20 Qns, robynraymer, Apr 17 10
2911 plays
  Words With the Word Red in Them   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We start with a 4 letter word and end with a few 11 letter words. How many of these words with red in them do you know by the definition I provide? Some choices may not be real words so be careful.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, Ilona_Ritter, Apr 28 16
Very Easy
Ilona_Ritter gold member
752 plays
  I'm Ill, When No One's Around    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You are required to add a number of letters to the word "ill" to create a new word that matches the clue given. Best of luck.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Sep 14 12
pollucci19 gold member
1046 plays
  Dow on my Mind   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The El Dorado mini badge hunt has me looking for 'dow' everywhere. See if you can figure out some of these 'dow' words from the clues given.
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Dec 12 14
zorba_scank gold member
510 plays
  VENTing in Quizzyland    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Your task is to interpret the given questions and add THREE missing letters or words to create seven-letter words containing 'vent'.
Easier, 10 Qns, lout62001, Jan 08 19
lout62001 gold member
Jan 08 19
404 plays
  Think Ink    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
All on the correct answers have the word 'ink' embedded in them such as in the title.
Easier, 15 Qns, Rehaberpro, Feb 08 25
Feb 08 25
535 plays
  Splash's F A R Fetched Word Cruncher    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Come all ye farouche funtriviers and add one or more letters to F A R to make a new longer word.
Average, 10 Qns, darksplash, Mar 25 20
Mar 25 20
233 plays
  Vocabulary: It's 'High' Time!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
All the answers contain the word 'high.'
Average, 15 Qns, ravenskye, Aug 02 13
4201 plays
  In the Name of the 'Nyms'    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you match the -nym words with their correct definitions?
Average, 10 Qns, nyirene330, Nov 19 17
410 plays
Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3

Words Within Words Trivia Questions

31. Which colour will turn back, horn and land into a dollar bill, an inexperienced person and an island in the North Atlantic?

From Quiz
Green, Yellow, Red or Blue

Answer: Green

Greenbacks took their name from the paper currency introduced during the American Civil War. Greenhorn is a term derived from the immature horns of young cattle. When Erik the Red discovered Greenland in 982, he gave it a name designed to encourage settlers. In fact, it is mostly covered by ice and not very green at all.

32. This four letter word describes something that isn't often seen, and is very uncommon.

From Quiz Oh! Those Four Letter Words!

Answer: rare

I like my steak cooked rare - does that make it uncommon? lol

33. Starting with the name of a rodent, what is an item of equipment designed to catch a small four-legged household pest, and also the name of a play by Agatha Christie which held the record for being the longest-running play in history?

From Quiz Vocabulary Menagerie

Answer: The Mousetrap & Mousetrap

Agatha Christie's 'The Mousetrap' premiered at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham in October 1952. Following its initial tour it arrived in London's West End in November that year, first at the New Ambassadors Theatre and subsequently transferring to St Martin's Theatre in 1974 without a break to preserve its continuous status. As of 2011 the play still holds the record for the longest initial run. Dame Agatha Christie DBE (1890-1976) was the creator of the famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot and the elderly spinster sleuth Miss Jane Marple. Many of her novels and short stories have been made into films and also televised. 'The Mousetrap' has a surprise ending, which the audience are requested not to reveal. And no, I'm not going to tell you 'whodunit'! A mousetrap is a piece of equipment which is baited with some tasty morsel to attract the mouse. Originally the only variety available was spring-loaded; when the mouse stepped on the trap to obtain the treat the spring-loaded bar would trip, killing them instantly. Nowadays many other types of mousetrap are also available including, fortunately, a humane trap, so the mouse, when captured, can be safely released outside the house.

34. Using only the letters in MARYLAND, find the title of a Barry Manilow song.


Answer: Mandy

'Mandy' was not written by Manilow, but he made a hit of it, having changed the name from the original 'Brandy'.

35. When a person eats or drinks little, what may they be said to be?

From Quiz Let's Put "Us" in the Act (Part I)

Answer: abstemious

An abstemious person eats or drinks with no excess. An avaricious person is downright greedy. A brusk person (also spelled brusque) is often rude by means of cutting people off or saying way too little. A bumptious person is over-the-top pushy and aggressive.

36. Which word names some thing, person, or concept which is despised, outlawed or held in utter contempt?

From Quiz Let's Not Forget About Them

Answer: anathema

Anathema refers to something loathed, detested, cursed and/or outlawed. There is a musical group, Anathema, from Liverpool. Posthemorragic is an adjective pointing to what happens following or because of a hemorrhage. Anthemia refers to a floral design especially in Classical times. Sometimes called a palmetto, anthemia is an architectural term which describes a pattern or motif developed by the Greeks, which looks like the leaves of a palm tree. It is called often "radiating petals." Mathematics refers to far more than numbers alone. It is the organized study of patterns, volumes, inter-spaces, open spaces and alternations. Albert Einstein once wrote, "as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."

37. Which word refers to a piece of clothing worn above the waist?

From Quiz What Happened to "Him"

Answer: himation

Himation is a piece of cloth put over the left shoulder and then twisted around the body (not in use since the Byzantine period). Shimmers is a verb describing a vibrating, gleaming light. Chimerical refers to something imaginary, not at all real. Shimmied has many meanings, one of which is a dance very popular in the 1920's. Other meanings have to do with a violent shaking movement.

38. Women are sometimes thought to be social, amiable people. Which word here connotes a most solitary person?

From Quiz This Quiz Is All About Finding Her

Answer: hermit

"Herbage" refers to lush pasture lands used for vegetation. "Herbarium" refers to groups of plant 'specimens' which are being preserved, and it may also refer to the place where they are being kept. "Herem" (or Cherem) equals a complete banning or excommunication from the Orthodox Jewish community. "Hermit" has its roots in the notion of being a desert dweller in wide-open expanses. Now, it also talks of a person who voluntarily has withdrawn from ordinary society. Note: the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia has a magnificent world-famous winter palace and museums. In the United States, President Andrew Jackson's home was called "The Hermitage."

39. Starting with 'SIN', what is an adjective describing something that is genuine and free from deceit?

From Quiz SINcerely Yours

Answer: sincere

The word SINCERE is derived from the Latin word 'sincerus', meaning clean or pure. The related adverb 'sincerely' is often used as a closure to a semi-formal letter.

40. Which word, which includes either 'uni' or 'corn', is a noun meaning 'a document or message imparting news, views or information'?

From Quiz Rossian and the Unicorn Tapestries

Answer: Communication

CommUNIcation. The Unicorn Tapestries date from around 1500, and are believed to have been designed in Paris. They were woven in Brussels, which was part of the Netherlands at the time.

41. What kind of 'cat' is always in fear of something?

From Quiz What Kind of 'Cat' Am I?

Answer: Fraidy Cat

Had to put one in that the kids would know...

42. Types of this fun word include bracket, beefsteak, cup, and coral.

From Quiz A Fun Quiz

Answer: fungus & fungi & funguses

Fungi, or funguses, are members of the Fungi kingdom and include yeasts, molds, smuts, and mushrooms. A beefsteak fungus is an edible fungus that grows on tree trunks- yum! A bracket, or shelf, fungus forms a shelflike growth on trees. Coral fungi are so named because of their bright colors and shapes which resemble coral. Cup fungi are characterized by cup- or disc-shaped spore-bearing structures.

43. This word pertains to either computer parts or a type of store.

From Quiz A Very "Hard" Quiz

Answer: hardware

Hardware is computer equipment such as printers, modems, etc. The opposite, of course, is software, which is programs for your computer like CD-ROMS and disks. However, you can't buy computer hardware in a hardware store; hardware stores are for household items like tools.

44. A couple who has recently got married can be called what?

From Quiz Vocabulary: The "New" Quiz

Answer: newlyweds & newlywed

45. Each answer is a word that contains the word 'ax.' Deadly spores?

From Quiz Ax Me No Questions

Answer: anthrax

I hope whoever is sending anthrax through the mail dies of the inhalation form him or herself (or themselves).

46. Why was English Queen Elizabeth I so upset that King Philip II of Spain sent her an armada?

From Quiz Vocabulary: An Arm and a Leg

Answer: The ships were part of an invasion

Armada is the Spanish word for a naval fleet. What we call the Spanish Armada was a fleet of 130 ships sent to assist in an invasion of England in 1588. The Armada was beset by difficulties - the English fleet was more agile and inflicted damage. Part of the Armada had to go north to escape, and hit terrible weather. Thousands of men died and only 67 ships survived.

47. Don't get me wrong; I just want you to enter an "INT" word that means to explain, translate, or understand incorrectly.

From Quiz An 'Int' Test

Answer: Misinterpret

Reportedly in use since the 1500s, "misinterpret" attaches the prefix "mis" meaning bad or wrong to the verb "interpret" which comes from the Latin "interpretari" meaning to explain or understand.

48. What might someone who is emotionless be called?

From Quiz Vocabulary: Getting 'Cold'

Answer: cold-hearted & cold-blooded & cold fish & cold-fish & cold hearted & cold blooded

49. What's a phrase meaning 'a helpless or abandoned position'?

From Quiz Vocabulary: It's 'High' Time!

Answer: high and dry

50. When someone is talking, but they're using empty words, perhaps even pretentious and overstated, what "hot" expression might we use about their speech?

From Quiz Vocabulary: Some Like It 'Hot'

Answer: hot air

The expression "hot air" comes from the mid 19th century. The first time it can be seen in print is in Mark Twain's "Gilded Age" from 1873: "The most airy schemes inflated the hot air of the Capital." It can refer to the hot air coming out of one's lungs as they drone on and on about the nothing interesting that they are trying to tell you. It can also refer to the fact that hot air rises and expands, like the ego of the person who is pontificating.

51. What's a phrase for a mixture of cream and whole milk?

From Quiz Vocabulary: 'Half'-Baked Ideas

Answer: half and half

52. What is a 'blood' word for a 'great slaughter'?

From Quiz Vocabulary: It's in Your 'Blood'

Answer: bloodbath & blood bath

53. Which "may" word means chaos, madness, confusion, or wild disruption?

From Quiz May Is Amazing

Answer: mayhem

The word "mayhem", as we know it, dates back to the 1400s and stems from the Anglo-French action verb "maheimer", or "to maim". Originally it meant to attack someone so as to cause disfigurement of the victim. Today "mayhem" is used more loosely to describe a general sense of disorder.

54. What term describes a large and flat elevated area of land?

From Quiz Time For Tea

Answer: Plateau

plaTEAu A plateau can be described as a large, flat, and elevated physical geographical feature, but it can also refer to something non-physical, like hitting a plateau in your exercise - a level at which you get stuck without further progress. Probably one of the most well-known plateaus is the Tibetan Plateau, which is the largest and highest in the world with an area of 2.5 million square kilometers! It has been dubbed 'The Roof of the World'. 'Plateau' is derived from the Old French word 'platel', meaning a flat piece of metal or wood.

55. Add two letters to FAR to find a type of theatrical play particularly loved by the British.

From Quiz Splash's F A R Fetched Word Cruncher

Answer: Farce

"Collins English Dictionary" notes: "A farce is a humorous play in which the characters become involved in complicated and unlikely situations." In many traditional British farces, one of the leading male characters was usually required to drop his trousers. Outside of the theatre, the word entered common usage to mean disorganised or ridiculous: "It was a total farce; that man could not organise a party in a brewery".

56. Which three letters can be placed in behind VENT to come up with a word that means journey?

From Quiz VENTing in Quizzyland

Answer: ure

Venture is a noun which suggests a journey that is risky or dangerous. An example would be the task of climbing Mount Everest. A venture can also be a business venture where a company assumes risk in the hope of turning a profit. The word origin is of Middle English when it was used as a variant of adventure.

57. Sometimes an item, such as an article of clothing, is suitable for use by both men and women. What adjective is most often used to describe it?

From Quiz Sexy Words

Answer: Unisex

The word unisex first appeared in print in 1966. It was soon applied to clothing, hairstyles, fragrances, tote bags, and many other items. In some parts of the United States there are even unisex restrooms! Marketing an item as being unisex obviously has its advantages, because it doubles the size of a retailer's potential market. Today one sometimes hears the term "gender neutral" used in place of unisex.

58. What 'it' word may describe a skin sensation after being bit or contacting poison ivy?

From Quiz I'll Know It When I See It

Answer: Itch & itchiness & itching & itchy

An itch is considered a sensory experience but unlike pain which causes a withdrawal reflex an itch causes a scratch reflex. An estimated 4% of the human population suffers from excessive itchiness.

This is category 4587
Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:46 AM
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