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"The Pillars of the Earth", recounting the building of an English cathedral in the 12th century, marked Ken Follett's transition from thrillers to historical fiction.
12 Ken Follett quizzes and 125 Ken Follett trivia questions.
  Winter of the World   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
"Winter of the World" is the second novel of Ken Follett's "Century" trilogy. In this part we'll continue the follow the families we've met in the first novel, now throughout the 1930s and WWII.
Average, 10 Qns, AlonsoKing, Nov 02 17
156 plays
  "World Without End" : Ken Follett   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Here is a quiz to see just how many of the twists and turns of "World Without End" you remember.
Average, 10 Qns, jkkkbdelorge, May 01 08
466 plays
  "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett   popular trivia quiz  
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 15 Qns
"Pillars of the Earth" is a historical novel. See how much you remember!
Average, 15 Qns, bonanza22, Jan 12 12
1635 plays
  10 Questions about Edge of Eternity    
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 10 Qns
"Edge of Eternity" is the third and final novel of Ken Follett's "Century" trilogy. In this part we follow the third generation now against the backdrop of the cold war, the civil rights movement and the rise of popular culture.
Tough, 10 Qns, AlonsoKing, Mar 12 18
168 plays
  'Jackdaws' by Ken Follett   popular trivia quiz  
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Another must read by Ken Follett, 'Jackdaws' is set against the backdrop of World War II.
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Aug 01 04
zorba_scank gold member
339 plays
  Fall of Giants    
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 10 Qns
"Fall of Giants" is the first novel of Ken Follett's Century trilogy. This part covers the intertwined lives of five families from different countries against the backdrop of WWI and the Russian Revolution.
Average, 10 Qns, AlonsoKing, Oct 27 17
156 plays
  Edge of Eternity    
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 10 Qns
"Edge of Eternity" is the final instalment in Ken Follett's "Century Trilogy", a trilogy of novels following five families around the world through multiple generations across the twentieth century.
Average, 10 Qns, suzidunc, Apr 01 15
suzidunc gold member
140 plays
  "World Without End" by Ken Follett   popular trivia quiz  
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"World Without End", sequel to "Pillars of the Earth". Hope you enjoy :0)
Average, 10 Qns, doubler707, Jan 18 09
409 plays
  'The Third Twin'   popular trivia quiz  
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Ken Follett weaves an engrossing tale dealing with cloning and genetic engineering.
Tough, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Aug 02 04
zorba_scank gold member
262 plays
  "Winter of the World" by Ken Follett    
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 10 Qns
This is the second part of the "Century" trilogy. The story covers the years 1933 to 1949.
Average, 10 Qns, richyfourtytwo, Sep 01 14
162 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who was the leader of the Jackdaws?

From Quiz "'Jackdaws' by Ken Follett"

  The Key to Rebecca    
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 10 Qns
A quiz on "The Key to Rebecca", by Ken Follett. It is set during WWII in Egypt. It is about a German spy trying to get information on the British Army in North Africa, and a British Intelligence officer who attempts to thwart him.
Tough, 10 Qns, puitpankaj, Apr 24 09
259 plays
  'Code to Zero'    
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A gripping novel by Ken Follett that deals with the launch of America's first space satellite.
Tough, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Dec 17 16
zorba_scank gold member
256 plays
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Ken Follett Trivia Questions

1. Who has an unexpected encounter with Adolf Hitler on the evening of the Reichstag fire?

From Quiz
Winter of the World

Answer: Lloyd

Lloyd and his mother Ethel are visiting the von Ulrich family in Berlin. On the evening of the fire they are having dinner in Robert von Ulrich's restaurant. Maud is still shaken up after a raid by Brownshirts on the office of 'The Democrat', the weekly magazine she's writing for. Upon leaving the restaurant they become aware of a fire nearby. They decide to take a look at what's happening and become witnesses of the Reichstag fire. Lloyd gets separated from the others and decides to take a closer look at the building, when Hitler and a couple of his cronies appear to inspect the damage. He overhears Hitler ranting and Göring saying they should use this to crush the communist party.

2. The visit from King George V to Ty Gwyn is a resounding success until a disastrous event occurs. What happens?

From Quiz Fall of Giants

Answer: There's an explosion in the coalmine

Ethel has been working at Ty Gwyn for seven years when she's asked to fill in for the housekeeper who is taken ill. This comes at an awkward time as they are preparing for a visit from King George V. Ethel does a terrific job and Fitz is really impressed with her. He had been fearful that Maud might upset the king, but she avoids the subject of women's suffrage. Just as everything seems to be going perfectly, they feel a tremor in the ground. An explosion in the coalmine has cost the lives of eight miners. The day after the accident the king visits Aberowen to pay his respects to the bereaved families. This all happens in January 1914, a couple of months before the murder of Franz Ferdinand and the start of the first world war.

3. "Edge of Eternity" tells the story of the third generation of families featured in its two prequels in Ken Follett's "Century Trilogy". The first book in the trilogy was called "Fall of Giants". What was the second called?

From Quiz Edge of Eternity

Answer: Winter of the World

The "Century Trilogy" follows three generations of families from around the globe, linked by and living through each of World War I ("Fall of Giants" - published in 2010), World War II ("Winter of the World" - published in 2012) and the concluding decades of the twentieth century ("Edge of Eternity" - published in 2014).

4. How did Daisy catch Boy's attention first?

From Quiz "Winter of the World" by Ken Follett

Answer: She came down to dinner in trousers and with a moustache drawn on her face.

While his father disapproved, Boy was fascinated. Much later she used the same method again to lure him into a marriage proposal.

5. How did Alex Wolff, the German spy, enter Egypt?

From Quiz The Key to Rebecca

Answer: Through the Sahara desert, on foot.

Wolff walked through the Sahara desert for two months, but his efforts to enter Egypt unobserved were in vain as he ran into British soldiers straight away near Assyut, a town in upper Egypt.

6. What is the name of the wise woman in Kingsbridge?

From Quiz "World Without End" by Ken Follett

Answer: Mattie Wise

Mattie Wise was the wise woman who was accused of doing witchcraft and fled Kingsbridge because they were going to kill her. She made healing potions and helped a lot of people; the accusations were false.

7. What was it that Sir Thomas Langley and Merthin buried?

From Quiz "World Without End" : Ken Follett

Answer: a letter

After killing the two men-at-arms chasing him, Sir Thomas had Merthin bury a letter for him. His arm was slashed in the fight, so Merthin did the digging for him. Merthin was told the letter contained a dangerous secret and that whenever Merthin hears that Thomas has died, he is to dig it up and give it to a priest.

8. What century does this novel take place in?

From Quiz "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett

Answer: 12th

People in 12th century England were very much concerned with the afterlife. As life was so fleeting, the church was the one anchor the people could hold on to.

9. What was written on the cap Harvey was wearing the night he set fire to the locker room?

From Quiz 'The Third Twin'

Answer: Security

Jeannie found the cap in his room and was thus convinced that he was the rapist.

10. What was Luke's first name?

From Quiz 'Code to Zero'

Answer: Claude

His full name was Dr. Claude Lucas. He preferred to be called Luke though.

11. Why did the first attack on the telephone exchange take place at Sainte-Cecile fail?

From Quiz 'Jackdaws' by Ken Follett

Answer: The intelligence supplied by MI6 was incorrect.

MI6 was the British intelligence agency. They estimated the number of men guarding the exchange to be around twelve. Also they assumed that the Gestapo personnel employed at the exchange would be unarmed. However they were wrong on both accounts leading to the failure of the attack.

12. Grigori has been saving for years to buy his ticket to sail to America. At the very last moment he gives his ticket to his brother Lev. Why?

From Quiz Fall of Giants

Answer: Because Lev is wanted for murder

The night before Grigori is leaving for America, Lev shoots someone during an argument involving stolen cigarettes. He meets Grigori by the docks and asks him for his ticket and passport so he can flee to America. Grigori has looked after his no-good brother all his life and, reluctantly, hands over the ticket. On his way back home, Grigori meets Katerina, who tells him she's pregnant with Lev's child. Grigori promises to take care of her and the baby although he knows she's still in love with Lev.

13. The novel begins with Rebecca Hoffman, an East German schoolteacher, being hauled into the offices of the Stasi. Whilst there, she discovers that someone she knows very well works as a Stasi agent. Who is it?

From Quiz Edge of Eternity

Answer: Her husband, Hans

Rebecca was rescued and adopted by Clara Von Ulrich (later Carla Frank) following a harrowing experience at the tail end of the holocaust years. Having met Hans later in life it was she who proposed to him, having been surprised that he did not ask himself. Tragically, she discovers early in the novel that he had married her solely for the purpose of allowing him to spy on her English/German liberal family.

14. Why did Carla stop adoring Werner?

From Quiz "Winter of the World" by Ken Follett

Answer: She thought he was a coward

Well, he was a bit of a womaniser, but that wasn't the point. She thought he was afraid to step on the Nazis' toes because he wanted to keep his job. This was true in fact, but she didn't know he was spying for the Russians at that time.

15. Who was the British soldier killed by Wolff in Assyut?

From Quiz The Key to Rebecca

Answer: Corporal Cox

Captain Newman was suspicious of Wolff, and ordered Corporal Cox to stay on him. This left Wolff with no choice but to kill Cox and escape.

16. Who broke Ralph's nose?

From Quiz "World Without End" by Ken Follett

Answer: Wulfric

Wulfric broke Ralph's nose because Ralph was harassing his fiancé, Annet. Annet didn't end up marrying Wulfric because he didn't inherit his father's lands when he died. She married someone else shortly after.

17. Whose life did Ralph Fitzgerald save during the bridge collapse?

From Quiz "World Without End" : Ken Follett

Answer: Earl Roland

Ralph wanted nothing more than to be a knight. He found his chance in the bridge collapse. He saw the earl in the water and swam out to him, while fighting off other people who needed saving. He cut the earl loose from his horse and swam him to shore. He made sure everyone knew he was the one who saved Roland's life, but he still didn't get made a knight!

18. In which country does the novel mainly take place?

From Quiz "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett

Answer: England

Although the novel does take place in both France and the Middle East, it is set mainly in England.

19. What was Luke's profession?

From Quiz 'Code to Zero'

Answer: Rocket Scientist

He had been working on the project to launch America's first space satellite. Elspeth had married him to pass on space secrets to the Soviets.

20. What was odd about Paul Chancellor's appearance?

From Quiz 'Jackdaws' by Ken Follett

Answer: His left ear had been wounded by a bullet and only the lobe remained.

Paul was an American who had been injured in a shootout with the Gestapo. His right kneecap had also been wounded and hence he was forced to retire from the army. He was in charge of the Jackdaws mission.

21. Where is Tania sent after she's arrested during a riot at Mayakovsky Square?

From Quiz Edge of Eternity

Answer: Cuba

Tania is a journalist for TASS (Russian news agency), who writes and distributes the illegal newspaper "Dissident" in her spare time, together with fellow writer Vasili Yenkov. During a poetry meeting at Mayakovsky Square they distribute the newspaper among the crowd. When the meeting turns into a riot Tania is arrested. Luckily she doesn't have a copy of "Dissident" in her possession. Nevertheless she is taken to the KGB headquarters for questioning. Her brother Dimka, who is a high official, her uncle Volodya, who is a general in the Red Army, and her editor manage to get her out without punishment on the condition that she accepts an assignment abroad. In Cuba a post is open so she is sent there. She is in Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis. Her friend Vasili Yenkov is not so lucky. He was in possession of five copies of "Dissident" when he was arrested and is sent to a labour camp in Siberia. In the 1980s Tania works as a journalist in Poland.

22. What happens to the survivors of Lloyd's platoon after they have retreated from a suicide attack on the church of Belchite?

From Quiz Winter of the World

Answer: They are executed for desertion

Lloyd, his cousin Dave and close friend Lenny Griffiths all volunteered to fight Franco's rebel army in the Spanish civil war. During the Battle of Belchite Lloyd's platoon is ordered to take the town church without cover or sufficient ammunition by the incompetent Red Army Colonel Bobrov. As predicted the attack is a complete failure and only three men escape unscathed, two others injured. After they have reported back to Bobrov he executes the uninjured survivors for desertion. Lloyd and Lenny are injured and transferred to prisoner escort duty. Lloyd goes back to England, disillusioned with communism. Later in the novel Bobrov, now a general, is present in Moscow when the Germans are advancing towards Russia's capital. He is killed when he tries to flee Moscow.

23. Lev thinks the ship will take him to New York but he ends up in a completely different place. Where?

From Quiz Fall of Giants

Answer: Cardiff

Shortly after disembarking Lev finds out he's not in New York but in Cardiff. It seems that the Vyalov family, who has sold the ticket to Grigori, has ripped him off. After a while Lev is offered a job as a strikebreaker in the Aberowen coalmines. Lev eventually earns enough money to continue his journey to the USA by cheating in high stakes card games.

24. George Jakes, the child of an interracial couple, faces pressure and racism as he grows up in 1960s America. He joins Robert Kennedy's office as a legal advisor and, in order to do so, turns down the opportunity to work for whom?

From Quiz Edge of Eternity

Answer: Martin Luther King, Jr

George Jakes is an aspiring young lawyer who chooses to work for the Kennedy administration, thinking that he will be able to support the civil rights movement from within. He falls in love with Verena, a young woman working for Martin Luther King, Jr when he boards a greyhound bus in Washington to protest segregation in the Deep South of the USA.

25. When Lloyd escaped from the Germans after he was taken prisoner, how did he get back to England?

From Quiz "Winter of the World" by Ken Follett

Answer: Via Spain

It wasn't his first time in Spain, he'd been fighting there in the civil war before. Later he used the knowledge gained on that journey to help other Allied soldiers escape from France.

26. Who was the Egyptian Jewish woman chosen by Vandam to pick up gossip and street talk that would enable him to capture Alex Wolff?

From Quiz The Key to Rebecca

Answer: They are different names of the same woman

Elene Fontana was a young Jewish girl from Alexandria living in Cairo. She tried to get into Palestine, but was refused because of the quota imposed by the British. She agreed to work with Vandam, and slowly became attracted to him.

27. Who helped Thomas Langley bury the very important letter in the forest and told him to dig it back up when he died?

From Quiz "World Without End" by Ken Follett

Answer: Merthin

Merthin, Ralph, Caris and Gwenda were all in the forest when they saw Thomas kill two knights. Merthin was the only one who stayed; the other three ran off because they were scared.

28. Who did Gwenda love and wish to marry?

From Quiz "World Without End" : Ken Follett

Answer: Wulfric

Gwenda worshipped the handsome Wulfric and wanted to be married to him. He was in love with Annet and only had eyes for her. When the bridge collapsed and his parents and brother were killed, he lost everything and became a landless laborer. Annet promptly dumped him and married another man. It took time and a lot of work, but Gwenda eventually won Wulfric over.

29. Tom Builder's dream is to build the best _______________.

From Quiz "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett

Answer: cathedral

Tom never fulfills his dream to build England's greatest cathedral because he is killed during a raid at the building site.

30. How many clones had been created in the experiment carried out by Genetico nearly 23 years ago?

From Quiz 'The Third Twin'

Answer: 8

The women were told they were being given hormone treatment for sub fertility. Instead, Genetico was carrying out experiments on them about cloning.

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