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Middle Earth Languages Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Middle Earth Languages Quizzes, Trivia

Middle Earth Languages Trivia

Middle Earth Languages Trivia Quizzes

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Tolkien created entire languages, developed in great detail, as part of the setting for his works of fantasy.
14 quizzes and 170 trivia questions.
  The Lore of Middle-Earth    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Like all fantasy worlds, Middle-Earth has its own language and lore. Here are some words, terms and names used in the book 'Fellowship of the Ring'. Let's see how much you know about them. Okay? Let's start!
Average, 20 Qns, layadriel, Dec 20 14
3405 plays
  Elvish Vocabulary from FOTR    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Some Elvish vocabulary, taken from the first part of "The Lord of the Rings" - book and movie. See how much you remember. Elen síla lumenn' omentielvo!
Average, 10 Qns, PearlQ19, Nov 24 10
PearlQ19 gold member
2447 plays
  What Are You Tolkien About?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Tolkien not only created his own languages, but used them to name many of the characters and places he created. Do you know what the following names mean?
Average, 10 Qns, Gil_Galad, Nov 24 12
345 plays
  Tolkien Translations    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'm going to present you with the name of a person, place or thing from any of J.R.R. Tolkien's works and you have to tell me what it means. Don't worry, it's multiple choice!
Tough, 10 Qns, H0lyAerith, Oct 04 19
Oct 04 19
1853 plays
  The Elvish Language    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on the languages Tolkien created for his Elves. This quiz may be difficult for some. All questions are about the Quenya language unless otherwise specified. All references taken from
Tough, 10 Qns, SkiersDream, Jul 29 07
1165 plays
  Elvish Dictionary    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on the Elvish language that was created by J.R.R. Tolkien. This is a series of questions about what English words are in Elvish. There are two dialects of Elvish, Quenya and Sindarin. This quiz is only on Quenya. All multiple choice.
Tough, 10 Qns, LOTRfangirl, Oct 21 06
626 plays
  Tolkien's Words    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Tolkien used Anglo-Saxon extensively in his works. Let's see how well you know your Old English!
Very Difficult, 15 Qns, wordnerd, Mar 14 14
Very Difficult
1220 plays
  Quenya Meets Music    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Choose the appropriate missing Elvish word. The rest of the lyrics are in English.
Tough, 10 Qns, Ilona_Ritter, Jul 04 03
Ilona_Ritter gold member
614 plays
  Quenya Vocabulary    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Have you studied? Here's a multiple choice quiz on the Quenya language - I'll give you a word, and you tell me what it means. Good luck!
Tough, 15 Qns, SkiersDream, Jun 23 23
Jun 23 23
739 plays
  Language of the Silmarillion    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz to test your knowledge of the book's language.
Average, 10 Qns, PennylovesMerlin, Nov 17 04
1419 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Morgoth, the Great Enemy, was originally named Melkor. What do these two names mean?

From Quiz "What Are You Tolkien About?"

  LOTR Alphabet/Language quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ah the language of LOTR...This quiz isn't intended to be difficult. I recommend this quiz to only those who have thorughly read the appendices of the LOTR trilogy. Enjoy friends!
Average, 10 Qns, CatWoman911, Jun 27 04
635 plays
  Tolkien's use of Old English    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about Old English, a language I have learned to love. I have mixed the Old English with some Tolkien knowledge to make it more interesting.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Elenaran, Nov 04 05
539 plays
  Languages of Rohan and Rhovanion    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz tests your knowledge of Tolkien's Rohirric and the related words from Rhovannion, actually based on Old English and Norse. All of this info is in Ruth S. Noel's book, "The Languages of Tolkien's Middle Earth". NOTE: No accents are used.
Difficult, 15 Qns, Mojo69, Jan 16 05
568 plays
  Quenya and Noldorin    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
How well do you know the difference between Quenya (Q) and Noldorin (N)? Test yourself. References to "The Etymologies" ("The Lost Road and Other Writings").
Tough, 15 Qns, VARDA, Jan 11 04
532 plays
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Middle Earth Languages Trivia Questions

1. When Eru Ilúvatar created the world, he only spoke 'Eä!'. What does 'Eä!' mean though?

From Quiz
What Are You Tolkien About?

Answer: Let it be

Eä, the universe in Tolkien's world, is known as 'The World that Is'. The physical world of Arda, which contains Middle-earth and Valinor, is within Eä. The strongest Ainur who came to shape Arda and stop Melkor from taking it for himself, became known as the Valar.

2. The elven language known as Quenya has spelling similar to what language?

From Quiz LOTR Alphabet/Language quiz

Answer: Latin

The relationship between these two languages is stated in Appendix E under "Writing and Spelling".

3. What is the Quenya word for "fire"?

From Quiz Elvish Dictionary

Answer: nar

The Sindarin word for "fire" is naur. Sometimes the words in Quenya and Sindarin are very similar, other times they are not.

4. "We __________ live in the yellow submarine."

From Quiz Quenya Meets Music

Answer: ilye

"Ilye" is Elven for "all". The Beatles sing the song "Yellow Submarine" which says "We all live in a yellow submarine.

5. We'll start off with the words written over the doors of Moria: "Say 'friend' and enter". What is the Elvish word for 'friend'?

From Quiz The Lore of Middle-Earth

Answer: Mellon

'Mellon' is the password to open the doors. Gandalf took a long time to figure it out. Sometimes it's hard to find something that is already obvious!

6. What is the Elvish name for Gandalf?

From Quiz Elvish Vocabulary from FOTR

Answer: Mithrandir

In Quenya it is "Olórin". Legolas calls Gandalf "Mithrandir" when the wizard returns in "The Two Towers," and the men of Gondor use the Sindarin name as well.

7. What does 'Ainur' mean?

From Quiz Language of the Silmarillion

Answer: Holy Ones

These were the first beings created by Eru (Iluvatar).

8. One of the major Rohirric characters has a name meaning "chief". Which one?

From Quiz Languages of Rohan and Rhovanion

Answer: Theoden

This word appears in the original (untranslated) text of "Beowulf" as a title describing Hrothgar.

9. What does ALDA mean?

From Quiz Quenya Vocabulary

Answer: tree

10. To begin, which Elvish language was created for Noldorin Elves, the High Elves?

From Quiz The Elvish Language

Answer: Quenya

Welcome to my Quenya quiz. If you have any disagreements, please let me know, as I am only a student of Quenya.

11. A position of authority in the Shire was the Thain. From what country did Tolkien get this name?

From Quiz Tolkien's Words

Answer: Scotland

The spelling is a bit different, but it's still more or less the same thing. A Thane is Scotland was a Lord in England, and a Count in France. You see this in 'Macbeth'.

12. What does Lothlorien mean?

From Quiz Tolkien Translations

Answer: "land of blossoms dreaming"

Another name for this forest is just plain Lorien. The Galadhrim or "tree-people" lived here. They were a very reclusive Elven race. Their king was the famous Celeborn and their queen was Galadriel, "lady of the light".

13. Morgoth, the Great Enemy, was originally named Melkor. What do these two names mean?

From Quiz What Are You Tolkien About?

Answer: 'The Black Foe' - 'Mighty-rising'

He was named Morgoth by Fëanor when he stole the Silmarils. Another one of his names was Bauglir (Oppressor, Constrainer), sometimes coupled with 'Morgoth' to make a full title (Morgoth Bauglir). He was also referred to as the Dark Lord.

14. In elvish, Flet (Talan) is a platform built up in the trees, but what does 'Flet' mean in Old English?

From Quiz Tolkien's use of Old English

Answer: Floor

'Flet' also means 'Hall'. In Old English 'Flet' is also spelt 'Flett'.

15. In the common speech, what letter always has the value of "k" even before "e" and "i"?

From Quiz LOTR Alphabet/Language quiz

Answer: c

An example of this is the word "celeb" meaning silver. It should be pronounced as "keleb".

16. What is the Quenya word for "serpent"?

From Quiz Elvish Dictionary

Answer: loke`

A slightly different Quenya word for "serpent" is hloke, but loke is more widely used. Lhug is the Sindarin word for "serpent"

17. "Oh what a ________________ morning."

From Quiz Quenya Meets Music

Answer: vana

"Vana" is Elven for "beautiful. In the musical "Oklahoma!" Curly sings the opening song "Oh what a beautiful morning"

18. What do hobbits call something that they don't really have any use for but are unwilling to throw away?

From Quiz The Lore of Middle-Earth

Answer: Mathom

JRR Tolkien defines 'mathom' in the Prologue. Hobbits love giving and receiving presents so much that sometimes a mathom gets circulated all over the village. The museum in Michel Delving, interestingly enough, is called a 'Mathom-house'.

19. Translate into the Common Speech: "Aníron Undómiel".

From Quiz Elvish Vocabulary from FOTR

Answer: I desire Evenstar

Taken from the movie soundtrack. I don't think I have to tell you that "Undómiel" means "Evenstar" and is one of Arwen's names :)

20. What does the name 'Curunir' mean?

From Quiz Language of the Silmarillion

Answer: the one of cunning devices

This is the real name of Saruman in the book. He is one who can create devices of great cunning.

21. "Roch", giving us Rohan, is Elvish for "horse." A common element in Rohirric names means "horse". What is it?

From Quiz Languages of Rohan and Rhovanion

Answer: Eo

"Dern" (Dernhelm, Derndingle) means "secret." "Theod" (Theoden, Theodred, Theodwyn) means "people." And "wine" (Freawine, Guthwine, Holdwine) means "friend."

22. How do you say "tol" (Q) in Noldorin?

From Quiz Quenya and Noldorin

Answer: toll

It means "island" (ex.: Tol-eressea). And "tolle" is pl. of "tol" (Q), "tyll" - pl. of "toll" (N).

23. What does Henneth Annun mean?

From Quiz Tolkien Translations

Answer: "window of the sunset"

This was the greatest stronghold of the Rangers of Ithilien. It was a refuge of caves and tunnels behind a great waterfall that looked over the Vales of Anduin. The Rangers were a brotherhood of knights sent to reinforce Gondor's power in North Ithilien and their captain was Faramir, second son of Denethor.

24. Fëanor, creator of the Silmarils and greatest of the Noldor, was quite temperamental. What does his rather fitting name mean?

From Quiz What Are You Tolkien About?

Answer: Spirit of Fire

The name given to Fëanor by his mother was Fëanáro, and is the Quenya version of his name. The name given by his father was Curufinwë, which means 'Skillful Finwë'. True to the meaning of his name, when Fëanor died his spirit burned his body to ashes, leaving nothing behind. This death was unique, even in the vast world of Tolkien.

25. The Eorlingas got their name from the first king of Rohan, Eorl. What does his name mean?

From Quiz Tolkien's use of Old English

Answer: Nobleman

Eorl was also known as 'The young' because he succeeded his father in his youth.

26. What letter combination represents "th" as pronounced in the word "clothes"?

From Quiz LOTR Alphabet/Language quiz

Answer: dh

It is usually related to "d".

27. What is the Quenya word for "children"?

From Quiz Elvish Dictionary

Answer: hini

Hin is the Sindarin word for "children". Rhun and adu are other Quenya words.

28. "He is ______________ on high."

From Quiz Quenya Meets Music

Answer: varda

"Varda" is Elven for "exhalted" The lyrics come from a Christian song.

This is category 9030
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:47 AM
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