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Religious Literature Trivia Quizzes

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Quizzes on religious texts (such as the Bible and the Quran) will be found in the Religion category.
17 Religious Literature quizzes and 185 Religious Literature trivia questions.
  Names for "The Dark One" editor best quiz   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Devil is known by various names in scripture and literature. You may "give the Devil his due" but can you also give him his name in this quiz?
Average, 10 Qns, FatherSteve, Apr 15 21
FatherSteve gold member
Apr 15 21
5053 plays
  Religious Texts of the World   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Familiarize yourself with the scriptures, sacred writings, and other respected texts of the major world religions.
Average, 25 Qns, skylarb, Jun 14 21
Jun 14 21
3819 plays
  The Bible or the Quran   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are many religions out there, but who believes what? What is the Christian holy book? Who would use a diva lamp?
Easier, 10 Qns, AcrylicInk, Jul 29 18
AcrylicInk gold member
Jul 29 18
1071 plays
  Match the Religion with the Text    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Many of the world's major religions have at least one text associated with it. In this quiz, match the religion with at least one of its religious text. May the Higher Power be with you!
Very Easy, 10 Qns, PootyPootwell, Feb 04 21
Very Easy
PootyPootwell gold member
Feb 04 21
723 plays
  Sacred Texts    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Religions around the world typically have sacred texts that believers use to guide their faith and beliefs. For this quiz, match each religion with the sacred text that is associated with it.
Easier, 10 Qns, Trivia_Fan54, May 29 21
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11,12
Trivia_Fan54 gold member
May 29 21
497 plays
  Sacred Texts of the World's Religions   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match each of these texts with the religion most likely to include it in its canon or among its highly respected texts.
Average, 10 Qns, skylarb, Dec 13 19
Dec 13 19
394 plays
  Water Water Everywhere!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The story of Noah's Ark in the Bible shares many similarities with the Mesopotamian story, 'The Epic of Gilgamesh'. Could they be different versions of the same story? You decide.
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Jul 25 17
ponycargirl editor
2528 plays
  Religious Fiction Through the Ages    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For the reader of less contemporary Christian literature, this quiz covers a wide variety of religious fiction written up through the mid-20th century.
Difficult, 10 Qns, skylarb, Jun 18 03
2424 plays
  20th and 21st Century Christian Books    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There have been many 20th century writers who have tackled some of Christianity's most complex issues as well as offered encouragement to believers. This quiz explores some of those writers and their books.
Average, 10 Qns, bigwoo, Jan 24 21
bigwoo gold member
Jan 24 21
196 plays
  The Benedictine Handbook   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Written by St. Benedict of Nursia in the sixth Century, this book went on to become admired by Christians around the world. Here is a quiz about the book. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy.
Average, 10 Qns, neon000, Jun 21 08
neon000 gold member
636 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How are Grace and Tom related?

From Quiz "True Valor"

  Talmud or Gospels?    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Can you tell whether these quotes come from the Jewish Talmud or the Christian Gospels? IMPORTANT: Choose "both" if very similar sayings are found in both works, and "neither" if neither is the source.
Difficult, 15 Qns, skylarb, May 17 13
1925 plays
  Sacred Texts of the Ancient World    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here's a quiz on some interesting religious books around the world. All of them predate the 15th century.
Tough, 10 Qns, atlas84, Jul 03 22
Jul 03 22
326 plays
  Christianity and Literature    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz over both classic and contemporary novels that incorporate theological issues into their plots.
Difficult, 10 Qns, musettae, Nov 13 10
3100 plays
  Prayer Books    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many faiths make use of collections of prayers and other elements of their worship services. Here is a quiz on these anthologies. Hope you enjoy, thanks.
Tough, 10 Qns, neon000, Nov 25 07
neon000 gold member
700 plays
  English Bibles BEFORE The KJV    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many Christians forget that the KJV is a product of its predecessors. See how much you know about the parents and grandparents of the KJV!
Difficult, 10 Qns, fisherman5990, Oct 13 20
Oct 13 20
207 plays
  Sacred Texts of the World    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
Can you identify the sacred source of these quotes?
Difficult, 5 Qns, skylarb, Oct 07 11
1865 plays
  "Respectable Sins" Chapters 1&2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the book titled "Respectable Sins" by Jerry Bridges. I hope that you might learn while you have fun! This is a good book to have a study on.
Tough, 10 Qns, readingisfun, Mar 21 09
396 plays
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Religious Literature Trivia Questions

1. Lee Strobel was an investigative journalist when he wrote the award winning book "The Case for Christ". In the book he summarizes the data he gained from his interviews with over a dozen Christian scholars. How did his findings affect his faith?

From Quiz
20th and 21st Century Christian Books

Answer: He became a believer and a Christian pastor

After his wife became a Christian, Strobel began investigating Christianity to disprove its teachings. At the conclusion of his investigation he became a disciple of Jesus and wrote the book detailing his journey. In 2017, a movie ("The Case for Christ") was made about his experience. He has written over 25 books on Christian apologetics including "The Case for a Creator" and "The Case for Faith".

2. The sun is rising, which means its time for a certain group of people to pray. Which religious body of people are called to prayer from the top of a minaret?

From Quiz The Bible or the Quran

Answer: Muslims

A minaret is a narrow tower that is usually attached or next to a mosque. In some mosques, a muezzin stands on a balcony at the top and calls Muslims to prayer. Muslims are called to pray five times a day: at dawn, midday, mid-afternoon, sunset, and once at night. As technology has advanced, minarets have begun to serve a more traditional and decorative role. In many 21st century mosques, Muslims are called to prayer through a microphone and speaker system.

3. The Upanishads were the first written texts to influence a large number of beliefs in East Asia. With which civilization are they associated?

From Quiz Sacred Texts of the Ancient World

Answer: Indus Valley

Originally written in Sanskrit, the Upanishads introduced several key terms to the religions of the region. One of them is "Brahman", a concept in Hinduism that describes the nature of reality. Another is "Atman", which describes the nature of the soul. Its usage is widespread; Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism all refer to "Atman" in their beliefs. "The little space within the heart is as great as the vast universe. The heavens and the Earth are there, and the sun and the moon and the stars. Fire and lightning and winds are there, and all that now is and all that is not." -Chandogya Upanishad

4. Numerous works of art (e.g. Gustave Dore, Alessandro Vellutello, Mihály Zichy, and James Donahue) depict the Devil before his expulsion from Heaven as Lucifer. What is the meaning of the term "lucifer"?

From Quiz Names for "The Dark One"

Answer: Light bearer

The name Lucifer is not directly connected to the Devil in the Bible but was used in this sense by both Dante Alighieri in "Inferno" and by John Milton in "Paradise Lost."

5. Which was the very first English translation of the New Testament from the Latin Vulgate?

From Quiz English Bibles BEFORE The KJV

Answer: Wycliffe's Bible

John Wycliffe, an Oxford teacher, and his followers the "Poor Preachers" translated the Bible into rigid English from the Latin Vulgate. Because of his reformed ideas he was condemned after his death and his bones were dug up from the grave and burned.

6. There was a great flood.

From Quiz Water Water Everywhere!

Answer: Both

In the Bible the reason given for the flood was the wickedness of humanity. According to the King James version, Noah was selected to survive because "for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation." Gilgamesh was told by Utanapishtim that "The hearts of the Great Gods moved them to inflict the Flood."

7. What kind of people were the Corinthians that the Apostle Paul wrote to in 1 and 2 Corinthians?

From Quiz "Respectable Sins" Chapters 1&2

Answer: Worldly

Even churches can fall into the wiles of the Devil.

8. The Pentateuch is NOT a part of which religious tradition?

From Quiz Religious Texts of the World

Answer: Hinduism

The Pentateuch is a term often used for the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Both Christians and Jews recognize the Pentateuch as scripture. It is also a part of Muslims' tradition, but in a different way: Muslims believe in the Torah as revealed to Moses; however, they believe these books have been tampered with and are therefore only accurate in so far as they agree with the Qur'an.

9. "Take out the beam from thine eye."

From Quiz Talmud or Gospels?

Answer: Both

This is from the Talmud, AND more or less the same quote may also be found in the Gospels: "Cast out the beam out of thine own eye" (Matt. 7:5, KJV) or "Take the plank out of your own eye" (NIV). All Talmudic quotations in this quiz will be quoted from "The Wisdom of the Talmud," a short collection of sayings selected from the Talmud and compiled into a book edited by Madison C. Peters. This book, unfortunately, does not cite chapter and verse, but quiztakers can read that short book to find these quotes, if interested. For Gospel quotes, I will cite book, chapter, and verse.

10. "Birds of a feather flock together" AND "Actions speak louder than words"?

From Quiz Sacred Texts of the World

Answer: The Talmud

The above are both quoted from "The Wisdom of the Talmud," edited by Madison Peters, which contains famous selections from the Talmud without specific references. However, I have been able to determine that the first quotation comes from Talmud Bava Kama, 92b.

11. In 1997 Josh Harris wrote a book about relationships that he later regretted writing. In the title of the book, to what did Harris "kiss goodbye" ?

From Quiz 20th and 21st Century Christian Books

Answer: Dating

In "I Kissed Dating Goodbye", Harris advocated giving up "mainstream dating" for a concept that focused more on group dating and increased parental involvment. His theory was that you would get to know more about the person in those larger social settings. He later said that the book was mis-applied by readers in a legalistic way and that, while he attmepted to base his thoughts in the Bible, the book was rooted in his personal fears that should not have been transferred onto others. In 2019 the former pastor denounced Christianity.

12. William Golding titled his 1954 novel about British boys marooned on an island with the literal English translation of the Arabic/Hebrew/Greek word "Beelzebub". What is the title of this frightening story?

From Quiz Names for "The Dark One"

Answer: The Lord of the Flies

Beelzebub is identified as the prince of devils in Matthew 12:24, Mark 3:22 and Luke 11:15 (in some translations; some use other related terms).

13. Who was the man who translated the first English New Testament in 1526 from the Greek, not Latin, and died for his ardor for God's Word?

From Quiz English Bibles BEFORE The KJV

Answer: William Tyndale

Tyndale escaped to Germany to have freedom to translate the Bible into English. He was the first to translate the Bible from the Greek, not Latin into English. He was burned at the stake in 1534.

14. Someone was told by God to build a boat.

From Quiz Water Water Everywhere!

Answer: Noah's Ark

I hope I didn't trick you! In both stories the hero has been told to build a boat or an ark, however, only the Hebrews believed in a monotheistic God. Gilgamesh was visited by the pagan god Ea (a god of the water) in a dream, and was told to "tear down the house and build a boat!"

15. What word(s) in 1 Corinthians 1:2 and 2 Corinthians 1:1 is used to describe the Corinthians?

From Quiz "Respectable Sins" Chapters 1&2

Answer: Saints

Thank God that even when we sin he calls us his saints.

16. This book contains many long passages of theological debate. Its hero is a young monk whose spiritual elder is named Father Zosima.

From Quiz Religious Fiction Through the Ages

Answer: The Brothers Karamazov

Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel is a deeply religious work. The young Alyosha's conversations with his brother Ivan, who has rejected God, explore profound questions of theodicy, collective guilt, and grace.

17. "He who wishes to be forgiven must forgive."

From Quiz Talmud or Gospels?

Answer: Both

The above quote is from the Talmud. An almost identical saying, though in the second person, can be found in Luke 6:37: "Forgive and you will be forgiven."

18. What work says that the tree is "known by its fruit"?

From Quiz Sacred Texts of the World

Answer: Both of these

"The Wisdom of the Talmud," which purports to be a selection of sayings from the Talmud, contains a similar saying: "As a tree is known by its fruit, so man by his works." (Quoted from "The Wisdom of the Talmud.") In Matthew 12:33, Christ says, "Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit." Finally, Luke 6:44 says, "For every tree is known by his own fruit."

19. Who is the priest torn between his obsessive lust for the gypsy dancer Esmeralda and his devotion to God in Victor Hugo's 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'?

From Quiz Christianity and Literature

Answer: Claude Frollo

Frollo's guilt-ridden desire ultimately leads to the deaths of himself and Esmeralda.

20. A collection of writings from the Far East were put together in 1927 to form a funerary text that describes the passing from life to death. Also known as Bardo Thodol, what name was given to it?

From Quiz Sacred Texts of the Ancient World

Answer: The Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Tibetan Book of the Dead was controversial after its release because there isn't any Tibetan book that corresponds to it. Rather, its mantras, teachings, and verses were assembled and translated by a western doctor named Walter Evans-Wentz. Much of the material in the book explains the ritual a lama would perform around someone on the verge of death. It also describes what would happen once they do pass away, according to beliefs in Tibetan Buddhism. Now that there are versions that Tibetans have translated themselves, it isn't as controversial as it used to be. "And thus [encircled], may I be rescued From the fearsome passageway of the intermediate state, And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfect buddha." -Tibetan prayer for the dying

21. Which Bible was translated between 1568 and 1609 by a group of Anglican bishops, and was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth?

From Quiz English Bibles BEFORE The KJV

Answer: The Bishops Bible

The Bishops Bible was translated because Anglican bishops disliked both the Matthew's Bible and Geneva Bible for their study notes. It was disliked by laymen and never achieved the popularity that the Geneva Bible did.

22. Only family members were allowed on the boat.

From Quiz Water Water Everywhere!

Answer: Noah's Ark

The Bible says that Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth were on the ark, as well as his wife and the three wives of his sons. Utanapishtim, however, loaded his "kith and kin. . .and the craftsmen. . . ."

23. What name does Paul give the Romans, Ephesians, Philippians and the Colossians?

From Quiz "Respectable Sins" Chapters 1&2

Answer: Saints

Once you are saved you are a saint.

24. A common event at monasteries was "lectio divina" (divine reading), the recitation of sections of Scripture or the writings of Church fathers. In what manner did Benedict recommend monks leave the room afterwards?

From Quiz The Benedictine Handbook

Answer: In silence

This was out of respect for anyone who might stay behind in order to continue praying. Benedict cautioned the monks not to break someone else's concentration.

25. This foundational Christian allegory, written in the 17th century, recounts a journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.

From Quiz Religious Fiction Through the Ages

Answer: The Pilgrim's Progress

John Bunyan began writing this book from Bedford jail, where he was imprisoned twelve years for preaching without a licenses. "The Pilgrim's Regress" is an allegory by C.S. Lewis modeled on Bunyan's work, but updated for modern times. "Goblin Market" is a poem by Cristina Rossetti, and an allegory of the Fall. "The Way of the Pilgrim" is a mystical Orthodox work that tells the story of a Russian peasant who seeks to learn to pray without ceasing.

26. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

From Quiz Talmud or Gospels?

Answer: Gospels

The quote comes from John 1:14 and refers to the Incarnation of Christ, and therefore is unique to the Gospels.

27. "There shall be no compulsion in religion."

From Quiz Sacred Texts of the World

Answer: The Koran

The full quote is: "There shall be no compulsion in religion. True guidance is now distinct from error. He that renounces idol worship and puts faith in God shall grasp a firm handle that will never break. God hears all and knows all." (Qur'an 2:256)

28. In Nikos Kazantzakis's 'The Last Temptation of Christ', which character does not appear in the final 'dream sequence' Satan presents to Christ as his last temptation?

From Quiz Christianity and Literature

Answer: Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary plays a surprisingly small role in the whole of the novel. Christ is tempted by Satan with happiness, which comes in the form first of Mary Magdalen, and later Lazarus' sister Mary, who becomes his wife. Finally, Christ meets Paul, who presents a distorted account of Jesus's life and teachings.

29. Saul travelled far and wide. Which holy book contains the story of Saul's journey on the road to Damascus?

From Quiz The Bible or the Quran

Answer: The Bible

Saul was a man in the New Testament, which is part of the Bible. He was partly responsible for the persecution of early Christians after Jesus' death. Saul was travelling to Damascus when he saw a bright light and he heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" The voice revealed itself to be Jesus and Saul was blind for three days. Saul's friends took him the rest of the way to Damascus. He spent time with Christians in the city and began to preach that Jesus was the Son of God. The conversion of Saul is recorded in Acts 9. Later on, in Acts 13, Saul began to be referred to as Paul.

30. Kabbalah is a mystical interpretation of the Torah and has its roots in a Medieval book called the Zohar. Which metaphysical motif is explored in detail with Kabbalah?

From Quiz Sacred Texts of the Ancient World

Answer: The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is like a map of creation. There are ten nodes on the tree, which Rabbinic followers of Kabbalah call the ten Sefirot. Each of these Sefirot are thought to be energies that the Creator uses in both the physical and metaphysical realms. In the Zohar, methods of creation and spiritual progression are described metaphorically through pathways on this tree. "So, then, as man is a microcosm, a copy or paradigm of the universe, he is in his constitution a reflection of the divine nature, the Supreme Wisdom." -Rabbi Simeon bar Yochai

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