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Want a helping hand? A quiz on self-improvement might be just the jump-start for which you are looking.
9 Self Help/Improvement quizzes and 90 Self Help/Improvement trivia questions.
  Etiquette 1960s Style   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
How much have things changed in the past half-century? First published in 1922, Emily Post defined proper behavior. See how well you stack up against her 1960 edition of "Etiquette - The Blue Book of Social Usage."
Tough, 10 Qns, Marshame, Apr 07 09
2588 plays
  Personal Development Books and their Authors   popular trivia quiz  
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Ten questions about some of the most influential books of our time on the topics of self-help, motivation, wealth and improving relationships skills.
Average, 10 Qns, carolinebee999, Dec 16 07
1357 plays
  Books About Us   great trivia quiz  
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Welcome to the fascinating world of your psyche. The following books have succeeded in giving us insight into how we "tick".
Average, 10 Qns, grisham, Aug 09 10
1165 plays
  I'm Happy Anyway    
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Advice and suggestions for attaining happiness can be found in all types of literature. Here are just a few examples. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, mlcmlc, Feb 26 22
mlcmlc gold member
Feb 26 22
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  She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye    
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 10 Qns
Cowboybluedog's challenge had me responding: "So, a cowardly note left on the pillow is the right way to go?" We need an etiquette expert. Which one?
Average, 10 Qns, caramellor, Oct 28 15
507 plays
  Manners I Haz Them    
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 10 Qns
This is a manners quiz and only a manners quiz. Manners everyone should have. These questions are taken from the book "How Rude!" by Alex J. Packer.
Easier, 10 Qns, frosty123, Sep 18 23
Sep 18 23
1523 plays
  The First Day of the Rest of Your Life    
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 10 Qns
For centuries, people have sought hope, healing, and strength in the written word. This quiz is about ten extraordinary works that offer insight, encouragement, and hope (and occasionally a laugh or two).
Tough, 10 Qns, Coonielady, Dec 27 13
526 plays
  Self-Help Authors and Books   popular trivia quiz  
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The start of a new year brings resolutions for a healthier and more successful year for many people. All of the following authors have written books about achieving success in all aspects of life.
Tough, 10 Qns, nmerr, Jan 24 16
nmerr gold member
284 plays
  Prayer is Man's Greatest Power    
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 10 Qns
The title is a quote from self-help author W Clement Stone. This quiz explores works which have helped improve people's lives.
Average, 10 Qns, clevercatz, Apr 28 17
clevercatz gold member
186 plays

Self Help/Improvement Trivia Questions

1. Which landmark book by Susan Jeffers, originally printed in 1987, has taught millions of people to overcome their fears and improve their quality of life?

From Quiz
Prayer is Man's Greatest Power

Answer: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Since its publication in 1987, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" became one of the biggest selling self-help books of all time, being translated into over 36 languages and selling in over 100 countries. It introduced people to strategies and tools to enable them to overcome their fears and move their lives forward.

2. This witty and wise British etiquette expert wrote a column for The Times ("Morgan's Manners") and authored "Debrett's Etiquette and Modern Manners" in 1996. Who was he?

From Quiz She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye

Answer: John Morgan

John Morgan (1959-2000) was born in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. He studied at Cheltenham Art College and, before he became famous for his "Morgan's Manners" column, he had worked for the fashion consultant Percy Savage as well as "Gentlemen's Quarterly". In the three years that his Saturday column ran in "The Times", he handled all sorts of problems. Could his book provide us with the right advice? Well, considering that he thought the path of least offence was the right direction for all tricky situations, it's likely that he would opt for a cowardly note on the pillow as being less offensive than waking a man from his slumber in order to tell him you're going!

3. What is the title of Richard Bach's 1970's bestseller about a brave creature who dares to step "outside of the box" in his quest for peace and happiness?

From Quiz The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Answer: Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Bored with a life he considers mundane, the hero of this novella decides to follow his heart and perfect his flying skills. After he's exiled from his community because of his refusal to follow the norm, he embarks on a fascinating journey of self-realization as he pursues his dream. Eventually he learns that while hard work is important, love and forgiveness are the most essential ingredients in achieving true peace and freedom. "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" was released in 1970 and remained on the New York Times Best Seller list for thirty-eight weeks.

4. "Interpretation of Dreams" is one of many famous books written by this pioneer in the field of psychology.

From Quiz Books About Us

Answer: Sigmund Freud

Frued's theories of psychology were ground-breaking in many areas of psychology. Though he has many critics, he still holds the claim to revolutionizing the way we think of ourselves. Dream interpretation, understanding of consciousness and its different levels, use of medication, importance of childhood experiences in our personality development and ability to categorize symptoms into groupings for the purpose of diagnosis are just a partial listing of his contributions.

5. According to Emily Post in 1960, what is etiquette?

From Quiz Etiquette 1960s Style

Answer: consideration for others

Mrs. Post writes that the so-called rules of etiquette are nothing more than the results of "long experience handed down for reasons of practicality." In a lengthly introduction, she opines about the history and utility of etiquette as the oil that lubricates social interactions. She says that etiquette incorporates principles of ethics, good taste, and consideration for others. It is reflected in speech and behavior that are appropriate for time, place and occasion. While it includes certain specific ceremonial procedures, the over-riding principle of etiquette is consideration for others.

6. What is the name of Norman Vincent Peale's most famous personal development/ motivational book, published in 1952 and one of the forerunners to the late 20th century surge in such books?

From Quiz Personal Development Books and their Authors

Answer: The Power of Positive Thinking

Author of 46 inspirational books and preacher of Marble Collegiate Church for 52 years, Norman Vincent Peale's fourth and best-known book, "The Power of Positve Thinking" has sold over 20 million copies in 41 different languages. He wrote about how anyone could put positive thinking and strong faith to work in their lives. Norman Vincent Peale died in 1993, aged 95 years.

7. Her first publication was "Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home" (1922) and she established an institute to continue updating her advice. Who is she?

From Quiz She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye

Answer: Emily Post

Emily Post defined desirable conduct in every conceivable situation, from everyday situations to important life events. No event was too big or too small for her to detail the appropriate etiquette. The Emily Post Institute, Inc. continues her work, providing updated advice on manners and decorum for modern life and was formerly run by her great-great-granddaughter, Anna Post. Could any of her books provide us with the proper advice? Well, Ms Post was adamant about saying goodbye properly in a party situation, but a bedroom situation is vastly different. Considering that Ms Post was first and foremost concerned about a woman's 'decorum' and was no doubt aware of the possibility of violence in male-female relationships, it's likely that she, too, would opt for a cowardly note on the pillow as being safer than waking a man from his slumber in order to tell him you're going.

8. Why are kids so rude, according to this book?

From Quiz Manners I Haz Them

Answer: They're imitating movie stars and sports heroes

If kids see their favorite movie star or sports hero being rude, they will copy that behavior, because they think it's cool. Kids need to know that their favorite famous person, when if they act like a jerk, can get into big trouble.

9. Discipline, love and grace are the main topics of M. Scott Peck's 1978 blockbuster that addresses problem solving and finding internal harmony in an ever faster and more secular world. Complete the title of this work: "The Road Less ________".

From Quiz The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Answer: Traveled

The 1960s and 70s saw a movement toward the quest for self-acceptance and spirituality. Dr. Peck's most well-known work was first published in 1978, eventually selling over seven million copies and becoming a road map for thousands in the search for personal growth and happiness. His 1983 "People of the Lie: the Hope for Healing Human Evil" explores the concept of the presence of true evil and is based in part on his experiences as a psychiatrist. Dr. Peck authored over a dozen books before his death in 2005.

10. Gail Sheehy wrote this landmark book that outlines expected crises in adult life - whether personally or in relationships.

From Quiz Books About Us

Answer: Passages

"Passages" was very popular as one of the first books written that walked adults through midlife and prepared them for the road that lay ahead. It gave legitimacy to adults to feel threatened by midlife changes and, even more importantly, it gave the adult the ability to prepare for those changes.

11. How do you introduce your wife Susan Jones to your boss Joe Smith?

From Quiz Etiquette 1960s Style

Answer: Susan, I'd like you to meet Joe Smith.

According to Emily Post, a woman is never presented to a man, except to the President of the United States, royalty, or a church dignitary. You should never, under any circumstances, use "the wife". Although she doesn't mention them, I'm sure "the little woman" and "my ball and chain" would also be frowned upon.

12. One of my all-time favourites is a book by Stephen Covey that teaches skills for organising yourself and getting on with others. What is the name of the original book in what went on to become a series?

From Quiz Personal Development Books and their Authors

Answer: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey introduces the seven habits one by one, and they build on each other, each becoming more complex than the previous habit. He has since written follow-up books such as "Seven Habits for Highly Effective Families" and "Principle-Centred Leadership".

13. "Who Moved My Cheese?", a motivational business fable first published in 1998, was written by which author?

From Quiz Prayer is Man's Greatest Power

Answer: Spencer Johnson

Over 2.5 million copies of this book have been sold since its publication in 1998. It is a simple parable dealing with the four characters in the book searching for their cheese in the maze they live in. Unfortunately the cheese keeps moving. It is a metaphor for what people are actually striving for in life, and how to adapt to suit a variety of situations.

14. Psychiatrist Daniel Amen wrote a book that emphasized how changing the way we think can produce positive changes in how we live. What is the title of Dr. Amen's well researched book?

From Quiz Self-Help Authors and Books

Answer: Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

The doctor prescribes a combination of mental exercise and nutrition to heal the brain in order to live a happier and more productive life. His expertise in neuroscience is reflected throughout the book. Dr. Amen also advocates other self-help tools such as meditation and the use of natural remedies.

15. Steven Petrow is a highly regarded etiquette columnist for "The Washington Post". What is the name of his very topical and trendy book published in 2011?

From Quiz She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye

Answer: Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners For Every Occasion

As the former president of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, Steven Petrow is primarily engaged in addressing gay and lesbian issues (as per his latest book, "Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners For Every Occasion") but he is also an expert on modern manners for all, gay or straight. His "Civilities" column in "The Washington Post" always drums home the importance of being 'politically correct' - i.e. considerate and respectful - in all situations. That being the case, it is difficult to know - without posing the question to him - whether he would advise the departing lady to leave a cowardly note on the pillow or to wake up her man to say goodbye. It is, after all, rather inconsiderate to wake up somebody from a deep sleep, isn't it?

16. How can parents teach their children manners?

From Quiz Manners I Haz Them

Answer: Setting a good example

If the parents have good manners, their kids will copy the parents' example. By parents teaching their kids good manners, the kids will learn how to behave better.

17. A 2010 best seller by a Nebraska pastor and a well-known journalist details what event?

From Quiz The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Answer: A young boy's near death experience

In 2003, four-year-old Colton Burpo underwent emergency surgery and astounded his parents afterward by describing his visit to a bright, colorful place that was filled with angels and warm, loving people. After Colton related stories of events and people that he couldn't possibly have learned during his young life, his father, Todd Burpo, co-wrote "Heaven is for Real" with author Lynn Vincent. Despite criticism from the secular world, the book hit number one on the New York Times best seller list just weeks after its debut and sold over a million copies during its first year in print. Colton has continued to tell his story through interviews and television appearances and has stated that he is happy that his story is helping people as they deal with losses of loved ones.

18. Can you identify the title given to this verse from Robert Louis Stevenson? "The world is so full of a number of things I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings."

From Quiz I'm Happy Anyway

Answer: The Happy Thought

"The Happy Thought" is from "A Child's Garden of Verses" which was published in 1885, dedicated to his childhood his nurse Cummy, or Alison Cunningham. Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), during a relatively short career, was a prolific and versatile author, writing about his travels, short stories, novels, poetry, plays and biography. Today, he is well known for "Treasure Island" (1883), and "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" (1886), but, in my humble opinion, his other works are also well worth the read.

19. "Man's Search for Meaning", which included the basics tenets of Logotherapy, was written by this psychiatrist who went through the Holocaust.

From Quiz Books About Us

Answer: Viktor Frankl

Frankl had developed his theory of Logotherapy before his imprisonment in the concentration camp. He used his theory to somehow survive the horrors he experienced there and went on to teach his theories worldwide. The theory states that each person has a purpose in this world and can draw on his experiences to discover for himself what that purpose is - to what he is being drawn. A person who discovers this and acts on it feels a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

20. A gentleman is walking with two ladies on the sidewalk/pavement. According to Emily Post's 1960's edition of "Etiquette", where should he position himself?

From Quiz Etiquette 1960s Style

Answer: the curb side of the sidewalk/pavement

Mrs. Post states that the man should put himself between the ladies and the curb, a remnant of the time when protection might be needed from runaway horses. The reason he should not walk between the two ladies is that he must then turn from one to the other in conversation. But if he is on one side, he can look at and address them both. Walking in front of or behind them is something Emily Post never contemplated!

21. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen compiled a tasty-sounding book of touching personal stories of life and love that has gone on to produce many similarly-named sequels. What was the name of the original book?

From Quiz Personal Development Books and their Authors

Answer: Chicken Soup for the Soul

After three years of compliling and rewriting stories, the authors approached publishers. The story is so amazing, I here quote their website, "in the first month alone, thirty-three of New York's biggest publishing houses turned them down. Jack and Mark heard, "Anthologies don't sell." "We don't think there is a market for this book." "We just don't get it." "The book is too positive." "It's not topical enough." All totaled, they were rejected by 140 publishers. To top it off, their agent said, "I can't sell this book - I'm giving it back to you guys." In 1992, Jack and Mark attended the American Booksellers' Association Convention. There, they went from booth to booth talking to editors and sharing their vision of how their book would uplift humanity by helping people open their hearts, rekindle their spirits and give them the courage to pursue their dreams. They left a copy of their manuscript with Peter Vegso, President of Health Communications, Inc. who caught the spirit of the book and soon agreed to publish it." The website, after listing the multitude of awards given to the book and its many offspring, summarises, "With 80 million copies sold, 65 titles and 37 languages, Chicken Soup for the SoulĀ® has made international publishing history. " Yes, it has, and if you haven't read any of the books, I truly recommend them.

22. "Chicken Soup For the Soul" is a series of motivational books based on a collection of true stories written to inspire and motivate people. The original book was written as a collaboration between which motivational speakers?

From Quiz Prayer is Man's Greatest Power

Answer: Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

The original book was a collection of stories that Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen had collected and compiled from true stories they had heard from their audiences during their motivational speeches. Originally rejected by major publishers, since its publication in 1993 the series has expanded to over 250 titles and sold over 500 million copies world wide.

23. By which pen-name is Judith Martin, the American journalist, author, and etiquette authority, better known?

From Quiz She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye

Answer: Miss Manners

Judith Martin, aka Miss Manners, was born in 1938 in Washington, D.C., and graduated from Wellesley College with a degree in English. She worked as a journalist and then as a theatre and film critic before undertaking the "Miss Manners" etiquette advice column in 1978. Her advice column is distributed to more than two-hundred global newspapers and collections have also been published in books. Frankly, I would not ask Miss Manners for advice because she is admonishing, sarcastic, snobby (referring to herself in the third person) and incredibly rude. For instance, she insulted Star Wars fans by unfairly panning the movie "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back" and believes that isolating and shunning people who do not conform to strict rules of etiquette is fit and proper behaviour.

24. When is it okay to be rude back?

From Quiz Manners I Haz Them

Answer: Never

It's not correct behavior to be rude back; even if you think it is the correct behavior, it isn't. It always makes the rude person look like a fool, if the person isn't a fool already.

25. The 1998 motivational story entitled "Who Moved My Cheese?" deals with the occurrence and acceptance of what life event?

From Quiz The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Answer: Change

Spencer Johnson's parable of four characters and their unique reactions to change has sold millions of copies worldwide and remains a favorite in bookstores. As Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw move through the "maze" (life) in search of "cheese" (success, happiness, and security), Sniff and Scurry anticipate change and adapt accordingly. Hem and Haw become complacent and fall victim to the confusion and resentment resulting from their lack of preparation. Eventually, each learns in his own way to adjust.

26. In which novel does Lord Henry Wotton give the following advice to Dorian? "When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy."

From Quiz I'm Happy Anyway

Answer: The Picture of Dorian Gray

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" was first published in "Lippincott's Monthly Magazine" in June 1890. Reviewers claimed outrage on moral grounds. Before publishing the story in book form, Wilde edited it and added chapters and a now-famous preface which included the following: "There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all." Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) only published one novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray". He was, however a prolific playwright, giving us such gems as "Lady Windermere's Fan" and "The Importance of Being Earnest". "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" was a poem written after his incarceration.

27. This book by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross gives us an insider's look at the experiences of those going through the final stages of life.

From Quiz Books About Us

Answer: On Death and Dying

This extremely sensitive book includes discussions with people facing their own death. She brings understanding and empathy to help people face their own death with some sense of acceptance.

28. According to Emily Post's 1960 edition of "Etiquette", what's the difference between a dance and a ball?

From Quiz Etiquette 1960s Style

Answer: invitations to balls include older people

Mrs. Post writes that dances are balls, only on a smaller scale. But the main difference, she says, is that dances are for people of approximately the same age, whereas ball invitations include all the personal friends of the hostess, regardless of age, and the older ones generally outnumber the younger ones. She also notes, in this 1960 edition of "Etiquette", that a ball in a private home always has an awning and a red carpet out the front entrance! For either dances or balls, men who dance are always in demand, and it is permissible to ask the hostess if you may bring a dancing male. On the other hand, you should never ask the hostess if you may bring an otherwise un-invited young woman, old person, or someone the hostess knows (as she would have invited them herself if she so desired!).

29. David Schwartz wrote a 1959 best-seller for getting the most out of your job, family life, marriage and community through having high aspirations. What is it called?

From Quiz Personal Development Books and their Authors

Answer: The Magic of Thinking Big

"The Magic of Thinking Big" is about setting one's goals high and thinking positively to achieve them. Schwartz discovered that successful people were not necessarily different to others, they just had higher goals and expectations; basically, they thought big. The book talks about how to achieve what you want by changing your thought patterns and thought habits.

30. Which book by Robin Norwood, first published in 1985, is a relationship self-help book that investigates unhealthy relationships and offers strategies and advice to overcome them?

From Quiz Prayer is Man's Greatest Power

Answer: Women Who Love Too Much

Robin Norwood, a therapist from California, wrote this examination of why women become involved in destructive relationships and what they can do about this "fatal attraction". This book reveals how addictive these relationships can be, and offers an antidote to recover and rebuild lives.

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