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Albums Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Albums Quizzes, Trivia

Albums Trivia

Albums Trivia Quizzes

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Albums Mixture
199 Albums quizzes and 2,786 Albums trivia questions.
  Rock and Roll Fifth Albums    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match each band with the name of their fifth album.
Easier, 10 Qns, DrLoveGun, Mar 12 25
Mar 12 25
301 plays
Its the End of the World
  It's the End of the World   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
With photographs hinting at well-known albums from the 1960s onwards (or the band itself), your task is to work out the name of the bands or their albums. Clues given are track titles (in inverted commas) woven into (sometimes) meaningful sentences.
Average, 10 Qns, suomy, Aug 27 24
Aug 27 24
2157 plays
Dont Let This Be The End
  Don't Let This Be The End   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
There are some things you wish would never end, such as a great album. Do you remember which albums these tracks signalled the end of?
Average, 10 Qns, 480154st, Oct 24 18
480154st gold member
Oct 24 18
464 plays
  Two For One    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
In music, it is rare for an artist to have a number one single let alone two of them. Here are some instances where one album spawned two (and only two) number one singles on the US Billboard charts. Match the album to its rightful musician. Good luck
Easier, 10 Qns, apathy100, Jan 15 18
apathy100 gold member
707 plays
These are from Robert Dimery's Top 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. Match the album to the correct singer. The list was made in 2016.
Easier, 10 Qns, Morganw2019, Nov 07 22
Morganw2019 gold member
Nov 07 22
378 plays
  Finish the Album Title    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The idea is easy, I give you the rock artist/band name and part of the title of an album, you complete the rest. These albums cover 70s, 80s and 90s.
Easier, 10 Qns, madkeen4, Jun 01 23
Jun 01 23
2000 plays
  Rock and Roll Third Albums    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All of these questions are about a rock band's successful third album. How many of these do you know?
Average, 10 Qns, DrLoveGun, Aug 17 20
Aug 17 20
442 plays
  Albums that Broke up the Band   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Being in a successful band isn't always easy. Just because you're successful doesn't mean you're happy. These bands weren't.
Average, 10 Qns, DrLoveGun, Dec 27 21
Dec 27 21
327 plays
  Shirley, I'm a Winner   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
The following albums have all taken out the ARIA award for Album of the Year. Match the album with the artist.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Feb 15 19
pollucci19 gold member
Feb 15 19
254 plays
  Best Rock and Roll Fourth Albums    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How many of these fourth albums by a rock band are you familiar with?
Average, 10 Qns, DrLoveGun, Aug 25 20
Aug 25 20
323 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Using the very unusual name of Meat Loaf, this American artist released a hugely successful hit album titled? "Bat Out Of ______"

From Quiz "Finish the Album Title"

These are Robert Dimery's Top 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. With the exception of number 4,5,9 and 10. Match the album to the correct singer. The list was made in 2016.
Easier, 10 Qns, Morganw2019, Nov 12 22
Morganw2019 gold member
Nov 12 22
121 plays
  Which Album Did They NOT Record?    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
All you have to do is choose the album that the band or artist did NOT record.
Average, 20 Qns, Sarah606, Feb 23 13
4551 plays
  1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die #3    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
These are Robert Dimery's Top 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. Match the album to the correct singer. This list was made in 2016.
Average, 10 Qns, Morganw2019, Nov 14 22
Morganw2019 gold member
Nov 14 22
186 plays
  Color Me an Album    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are many albums simply named after colors. Do you know these albums?
Average, 10 Qns, salami_swami, May 05 11
salami_swami gold member
650 plays
  An Initial Take on Classic 'Sixties Albums    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'll give you the initials of the titles of three albums made by an individual or band in the 1960s, you identify which act released them. Eg "FC", "DG" and "WOF" were all released by Cream ("Fresh Cream" "Disraeli Gears" "Wheels of Fire").
Average, 10 Qns, Mutchisman, Feb 27 22
Feb 27 22
1160 plays
  Title Fight    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Throughout the years, many music albums were given one name, but often were changed or modified to another. In this quiz, you be given the name of a musician or band and the original album name. Match these names with the alternate name given.
Average, 10 Qns, apathy100, Jun 02 17
apathy100 gold member
263 plays
  Concept Albums   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on those special albums when music artists get REALLY creative.
Average, 10 Qns, Oddball, Feb 28 20
Feb 28 20
2163 plays
  What Album Am I?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
See if you can guess the classic rock album from its description.
Average, 10 Qns, dave60, Aug 17 18
Aug 17 18
2059 plays
  Alphabet Album (The Best Albums by Letter)    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Name the best album for each letter of the alphabet using lyrics from a song on the album as a clue. The letter X has been omitted (also no self titled or numbered albums were allowed, and only one album per artist was chosen).
Average, 25 Qns, mj20, Oct 13 21
Oct 13 21
230 plays
  Whose Album is it?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will give you the title of an album and a band's name, and match the band to the title.
Average, 10 Qns, blake_aus_nsw, Sep 14 21
blake_aus_nsw gold member
Sep 14 21
369 plays
  Do They Have Anything Left?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Are all of these guys a little left of center or what? Each of these bands have released an album with the word "left" included in the title. See if you have anything left in the think tank by correctly answering these questions.
Average, 10 Qns, ralzzz, Nov 23 12
ralzzz gold member
193 plays
  What Album Do I Come From? #3    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz should prove to be easier than its predecessors. Once again, I'll name the artist and song, and you guess which album it was featured on. Good Luck!
Average, 15 Qns, saturnchick23, Nov 20 22
Nov 20 22
1446 plays
  Which Album?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten songs by different artists; can you name the albums they were taken from?
Average, 10 Qns, johnbilly, May 12 22
May 12 22
222 plays
  Why Is That Album in My Collection?!    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
No seriously, I have a weird mix... do you know who released these albums? I even have the album with the longest title on record... wanna know what it is?
Average, 15 Qns, PooDog, Nov 02 16
3304 plays
  What album is that on again? Part II    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In these iPod dominated times one tends to forget that musicians try and create albums as a fully rounded whole. Do you know which songs belong on which album? Do you?
Difficult, 10 Qns, hootch, Jul 22 09
558 plays
  What Album Do I Come From?    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
It's simple, just choose the album that the song is from. Have Fun and Good Luck!
Difficult, 20 Qns, saturnchick23, May 15 03
1575 plays
  Album Matching Trivia    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This quiz tests your knowledge of who did what album or what date they did that album.
Average, 20 Qns, bolan, Jan 08 16
3029 plays
  My CD Collection 1    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This quiz is about the CDs I have in my collection. Most of them are country albums, but there are a few rock/pop ones.
Average, 20 Qns, zil_ennov, Apr 10 11
461 plays
  Off the Beaten Track I    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'm going to give you three lesser-known tracks from famous albums. Identify the album.
Tough, 10 Qns, Phoenix3000, Sep 23 05
2869 plays
  Let's Make an Album!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All of the albums are from my collection, which is mainly alternative music from the 90s and 2000s.
Average, 10 Qns, donnyfogman, Oct 17 09
402 plays
  Rock And Metal Albums    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz for all the heavy metal rockers. Match the artist/group with their albums.
Difficult, 10 Qns, scarygirl11, Nov 21 09
scarygirl11 gold member
459 plays
  CDs Odd Song Out    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'll give you the name of a popular rock CD and you just pick the song that was not included. Good luck.
Average, 10 Qns, diamondjim68, May 17 11
316 plays
  'Greatest Hits' not good enough?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When bands or artists release 'Best Of' albums, they sometimes opt for something off the chosen path namewise. See if you know how some bands choose to advertise their retirement fund.
Difficult, 10 Qns, hootch, Jun 04 08
840 plays
  Right Album In    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Here is a simple quiz. Well, simple enough. All you have to do is tell me which choice is an album by the band I list. All the questions are multiple choice. Some are old artists. Some are new artists.
Average, 25 Qns, Slash_Duff, Aug 30 19
Aug 30 19
584 plays
  Classic Rock Albums And Songs U.K. And U.S    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
I'll give you the name of a band and two songs from one of their albums. Then you give me the title of the album those songs are from.This is a multiple choice quiz.
Difficult, 25 Qns, feedyourhead, Jun 29 13
423 plays
  What Album Do I Come From? #2    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Once again, I'll provide you with the song and artist, and you decide which album the song is featured on. The quiz involves an eclectic mix of musical genres, and some questions are easier than others.
Tough, 15 Qns, saturnchick23, May 16 03
882 plays
  Odd Album Out    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
My quiz is simple. Tell me which album wasn't from the band I list. There will be old bands. There will be new bands. There will be old artists. There will be new artists. Let's see what you know.
Average, 25 Qns, Slash_Duff, Jan 10 24
Jan 10 24
571 plays
  What album is that on again?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Don't you hate it when you can't remember what album by your favourite artist a certain song is on? Take this quiz to see if you too suffer this problem.
Difficult, 10 Qns, hootch, Mar 10 08
602 plays
  Off the Beaten Track III    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The final installment of the quizzes on the less-known tracks of classic albums.
Average, 10 Qns, Phoenix3000, Apr 20 10
1480 plays
  Odd One Out    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's simple- I give you a CD and four song choices. You must choose the song that is not on that particular CD.
Tough, 10 Qns, bcgcolts, Apr 16 11
736 plays
  Off the Beaten Track II    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
More lesser-known songs from well-known albums. Identify the album.
Tough, 10 Qns, Phoenix3000, Aug 21 01
965 plays
  Title Songs of Albums    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
A quiz for album lovers. Did they include a title song or not? Some album titles converted in to song titles albums later. Also some interesting facts about title songs between the sixties and the eighties. Take your best shot!
Difficult, 20 Qns, whizz, Aug 04 08
1758 plays
  Odd CD Be Free    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
ODD ALBUM OUT.Pretty straight forward, I'll name a band and list four albums. Three will be by that band and one will not. The one that's incorrect (odd) is the answer you should choose.
Tough, 10 Qns, madasasnake, Aug 01 15
338 plays
  Not Released From The Album!    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
The point of this quiz is that groups and singers have big hits that albums are remembered for, but there are really great songs which weren't released from them! So see if you can guess these songs from the lyrics. Have fun!
Tough, 15 Qns, bluenoseboyo, Jan 04 04
479 plays
  Four Songs, Four Albums    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will name four song titles and give you the name of four albums. You have to decide what album those four songs were recorded on. All are rock and pop albums from 1980-2000. Good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, apathy100, Jun 17 07
apathy100 gold member
625 plays
  Odd One Out 2: 70s through 90s    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Same as before, I give a CD title and four songs and you will choose which one is NOT on the CD given. This will cover the 70's through the early 90's.
Difficult, 10 Qns, bcgcolts, Jul 31 23
Jul 31 23
712 plays
  Just Name The Album    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Well, this is a very easy quiz, all you have to do is to name the album those songs come from, it refers to the latest hits! I'm sure you won't have any problems at all and I hope you enjoy it!
Tough, 10 Qns, nataliejosh, Jan 27 22
Jan 27 22
1731 plays
  Release Dates 1980s & 90s Rock Albums    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I will name the Artist and Album, you name the year it was released. All albums will be from the 1980s and 90s.
Difficult, 15 Qns, Charger-Boy, Jun 14 12
706 plays

Albums Trivia Questions

1. On which album by Eagles did the track "Wasted Time" appear?

From Quiz
Which Album?

Answer: Hotel California

"Wasted Time" appeared on the hit 1976 album "Hotel California". The album's title track, "Hotel California", won a Grammy award for the record of the year.

2. A. Lyric Sample: "Am I happy, or in misery/ Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me". Name the album.

From Quiz Alphabet Album (The Best Albums by Letter)

Answer: "Are You Experienced?" - The Jimi Hendrix Experience

This was the debut studio album for The Jimi Hendrix Experience. It was released in 1967 on Track Records. The album went to number five on the U.S Billboard Top LPs chart. It has been ranked as high as number 30 on Rolling Stone Magazine's 500 greatest albums list. It contains the songs "Foxy Lady", "The Wind Cries Mary", and "Purple Haze" (the song for the lyric sample given).

3. Which band released an album titled "Songs About Jane"?

From Quiz Whose Album is it?

Answer: Maroon 5

Maroon 5 is an American pop-rock band. Some other albums by Maroon 5 include "It Won't Be Soon Before Long", "The Fourth World", "Overexposed", and "Hands All Over". Between 2002 and 2005, "Songs About Jane" peaked at number six on the US Billboard 200 weekly charts. The producers of the album are Matt Wallace and Mark Endert.

4. Which rock band released their multi-diamond-certified fourth album in 1971?

From Quiz Best Rock and Roll Fourth Albums

Answer: Led Zeppelin

"Led Zeppelin IV" has been certified 23 times platinum in the United States and has sold 37 million copies worldwide, making it one of the highest-selling rock albums of all-time. The most notable song on the album, of course, is "Stairway to Heaven." Despite never being released as a single, it has gone on to become arguably the most popular rock song of all-time. It has been played on radio stations around the world over three million times. Its sheet music is the highest-selling piece of sheet music of all-time at over one million copies sold. "Guitar World" magazine ranked Jimmy Page's solo in this song as the best guitar solo of all-time. Another famous song on the album is "Black Dog," which charted at number 15 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and it also charted in eight other countries. Several publications such as "Rolling Stone," "Classic Rock," and "Q" have ranked this song on their lists of greatest rock song of all-time. The song isn't about a black dog; the title comes from an animal that they saw wandering around the studio where they recorded this album. Another notable song is "Rock and Roll," which charted at number 47 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and it also charted in five other countries. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ranked it as one of their 500 songs that shaped rock and roll and Radio Caroline, VH1, and Q have also ranked it as one of the greatest rock songs of all time. Another notable song is "When the Levee Breaks," the album's closer. This is a cover of a song written by Memphis Minnie and Kansas Joe McCoy in 1929 about the Great Mississippi flood of 1927. Led Zeppelin used many of the original lyrics but they almost completely remade the music. Guitarist Jimmy Page and Bassist John Paul Jones based their parts on the original song, but they changed the song's original three-chord structure to a one-chord structure to give it a droning sound. Singer Robert Plant sang the same lyrics but he added a harmonica and a reverse echo. As a result, the song has become a favorite among Led Zeppelin fans.

5. Which band released "Master of Puppets" in 1986?

From Quiz Rock and Roll Third Albums

Answer: Metallica

Heavy metal wasn't originally considered a commercially viable genre. You did not used to hear heavy metal music on the radio. Heavy metal musicians did what they did in part because they didn't like the music that was getting played on the radio. However, one heavy metal band earned their way onto the radio. Metallica became a band that was beloved by heavy metal fans, yet they were commercial enough that they got played on the radio. As a result, when they are asked if they sold out (in a bad way, by becoming popular) they reply "Yes, we sell out every night, in every city." "Master of Puppets" isn't their highest-selling album, but it's the favorite album of many diehard Metallica fans. It is regarded by some people as the greatest heavy metal album of all-time. It has been certified six times platinum in the United States and Canada and gold or platinum in eight other countries. One notable song on the album is the title song. This song is become Metallica's most-played song at live shows. It is a fan favorite. Singer James Hetfield says that it's a song about drugs. People who become drug addicts become puppets while the "Master" is the drugs. It was the favorite song of bassist Cliff Burton. This was also the last album Burton ever played on, having died in a tragic bus accident shortly after this album came out. Another notable song on the album is "Battery," a song which opens the album but sometimes closes their concerts. It's a song about alcohol-fueled domestic abuse. Another notable song is "The Thing That Should Not Be," which also appears on their album "S and M," a live album they recorded with an orchestra. This is a song about H.P. Lovecraft's 1936 book "Shadow Over Innsmouth." Another notable song is "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)". This is about a man being locked up in a cage. The jailer is doing this because he thinks the narrator is insane. The narrator says that what's driving him insane is being locked up. The song could be a metaphor about how people who didn't start off insane go insane once they are locked up, or people who really were insane get even more insane when they are imprisoned.

6. This was the most popular American rock band on the planet in the late 1960s and early 1970s. However, their 1972 album "Mardis Gras" flopped, and the band broke up after that. Who are they?

From Quiz Albums that Broke up the Band

Answer: Creedence Clearwater Revival

Creedence Clearwater Revival released seven albums in their five-year career. Six of those albums are legendary, full of songs still played on classic rock radio stations many decades later. Their seventh album was a different story. Dysfunction in the band had already been apparent by the time "Mardis Gras" was recorded. CCR's last major hit, "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?" was about how dysfunctional the band was. The "Sunny day" refers to how famous the band was, but "The rain" refers to the dysfunction and unhappiness in the band. Tom Fogerty left the band after that. The rest of the band stuck around for one more album. The album was a huge flop and it generally got bad reviews. The main reason for this was because there are songs written and sung by band members who were not John Fogerty. Depending on whose side of the story you believe, either John was burned out on songwriting and asked his band mates to pitch in, or his band mates were tired of being overlooked and they asked to have some songs on the album. Either way, the result was a disaster. The "Mardis Gras" album proved once and for all, to those who didn't already know, that Creedence Clearwater Revival were popular for two reasons: John Fogerty's singing and John Fogerty's songwriting. The rest of CCR were not good musicians and they should all be thanking John for the fame he brought them. They don't. CCR broke up after this album. They never reunited, and they never will because Tom died.

7. The UK release of this Uriah Heep album was their first to have the songs "Real Turned On" and "Come Away Melinda" on it. Name the album.

From Quiz Classic Rock Albums And Songs U.K. And U.S

Answer: Very 'Eavy...Very 'Umble

The Uriah Heep album from the UK that first had these two songs on it is "Very 'Eavy...Very 'Umble". It was released in the U.S. as self titled "Uriah Heep" with different artwork and with the tune "Bird of Prey" on it instead of "Lucy Blues." The original UK LP release came housed in a gatefold cover and featured David Byron on front. His face was completely covered in cobwebs, his eyes were closed & his mouth agape. It has a disturbing appearance to it. This album has a song on it titled "Gypsy" which is very heavy and led by swirling Hammond organ. Many people consider "Gypsy" to be an important song to the beginning of heavy metal.

8. The album "Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray" is the 2011 release by this hard rock band formed in Pretoria, South Africa. Can you name this band?

From Quiz Do They Have Anything Left?

Answer: Seether

"Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray" debuted at number two on the American Billboard 200 charts. The debut single from the album, "Country Song" was played live for the American television viewers on "Lopez Tonight". The album was produced by Brendan O'Brien who has also produced albums for Pearl Jam, The Black Crowes, Stone Temple Pilots and Red Hot Chili Peppers. This album featured Troy McLawhorn as lead guitarist but he eventually decided to rejoin his former band, Evanescence.

9. "The White Album" is perhaps the most famous "colored album". It had a solid white cover, and was released by which famous band?

From Quiz Color Me an Album

Answer: The Beatles

The Beatles released "The White Album" in 1968. The real title of the album is "The Beatles", but it is referred to as "The White Album" more often than not, simply due to it being completely white. "Rolling Stone" magazine ranked the album number 10 of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

10. From which REM album is the song "Everybody Hurts" taken?

From Quiz Let's Make an Album!

Answer: Automatic for the People

"Automatic for the People" was released in Britain in 1992. "Everybody Hurts" was widely regarded as a classic by the British press. Michael Stipe's singing enables you to feel the pain of what he is singing."Automatic for the People" was the eighth studio album for REM and they saw it reach number one in the UK album charts. The album made number two in USA and Australia.

11. Ex-Beatle John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono released an album together titled: "Double ________"

From Quiz Finish the Album Title

Answer: Fantasy

"Double Fantasy" was the comeback album by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, released in 1980 initially on the newly-formed Geffen Records, and then from 1989 onwards through EMI Records. It was John Lennon's last authorised release, being only three weeks before his murder. Singles to come from "Double Fantasy" included the following:- "(Just Like) Starting Over", "Woman", "Walking on Thin Ice" "Watching the Wheels" and "Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)" "Double Fantasy" won the Grammy award for "1981 Album of the Year". In 1989, it was ranked number 29 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 100 greatest albums of the 1980s.

12. "Sounds So Good" was the debut album for what country music star?

From Quiz My CD Collection 1

Answer: Ashton Shepherd

Ashton Shepherd was discovered by a representative from MCA Nashville Records after winning the chance to open for Lorrie Morgan in a talent competition. They signed her to the label in 2007. Her first song, "Takin' Off This Pain" reached number twenty on the US Country Charts.

13. What band released the album "Sand in the Vaseline" in 1992? Its subtitle was "Popular Favorites 1976 - 1992", even though they released their last record in 1988.

From Quiz 'Greatest Hits' not good enough?

Answer: Talking Heads

Even though they emerged from the New York punk scene, Talking Heads managed quite a few actual hit singles. "Once in a Lifetime" (1981) was at number 14 in the UK charts. "Burning Down the House" (1983) was at number 9 in the US Hot 100. "Road to Nowhere" (1985) was a UK number 6 smash ... to name only their biggest singles. Not bad for a bunch of geeky misfits.

14. Not all of David Bowie's albums are considered masterpieces, but every music lover should at least spare a thought every now and again to his so-called 'Berlin' trilogy. What Bowie album is the track "Sound and Vision" on?

From Quiz What album is that on again? Part II

Answer: Low

Even though it's often referred to as the 'Berlin' trilogy - "Low" (1977), "'Heroes'" (1977) and "Lodger" (1979) - only "'Heroes'" was completely recorded in the German capital. The three albums were recorded with Brian Eno and possess a cold, almost post-punk sound. They were influenced by the Krautrock scene of the seventies (Kraftwerk, Neu and Cluster), so that's partly where the 'Berlin' tag comes from.

15. Don't you just love the Beatles? I mean, everybody does right? OK, if you love 'em so much, what album is the song "Why Don't We Do it in the Road?" on then eh?

From Quiz What album is that on again?

Answer: The Beatles

Did you know that even though this album is called "The Beatles" (1968), it is often referred to as 'the White Album', due to the colour of its sleeve?

16. All album titles are as worded on UK releases, it's possible that some may have been released under a different title elsewhere in the world. A 'gimme' for this question; who released "RS", "AR" and "SPLHCB"?

From Quiz An Initial Take on Classic 'Sixties Albums

Answer: The Beatles

The Beatles' "Rubber Soul" was Number One on the album charts in 1965. "Abbey Road" was released in 1969 and also reached Number One. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" reached Number One in 1968.

17. "Wynona's Big Brown Beaver", "De Anza Jig", "Mrs. Blaileen", and "On The Tweek Again" were all songs found on what Primus album?

From Quiz Four Songs, Four Albums

Answer: Tales From The Punchbowl

Les Claypool and his band Primus are very unique in their technique, sound, and music video creation. "Tales From The Punchbowl" had one of Primus' biggest hits with "Wynona's Big Brown Beaver". This catchy song was reknowned for its video with cowboys that appeared to resemble rubber Duracel Battery figurines.

18. The Moody Blues joined forces with the London Festival Orchestra in compiling this look at everyman's day.

From Quiz Concept Albums

Answer: Days Of Future Passed

This 1968 release contains the hit single 'Nights In White Satin'.

19. Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean"?

From Quiz What Album Do I Come From? #3

Answer: "Thriller"

"Thriller" spent 37 weeks at number one and spawned seven Top Ten hits for Jackson.

20. Bob Dylan's "Rainy Day Women #12 and 35"?

From Quiz What Album Do I Come From? #2

Answer: "Blonde on Blonde"

Bob Dylan has won five Grammy Awards, including one for Album of the Year for "Time Out of Mind".

21. Blink 182 - "The choice was mine, I didn't think enough. I'm too depressed, to go on. You'll be sorry when I'm gone."

From Quiz Not Released From The Album!

Answer: Adam's Song

Taken from "Enema Of The State", one of Blink 182's 1999 albums. The other one was "The Mark, Tom and Travis Show". They released two singles from "Enema of The State" in the UK, called "What's My Age Again?" and "All The Small Things".

22. Who released the hit album "Waking Up The Neighbours"?

From Quiz Why Is That Album in My Collection?!

Answer: Bryan Adams

It was the top selling album by a Canadian singer the year it was released.

23. AC/DC: "The Razor's Edge" Remember, you must choose the song that is not on that particular CD.

From Quiz Odd One Out

Answer: Let's Get It Up

"Let's Get It Up" appears on 1981's "For Those About To Rock, We Salute You". A top ten release from the group.

24. "ZZ Top - Eliminator"

From Quiz Release Dates 1980s & 90s Rock Albums

Answer: 1983

How do they sleep with those beards?

25. 'Why Don't We Do It In The Road', 'Wild Honey Pie', 'Savoy Truffle'?

From Quiz Off the Beaten Track III

Answer: 'The White Album'

Several odd tracks from the Beatles' 1968 double-album.

26. 'Good Day Sunshine', 'Doctor Robert', 'And Your Bird Can Sing'?

From Quiz Off the Beaten Track II

Answer: 'Revolver'

Often cited as the Beatles' best.

27. 'Lovely Rita', 'Good Morning', 'Fixing a Hole'?

From Quiz Off the Beaten Track I

Answer: 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'

Hopefully not too tough, particularly for the Beatle fans.

28. 'Sing' by Travis comes from their album called ... ?

From Quiz Just Name The Album

Answer: 'The Invisible Band'

Great song! Sing, sing sing sing...

29. Whose album is "Armed Forces", released in 1979?

From Quiz Album Matching Trivia

Answer: Elvis Costello

Elvis Costello, known for his diverse and ecclectic music, released Armed Forces in 1979. The album featured the songs 'Oliver's Army' and 'What's So Funny Bout Peace Love and Understanding?'

This is category 1844
Last Updated Mar 29 2025 5:45 AM
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