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4 Cavemen quizzes and 40 Cavemen trivia questions.
  1.2 - "Nick Get Job"   popular trivia quiz  
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Andy becomes obsessed with a woman who is scared of him, and Joel gets Nick a job, in the second episode of "Cavemen".
Average, 10 Qns, Polaris101, Nov 07 07
Polaris101 gold member
164 plays
  1.3 - "The Cavewoman"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the third episode of "Cavemen", a rather, um, aggressive cavewoman wreaks havoc in the lives of Joel, Andy and Nick.
Average, 10 Qns, Polaris101, Nov 07 07
Polaris101 gold member
159 plays
  1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
Nick helps Andy get his mind off of his former girlfriend, while Joel tries to keep his sape girlfriend a secret from them, in the first episode of "Cavemen".
Average, 10 Qns, Polaris101, Nov 07 07
Polaris101 gold member
182 plays
  1.4 - "The Mascot"   popular trivia quiz  
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Nick and Andy both get jobs but neither works out very well, in the fourth episode of "Cavemen".
Average, 10 Qns, Polaris101, Nov 07 07
Polaris101 gold member
158 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What game did Nick, Joel and Maurice play?

From Quiz "1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman""

Cavemen Trivia Questions

1. When Nick bummed a ride from Joel, what did he have to do before Joel would let him in the car?

From Quiz
1.4 - "The Mascot"

Answer: Finish eating a granola bar

Joel said he just had his car cleaned and wouldn't unlock the door until Nick finished his granola bar. Nick complained, but after he took a big bite of the granola bar, Joel unlocked the door. As soon as Nick got in the car, he coughed, sending granola crumbs all over Joel's dashboard.

2. What was the new 'craze' everyone was going to Fruitberry for?

From Quiz 1.3 - "The Cavewoman"

Answer: Frozen yogurt

Joel happened upon a place called Fruitberry, which sold frozen yogurt with real fruit. He took Andy, who was as thrilled about it as Joel. When they took Nick, Nick was his usual acerbic self and only wanted to go along so he would know what to hate. While they were discussing other fads, Andy mentioned the great ham craze of '96 when he became obsessed with honey-glazed ham. Joel told him that in order for it to be a fad someone would have had to like it other than just him.

3. In the opening, the narrative tells us that cavemen have always been where the action is, and that they're really not that different from us, just ________________.

From Quiz 1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"

Answer: a little better looking

It's explained that the cavemen aren't that hard to find, they're right beside us. And if we're enjoying our modern civilization, we may want to send them a thank-you note. During this, we're shown cavemen included in various situations. One is shown as part of Washington's crossing of the Delaware, as a member of a space shuttle crew, as a member of a rock group and in a bicycle race.

4. After reaching the counter at Fruitberry, Nick said he knew why Joel was really going there. What did Nick think was the reason?

From Quiz 1.3 - "The Cavewoman"

Answer: the cavewoman who worked there

Nick told Joel and Andy that they only liked the frozen yogurt because everyone else did. When they got up to the counter, Nick saw Heather, the cavewoman who worked at Fruitberry, and said he could understand this. Nick said that Joel wasn't there because he was a mindless sheep, he was there for the hot cavewoman behind the counter. Joel insisted he went there for the yogurt.

5. When Joel asked Nick for money, what did he say it was for?

From Quiz 1.2 - "Nick Get Job"

Answer: Rent

After Joel told Nick that rent was due and he couldn't float him this month, Nick was shocked that Joel would lay this burden on him. Nick questioned why they hadn't just bought a place so they wouldn't be throwing money away on rent, and Andy chimed in with how they could have gotten a tax break and earned equity. Joel asked what all the 'we' stuff was since he was the one who was paying the bills.

6. At Maurice's party, what phrase did a Homo sapiens say to Nick that made him respond with "Don't. Ever."?

From Quiz 1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"

Answer: Yabba dabba doo

Nick was discussing "The Flintstones", in particular that he didn't see what was so funny about a waitress carrying a rack of ribs so big that it could tip over a car made of stone. After Nick's "Don't. Ever." comment made the guy walk away, Nick asked Joel if Maurice just handed out invitations for his party at the bus station.

7. What did Andy discover when he did Leslie's books?

From Quiz 1.4 - "The Mascot"

Answer: She was buying a condo for her special friend.

Andy found that Leslie was funneling her husband's money into a dummy corporation. Leslie admitted it, but didn't really get it when Andy said it was illegal. She explained to him that she had a special friend, and she wanted her special friend to have a nice condo. She also explained that she wanted her husband to remain blissfully unaware of this. Andy told her he wasn't comfortable with the situation.

8. What did Nick suggest as a solution for Joel's cash requirements?

From Quiz 1.2 - "Nick Get Job"

Answer: Joel could take a second job

Nick said he thought they all knew what the problem was and they were just afraid to say it. He said it was time for Joel to get a second job. Joel said no, Nick should get a first job. Andy gasped and busied himself with his breakfast so Joel wouldn't point out that he should get a job as well.

9. Nick was watching TV while he was supposed to be working on his dissertation. What was the caveman on the TV doing?

From Quiz 1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"

Answer: the weather forecast

Instead of working on his dissertation, Nick was playing online poker and watching TV. He chuckled when the weather forecaster, a caveman wearing an Uncle Sam hat, animatedly joked about it being hump day and how he was ready for the best part of the week, the weekend (even though showers were in the forecast).

10. What cereal did Joel like as a topping on the stuff that Fruitberry sold?

From Quiz 1.3 - "The Cavewoman"

Answer: Fruity Pebbles

Joel's favorite at Fruitberry was a medium vanilla with kiwi and Fruity Pebbles. When Joel and Kate were arguing about Joel's lack of support for Kate, Kate said she thought it was interesting that Joel would choose a sexy cavewoman as one of the toppings. Joel said that Pebbles was a baby, but Kate corrected him and said that Pebbles wasn't a baby on "The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show". Joel later asked Andy if he thought Pebbles was hot, or a baby. When Andy said hot, Joel said she was three years old on the "Flintstones". Andy said she wasn't a baby on the "Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show".

11. Andy unintentionally scared a woman who lived in their building. Where did he first see her?

From Quiz 1.2 - "Nick Get Job"

Answer: Laundry room

Andy was in the laundry room sorting dark clothes from light clothes (he had trouble deciding whether a grey item should go with the darks or the lights) when the woman started to walk in with her laundry. Andy saw her, said hey and introduced himself. He was being very helpful, but she became startled and left quickly.

12. Joel got a little riled up when he told his co-worker, Ray, about having to keep Kate a secret because Nick thought that cavemen shouldn't date Homo sapiens. What was Ray concerned that Joel would do?

From Quiz 1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"

Answer: bite him

Ray brought up the blond who always came into the store but didn't buy anything, and Joel admitted that she was his girlfriend. Joel was frustrated because he hadn't told anyone about Kate due to Nick. Becoming irate, Joel said he was tired of Nick's whole self-righteous act, and he was just going to tell him he was dating a Homo sapiens. Ray looked at him warily and said, "You're not going to bite me, are you?"

13. What did the guys find out about Maurice while they were playing squash?

From Quiz 1.4 - "The Mascot"

Answer: He found old-fashioned teachers attractive.

At the squash court, Nick said he liked teaching and Maurice said that was because he was surrounded by the high school honeys all day. Joel said that was a little creepy, but Maurice said he was talking about the teachers. He went on to describe them with their hair in tight buns, cat glasses with the little chains, and black shoes which looked like Pilgrim shoes. Perplexed, Joel looked at him and asked if he went to school in the 50s. Maurice said he wished he had.

14. The morning after Nick's first date with Heather, she slammed him against the refrigerator. What did Nick say to Joel after that happened?

From Quiz 1.3 - "The Cavewoman"

Answer: "There goes the mother of my children."

Heather was being rude to everyone, but Nick didn't notice because he was blissful after their night together. Joel even had to remind her that the little silver handle on the side of the toilet wasn't just decorative. Heather stood up and said she had to go to work, kissed Nick, and then pushed him against the refrigerator. After Nick's comment, Joel said, "That should be great".

15. Nick speculated to Andy about who Joel's mystery lady was. Where did Nick think she worked?

From Quiz 1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"

Answer: the bookstore

Nick kept asking Joel about who was texting him all the time, but Joel wouldn't tell him. When Nick and Andy went out for coffee, Nick speculated that Joel was seeing the cave chick who worked at the bookstore because he had been there five times in the last month. Andy asked how he knew and Nick said he looked up Joel's credit card bill online (Joel used the same password for everything - Superjoel78).

16. Andy was bothered by what he discovered about Leslie. What did he do that made him feel better?

From Quiz 1.4 - "The Mascot"

Answer: He told Joel about it.

While taking a break from playing squash, Joel asked Andy what was bothering him. Andy told him that Kate's mother was stealing money from Kate's father to buy her lover a condo. Andy said he felt better immediately and was ready to play squash again, but then Joel felt awful because he was going to have to tell Kate. He tried talking to Kate about her parents' marriage, but she was confused and thought he was breaking up with her.

17. Even though Mr. Hogan was the one who fired Nick from Norskbild, Joel had a hand in it. What did he do to get Nick fired?

From Quiz 1.2 - "Nick Get Job"

Answer: Called Mr. Hogan over to where Nick was goofing off

Nick wasn't doing his job, basically, and had Joel so upset it was affecting his love life with Kate. Joel told Kate that Nick was a disaster and Kate said to just fire him. Joel couldn't do this, but he had had enough when he saw that Nick had set up his laptop and made himself at home in the home office section of the store (he claimed he was demonstrating functionality). Joel walked away but made a call to have Mr. Hogan sent to the department. When Mr. Hogan arrived and saw what Nick was doing, he fired him.

18. How did Nick and Andy find out that Joel was dating a sape?

From Quiz 1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"

Answer: Joel told them.

Joel came home to find that Nick and Andy had been out making some purchases, and were playing a boxing game on Nintendo Wii. Joel stopped Nick and said he wanted to clear some things up. Nick said he figured out that Joel was hiding his lady from them because she was ugly. Joel said she was hot, and then to Nick's surprise, he added that she was a sape.

19. What happened at the Homecoming pep rally at the high school?

From Quiz 1.4 - "The Mascot"

Answer: Nick attacked the school mascot.

Nick went outside to find the students, teachers and even the principal he had spoken with, chanting "Ugh" while they waved their "spirit clubs" around. Nick really couldn't believe it when he actually saw the caveman mascot, Grok Grok. He tried to ask the person inside the caveman outfit to remove themselves from the pep rally, but Grok Grok kept hitting Nick over the head with his club. Nick finally had enough, grabbed the club and started hitting the mascot. When Grok Grok fell to the ground, the costume head came off, revealing the person underneath to be a girl. The crowd was shocked at what Nick did and booed him.

20. What did Andy do to anger Heather?

From Quiz 1.3 - "The Cavewoman"

Answer: He didn't call her friend.

The morning that Heather was at the guys' apartment, Andy asked her if she had any friends. She said she had a friend named Brandy who taught kickboxing, and demanded that Andy call her right then. Andy became frightened and said he had to think about it. The next time Heather was over, Andy pretended to be asleep on the sofa so he wouldn't have to talk to her. But Heather knew he was awake and knew he was lying when she asked if he had called Brandy. Later, Andy was at Fruitberry talking to a girl when Heather came over. After scaring the girl away, Heather threatened Andy with bodily harm should he not call her friend. Andy then lied and said he was gay, and ended up running out of Fruitberry.

21. While Maurice and Nick were online looking at a singles website, what language did Maurice begin speaking?

From Quiz 1.2 - "Nick Get Job"

Answer: Russian

Maurice and Nick were having drinks while looking at a website called 'Russian to the Altar' which listed single Russian women available for marriage apparently, while it played the old USSR anthem. Joel came in, upset after finding out about Nick's lawsuit, and was told by Maurice and Nick that he was a dancing hobo bear for Norskbild. After Maurice said something else, Joel told him to stop speaking Russian.

22. Nick grew tired of Heather's demanding ways and broke up with her. How did he do this?

From Quiz 1.3 - "The Cavewoman"

Answer: He left her at the movie theatre.

While Nick and Heather were at the movies, Heather was being really obnoxious. She complained about someone bringing a baby to the movies, and then scared the man who was sitting in front of her into slouching down in his seat. Nick was going to tell Heather he wanted to break up, but she was being so rude that he ended up asking her if she wanted anything from the concession stand, Heather said she wanted popcorn with a specific amount of the yellow goo on it. Nick went out into the lobby, and kept going.

23. What happened with Nick's lawsuit against Norskbild?

From Quiz 1.2 - "Nick Get Job"

Answer: Nick dropped the lawsuit.

Nick couldn't believe that he was fired, and decided that he had been overqualified for the job. He felt this made them afraid of him, which led to a wrongful termination suit based on discrimination. At the arbitration hearing, Joel told him that he had made the termination happen because Nick had deserved it. It wasn't until Nick saw video of himself from a surveillance camera that he admitted out loud that he sucked. He then dropped the lawsuit.

24. What game did Nick, Joel and Maurice play?

From Quiz 1.1 - "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"

Answer: Squash

While Maurice, Joel and Nick were playing (Andy was on the phone with Susan again), Joel said he couldn't pin Kate down on introducing him to her friends. Maurice suggested that she wasn't ashamed of Joel, she was ashamed of herself because sapien women saw cavemen as the forbidden fruit.

25. Leslie bribed one of the cavemen so he wouldn't divulge her secret to Kate. Which caveman actually received the money?

From Quiz 1.4 - "The Mascot"

Answer: Nick

Leslie always had a hard time telling the cavemen apart and had once suggested that they wear different-colored ribbons in their hair to help her. After finding out about Leslie's special friend, Joel went by her office to talk to her, but she mistook him for Andy and said something about moving money around for her. He said he was Joel and that Leslie needed to tell Kate about her friend. Nick was home when Leslie came by and asked that "Joel" not tell Kate her secret. Nick began to explain that he wasn't Joel, but stopped when Leslie asked how much it was going to take to get him to stay quiet. Leslie handed Nick the check and told him to keep his mouth shut.

26. What were the guys forced to do after Nick stopped seeing Heather?

From Quiz 1.3 - "The Cavewoman"

Answer: Change their phone number

Joel first began to see how Heather really was when Heather was rude to Kate, but Nick took a little longer. He seemed to enjoy Heather's aggressiveness at first, but that was before she made him work on his dissertation, and ruined a squash game for him. They were all just plain afraid of her after Nick left her at the movie theatre.

27. Andy made Lucy listen to someone who assured her what a nice guy Andy was. Who was it?

From Quiz 1.2 - "Nick Get Job"

Answer: Andy's mom

After their first awful encounter, Andy saw the woman in the garage and tried to tell her he really was a nice guy, but she left in a hurry. He later managed to find out that the woman was named Lucy by harassing the postal carrier who was putting mail up. Knocking on Lucy's door, Andy pretended he was a policeman following up on a report of a strange man accosting her. She opened the door and tried to scream, but he covered her mouth and told her how uncomfortable this was for him, but there was something he had for her. He pulled out his red cellphone and told his mom she was on with Lucy. Andy's mother, Rose, began telling Lucy that she had no reason to be afraid of Andy and that he was a very sweet boy.

28. What did the caveman buy with the bribe money from Leslie?

From Quiz 1.4 - "The Mascot"

Answer: Motor scooter

Leslie offered $500, but Nick said $2000, and asked her to make the check out to cash. As "Slow Ride" played, we saw a close-up of a shiny red scooter. The shot then switched to Nick exiting a cafe, getting on the scooter and driving off. Nick wasn't happy that he always had to get rides from Joel or Maurice, and had earlier admired a neighbor who had a scooter.

29. What happened when Joel, Nick and Andy gave a kid on the street money to go into Fruitberry for them?

From Quiz 1.3 - "The Cavewoman"

Answer: The kid took off with their money.

Since all of them were afraid of Heather at this point, Joel, Nick and Andy were sitting in the car outside of Fruitberry (Nick even had his hood over his head as some sort of disguise). They wanted the frozen yogurt, but none of them were brave enough to go inside until Heather's shift ended. When a kid walked by, they stopped him, handed him $20, and asked him to go in and get the yogurt for them. He asked what they wanted and got in line, but after a moment, he ran off. Joel then forced Andy to go inside to get their yogurt.

30. Andy finally made friends with Lucy, the woman he had startled, and was chatting with her in Joel's apartment. What did Joel and Nick think about it?

From Quiz 1.2 - "Nick Get Job"

Answer: They liked it better when she was scared of Andy.

Joel and Nick were discussing the things Nick had written for the employee complaint box when they heard Andy and Lucy being chatty. Joel said he liked it better when she was scared of Andy, and Nick asked if he wanted to get rid of her. When Joel asked what Nick had in mind, Nick went over to the fireplace and picked up a log and a poker. After handing the log to Joel, the two of them grunted and headed toward Lucy in a most cavemanly manner. Screaming was heard as well as Andy complaining about what they had done.

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