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Pushing Daisies Trivia Quizzes

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6 Pushing Daisies quizzes and 60 Pushing Daisies trivia questions.
  "Pushing Daisies"   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
A general quiz about one of the most original and colorful shows on TV! It's like "CSI" meets "Amelie".
Easier, 10 Qns, cornflower*, Feb 05 08
1836 plays
  Quirky Characters of "Pushing Daisies"   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
"Pushing Daisies" was a bright fairy tale of a TV show with the morbid side of bringing people back from the dead. It was also full of quirky characters. Here's a quiz about those quirks.
Average, 10 Qns, albinerhawk, Oct 12 09
391 plays
  "Pushing Daisies" -- "Dummy"   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is about the second episode of "Pushing Daisies" featuring Ned the Piemaker.
Easier, 10 Qns, kristina71, Jan 03 10
1565 plays
  "Pushing Daisies" - "The Pie-Lette"   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
Just some questions about the first episode of the new Bryan Fuller series "Pushing Daisies".
Average, 10 Qns, kristina71, Nov 11 07
1366 plays
  "Pushing Daisies" -- "The Fun in Funeral"   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is on episode number 3 of the TV series "Pushing Daisies".
Average, 10 Qns, kristina71, Nov 11 07
1130 plays
  Pushing Daisies   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
General questions for "Pushing Daisies" lovers.
Easier, 10 Qns, jellosotae67, Jan 10 10
344 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Where was Chuck killed?

From Quiz ""Pushing Daisies""

Pushing Daisies Trivia Questions

1. What are the rules regarding Ned's powers?

From Quiz
Pushing Daisies

Answer: First touch life, second touch death

If a person is dead and Ned touches him, he comes to life. Another touch would make the person die.

2. What is the name of the pie shop that Ned owns?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: The Pie Hole

As Olive tells people, it's "pie hole" as in "shut your...". In terms of color, it looks kind of like the coffeehouse from the French movie "Amelie".

3. What insect do we see young Ned experimenting with to determine how long he can keep something he has touched alive without something else dying?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" -- "The Fun in Funeral"

Answer: Fireflies

Young Ned tried to tell himself that the consequence was beyond his control but he decided to find out for certain. After completing his experiment, he decided never to bring something back to life for more than a minute again -- until he found Chuck.

4. At the beginning of this episode we see young Ned's father leave him at the Longburrow School for Boys. What type of animal does Ned bring back to life to cause chaos in science class?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" -- "Dummy"

Answer: Frogs

The project for the day is frog dissection and all the frogs coming to life as they are about to be cut results in young boys running around screaming. Since there is always a consequence to Ned bringing something back to life we also see birds falling dead from a tree.

5. What is the first person or animal that young Ned brings back to life?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" - "The Pie-Lette"

Answer: His dog

Digby is Ned's Golden Retreiver. Ned brings Digby back to life after he is hit by a truck. A squirrel dies after Digby has been alive for one minute. The fly is the second living thing we see Ned bring back and his mother is the third.

6. If Ned revives a person for more than ______, another person dies.

From Quiz Pushing Daisies

Answer: one minute

This is noted, as Ned usually carries around a watch. When he touches someone to bring them back to life, he sets his watch to one minute so he can touch the person again to make them die.

7. Naturally, there's also Chuck, the girl with a sunny disposition that Ned brought back from the dead. What animals did she raise?

From Quiz Quirky Characters of "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: Bees

After her father's death when Chuck was a little girl, she was allowed to raise bees and became quite good at helping them to produce honey. After she was brought back to life, Ned gave her a new bee ranch on top of his building. The beekeeper suits also gave the couple a safe way to interact. Later, Chuck's bee expertise helped her on a case at a bee company. Anna Friel, a British actress, portrayed Chuck.

8. Ned's childhood sweetheart has the somewhat unusual name of "Chuck". What is her real name?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: Charlotte

Her full name is Charlotte Charles but she prefers the more masculine sounding "Chuck". Interestingly enough, her father's name was Charles Charles. Did he go by Chuck also?

9. What is the name of Ned's partner in solving murders?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" - "The Pie-Lette"

Answer: Emerson Cod

Emerson Cod is a private investigator who sees Ned accidently bring a guy who falls off a roof back to life. He realizes that he can use Ned's gift to collect rewards to solve murders and a partnership is born.

10. How many seasons did "Pushing Daisies" last?

From Quiz Pushing Daisies

Answer: two seasons

ABC canceled "Pushing Daisies" after two seasons, many people blamed it on the writer's strike.

11. While Ned was firmly in love with Chuck, Olive pines away for Ned. Although she worked as a waitress during the show's run at Ned's restaurant, what was Olive's past profession?

From Quiz Quirky Characters of "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: Jockey

Olive was portrayed by the petite Kristin Chenoweth, which also offered Olive several occasions to burst into song. Olive's apartment was always decorated with a strong horse theme, but it was not until the death of another jockey did her past come to life. At the show's conclusion, Olive began a new restaurant, called The Intrepid Cow, that served macaroni and cheese.

12. Who are the two characters on the show that Ned can't touch?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: Chuck and Digby

Since Ned revived both Chuck and Digby from the dead, if he touches them a second time, they would die permanently. Digby is Ned's dog. Olive is the waitress at the Pie Hole that Ned can touch, but doesn't, because he isn't attracted to her the way he is to Chuck. Emerson is a private detective who works with Ned to solve murders.

13. Emerson Cod is Ned's partner in solving unusual murders. We learn in this episode that he has a hobby that some people might consider odd for a tough private investigator. What is Emerson's hobby?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" -- "Dummy"

Answer: Knitting

Emerson Cod knits during times of stress or anxiety. We see him in his office as he gets a call about another murder with a reward for solving it. Later in the episode we see him stashing his part of the reward in a knitted pouch in a drawer of his desk. He also knits cozies for his handguns.

14. The first case we see Ned solving with his partner is that of a dog being accused of murdering its owner. What is the name of that dog?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" - "The Pie-Lette"

Answer: Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe the Chow was framed. It was really the secretary with her Rottweiler.

15. What town did Ned and Chuck grow up in?

From Quiz Pushing Daisies

Answer: Coeur d'Coeurs

This was displayed many times, for example as Ned goes to the funeral home where Chuck is laid to rest, the sign has the town name, Coeur d`Coeurs.

16. Ned works with the sarcastic, money-loving Emerson Cod, a private investigator. When Ned would wake up a murder victims, it gave the PI an investigative advantage. What hobby kept Emerson content in his quieter moments?

From Quiz Quirky Characters of "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: Knitting

Knitting certainly did not seem like a natural hobby for Emerson, but his handiwork would occasionally show up, including gun cozies. He also had a love for dim sum, which was convenient as his office was located above a Chinese restaurant. He picked up the hobby of making pop-up books in one episode. At the end of the series, he published a detective pop-up book, titled 'L'il Gumshoe', which helped his lost daughter to find him. Chi McBride inhabited the character of Emerson.

17. What secret does Ned hide from Chuck?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: He accidentally killed her father.

When Ned's mother died, he touched her and revived her. However, he did not know that if he brought one person back to life, another person dies in their place. Unfortunately for Mr. Charles, that person was him. When Chuck finds out Ned's secret, she is devastated but comes to forgive him.

18. Olive spots Ned and Chuck kissing in the kitchen of The Pie Hole. Oh no! If Ned touches Chuck again she'll die. What common kitchen item does Chuck use to overcome the touching obstacle?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" -- "The Fun in Funeral"

Answer: Plastic wrap

Chuck holds a piece of plastic wrap between her and Chuck as she kisses him on the lips. Still looks pretty dangerous to me, they're standing awfully close together.

19. Chuck was Ned's childhood neighbor and his first kiss. What tragedy in Chuck's life resulted from Ned bringing his mother back to life?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" - "The Pie-Lette"

Answer: Her father died

When Chuck's father died a minute after Ned touched his mother and brought her back to life, he realized that there was a consequence to his gift. He would learn the second consequence later that evening when his mother kissed him good night. One touch brings the dead back to life, a second touch brings death forever.

20. What is Ned's last name?

From Quiz Pushing Daisies

Answer: Never mentioned

Ned's last name is never mentioned, some people speculate Piemaker, however it is never stated.

21. Chuck was mainly raised by her aunts, Vivian and Lily. Before retiring and becoming shut-ins, they were famous. What were they known as?

From Quiz Quirky Characters of "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: Darling Mermaid Darlings

The Darling Mermaid Darlings were a synchronized swimming duo. Near the beginning of the series, they made an attempt to restart their careers, but the sadness of Chuck's death kept them from going. At the series finale, they got back into the pool. The narrator informed the audience that they later went on a world tour twice. Vivian was played by Ellen Greene and Lily was Swoozie Kurtz.

22. Who has an unrequited crush on Ned?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: Olive

Olive had a huge crush on Ned but he remained oblivious to her affections until after Chuck reappeared in his life. Even though both Olive and Chuck have feelings for the same man, they remain good friends.

23. What is the occupation of the person who Emerson is investigating in this episode?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" -- "The Fun in Funeral"

Answer: Funeral director

In this episode, Emerson is trying to find out where the funeral director who died because Chuck was brought to life hid the items he stole from people's coffins. He trick Ned into going to the morgue with him and when Ned sees the funeral director he has to tell the truth about the consequences of her being brought back to life.

24. Chuck is strangled to death with a plastic bag while on a cruise ship. What does the plastic bag look like?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" - "The Pie-Lette"

Answer: Pink with a smiley face

The bag is pink with a big yellow smiley face (oddly upside down if you were using the bag for its intended purpose). The same type of bag is used to strangle the woman at the travel agency and to try to kill Chuck's aunt.

25. How did Ned's mother die (the first time)?

From Quiz Pushing Daisies

Answer: Aneurysm

As Ned's mother falls to the ground, Ned hovers around her and touches her, bringing her back to life.

26. The aunts were so neurotic that they get two questions. What food were they obsessed with?

From Quiz Quirky Characters of "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: Cheese

Chuck grew up calling the refrigerator a 'cheese box'. After her death, Lily and Vivian transformed her room into storage for more cheese. They also became fond of pies that Chuck would have Olive bring them, drugged with herbs to lift their spirits. The aunts have an abundance of oddities, including Lily's obsession with rifles and Vivian's habit of bursting into song.

27. What does Chuck smell like?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies"

Answer: honey and death

According to Oscar Vibenius, the smell expert, Chuck smells like honey and death. She smells like the former because she is an amateur beekeeper, and she smells like the latter because she was resurrected from the dead.

28. As Aunt Lily and Aunt Vivian are leaving to go back on tour as the Darling Mermaid Darlings, something arrives in the mail which sends them into an emotional relapse and causes them to cancel their tour. What was it?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" -- "The Fun in Funeral"

Answer: A postcard

The postcard that Chuck sent her aunts from the cruise upsets Lily, so she makes a martini and goes to bed instead of going on tour.

29. Bernard Slaybeck was an automotive safety specialist. Ned and Chuck go to the place where Bernard worked. The name of the car company is Dandy Lion. What unusual fuel powered the new car being sold by the Dandy Lion car company?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" -- "Dummy"

Answer: Dandelions

The Dandy Lion SX is the car of the future running on a renewable fuel source that is available everywhere -- dandelions. It's a pretty hideous car but if you could really run a car on dandelions think of all the money you'd save.

30. What plaster object did Chuck agree to smuggle onto the cruise ship to get her trip for free?

From Quiz "Pushing Daisies" - "The Pie-Lette"

Answer: monkeys

At the end of the episode we find out that they are actually solid gold with a plaster coating.

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