10. Maeve escapes the Mesa with help from which animal hosts found in the labs?
From Quiz "The Passenger"
In the Mesa, a technician decided it was time to put an end to Maeve. After Maeve's pain reception was increased, she used her powers to control the other hosts in the room, subduing and killing the tech before having them repair her body. At the same time, Hector and the rest of the gang traveled through the Mesa, finding Lee cowering in a corner. As they proceeded to search for their leader, it seemed that she was already saving herself. Using a herd of host bison, she had already pummelled her way through the guards in an attempt to reach the exit.
Out in the desert, William and Dolores came across the pilgrimage and realized, once more, that their interests were still aligned to an extent; both of them searched for answers. The two of them soon came across Bernard who, just reaching a lab entrance, was nearly subdued by some of Charlotte's troops. William realized that this must have been the Arnold he'd been, thus far, unable to meet, but Dolores said that he was just a host, created by her, to represent Arnold. Ford tasked her to recreate him and when he proved to be too faithful, she made him as Bernard. William, seeing the door ahead, attempted to dispose of Dolores at that time, but when she handed back his gun earlier, she loaded it with the used bullet that Teddy killed himself with. It caused his gun to backfire, destroying the fingers on his right hand. Dolores and Bernard headed through the door.