27. The "Flame and Frost" story arc began in January and concluded in April, introducing the Molten Alliance, a coalition between which two factions?
From Quiz "Guild Wars 2" - The Living World, Year 1
Flame Legion & dredge
With the Flame Legion's power and the dredge's subterranean prowess, the Molten Alliance became a significant force in Tyria for the duration of the "Flame and Frost" arc, which included the "Prelude", "The Gathering Storm", "The Razing" and "Retribution" releases each furthering the story. Two new allies were introduced to players: Braham, a norn guardian and son of Eir Stegalkin, and Rox, a young charr gladium. Covering the Shiverpeak Mountains and Ascalon, the fight against the Molten Alliance culminated in a showdown against two very powerful Alliance leaders and the destruction of the huge Molten Alliance facility deep below the surface of the land. During this arc, the Super Adventure Box was unveiled: a homage to 8-bit video games of yesteryear and, lore-wise, a source of entertainment for players and refugees of the Alliance attacks alike.