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Pokemon HeartGold SoulSilver Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Pokemon HeartGold SoulSilver Quizzes, Trivia

Pokemon HeartGold/ SoulSilver Trivia

Pokemon HeartGold/ SoulSilver Trivia Quizzes

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10 quizzes and 110 trivia questions.
  "Pokémon SoulSilver/HeartGold": Locations   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'll describe one of the towns in "Pokémon SoulSilver"/"HeartGold" (DS) and you tell me where it is. Only Johto locations will be used. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, zebra101, May 20 15
253 plays
  New Stuff in "HeartGold/SoulSilver"    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Many additions and changes were included in the remakes of "Pokemon Gold and Silver" for the Nintendo DS. Can you identify these new or altered aspects of "HeartGold/SoulSilver"? Warning: Spoilers ahead!
Average, 15 Qns, Jordanar18, Dec 30 12
Jordanar18 gold member
242 plays
  Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (DS)    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Since "HeartGold" and "SoulSilver" were released in the USA and Europe, I decided to make a quiz for those versions. The quiz shouldn't be hard for those who played the game so have fun :)
Average, 15 Qns, DarkLugia, Jul 01 13
284 plays
  "Heartgold/Soulsilver": Gym Leaders - Who am I?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These are some of the Gym Leaders you will encounter in the Kanto and Johto regions. These are played on any of the Nintendo DS systems.
Average, 10 Qns, davaltd, Feb 01 13
411 plays
  "Pokemon SoulSilver" (DS)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about "Pokemon SoulSilver" for DS, a remake of "Pokemon Silver" for GBC.
Average, 10 Qns, pacalot150, May 18 14
224 plays
  A "Pokemon HeartGold/Soul Silver" Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is going to be all about random stuff in "Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver" for the Nintendo DS. Hope you have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, ActionMario, Jan 23 13
548 plays
  Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my first quiz about "Pokemon HeartGold" and "Pokemon SoulSilver" for the DS. hope you like it
Average, 10 Qns, charizardx8, Jan 18 12
517 plays
  "Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver": Who am I?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a follow up to my previous quiz,"Pokémon: Who am I". I'm using the National Dex, so there might be a few from other regions.
Average, 10 Qns, davaltd, Jul 30 14
271 plays
  Pokemon HeartGold    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about 'Pokemon HeartGold' for the Nintendo DS system.
Average, 10 Qns, pokefan1000, Apr 09 12
452 plays
  "Pokemon" HGSS    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will be about facts about the Nintendo DS games "Pokemon Heart Gold" and "Pokemon Soul Silver". If you have played these game you will know most of the questions.
Tough, 10 Qns, mlmf2012, Dec 14 11
866 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Where is the Poke-athlon located?

From Quiz ""Pokemon SoulSilver" (DS)"

Pokemon HeartGold/ SoulSilver Trivia Questions

1. Which gym leader hands out the Boulder Badge?

From Quiz
"Heartgold/Soulsilver": Gym Leaders - Who am I?

Answer: Brock

My gym is located in Pewter City. I previously traveled with Ash Ketchum in the TV show.

2. Right from the start, we find that the main character has a friend that will periodically check in on him/her. If the main character is a girl, her friend is a boy named Ethan. If your character is a boy, what is the name of the female friend?

From Quiz New Stuff in "HeartGold/SoulSilver"

Answer: Lyra

Lyra is the friend of the male main character in "HeartGold/SoulSilver", and she always walks with a Marill following her. Bianca is a friend of the main character in "Pokemon Black/White", May is a friend of the main character in "Ruby/Sapphire", and Dawn is a friend of the main character in "Diamond/Pearl/Platinum".

3. What region is the game FIRST located in?

From Quiz "Pokemon SoulSilver" (DS)

Answer: Johto

You can travel to Kanto in this game, too! You must beat Lance in order to go to Kanto.

4. At one point in the game, you fight a guy named Eusine who is obsessed with Suicune. In what city do you fight Eusine?

From Quiz A "Pokemon HeartGold/Soul Silver" Quiz

Answer: Cianwood City

You first meet Eusine in the Burned Tower at Ecruteak City; however, you officially fight him in Cianwood City. He battles you to see if your worthy of catching Suicune. He only uses three Pokemon: Drowzee, Electrode, and Haunter.

5. How many legendary birds can you get in the game?

From Quiz Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver

Answer: three

You get Articuno at Seafoam Islands, Zapdos at Power Plant and Moltres at Silver Cave. Articuno is the ice bird Pokemon, Zapdos the electric bird Pokemon, and Moltres is the fire bird Pokemon.

6. Which TWO items do you need to fight Ho-Oh?

From Quiz Pokemon HeartGold

Answer: Clear Bell and Rainbow Wing

You get the Rainbow Wing when you defeat Team Rocket in Goldenrod City and you get the Clear Bell when you defeat all the gyms and get all the badges. The Kimono Girls tell Professor Elm to tell you to meet them at the dance theatre. When you defeat them they give you the Clear Bell which you need for Ho-Oh to appear at the top of Bell Tower.

7. Who hands out the last Kanto Badge?

From Quiz "Heartgold/Soulsilver": Gym Leaders - Who am I?

Answer: Blue

I took over the Gym after Giovanni got caught as Team Rocket's Leader. I work with Ground Pokémon and hand out the Earth badge. My gym is located in Viridian City.

8. The Safari Zone, first introduced in "Red/Blue/Yellow", was notably absent in "Gold/Silver". However, it was included in the remakes. Where is the Safari Zone located in "HeartGold/SoulSilver"?

From Quiz New Stuff in "HeartGold/SoulSilver"

Answer: Beyond Cianwood City

The first location for the Safari Zone was Fuchsia City, in "Red/Blue/Yellow". It was omitted in "Gold/Silver" because there was not enough memory to include it.

9. What is the name of the forest that connects Azalea Town and Route 34?

From Quiz "Pokemon SoulSilver" (DS)

Answer: Ilex Forest

Ice Forest isn't an actual forest. Pinwheel is in Unova, and Eterna is in Sinnoh. You can't use Fly in Ilex Forest.

10. On the way to the Pokemon League, you, of course, must pass through Victory Road. However, there are no trainers to battle! What has happened to cause the lack of trainers?

From Quiz A "Pokemon HeartGold/Soul Silver" Quiz

Answer: Your rival has already defeated them

As you make your way through Victory Road, you probably noticed that there are no trainers to battle you. Near the end, your rival shows up and gloats on how easily he defeated the trainers. You battle and eventually defeat him in a tough battle.

11. What is Ho-oh's ultimate move in the game?

From Quiz "Pokemon" HGSS

Answer: Sky Attack

Sky Attack has 140 power and a 30% chance to flinch the target. Sacred fire is only second being 100 power only. These two moves complement Ho-oh's Attack stat and the only fire type Pokemon Smogon considers as an Uber class. Too bad the Rainbow Phoenix can only learn it when it's level is all the way to 99. It says ultimate move, not move exclusive to Ho-oh, so I don't want complaints that sacred fire is the answer.

12. Where do you find Kyogre?

From Quiz Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver

Answer: Embedded Tower

You find Kyogre at Cave of Origin and Marine Cave in the Hoenn Region. You can only get Kyogre in "Heart Gold".

13. Which HM do you find in Ice Path?

From Quiz Pokemon HeartGold

Answer: Waterfall

You find the HM between some rocks when you have to go over some ice in the cave. When you go up the steps the guy who is there says that is his HM but you can have it since you spent the time getting it.

14. What town is the location of the Sprout Tower and the game's first Pokémon gym?

From Quiz "Pokémon SoulSilver/HeartGold": Locations

Answer: Violet City

In Violet City, you can battle the first gym leader, Falkner, who specializes in Flying-type Pokémon. The Sprout Tower is a large tower where you can battle sages and catch some Pokémon, such as Gastly. The Ruins of Alph are located south of the city.

15. Which leader hands out the very first gym badge?

From Quiz "Heartgold/Soulsilver": Gym Leaders - Who am I?

Answer: Falkner

I use Flying-type Pokémon. My badge is called the Zephyr Badge, and my gym can be found in Violet City.

16. What three starter sets, listed by their regions, are you able to get in the game?

From Quiz "Pokemon SoulSilver" (DS)

Answer: Johto, Kanto, and Hoenn

You have to beat Red in order to get the Kanto and Hoenn choices. Red has a Lv. 88 Pikachu, a Lv. 80 Lapras, Lv. 82 Snorlax, and Lv. 84 Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise.

17. How many badges can you earn?

From Quiz Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver

Answer: Sixteen

You face all the gym leaders from the Kanto and Johto regions. You have to defeat the Elite Four before being able to face the Kanto gym leaders.

18. Which two Hoenn Legendary Pokemon can be found in both versions?

From Quiz Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (DS)

Answer: Latios and Latias

Regirock, Regice, Jirachi and Deoxys can't be found in the "HeartGold" and "SoulSilver" versions. Groudon can only be found in "SoulSilver" while Kyogre can only be found in "HeartGold". Latios and Latias can both be found in both versions. In "HeartGold", Latias will be roaming the Kanto Region after you get the National Dex, to find Latios you have to download the Enigma Stone from a Wi-Fi Event, and fight it outside of Pewter City museum. The opposite goes for "SoulSilver".

19. What level is Ho-Oh when you first battle it?

From Quiz Pokemon HeartGold

Answer: Lv 45

Ho-Oh is at the top of Tin Tower in Ecruteak City. Before you battle Ho-Oh, the Kimono Girls have to do a special dance for Ho-Oh to appear.

20. You'll find the Slowpoke Well and Kurt the Poké Ball maker in what town?

From Quiz "Pokémon SoulSilver/HeartGold": Locations

Answer: Azalea Town

Azalea Town is located between Union Cave to the east and the Ilex Forest to the west. The small town is the location of the Slowpoke Well and the Bug-type gym with Bugsy as the leader. Kurt the Poké Ball maker also lives in Azalea Town. If you bring him Apricorns, he will make you Poké Balls.

21. Who hands out the Marsh Badge?

From Quiz "Heartgold/Soulsilver": Gym Leaders - Who am I?

Answer: Sabrina

I use Psychic-type Pokémon. You would find me and my Gym in Saffron City.

22. The Pokeathlon Dome is a completely new addition, unique to "HeartGold/SoulSilver" at the time of release. Pokemon there can participate in sporting events, earning points which can be redeemed for rare items. Where is the Pokeathlon Dome located?

From Quiz New Stuff in "HeartGold/SoulSilver"

Answer: Adjacent to the National Park

The Pokeathlon Dome is home to unique events such as relay races and endurance events. Each Pokemon has its own strengths and weaknesses when participating in the events, which can be seen by accessing the Pokemon's information.

23. How many Pokemon are there in the Johto Pokedex (including Kanto Pokemon)?

From Quiz "Pokemon SoulSilver" (DS)

Answer: 251

All you need to do is subtract Mew's National number with Celebi's National number. When I say "national", I mean National Pokedex number.

24. What is the maximum amount of health a Blissey can ever have?

From Quiz "Pokemon" HGSS

Answer: 714

Blissy can have a whopping 714 HP assuming it has maximum Individual Values and Effort Values. It is known as "The Special Wall" since any move that is special attack based will be almost nothing to this creature. It is also risky using attack based moves on it. If a move cuts Blissey's health by just half (that is exactly 357 damage to health), a Blissey with counter will double that. Imagine if exactly 700 HP was taken out by one move, that would mean a Blissey's counter will deal 1,400 damage to the opponent. A guaranteed OH-KO!

25. Where do you get Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina? What do you need to get them?

From Quiz Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver

Answer: Ruins of Alph/ Arceus

You take Arceus to the Ruins of Alph and a guy takes you to the Sinjoh ruins. You will meet Cynthia when you get to the Sinjoh ruins.

26. Morty, the Ecruteak Gym leader specializes in which type of Pokemon?

From Quiz Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (DS)

Answer: Ghost

Morty specializes in Ghost-type Pokemon. His gym is located in Ecruteak City. It's pitch dark in his gym, the only light you have is from the candles that the trainers have. The floor is set up so that you have to battle all the trainers, so there's no skipping any of them.

27. At what level does Magikarp evolve?

From Quiz Pokemon HeartGold

Answer: Lv 20

Magikarp does in fact evolve. Magikarp, the Pokemon that knows and can only learn Splash, evolves at Level 20 into Gyarados.

28. What city, the largest in the game, is the location of the radio tower and the Magnet Train?

From Quiz "Pokémon SoulSilver/HeartGold": Locations

Answer: Goldenrod City

Goldenrod City is large with many buildings, such as a flower shop, a Game Corner, a department store, a name rater, the Global Terminal, and the Goldenrod Radio Tower. The game's third gym, with Normal-type leader Whitney, is also found in the city. The Pokémon Day Care is found just south of the city and the National Park is to the north.

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