11. One of the possible third stages was a snowy world. There was a bomb planted in the local base, but before you could diffuse it, your old enemies, Star Wolf, showed up.
Which level am I talking about?
From Quiz "Star Fox 64" - The Lylat System
This planet's name is actually a translation error. The snowy planet was supposed to be called Fichina, while Fortuna, a separate planet in the Star Fox universe, was a more tropical location. Because Fichina was never seen in "Star Fox 64", there was not a whole lot of confusion.
This level (set on a planet that in this quiz will be known as "Fortuna") was entirely an all-range-mode planet. After taking out a few fighters initially, you were informed that there was a bomb set to go off at the base. However, before you could go and disarm it, Star Wolf showed up.
Star Wolf was a rival team to Star Fox, and was working for Andross. Andrew, one of the Star Wolf team members, was Andross' nephew.
After you were alerted to the bomb and Star Wolf showed up, you had only a limited amount of time to destroy all of Star Wolf. If you didn't, then Star Wolf flew away, and the base was destroyed. Not defeating Star Wolf meant you were be forced to travel to Sector X. If you did destroy Star Wolf, then you were given the option to travel to Solar, as well.