11. What does the game ask you to do on day 4 of "Police Quest 4" that you also have to do twice in "Police Quest 2"?
From Quiz "Police Quest 4" Part 3
Go to a shooting range
In "Police Quest 4", you are expected to go to a shooting range to practice shooting just like in "Police Quest 2". In both games, the protagonist's shooting scores were low the previous month and he needs to bring them up. Actually, you don't have to go to the shooting range in "Police Quest 4" at all. This is just an optional mini-game that you can do for additional points. It may feel necessary because the game appears to say that it is necessary, and "Police Quest" veterans know that it was necessary in "Police Quest 2". But, despite all that, it is not necessary to go to the shooting range in "Police Quest 4".
The shooting ranges are very different in each game. In the second game, you fire your gun, and then you use a screwdriver to adjust your gun until it's perfect. In the fourth game, targets pop up and you fire your gun to try and hit the target as many times as possible. In addition, this section of "Police Quest 4" has music and there is an armorer who runs the session, things that were absent in the Lytton shooting range. Lastly, you cannot die in the "Police Quest 4" shooting range nor can you be stuck later on in the game by not doing this. You get points for doing this, but this game doesn't tell you what the maximum score is, which reduces the importance of scoring points. In the "Police Quest 2" shooting range, there are 2 ways to die in the shooting range and two places in the game where you will be killed if you did not go to the shooting range earlier in the day
The shooting range is far easier in "Police Quest 4", and you can breathe easier knowing can't get stuck in a dead end by forgetting to do the shooting range in "Police Quest 4". However, that's kind of a double-edged sword because for just this reason, the "Police Quest 2" shooting range feels far more useful. Just knowing that this will help you later is important. Also, while the fact that the shooting range in "Police Quest 4" has music and the one in the second game doesn't would normally make me give the edge to the one in the 4th game, I don't like the music for this part of "Police Quest 4". Lastly, just about all the voice acting this game is based on stereotypes and this is no exception. The game takes place in Los Angeles, but the armorer clearly has a Texas accent, implying that the LAPD had to hire an armorer from Texas because of the stereotype that people from Texas are the biggest experts in the world on guns. Add it all up and I'd probably say I prefer the "Police Quest 2" shooting range.