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Burning Crusade Locations Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Burning Crusade Locations Trivia Quizzes

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9 quizzes and 90 trivia questions.
  "World of Warcraft" - The Black Temple    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is all about the Black Temple Raid in "World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade" (PC). It is valid for the "Legion" expansion.
Tough, 10 Qns, SanguineBlade, Dec 13 16
77 plays
  "World of Warcraft" - Eversong Woods   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Found in one of the northernmost points of the Eastern Kingdoms, Eversong Woods is the starting area for Blood Elves. See if you know about this area. This quiz takes into regard all expansions for the PC game. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 15 09
kyleisalive editor
234 plays
  "World of Warcraft" - Hellfire Peninsula   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
One of the earliest zones in the "Burning Crusade" expansion pack for "World of Warcraft", this battlefield is home to numerous quests for players starting their sixties. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Mar 28 21
kyleisalive editor
Mar 28 21
332 plays
  "World of Warcraft" - Zangarmarsh   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Taking in players of the "Burning Crusade" (PC) and level 60+ players in the Outlands, this boggy region played host to a number of new quests and the like. Can you remember all to know about the Zangarmarsh? Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 15 09
kyleisalive editor
277 plays
  "World of Warcraft" - The Ghostlands   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Darkness and the mysterious cover this zone in Blizzard's "World of Warcraft" (PC). See if you remember the Ghostlands in this "Burning Crusade" area. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 15 09
kyleisalive editor
253 plays
  "World of Warcraft" - Nagrand   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Found in the "Burning Crusade" expansion's Outlands, "World of Warcraft" (PC) players can visit this southwestern region for quests and exploration. Do you remember this zone? Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 15 09
kyleisalive editor
274 plays
  "World of Warcraft" - Isle of Quel'Danas   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Added as part of Patch 2.4, the Isle of Quel'Danas is for "Burning Crusade" (PC) players. Test your knowledge of this higher-level area in the Eastern Kingdoms. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Oct 03 09
kyleisalive editor
175 plays
  "World of Warcraft" - Bloodmyst Isle    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Whether you really enjoy the colour red or you just want to continue exploring on your Draenei, Bloodmyst Isle, found in the "Burning Crusade" (PC) expansion, has it all. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 22 09
kyleisalive editor
161 plays
  "World of Warcraft" - Azuremyst Isle    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Starting as a Draenei? Picked up your copy of "Burning Crusade" (PC)? Hop on over to Azuremyst Isle, a relatively anomalous locale in "World of Warcraft". Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 20 09
kyleisalive editor
209 plays
trivia question Quick Question
You depart from Silvermoon City and follow the path east past Thuron's Livery. What outpost will you inevitably arrive at?

From Quiz ""World of Warcraft" - Eversong Woods"

Burning Crusade Locations Trivia Questions

1. What is name of the final boss?

From Quiz
"World of Warcraft" - The Black Temple

Answer: Illidan Stormrage

Illidan resides in the temple, his own fortress-citadel. Illidan is the Lord of Outland.

2. Bloodmyst Isle only directly connects to one other zone. What is it?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Bloodmyst Isle

Answer: Azuremyst Isle

Both of these zones were created as a launch pad for Draenei players in the "Burning Crusade" expansion. In effect, all players who wish to visit Bloodmyst Isle must travel through Azuremyst, whether it be as a new Draenei player or as a player traveling from the continent of Kalimdor (from Auberdine in Darkshore). Since there are no Horde influences on both islands, the only way for Horde players to visit is by traveling to Valaar's Berth by boat...but it sure is lonely. Azuremyst Isle is accessed from the south end of Bloodmyst Isle, at which point players can cross the shallow waters there or a short bridge.

3. What is the only way a Horde player can reach Azuremyst Isle?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Azuremyst Isle

Answer: By boat

Azuremyst Isle is the starting area for the Draenei, and because of this Horde players are not inherently able to go there. Since Azuremyst Isle is advertised so clearly as being separate from the rest of continental Kalimdor, Horde players will need to travel on a boat there arriving at Valaar's Berth, a dock to the southwest of The Exodar. This is the only way to arrive here for both Alliance and Horde players as a matter of fact- it's too far from the mainland to swim or waterwalk. It's also the only way off the island to Darkshore.

4. What is the name of the Alliance town in Nagrand?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Nagrand

Answer: Telaar

Telaar is the only Alliance-specific town in all of Nagrand. Found at the intersection of three paths in the southern part of the zone, Telaar, like many other Alliance towns in the Outlands, is a Draenei-run outpost. Featuring the vast majority of Alliance quests for this area, Telaar is the one stop that traveling players must take. Containing the only Alliance flightpath, an inn (for Hearthstones), and a number of traders, it's bound to be visited numerous times by questers.

5. The Horde sure have their share of outposts in Zangarmarsh. Which is the closest town to Hellfire Peninsula which Horde players can enter?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Zangarmarsh

Answer: Cenarion Refuge

Players entering Zangarmarsh from Hellfire Peninsula will pretty much immediately fall into Cenarion Refuge, a neutral location at the border where nearly half of the zone's quests will make their appearance. The town is perhaps the most well-equipped in Zangarmarsh for both Alliance and Horde players as the majority of necessities and NPCs will appear in some form here (except in terms of trainers). The path found to the west of town takes players south to Umbrafen Lake or north to the Horde outpost known as Swamprat Post, the closest flightpath for the faction (but not the only one in Zangarmarsh). Zabra'Jin, the Horde-specific town, is found more to the northwest.

6. Which zone contains the Dark Portal, the entrance to the Outlands from Azeroth?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Hellfire Peninsula

Answer: Blasted Lands

If you decide that you'd rather not ask for a portal to take you to Shattrath City, the Dark Portal in the southeast corner of the Blasted Lands is a fairly direct route to the Stair of Destiny on the eastern edge of Hellfire Peninsula. This small area is home to a rather large battle. On the Outlands side of the portal are large demons who mark the beginning of the fight you'll immerse yourself in as you progress through the "Burning Crusade" expansion. Although both Alliance players can take immediate flightpaths to their respective major towns, the Stair of Destiny soon tracks itself across the middle of the zone becoming the Path of Glory.

7. Which town in the Ghostlands is the only one here at which your Hearthstone can be set?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - The Ghostlands

Answer: Tranquillien

Tranquillien and the rest of the Ghostlands were released with the "Burning Crusade" expansion, and like Eversong Forest to the north, it's the perfect place to level up a newly-created Blood Elf. Tranquillien sits in the northern half of the area, directly in the center, so the road down through the areas passes right through this quiet, hollowed out town. Many of the NPCs here will result in various quests around the zone, but a few different ones will sell different fare than your traders in Silvermoon City. Additionally, a flight path can open up in Tranquillien to grant access to and from various locations from Eversong Woods to the north to Light's Hope Chapel or the Isle of Quel'Danas.

8. What level is the Black Temple Raid?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - The Black Temple

Answer: 70

This raid bears Tier 6 drops. The Twin Blades of Azzinoth can be found here.

9. Kessel's Crossing contains a herd of what kind of animal?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Bloodmyst Isle

Answer: Elekk

Elekk are the Draenei mountable unit, so seeing these creatures in Kessel's Crossing is a likely thing. Elekk are very similar to small elephants. Players at a high enough level will be able to learn how to ride and employ this skill around the game to speed around quicker. Kessel's Crossing is a very small encampment at the southern border of Bloodmyst Isle, and it will only contain a few traders and questgivers. It's the southernmost town in the zone and it acts as somewhat of a gateway for new players.

10. What is the name of the Draenei starting location?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Azuremyst Isle

Answer: The Crash Site

All of these locations pertain to the large island area on the eastern end of Azuremyst Isle. Players beginning their game as a Draenei will begin their baby steps in this area completing quests designed to get players to learn the basics of the game. Most of the creatures on this island won't even attack you unless provoked. The Crash Site itself contains a couple of different traders and vendors, but nothing as substantial as what you'll find across the island in The Exodar. Once you reach level 5 it's best to move won't be advancing very far ahead with the low quests here anymore. Nestlewood Hills are found on the southeast corner of Ammen Vale.

11. Is Thrallmar north or south of the Path of Glory?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Hellfire Peninsula

Answer: North

Thrallmar is a relatively important quest hub for Horde players in Hellfire Peninsula. Any Horde characters emerging from the Dark Portal to the east will be able to take a flightpath immediately from the Stair of Destiny to Thrallmar to begin fighting and questing in the zone. Containing an inn, one of many flightpaths for the area, and most of the trainers needed, the city sits on the northern edge of the Path of Glory, just down the road from Reaver's Fall atop a nearby hill. Nazgrel leads the city from inside the largest building with a number of other quest-givers. Most of their quests here are for players exploring the Path of Glory and everything north of it going as far west as Falcon Watch.

12. One group quest in this area requires the heads of two large beasts in the Dead Scar: Knucklerot and which other boss?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - The Ghostlands

Answer: Luzran

While Knucklerot can be found patrolling a large strip of land from the Ziggurats to the coast and back, Luzran patrols the southern strip of the Dead Scar before Deatholme. Both of these bosses are large abominations capable of denting any player's health a fair bit at the right level. The quest is suggested for a group of more than one player as the bosses are more difficult than many in the zone. Once killed, both Knucklerot and Luzran drop their heads and these need to be returned to a questgiver in Tranquillien to finish. This is one of the highest-leveled quests of the Ghostlands. The Dead Scar stretches the length of the Ghostlands all the way up through Eversong Woods to the north.

13. New players beginning in Eversong Woods will start in which area?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Eversong Woods

Answer: Sunstrider Isle

Blood Elves (also known as the Sin'Dorei) can be Hunters, Mages, Warlocks, Priest, Rogues, and Paladins. Nonetheless, all of these will begin their epic quest in the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle at the northernmost point of the continent's mainland. Populated by odd mana-based, magical creatures and prowling wild cats, the island only contains low-level creatures allowing for ideal leveling situations. After completing all of the early quests given by Magistrix Erona, you can speak to Lanthan Perilon in the center of the island and eventually make your way south to Quel'Thalas.

14. Of what location is the portal to the Black Temple below?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - The Black Temple

Answer: Ruins of Karabor

Previously, the only way to enter the Black Temple was to attune the entrance. This was done by completing a certain quest. As of patch 2.4, this was removed.

15. How many areas of the Isle of Quel'Danas need to be explored in order for a player gain the 'Explore the Isle of Quel'Danas' achievement?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Isle of Quel'Danas

Answer: One

As soon as players touch down in Sun's Reach Harbor, the map of the Isle of Quel'Danas reveals itself in its entirety. This doesn't mean that you're done necessarily as you can cross the expanse of the island to uncover the names of each location, but you do obtain both the view of the region as well as the achievement upon your arrival. Like with many of the other zones in the game, this exploration achievement only equates to about 10 Achievement Points, but it's just another step on a player's 'Explorer' title track.

16. What is the name of the main town in the center of Bloodmyst Isle?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Bloodmyst Isle

Answer: Blood Watch

Blood Watch is a modest village in the very center of the zone, and Draenei players who continue to advance in the game at a pleasurable pace will find themselves in its borders at one point before heading to the mainland. Home to a number of questgivers (more than most places in the zone), traders, profession trainers, and the like, Blood Watch is the main stop on the journey through Bloodmyst Isle. Additionally, Blood Watch is the second of only two Alliance flightpath locations on the Azuremyst Isle chain. Both can only go back and forth with each other. The Horde has no outposts or flightpaths in these locations.

17. Did you end up traveling through Stranglethorn Vale? What is the name of the questgiver, originally found there, who appears in Nagrand?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Nagrand

Answer: Hemet Nesingwary

Hemet Nesingwary and his caravan will hand out a number of special quests which, when finished, will award an achievement for your efforts. Found slightly northeast of Garadar, Nesingwary leads a safari. An accomplished author, Nesingwary is one of the more familiar faces you'll meet in your travels. For "Wrath of the Lich King" players, you can find Hemet on the hunt once more in Sholazar Basin. He'll give out a similar quest chain there as well. His Stranglethorn Vale quests (though originally handed out by himself) are now handed out by his son, Hemet Nesingwary Jr. who will give you the 'Green Hills of of Stranglethorn' achievement.

18. The first inn found in the game is in which location?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Eversong Woods

Answer: Falconreach Square

After leaving Sunstrider Isle, you can make your way south down the Dawning Lane (straight down through the Ruins of Silvermoon) to Falconreach Square. This is the first town of the game for Blood Elves excluding the Sunspire and it will open up the rest of Eversong Woods outside its south gate. This area is home to many different traders, trainers, and an inn and it will be the first instance at which you can begin Cooking and First Aid training on the top floor of the rest area. Falconreach Square is one of five different Hearthstone locations in Eversong Woods.

19. The Black Temple was once a sacred site to a notable Dranei. What was his name?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - The Black Temple

Answer: Velen the Prophet

Velen settled in the Temple of Karabor (the former name for the Black Temple) while Shattrath. He once visited the Terrokar Forest and met two orcs that would shape the fate of the Horde: Durotan and Ogrim Doomhammer.

20. The Dead Scar stretches up through the Isle of Quel'Danas. Where does this odd feature begin?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Isle of Quel'Danas

Answer: The Ghostlands

Created by the undead forces which have trekked from Deatholme, across Eversong Woods and into the North Sea, the Dead Scar is a straight tear across the majority of Quel'Thalas. Players going across this won't be too surprised to see undead creatures. While in Eversong Woods and the Ghostlands, the creatures found in the Dead Scar won't surpass level 20, the creatures in the Dead Scar of the Isle of Quel'Danas will be around level 70, meaning that you should probably be around the same before attempting to venture into it. This island is the terminus of the Dead Scar; the final fight reaches this location.

21. Amberweb Pass contains Myst Leechers and what other creature?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Bloodmyst Isle

Answer: Webbed Creature

Amberweb Pass is a mountainous area in the northwest corner of Bloodmyst Isle, and the only thing you'll find there is spiders...lots of them. Myst Leechers are large spiders which patrol this area. Zarakh, their leader, rests at the very top of the cliffsides. While not an elite boss, Zarakh is still difficult for players under level 20. Additionally, Webbed Creatures are level 15. These oddities are actually bodies wrapped in spider silk, and while they pose no immediate threat, they are regarded as hostile units.

22. How many ships are off the coast from Odesyus' Landing?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Azuremyst Isle

Answer: Two

Odesyus' Landing is a small sailing encampment on the southern shore of Azuremyst Isle. With a group led by Admiral Odesyus, many of the characters here are seasoned seafarers, and a few of the quests they give will take you along the southern region of the island. If you've just emerged from training at Ammen Vale, you're likely to hit up this place first. Near this shoreline location, you'll also find a Venture Co. mine to the east known as Geezle's Camp.

23. Who is the final opponent in the Ring of Blood?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Nagrand

Answer: Mogor

A large battle arena found on one side of the Laughing Skull Clan Ruins in the north of Nagrand, the Ring of Blood is home to a number of one-on-one battles for players looking to prove their worth in battle. In incrementally more difficult battles, players will face off six times in the ring before a culminating battle against Mogor, Hero of the Warmaul. Everyone who completes all the battles will end up earning a ton of experience, money, and items, so it's definitely worth it. None of these are one-on-one battles. Large groups of players can also team up to defeat the foes pitted against you in this situation. A number of quests can also be completed in the adjacent ruins with the Ogres.

24. The Spawning Glen is found at the southwestern corner of the map. What single-NPC location is found slightly east?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Zangarmarsh

Answer: Cenarion Watchpost

Cenarion Watchpost can be reached by following the path south from Zabra'Jin. Here, a neutral NPC known as Watcher Leesa'Oh will begin a quest chain in which you can head over to the Spawning Glen to collect, kill, and explore the abnormally different foliage and environment found there. The area will be covered by hulking creatures and pods containing important sacs. Additionally, an NPC will be found near the edge of the Glen to hand you even more quests. All of these will either give you commendation and reputation for Cenarion Expedition or Sporeggar.

25. At which village must you defeat Anok'Suten?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - The Ghostlands

Answer: Suncrown Village

If you take the path northeast upon leaving Tranquillien you'll come across Suncrown Village, a dilapidated town populated by crypt adsfasdfasdf. When you reach the limits of the village, a dying Blood Elf will ask you to take revenge and defeat the boss known as Anok'Suten, who will patrol the center of the city. Due to its nature it is often regarded as a group quest, but it's quite easy. Goldenmist Village, reached by taking the northwest path over the Dead Scar and heading towards the coast, will take you to an easier town containing more ghostly enemies. Once more, this is for earlier levels.

26. In one town, you can find a wanted poster for Thaelis the Hungerer. Where can this felon be found?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Eversong Woods

Answer: Commons Hall

This wanted poster can be found along the wall of Falconreach Square. Once this quest is read and accepted, you can head north of Falconreach Square to find Commons Hall on the path between the parallel Dawning Lane and Feth's Way, both of which are on the eastern half of the Ruins of Silvermoon. Two other quests can be found in the Ruins of Silvermoon- Major Malfunction and Unstable Mana Crystals. Both of these can be done by defeating the Arcane Patrollers in the Ruins and by searching through the crates found throughout the area. All of these are low-level quests.

27. Teron Gorefeind is seen in a later expansion. After consuming thousands of Dranei souls, who does he become?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - The Black Temple

Answer: Teron'Gor

Teron Gorefiend appears in the "Warlords of Draenor" raid in Auchindoun. He is a servant of the legion once again.

28. What are the three-legged creatures which wander the waters of Zangarmarsh?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Zangarmarsh

Answer: Marsh Walkers

These mystical creatures are kind of reminiscent of the Tripods from Steven Spielberg's adaptation of "War of the Worlds". Marsh Walkers can be seen all over the Zangarmarsh in its shallow waterways lurching over the land around. The ones south of Sporeggar, if you've been attempting to procure some more reputation (do you really need more after the last questions?), will end up dropping Fertile Spores (so will Sporebats in the area). Fen Striders are another variation of the same type of creature found more in the eastern end of the zone. Similar questions are not found anywhere else in the game.

29. Crossing through Spinebreaker Pass will take you to what cliffside location?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Hellfire Peninsula

Answer: Void Ridge

In the southeast end of Hellfire Peninsula, players can either hightail it through The Legion Front just to the west of the Dark Portal and the Stair of Destiny, or they can make their way to the eastern end of Zeth'Gor's ruins and cavern to find Spinebreaker Pass, a narrow chasm which leads to the ends of the peninsula, one darkened and filled with Voidwalker enemies of different types. Some of the quests here simply require you to pick up the drops off these quick-to-respawn, exploding enemies, but one quest requires you to summon and destroy Void Baron Galaxis, a level 63 creature. The quests for these can be obtained from the nearby Spinebreaker Post for Horde players only.

30. Silvermoon City connects to which other major city via Orb of Translocation?

From Quiz "World of Warcraft" - Eversong Woods

Answer: The Undercity

The Orb of Translocation can be found in the back chamber of the Sunfury Spire in the city's northwest end. Here, one can also find mage and priest trainers. Silvermoon City is one of the older large cities found in the Eastern Kingdoms and it's the Blood Elf home city. The walled-in location is split into numerous different areas from the Walk of Elders to Farstriders' Square to the Bazaar. There are two inns here and a bank. The city is separated from the rest of Eversong Woods by the Shepherd's Gate, found in the south end of the city.

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