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Dutch Language Trivia

Dutch Language Trivia Quizzes

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Welkom! Get ready to explore the charming world of the Dutch language! Whether you're a beginner or fluent speaker, this category will test your knowledge of Dutch vocabulary, grammar, and cultural nuances.
25 Dutch Language quizzes and 276 Dutch Language trivia questions.
  Dutch Mystery Boxes   popular trivia quiz  
Mystery Sort
 16 Qns
The Dutch language itself is a mystery to many. Can you place these 16 very Dutch-sounding words and names into the correct Mystery Boxes?
Easier, 16 Qns, wellenbrecher, Oct 09 24
wellenbrecher gold member
Oct 09 24
127 plays
  Dutch 101    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you're traveling to the Netherlands, here are some words you may need to know!
Easier, 10 Qns, ladymacb29, Jan 19 01
ladymacb29 editor
4537 plays
  How Good Is Your Dutch    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Inspired bij Blinkin_au, who made the quiz 'How Good Is Your Samoan', I've created a similar quiz. I give you an English word, you have to pick the Dutch word for it. Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, Vermic, Apr 04 14
3178 plays
  Dutch Words: False Friends or True?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Since Dutch and English are related languages, many Dutch words look or sound like English words. But do they mean the same thing?
Average, 10 Qns, Woordenboer, Sep 22 03
2008 plays
  Test je Nederlands!    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a quiz to test your knowledge on the Dutch language. I'll ask every question in Dutch and you have to give me the answer in English. I hope you'll do well! Don't forget to vote!
Average, 20 Qns, Samura, May 02 13
2076 plays
  Double Dutch in English    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
English, like many languages, has borrowed words from all over the world. In this quiz we will be looking at some English words of Dutch origin.
Average, 10 Qns, engels, Aug 23 10
756 plays
  Dutch Sayings Compared With English    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Proverbs are more internationally similar than we might think. The cultural context in which a number of such phrasings developed was indeed fairly similar. But as always ... long live those little differences! - Multiple choice all through.
Average, 10 Qns, flem-ish, Aug 05 24
Aug 05 24
2243 plays
  Spreekt u Nederlands?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Spreekt u Nederlands? That's Dutch for "Do you speak Dutch?". Dutch is more related to English than most other languages in the world. If you don't speak Dutch you could still do well because this quiz is on basic Dutch. Have fun and good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, ilgatto, Mar 07 06
1785 plays
  Test your Dutch - Seasons and Weather    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz tests your knowledge of Dutch words for the seasons and various weather conditions.
Easier, 10 Qns, Mallorn777, Dec 20 19
Dec 20 19
485 plays
  Country Names In Dutch    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Each question gives you the name of a country in English. Do you know what the Dutch say if they're talking about the same country?
Average, 10 Qns, Vermic, Nov 15 20
Nov 15 20
3594 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the Dutch word for "butcher"?

From Quiz "How Good Is Your Dutch"

  Dutch for Dummies    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Dutch is such an easy language. This quiz is meant for those of you who do not speak it. Let's see how much you understand without ever having learned it. And let's see what us Dutch mean when we call you an 'Oelewapper'.
Average, 20 Qns, inezje, Aug 19 19
Aug 19 19
2629 plays
  Test Your Dutch    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Some real sense of Dutch vocabulary is required for this quiz as you have to select from 4 options the one that comes closest to the literal meaning of a given Dutch saying. Comparison with English proverbs in the notes.
Average, 10 Qns, flem-ish, Feb 12 19
Feb 12 19
2180 plays
  The Name of The Game    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz lets you guess how the Dutch call certain sports and athletic terms. At the same time, you'll get an idea of which sports they're interested in.
Average, 15 Qns, Woordenboer, Dec 02 22
Dec 02 22
1147 plays
  Dutch Idioms    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a fun quiz about common Dutch idioms. All you need to do is choose the equivalent English idiom to the Dutch one. Good Luck.
Average, 10 Qns, Sari73, Sep 09 15
277 plays
  Illnesses in Dutch    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It figures - you are on holiday in Holland and you get sick. What do you think your various ailments are called in Dutch?
Average, 10 Qns, mioumiou2003, Jun 19 23
Jun 19 23
1020 plays
  Like it Isn't, Dutch English Lookalike Words    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The brave kind sat on its stool, eating a peer and saw a tough fee throwing a slang into a brand. It wasn't shore if this was this genial of dapper. This is utter rubbish, but an ignorant Dutchman could write this down. Let us see why.
Average, 10 Qns, jaydel, Feb 14 21
Feb 14 21
940 plays
  Name the Dutch Food    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'm a fan of Dutch breakfast. The following are some foods I have eaten for breakfast. Can you name what food I had?
Average, 10 Qns, Sari73, Apr 23 19
Apr 23 19
339 plays
  Dutch Made Easy    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If indeed the tribes occupying Britain were distant cousins of those staying 'the other' side of the Channel, then, one might suspect, that the languages of their descendants are somewhat mutually intelligible. Judge for yourself by doing this quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, flem-ish, Aug 12 13
1496 plays
  Musical Instruments in Dutch    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'll give you the name of a musical instrument in Dutch, you tell me what it is in English!
Average, 10 Qns, ladymacb29, Aug 30 14
ladymacb29 editor
1486 plays
  What Do the Dutch Say?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Dutch have some interesting words to describe things. I give you a Dutch word or words and a literal translation that make up that word or words. Can you guess its meaning?
Average, 10 Qns, Shaffyre, Sep 22 08
902 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is about words which are spelled the same in Dutch as in English but have completely different meanings. I immediately will go for the Dutch variant. Just guess right and have fun.
Average, 10 Qns, jaydel, Aug 21 18
Aug 21 18
1423 plays
  More Country Names In Dutch    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Each question gives you the name of a country in English. Do you know what the Dutch say if they're talking about the same country?
Average, 10 Qns, Vermic, Jan 19 01
2327 plays
  Dutch-English Parallels    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Often Dutch uses similar binary phrasings as English. You are given the Dutch phrasing and should try to find the English equivalent of which the first half is given. The notes point out other rhythmical and stylistic effects.
Difficult, 10 Qns, flem-ish, Nov 16 15
1738 plays
  Dutch Proverbs I    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I give you a Dutch proverb and a literal translation. Can you guess its meaning ?
Average, 10 Qns, jokevv, Jul 18 04
1394 plays
  Dutch Phrases    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
The aim of this quiz is to test your knowledge of some simple Dutch phrases. Select the correct translation into English.
Easier, 5 Qns, emilyviewer, Jun 09 22
Jun 09 22
1733 plays
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Dutch Language Trivia Questions

1. "Door de bomen het bos niet meer zien." What is this expression in English?

From Quiz
Dutch Idioms

Answer: Unable to see the forest because of the trees

If a person is unable see the forest from the trees, they are giving too much attention to details or petty concerns. This expression comes from John Heywoods 1546 proverbs, further origins are unknown.

2. Ik heb "brood" daar ontbijten. What did I have for my Dutch breakfast?

From Quiz Name the Dutch Food

Answer: Bread

"Brood" is the Dutch word for bread. Bread goes well with most jams and jellies.

3. What is the Dutch word for the season the British call "Autumn", and which Americans sometimes call "Fall"?

From Quiz Test your Dutch - Seasons and Weather

Answer: de herfst

The meaning of the Dutch word "de hemel" is "the sky", "de tuin" means "the garden", and "de wind" means "the wind".

4. We'll start this quiz with the same word that many encyclopedias start with: Aardvark. It is derived from the Dutch "aardvarken". The word "aard" means "earth", and a "varken" is a kind of animal. What animal?

From Quiz Double Dutch in English

Answer: pig

Although in English "aardvark" is at the very front alphabetically, this does not hold in Dutch, because the vowel combination 'aa' is quite common in Dutch. Words that come before "aardvarken" in Dutch include "Aa" (old word for water, nowadays the name of various rivers), "aagtappel" (a type of apple), "aai" (caress), "aal" (eal), "aan" (a proposition related to "on"), "aap" (monkey or ape), "aar" (ear of grain) and of course "aarde" (earth).

5. "Spijker" means "nail" and "broek" means "pants", but what is a "spijkerbroek"?

From Quiz What Do the Dutch Say?

Answer: Denim jeans

When the denim pants he sold kept on tearing, Jacob Davis came upon the idea to use copper rivets to reinforce them. It is from these rivets that the name "spijkerbroek" comes, literally meaning "pants with nails". In Dutch the singular "broek" is used for "pants". The plural form is "broeken".

6. Where will you find a 'boom'?

From Quiz Lookalikes

Answer: In a forest

'Boom' (pronounced boam) means 'tree' in Dutch.

7. Day One - You have been walking around Amsterdam all day, of course it is raining as usual, and you forgot your raincoat. Now you are coughing and sneezing. You have caught a cold. What is a common cold called in Dutch ?

From Quiz Illnesses in Dutch

Answer: Een verkoudheid

Medication for a common cold can be obtained in a pharmacy, "een drogisterij" or "een apotheek".

8. How would you greet someone by saying "good evening"?

From Quiz Spreekt u Nederlands?

Answer: Goedenavond

Yes, "goedenavond" is the formal way to say "good evening" to someone in Dutch. "Goedemorgen" means "good morning", "goedemiddag" means "good afternoon" and "god morgon" means "good morning" in Swedish.

9. Soccer is called ...

From Quiz The Name of The Game

Answer: voetbal

'Foutbal', 'slagbal' and 'vangbal' are baseball terms.

10. In welk land spreekt men geen Nederlands als standaardtaal?

From Quiz Test je Nederlands!

Answer: Germany

"Which of the following countries does not have Dutch as official language?" Dutch is not an official language in Germany.

11. Dutch: iemand met raad en daad bijstaan English: to advise and ____ somebody.

From Quiz Dutch-English Parallels

Answer: assist

'Raad en daad' combines the effects of a binary pattern with rhyme. 'Advise and assist' is slightly alliterative.

12. 'Oude liefde roest niet'.What does this proverb literally mean?

From Quiz Test Your Dutch

Answer: Old love does not become rusty.

English equivalent: Old love lies deep.

13. In English you can be as angry as a WASP. In Dutch people tend to be 'zo nijdig als' or 'as pissed as' 'een SPIN' , which is another creature altogether. Namely?

From Quiz Dutch Sayings Compared With English

Answer: a spider

A bit of phonetic analysis is always helpful. SP !

14. For a short bit of sparkling performance,sensation, or scintillating enthusiasm, Dutch speaks of a 'little straw fire'. Een STROVUURTJE. What would that be in English?

From Quiz Dutch Made Easy

Answer: a flash in the pan

Flashing is also called streaking. A bonfire originally was a fire in which bones were burned. Just as Bunhill Cemetery in London originally was 'Bonehill' cemetery, the etymology of which will need little clarification. Flash in the pan is not to be confused with 'flambeing' pancakes.It refers to an explosion of gunpowder in the 'pan' of an old gun without actually firing the charge.

15. Appels voor citroenen kopen. To buy apples for lemons. Means ?

From Quiz Dutch Proverbs I

Answer: To be deceived

16. How do you say "eyes" in Dutch?

From Quiz How Good Is Your Dutch

Answer: Ogen

The plural form is "ogen", the singular is "oog". None of the incorrect answers are Dutch words.

17. What is the Dutch name for: Belarus?

From Quiz More Country Names In Dutch

Answer: Wit-Rusland

Wit-Rusland means White Russia in Dutch

18. What's the Dutch name for the United Arab Emirates?

From Quiz Country Names In Dutch

Answer: Verenigde Arabische Emiraten

Verenigde means United, Arabisch means Arab and Emiraten means Emirates.

19. "Zo de wind waait, waait z'n jasje." What is this expression in English?

From Quiz Dutch Idioms

Answer: As the wind blows, so does his jacket

This expression commonly refers to the gospel of John 3:8, the wind blows wherever it will.

20. Voor ontbijt heb ik een "boterham". What did I have for my Dutch breakfast?

From Quiz Name the Dutch Food

Answer: A Sandwich aka Buttered Bread

Boterham is the expression for sandwich aka buttered bread in Dutch. Boterham is often eaten for lunch. However, it is a popular food many people have at any time.

21. When would you be most likely to wear what the Dutch call a "zonnebril"?

From Quiz Test your Dutch - Seasons and Weather

Answer: When the sun is shining brightly.

"Zonnebril" is a pair of sunglasses.

22. The word 'yacht', meaning a type of ship, has been derived from the Dutch word 'jacht'. Apart from a ship type, what other meaning of the word 'jacht' is common in current-day Dutch?

From Quiz Double Dutch in English

Answer: hunt

The Dutch word 'jacht' is derived from the verb 'jagen'. Originally this meant "to go fast", because of which a fast sailing ship was called a "jacht". The meaning "hunt" has come about via the development "to go fast" -> "to chase" -> "to hunt".

23. "Boter" means "butter" and "ham" is the same as in English. So what are you eating when you are eating a "boterham"?

From Quiz What Do the Dutch Say?

Answer: Sandwich

When you make a sandwich you will spread it with "boter" and you may put some "ham" on it. In old Dutch, "ham" also referred to a "lump" or "chunk". The word "boterham" is used both for a slice of bread and for a sandwich. Several slices or sandwiches will be "boterhammen".

24. What would you do at a 'veiling'?

From Quiz Lookalikes

Answer: Acquire objects

A 'veiling' is an 'auction'.

25. Day Two - You are still going around in Amsterdam with your cold, and the man on the tram next to you kept coughing in your face. Now you feel feverish and you have the flu. What is the flu called in Dutch ?

From Quiz Illnesses in Dutch

Answer: De griep

A fever in Dutch is called "een koorts". Medication can be obtained from a "drogisterij" or "apotheek". A doctor is called "een dokter".

26. In Dutch 'kind' is a noun. Who is the most likely to want a 'kind'?

From Quiz Like it Isn't, Dutch English Lookalike Words

Answer: Newlyweds

A 'kind' (pronounce it like in the noun wind), is a child. By the way, the Dutch word 'baker' means midwife.

27. How would you say "my name is" in Dutch?

From Quiz Spreekt u Nederlands?

Answer: Ik heet

If you answered "ik heet" you were correct! The incorrect answers all mean "my name is" in French, Portuguese, and Italian.

28. When a goal is scored, a sports announcer will exclaim ...

From Quiz The Name of The Game

Answer: Doelpunt!

Literally, goal point. 'Goal!' is also used, but less often.

29. Wat is jouw leeftijd?

From Quiz Test je Nederlands!

Answer: I'm 18 years old.

The meaning of the question was: "What is your age?" If you want to know the time, you ask: "Hoe laat is het?" If you want to know when the bus will arrive, you ask: "Hoe laat komt de bus?" If you want to know somebody's name, you ask: "Wat is je naam?" or "Hoe heet je?"

This is category 361
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:44 AM
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