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What name is given to a fruit with the seeds on the outside, if there is one?

Question #107680. Asked by doublemm.
Last updated May 16 2021.

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I found this on what asked
What fruit has its seeds on the outside?

It is Botanically and Scientifically Wrong; still the misconception exists due to the preconceived ideas about fruits and seeds and the lack of botanical knowledge.

This is my humble attempt to clear it and put the things (In this case fruit and seed) in their right perspective.

Explanations below are immediately followed by the relevant illustration /s. Just click on that link.

1) In a flower there is an ovary which is the female reproductive part or a part of the female reproductive system. (Stigma and style are the other two parts, broadly speaking).

Inside the ovary there is one to many ovules (THEY ARE ALWAYS INSIDE AND NEVER OUTSIDE. THIS IS CRUCIAL PART TO UNDERSTAND).Now the illustrations ---

2) During pollination the pollen grains carrying the male gamete land on the stigma and give out a pollen tube for fertilization. Now for the illustrations ----

3) During fertilization the pollen tube passes through the ovule and male and female gametes unite.See the same illustrations above .

4) Now , during the post-fertilization changes the ovule/s are turned in to SEED/S and the ovary turns in to a FRUIT. THUS THE SEED/S ARE ALWAYS INSIDE A FRUIT .
function of the fruit is to protect the developing seeds and aid in their dispersal.
Coconut fruit cut open to show seed inside -

In Strawberry the pips are the fruits(brown in color and enclosing a single seed INSIDE !!!) and the red juicy part is the base of the flower that has undergone enlargement to attract the agents of seed dispersal including man!!

In cashew nut like wise it is the flower base that is juicy and yellow orange in color. Real kidney shaped fruit is attached to it and encloses the
seed which is the real cashew of commerce ( Salted roasted or plain !!!)

Raspberry - See a number of tiny red fruitlets together. Each with even a tinier seed inside .

Response last updated by CmdrK on May 16 2021.
Aug 04 2009, 8:52 AM
star_gazer star
Answer has 3 votes
star_gazer star
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Answer has 3 votes.
Garden strawberries are a common variety of strawberry cultivated worldwide. Like other species of Fragaria (strawberries), it belongs to the family Rosaceae. Technically, it is not a fruit but a false fruit, meaning the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries (achenes) but from the peg at the bottom of the bowl-shaped hypanthium that holds the ovaries.


Aug 04 2009, 11:05 AM
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