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With which country did Canada fight the "Whisky War" and why did the conflict have this unusual name?

Question #150221. Asked by BigTriviaDawg.
Last updated Nov 27 2023.
Originally posted Nov 27 2023 9:08 PM.

psnz star
Answer has 3 votes
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psnz star
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Answer has 3 votes.

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The Canadian foe was the Kingdom of Denmark.

This pseudo-confrontation/border dispute (1973-2022) is also called the Liquor Wars.

The point of contention was the uninhabited Hans Island (1.3 km2) in the Kennedy Channel of the Nares Strait in the Arctic. The barren island lies midway between Greenland and Canada.

Despite a 1973 agreement over the island, Canadian soldiers visited in 1984, leaving a Canadian flag and bottle of Canadian whisky. The Danes responded with a welcome letter and bottle of Schnapps. There followed a series of light-hearted flag raisings, accompanied by bottles of spirits.
Canadian newspaper "The Globe and Mail" reported on June 10, 2022, that the Canadian and Danish governments had settled on a border across the island, dividing it between the Canadian territory of Nunavut and the Danish autonomous territory of Greenland. The resolution occurred during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Hence, the settlement of the territorial dispute between Canada and Denmark was meant to create a symbolic example to other nations, implying to Russia that land disputes can be resolved peacefully.

The resolution had the side effect of giving Canada and Denmark a land border with each other, which means that both countries no longer border only one other country (the United States and Germany, respectively).

Response last updated by psnz on Nov 27 2023.
Nov 27 2023, 9:09 PM
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