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87 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Trivia Questions & Answers

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There are 87 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 11 2025.
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1 As they make their way to General Grievous' flagship during the Battle of Coruscant, Obi-Wan and Anakin are assisted by a group of clone pilots. What does Anakin want to do that Obi-Wan commands him not to?
Answer: Assist the clone pilots

Shortly after being joined by a squadron of clones piloting ARC-170 fighters, they are quickly attacked by a group of flying Vulture Droids. As the clones are overwhelmed, Anakin attempts to assist them, but Obi-Wan tells him to focus on their own mission while the clones do their job.
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of the Jedi Master who Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Anakin Skywalker, moved their troops to Boz Pity?

2 What was the call sign of the clone pilot that helped Obi-Wan and Anakin reach the Invisible Hand (General Grievous' flagship) in the opening battle?
Answer: Oddball

Oddball was a clone pilot and active for most of the Clone Wars. He was around Obi-Wan Kenobi for most of it. He fought at the Battle of Teth (seen in the animated movie "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"). At the Battle of Coruscant, he led a squadron of ARC-170 starfighters, and helped Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker by engaging droid fighters in dogfights, allowing the two Jedi to slip by to the Invisible Hand. He was later with the task force sent to Utapau with Kenobi.

Cody was a clone commander assigned to Obi-Wan Kenobi, and led clone ground forces during battles. He was the one who ordered an AT-TE to fire on Kenobi after receiving Order 66.

Sicko was the name of another clone pilot that ferried Omega Squad (a commando squad) to their mission in the book "Triple Zero". He was killed when his ship was attacked and sent off into space.

Jag was the name of yet another clone pilot. He was responsible for killing Jedi Master Plo Koon over Cato Neimoidia.
3 When Mace Windu went to confront Palpatine, who was the only Jedi accompanying him with a blue bladed lightsaber?
Answer: Agen Kolar

The four Jedi - Mace, Agen Kit and Saesee - went to confront Palpatine when Anakin revealed to Mace that the Supreme Chancellor was the second Dark Lord of the Sith. Agen was the Zabrak and only Jedi with a blue lightsaber (Mace had a purple one and Kit and Saesee had green) as well as the first of the four to die.
4 What is the name of the other Jedi besides Yoda who is on the planet of Kashyyyk?
Answer: Luminara Unduli

The Jedi on Kashyyyk is none other than Luminara Unduli, the master of Barriss Offee. She fights valiantly, but is killed during the betrayal of the clone troopers, that occurs all around the galaxy. She is not as lucky as Yoda, who survives the attack.
5 Once strapped in the black costume and helmet of the Darth Vader we saw in Episodes 4-6, what was/were Darth Vader's first word/s?
Answer: "Yes, Master. Where is Padme?"

The Emperor asked him if Darth Vader could hear him. Darth Vader, after a short pause, replied, "Yes, Master. (pause) Where is Padme? Is she safe? Is she all right?" When the Emperor replied that she was not and that Anakin, in his anger, killed her, Darth Vader at first refused to believe it. He said that when he last saw her, she was alive. He got so mad, he destroyed things in the room and knocked out the robots. In the end, he yelled "NO!"
I have to admit it's pretty weird to hear a supposedly emotionless mechanical voice yell in grief. A little trivia here, did you know that Hayden Christensen was the one under that costume? They had to use camera tricks to make him seem taller than the Emperor as he appeared in Episodes 4 - 6. Also, note that Darth Vader of this movie is, well, thinner than the more familiar Darth Vader of 4-6.
6 Who told Anakin to kill Count Dooku?
Answer: Palpatine

Anakin (Hayden Christensen) and Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) had been sent to 'rescue' Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid), who was being held hostage by Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), or so they believed. Obi-Wan was knocked unconscious during the fight and Anakin reached Palpatine alone. After a brief struggle with Dooku, Anakin cut off both of his hands. Dooku was on his knees before Anankin when Palpatine convinced Anakin to kill him. The expression on Dooku's face made it obvious that he was not prepared for this betrayal.
7 How many Dark Lords Of The Sith appear in "Revenge Of The Sith"?
Answer: Three

While it is true that the Order Of The Sith adheres strictly to the "Two Sith - no more, no less" rule, three Sith Lords appear in this movie.

Count Dooku is a Sith Apprentice known as Darth Tyranus. He is killed in battle by Anakin Skywalker early in the movie.

Anakin Skywalker later turns to the Dark Side, and pledges himself as a Sith Lord, replacing Count Dooku as the Sith Apprentice, and becoming Darth Vader.

Of course, Darth Sidous continues on throughout the entire movie as the Sith Master.


However, if you still feel a need to enlighten us, please make sure you read the following paragraphs, as they deal with some of the more common correction notes sent by players:

(1) There has been some confusion about what constitutes a Sith Lord. Sith Lords need not be Masters to carry the title Lord. To be a Sith Lord one need only be an Apprentice. There are always two Dark Lords of the Sith: The Master and Apprentice. That is why, in "Episode II" Sidious refers to Count Dooku as "Lord Tyranus". He also calls Darth Vader "Lord Vader" in "Episode III". Lord Vader was actually STILL an apprentice at the end of "Return Of The Jedi", just before he turned back to the Light. He was nonetheless, a Dark Lord of the Sith, and is referred to as Lord Vader repeatedly throughout the series.

(2) Even Apprentices carry the title "Dark" Lord Of The Sith. This was not always the case. It is in the time of the two trilogies. This has been verified! Apprentices are not just Lords Of The Sith, they carry the full title, including the word "Dark". Please do not send references to novels that take place before "Episode III". At the time "Episode III" takes place, the rule has changed. This is documented at the official Star Wars web site,

(3) If you answered four, because Greivous is a Sith Lord, please do not send a correction; he is not, I promise. He is the only non-Jedi non-Sith to wield a lightsaber in combat in any of the six movies. Being trained in the Jedi Arts is not the same as being trained in the ways of the Force or becoming a Sith. The Jedi Arts merely refer to hand-to-hand Jedi combat techniques, specifically with regard to light sabers. Interestingly, Han Solo (another non-Jedi non-Sith) uses a lightsaber in "Episode V", but he uses it to slice open the belly of a taun-taun, not in combat.

(4) Darth Plagueis being mentioned DOES NOT mean he APPEARED in the movie!

PLEASE DO NOT MAKE IT NECESSARY TO ADD A #5 TO THIS LIST! (Legitimate corrections are welcome, but this question really is a dead horse!)
8 How many years after Episode II (Attack of the Clones) did Episode III (Revenge of the Sith) take place?
Answer: 3

Anakin was 3 years older and twice as powerful as he was in Episode II. The Clone Wars, which started in Episode II, were coming to an end.
9 According to Senator Padme Amidala, how does liberty die?
Answer: "...with thunderous applause"

She says this to Senator Organa as Chancellor Palpatine is making a speech to the Senate, in which he declares the Republic will become the first Galactic Empire to ensure safety and security. The proposal is met with thunderous applause by most of the Senators present.

CORRECTION NOTE: There have been quite a few inquiries and corrections regarding what Padme actually says. To avoid unnecessary notes and clear up any confusion, the following is an excerpt from the actual script:

"PADME: So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause . . .

"BAIL ORGANA: We cannot let this happen."
10 Who is the "Chosen One" who ends up becoming the feared Sith Apprentice Darth Vader?
Answer: Anakin Skywalker

During the movie, Chancellor Palpatine tells Anakin of a Sith Lord who is so powerful he can control the midichlorians and create a new life. Do you think he meant Anakin? Or did George Lucas leave that deliberately vague for fans to debate?
I find it weird that Anakin's the third name when the cast list comes out (the first two being Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme, whose surname wasn't written). I would've thought that he'd be the first.
11 Who was kidnapped during the Battle of Coruscant?
Answer: Chancellor Palpatine

The movie started off with the space battle above Coruscant, in which Anakin and Obi-Wan were charged with rescuing Chancellor Palpatine, who was prisoner aboard the Invisible Hand. In season three of the mini series "Star Wars: Clone Wars", the beginning of the Battle of Coruscant was shown. It showed the Jedi and Clone Troopers on Coruscant holding off Confederacy ground forces while trying to keep the Chancellor away from Grievous' Magna guards, and the general himself. Near the end of the series, Mace Windu confronted Grievous and crushed his chest, which was why the general was coughing so much when talking with Anakin and Obi-Wan, later, on the bridge of his command ship.
12 Who stated "Twice the pride, double the fall"?
Answer: Count Dooku

This occurred at the beginning of the movie when Anakin, who had lost a hand to Dooku in an earlier battle, stated to him that his powers had doubled since they had faced each other the last time. However, Anakin was successful in killing Dooku this time.
13 Anakin had received a scar next to which eye, between "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith"?
Answer: Right eye

Other changes in Anakin since "Attack of the Clones" were his elevation from Padawan to Jedi Knight which had resulted the disappearance of his braid. Anakin's hair was also noticably longer and his skeletal gold hand had been replaced with a black mechanical one. According to the expanded "Star Wars Universe" Anakin received the scar in a lightsaber duel with Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress.
14 What is the name of the Jedi Master who Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Anakin Skywalker, moved their troops to Boz Pity?
Answer: Master Vos

Master Vos moves his troops to Boz Pity after his victory on the planet of Saleucami. Vos is sent to help the other troops in the outer rim sieges. Master Vos is a famous character depicted in the "Republic" series by Darkhorse comics. This is the first time he is mentioned verbally in a "Star Wars" film.
15 When did Mace Windu die?
Answer: while trying to arrest Palpatine

Palpatine took a bold step and revealed to Anakin that he was the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, whom they had been looking for. Anakin reported this to Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) who, along with several other Jedi, went to arrest Palpatine. Palpatine killed the other Jedi, but Windu was able to successfully hold him at bay. As Windu was preparing to kill him, Anakin entered and insisted that Palpatine be arrested and given a fair trial. When Windu became distracted by Anakin, Palpatine, who was not as beaten as he'd let on, killed Windu.
16 What is the name of the lava planet where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker have their incredible light saber duel?
Answer: Mustafar

Obi-Wan has been dispatched by Master Yoda to find Darth Vader, who has gone to Mustafar to kill off the remaining leaders of the Separatist movement (Confederacy of Independant Systems). The Separatist leaders are hiding there and taking orders from Darth Sidious (whom they still do not know is Chancellor Palpatine) after the deaths of their leaders, Count Dooku and General Grievous.

Kashyyyk is the Wookie homeworld.

Kamino is the ocean planet from "Episode II" where the cloners live.

Yavin is the gas giant where the final battle in "Episode IV" takes place, when Luke Skywalker destroys the original Death Star. (The secret rebel base was on one of the planet's moons, Yavin IV.)
17 Who kills Darth Tyranus?
Answer: Anakin Skywalker

Anakin beheads Count Dooku (also known as Darth Tyranus) at the beginning of the movie. Dooku has "kidnapped" Palpatine (Palpatine and Dooku are actually working together as they are the Dark Lords Of The Sith) and Obi Wan and Anakin have gone to rescue him. Obi-Wan is knocked unconscious during the fight. Eventually, Anakin disables Dooku, who ends up kneeling, helpless before him. Realizing that Anakin must act on his thirst for revenge as a part of his journey to the Dark Side, and there can only be two Dark Lords Of The Sith, Palpatine urges Anakin to act on his anger and kill Count Dooku. It is a violation of the Jedi Code to kill a helpless adversary, but with Kenobi unconscious and unaware, Anakin kills Count Dooku. He does not pledge himself as a Sith until later. At this point he is still unaware that Chancellor Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious.
18 A very famous line in the "Star Wars" movies is "I have a bad feeling about this." Who is the only one who says this line in the third and final installment of the prequel?
Answer: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) says this as they enter General Grievous' ship. He reminds Anakin that the shields are still in place. Once Anakin destroys the shield generators, he says "I have a bad feeling about this", just before their ships careen wildly in the docking area.
19 Upon returning to Coruscant, Anakin and Padme are reunited in an embrace for the first time in months. She then reveals that she has become pregnant. A moment before this, what clued in Anakin that something was going on?
Answer: Padme was trembling

Anakin arrives and sees Padme waiting for him in the shadows. They embrace, relieving both their anxiety, but Anakin feels Padme trembling. She reveals that she has become pregnant. Despite being potentially problematic as a result of their secret marriage, Anakin is elated to discover this.
20 Who was sent to Kashyyyk in order to aid the Wookiees in their fight against the Separatists?
Answer: Yoda

Kashyyyk was important in the war, strategically, as an intersection point of many hyperspace lanes. Jedi Master Yoda was chosen to go to Kashyyyk to aid the Wookiees due to his good relations with them. He commanded the Republic Forces from an observation point with two clone troopers, Chewbacca, and Tarfful, the Wookiee chieftan at the time. When Order 66 was given, Yoda felt the deaths of many Jedi through the Force. He was able to kill his clone guards before they could assassinate him, and, with the help of the Wookiees, managed to escape Kashyyyk. He was then picked up by the Tantive IV.

Other Jedi on Kashyyyk were Luminara Unduli and Qunilan Vos. Luminara was killed by clone troopers when Order 66 was issued. Quinlan was also attacked, but managed to survive, albeit with severe burns.

Not seen in the movie were Trandoshans, a reptilian race that took Wookiees for slaves and for their pelts. The Jedi and Republic forces helped the Wookiees repel the Trandoshans before Order 66, but after, left the planet and the Wookiees to fend for themselves. Years later, the Empire would enslave the Wookiees and use them as a cheap labor force for their various construction projects, such as the Death Star.
21 How did Anakin and Obi-Wan bring the Chancellor back, after they rescued him from General Grevious?
Answer: They drove half a ship back into the atmosphere of Coruscant.

General Grevious escaped by ship, after smashing the glass. He was hoping to kill whoever was left on board, as he had a rescue ship. However, they were actually able to fly the ship back into the atmosphere on Coruscant even after it broke in two.
22 Where had Master Vos led a mission to?
Answer: Boz Pity

Master Vos was mentioned by Obi-Wan in the war room, in the scene following Anakin's council with Yoda. Although initially intended to be featured in the movie, Vos did not appear in person but rather was mentioned. Vos's former Padawan, Aayla Secura, was featured in "Revenge of the Sith" as the Twi'lek who was shot following Order 66, as well as in "Attack of the Clones" where she was one of the Jedi in the Geonosian arena.
23 What is the name of the commander in charge of the troops under the leadership of the Jedi Knight Aayla Secura?
Answer: Commander Bly

Commander Bly works with Aayla Secura during the majority of the Clone Wars. He betrays her during the battle upon the planet of Felucia, when Order 66 is given by Palpatine.
24 There were two people in the movie who ended up being on fire, who were the two?
Answer: Darth Vader and General Grievous

General Grievous caught fire when Obi-Wan shot his heart; he then died. Darth Vader caught fire when his stumped legs grazed the lava flowing past, which caused him to catch on fire; he didn't die though. Although in great pain, he survived this and continued to live by being suited up in a black suit and helmet.
Yoda and Obi-Wan manage to escape the war physically unscathed. The other Jedi were killed by being shot by the clones, or under Darth Vader's lightsaber hand, which was what happened to the Younglings. Padme died in childbirth, although precipitated by Darth Vader. Mace Windu died from the combination of Force Lightning (thanks Greg84!) and being thrown out the window (thanks Tralfaz) and not by fire.
25 Who killed the younglings?
Answer: Anakin

Tortured by nightmares of Padme's (Natalie Portman) death in childbirth, Anakin pledged himself to Palpatine, who promised to find a way to keep her alive. Palpatine convinced Anakin that the Jedi were plotting to take control of the galaxy, and sent him to kill off the younglings, children who were training to become Jedi at the Jedi temple. Every act of murder that Anakin committed drew him deeper and deeper into the Dark Side.