Answer: Tom Guiry
Guiry, born on October 12th, 1981 in Trenton, New Jersey, was cast as Scotty Smalls. Scotty, who was known by his baseball teammates as "Smalls", moved to the neighborhood and was encouraged to make friends that summer. Smalls went to the sandlot one day to play baseball with a bunch of neighborhood kids. In his first scene at the sandlot, a ball was hit towards him and Smalls fell down when he attempted to catch it and this caused many of the kids to laugh at him. The following day, Benny helped Smalls out and Smalls was able to catch the baseball. From that point onward, Smalls' baseball playing improved and he and Benny became closer in the process. At the end of the movie, Smalls asked Benny to help him with Hercules, a dog who was injured by a falling fence. Guiry starred in the films "Mystic River", "Black Hawk Down" and "Tigerland".