Answer: sixth hour
John 4:6 records that it was about the sixth hour, which is interpreted as midday or noon. The beginning of the day, in those times, was reckoned at 6 in the morning, which would be the first hour of the day.
From Quiz: Woman at the Well
Answer: Gives his life for his sheep.
It says in John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."
Christians are considered Jesus's sheep because we are to follow Him.
Interestingly, Jesus himself was also referred to as the Lamb of God, because, like a lamb, He was sacrificed to make atonement for the sins of others.
From Quiz: The Gospel of John
Answer: Its water wasn't satisfying.
Samaritans were considered half-breeds. They had the same Jewish ancestors such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose well this woman was quite proud of. But their lineage was mixed with pagan peoples and they worshiped God in Mt. Gerizim rather than Jerusalem. Jesus wasn't interested in the "religious" details here in John 4:13, however. He turned the woman's focus to more personal, spiritual issues.
From Quiz: Thirsty? Try a Drink from John 4
Answer: Blind
John 9:1-11. Jesus made a clay of dirt and spittle and instructed the man to go to Siloam's pool the complete the cleansing. Jesus told his disciples that the man was blind, not because of sin of either he or his parents, but so that Jesus could heal him.
From Quiz: John's View of Jesus
Answer: Remnants from five loaves of bread
Jesus was speaking of the remnants of the five loaves of bread that were distributed among the crowd that came to hear Jesus speak. Of the five loaves and two fishes that were distributed among the crowd, twelve baskets of leftover bread were gathered from the five loaves.
From Quiz: The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Answer: vine
The missing word is 'vine'. Jesus is once again talking to His disciples when He made the 'I am Statement' contained in John 15:5. The verse is one of my favorites. Taking the verse at its literal meaning, a believer cannot accomplish anything of permanent spiritual value, unless they abide in Christ. To study the verse in context, read John 15:1-8.
From Quiz: Jesus and His 'I am' Statements in John
Answer: an unnamed woman from Sychar
Jesus encountered a woman whose name we are not given, as he waited by the ancient location of Jacob's well at Sychar, Samaria. His disciples had gone into town to purchase food, and this woman encountered Jesus as he awaited their return. She was amazed to hear him speak to her, as Samaritans were considered almost sub-human by their Jewish counterparts. They were of 1/2 Jewish stock and 1/2 Babylonian descent and were held in low esteem by the "pure" Jewish people.
The woman received other amazing revelations from Jesus, whereupon she stated that she believed him to be a prophet. Jesus wound up staying in the city of Sychar for two more days, and many other people also came to believe on him as Messiah as well.
From Quiz: BBB Bible Series: John "Ben-Regaz"
Answer: branches
Jesus tells his followers that He is the vine, they are the branches and that His Father is the vinedresser. His Father takes away the unfruitful branches but lets the fruit bearing ones stay. Jesus also tells them that the only way that a branch can give fruit is if it abides in the vine; they must abide in Him. Jesus also gives His commandment in this chapter which is, "... that ye love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12).
From Quiz: BBB Bible Series: John
Answer: Those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.
The correct answer is "those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there" Apparently, the older ones left first because they could all recall secret sins from their past. Notes in the NIV Study Bible states this about the older men: "They were the first to realize what was involved. But all the men were conscience stricken or afraid, and in the end only Jesus and the woman remained."
From Quiz: Jesus and the Woman Caught in Adultery
Answer: Jesus wept.
The correct answer is that Jesus wept. The weeping by Jesus was in response to the immense grief he saw in the sister of Lazarus who had come to meet him, as well as the mourning by the people who had accompanied her. Incidentally, John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the New Testament, consisting of only two words.
From Quiz: Lazarus -- A Decaying Corpse Rises from Dead