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Gilmore Girls  Season 4 Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Gilmore Girls  Season 4 Quizzes, Trivia

'Gilmore Girls' - Season 4 Trivia

'Gilmore Girls' - Season 4 Trivia Quizzes

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Season 4 airdates Sept. 2003- May 2004
12 quizzes and 135 trivia questions.
  4.7 "The Festival Of Living Art"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In episode seven of season four, Kirk becomes Jesus and Sookie hires a midwife.
Average, 10 Qns, GameMaster1967, Apr 20 06
GameMaster1967 gold member
1748 plays
  4.13 "Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found ..."   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The full title of the episode is "Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels" and this quiz contains all positive trivia.
Average, 10 Qns, GameMaster1967, Apr 20 06
GameMaster1967 gold member
1694 plays
  4.16 "The Reigning Lorelai"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Lorelai the first passes away and Emily finds a letter she'd written to Richard the day before their wedding.
Average, 10 Qns, GameMaster1967, Apr 20 06
GameMaster1967 gold member
2007 plays
  "Raincoats and Recipes"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is on the "Gilmore Girls" season 4 finale.
Easier, 10 Qns, bonanza22, Feb 03 10
2516 plays
  4.31 "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Luke's sister Liz gets married and Jess tries to get Rory to take him back in episode 21 of season four.
Average, 10 Qns, GameMaster1967, Apr 20 06
GameMaster1967 gold member
1494 plays
  "A Family Matter"    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Jess was one of my favorite characters on "Gilmore Girls" and I loved him in this episode!
Average, 15 Qns, twnme88, Jul 15 05
1647 plays
  'The Lorelais' First Day At Yale'    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hello, this is a quiz on the second episode of the fourth season of 'Gilmore Girls' where Rory experiences her first day of university life.
Average, 10 Qns, junepearl, Sep 29 15
2168 plays
  "Chicken or Beef"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Gilmore Girls" season 4 episode 4.
Average, 10 Qns, bilig, Jul 22 18
Jul 22 18
2786 plays
  "The Lorelais' First Day at Yale"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
'Gilmore Girls' season 4 episode 2.
Tough, 10 Qns, bilig, Mar 06 06
2476 plays
  "An Affair To Remember"    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
"Gilmore Girls" season 4 episode 6.
Tough, 20 Qns, bilig, Jul 22 18
Jul 22 18
1908 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What time does Luke say he needs his truck back the first time?

From Quiz "'The Lorelais' First Day At Yale'"

  "The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Gilmore Girls" season 4 episode 3.
Tough, 10 Qns, bilig, Feb 26 09
1513 plays
  Opening an Inn    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Everyone loves the "Gilmore Girls" and we were happy when Lorelai and Sookie got to open their inn. How much do you remember about the test run for the inn?
Difficult, 10 Qns, terrilynn1077, Oct 08 15
162 plays

'Gilmore Girls' - Season 4 Trivia Questions

1. Lorelai Gilmore and Sookie St. James always wanted to open their own inn. At the end of season 4 they do. What is the name of the inn?

From Quiz
Opening an Inn

Answer: Dragonfly Inn

The Independence Inn is where they worked together originally, the town is Stars Hollow, and Sookie's maiden name is St. James.

2. While Kirk and Miss Patty are fighting over the Maypole, what famous actress did she tell Lorelai she used to work for?

From Quiz 4.31 "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights"

Answer: Joan Crawford

Kirk was mad that Miss Patty made Chrissy her dance captain for the wedding, and he let off a stream of rude remarks about the Maypole. The infamous Banyan boys were causing trouble for her as well, and she told Lorelai that "Lucifer tired of them in Hell and dumped them here". Lorelai reminded Kirk he should be nicer to Miss Patty, since she had beat up Kirk once in the past.

3. What is the name of the festival Stars Hollow takes over for Woodbury?

From Quiz 4.7 "The Festival Of Living Art"

Answer: Festival of Living Pictures

Taylor called an impromptu town meeting to inform everyone that they needed to step in to put on the Festival of Living Pictures, taken over for Woodbury. The town had to cancel due to recent flooding and Hank (the Taylor Doose of Woodbury) sent over all the festival pieces for Stars Hollow.

4. What line does Kirk say many times to the people in the diner when Lorelai joins him for breakfast?

From Quiz "A Family Matter"

Answer: "I have a girlfriend."

There were no other tables for Lorelai to sit at, so she sat at the table with Kirk. He was worried that the people in town would think he was going out with Lorelai, so he told them that he already had a girlfriend.

5. How did Lorelai tell Rory that she was at Luke's?

From Quiz "Raincoats and Recipes"

Answer: Put a note on Rory's head

Rory was home for vacation from school, and slept late. Lorelai didn't want to wake Rory up, so she just left a note on her head.

6. In the opening scene, Emily was complaining about the ___.

From Quiz "An Affair To Remember"

Answer: Richmonds

One of the items that she brought up was how they gave out king size candy on Halloween.

7. What's the problem that Lorelai has when she borrows Luke's truck?

From Quiz 'The Lorelais' First Day At Yale'

Answer: she can't drive a stick

In order to be able to take all of Rory's stuff to Yale, they needed to borrow Luke's truck. However, since Lorelai doesn't know how to drive a stick, in order for her to get it to Luke's diner in the first place, she has to back it slowly there. Luke isn't very trusting of Lorelai with his truck after this.

8. During the test run of Lorelai and Sookie's new inn, Kirk comes running down the stairs after having a night terror. What was he wearing?

From Quiz Opening an Inn

Answer: Nothing but a pillow

Kirk came running down the stairs naked with a pillow draped in front of him.

9. Emily had a dear friend named Sweetie Nelson who passed away. What was Sweetie's real first name?

From Quiz 4.16 "The Reigning Lorelai"

Answer: Melinda

Lorelai pressed Emily to reveal the story behind her nickname of "Sweetie". Emily argued that there was no story, just the fact that Melinda was a very sweet woman who happened to love escargot. Sweetie had experienced a long illness, so her death was not totally unexpected. Richard wanted to skip attending the funeral, as he and Jason had a business date with a man on Sunday. It was an afternoon of golf and lunch. Emily let him off the hook, but she seemed extremely sad and lonely when she did so.

10. Why was it so cold in Lorelai's house during those opening scenes?

From Quiz 4.13 "Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found ..."

Answer: broken window

Lorelai explained to Rory she'd broken the window herself trying to lock it the night before. Rory suggested that she call a repair man, but Lorelai said she had to allow Luke to repair it to avoid hurting his feelings. When he did come to repair it later, he'd been drinking. He climbed the tree and fell from the tree in Lorelai's yeard. He still claimed to have entered her house by her unlocked bedroom window on the second floor, and then proceeded to cut himself on the broken window.

11. How many years previous was it that Stars Hollow had last hosted the festival?

From Quiz 4.7 "The Festival Of Living Art"

Answer: 7 years

Everyone expressed their pleasure at hosting it again, as seven years ago they'd all had so much fun. Lorelai expected to take over her portrait and play the Renoir girl. Taylor had excused her from this at first, because seven years ago she'd flinched and almost knocked over her partner Terrance.

12. Who was the mystery woman at the diner that came to visit Luke?

From Quiz "A Family Matter"

Answer: Liz

Liz is Jess' mother and Luke's sister. She came to town for her 20 year high school reunion.

13. The Dragonfly Inn only had a budget for five cooks on staff. How many did Sookie hire?

From Quiz "Raincoats and Recipes"

Answer: 7

Sookie figured that two wouldn't show up, or would be bad cooks, or something would happen so that she could fire two. Unfortunately for Sookie, she liked all of them and had trouble deciding who to fire.

14. At Luke's Diner, Rory told Lorelai that she had Caesar make them something to take with them to eat. Rory called it her Yale special. What was a Yale special?

From Quiz "The Lorelais' First Day at Yale"

Answer: Sausage wrapped in a pancake tied together with bacon

Lorelai asked Rory if she just made up that recipe.

15. Lorelai told Rory that when she started elementary school, she told her mom the teachers wanted to meet all the parents at __.

From Quiz "The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles"

Answer: 6:30

She also told her that when they got to the school the school was not open yet.

16. What were Emily and Richard drinking with their dinner?

From Quiz "An Affair To Remember"

Answer: Red wine

Lorelai was also drinking red wine; Rory had what appeared to be juice.

17. Who installed the alarm system for Lorelai?

From Quiz "Chicken or Beef"

Answer: Kirk

Kirk recently got a job working for the Stars Hollow Security Company and installed it for Lorelai without her knowledge of it.

18. What time does Luke say he needs his truck back the first time?

From Quiz 'The Lorelais' First Day At Yale'

Answer: 4

He tells this to Lorelai and she says, 'Four-ish it is.' Luke isn't happy with this, so he says, 'Four, I need it at four.' Lorelai then goes, 'Give or take a few min-' Luke, 'Four.'

19. During the test run, one of Taylor's shoes is chewed on and Lorelai has to replace it. What size does Taylor say his shoe is?

From Quiz Opening an Inn

Answer: Six and a half narrow

Michel brought his chows to the inn even after Lorelai told him not to and Paw Paw chewed on Taylor's shoe.

20. Sookie and Jackson are back in the saddle, as far as it goes, arguing about produce for the Dragonfly. Which item of produce was the cause of their "discussion" in this episode?

From Quiz 4.31 "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights"

Answer: radish

They were arguing about the size of the radish crop. Jackson felt they were a nice size, but Sookie felt they were way too small. In fact, she said that if they would fit up their son's nose, they were too small. They even argued about bringing Davey in, to have the radish size tested. Lorelai came into the room in time to suggest that they leave Davey out of the radish debate. Sookie was very pleased to be back arguing with Jackson.

21. What was the name of Jackson's disgruntled brother, played by actor Nick Offerman?

From Quiz 4.7 "The Festival Of Living Art"

Answer: Beau

Beau was not happy that Sookie was a week overdue to give birth to the baby, because Jackson wanted him to be there and Beau was missing work. Nick Offerman is the co-founder of the Defiant Theater in Chicago, Illinois, and he married "Will and Grace" star Megan Mullally in 2003.

22. What was the name of the guy that Tana wanted to impress?

From Quiz "A Family Matter"

Answer: Chester Fleet

Tana wanted Lane to do her hair so that she could impress this guy named Chester Fleet.

23. On the day of the opening, a very important feature still hadn't been installed. What was that?

From Quiz "Raincoats and Recipes"

Answer: Doors

Tom (the construction man) told Lorelai that the doors took a wrong turn, but would be there on time. They arrived at the same time as the guests, so there wasn't a problem.

24. Russell Bynes was a lawyer who worked for the same law firm that Nicole worked for. He was delivering papers informing Luke of the action that was being filed. Who did Luke say his Lawyer was?

From Quiz "The Lorelais' First Day at Yale"

Answer: Don Dewey

He also told him that he was with the law firm Dewey, Cheatam, and Howe. Russell said that was very immature.

25. Sookie told Lorelai that Helen Thompson's son was having a birthday party and wanted her to cater it. What was Helen Thompson's son's name?

From Quiz "The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles"

Answer: Aaron

Sookie also suggested to Helen Thompson that Lorelai plan the birthday party.

26. What dessert did the Gilmores have during their Friday evening dinner?

From Quiz "An Affair To Remember"

Answer: cake

Lorelai teased her mom about it being mini lemon bunt cake not king size.

27. Who did Rory blame for not telling her that Dean's wedding was the weekend she came home?

From Quiz "Chicken or Beef"

Answer: Lane

Rory said to Lane "Have you heard of a phone? Because as my friend, it is your responsibility to use it to call me and tell me that my ex-boyfriend's wedding is on Sunday so I'm not accidentally in it."

28. What is the name of the first attorney who comes to see Luke?

From Quiz 'The Lorelais' First Day At Yale'

Answer: Russell Bynes

When Luke is in the process of becoming divorced, several attorneys come to see him. As Nicole made more money then Luke, they assumed that he wanted to get some things of hers in the divorce settlement. They didn't understand that he just wanted to deal with it himself, the marriage was a mistake, they should just go on living their lives the way they did before, lawyers were not needed.

29. While Lorelai is on the phone with Rory, she discovers Cletus standing in the front room of the Dragonfly. What is Cletus?

From Quiz 4.31 "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights"

Answer: a horse

Lorelai and Sookie bought two horses to stable at the inn, to offer their guests an added feature. When Lorelai questioned both Michel and Sookie, they agreed that Cletus had been in the inn for about 25 minutes. Lorelai told them both that the new rule was that if anyone spotted a non-bipedal animal, i.e. non-human, they should assume no one had taken care of the problem and remove the creature themselves. Michel said if the rule had been in place already, he would have attended to Cletus.

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