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Quiz about A  Tendentious Overview of the European Peoples
Quiz about A  Tendentious Overview of the European Peoples

A Tendentious Overview of the European Peoples Quiz

Yanks are the worst. We steal your cultures, and then dump McDonalds and Gap franchises all through your quaint old cities. Now we make fun of you in FT quizzes... what CHEEK!

A multiple-choice quiz by coolupway. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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  9. European Cultures

6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 15 21
# Qns
Avg Score
9 / 10
Editor's Choice
Last 3 plays: Guest 217 (9/10), snhha (10/10), Guest 47 (9/10).
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Question 1 of 10
1. This country had a lot of kings that no one could ever remember the names of, but for the last 50 or so years it appears the place has been run by a series of women. The pleasures of the flesh appear to be unknown to the inhabitants of this land... certainly the FOOD is horrible; bangers & mash and bubble & squeak are things you INGEST rather than excrete! The country does have great comedians, though they all have 5-digit IQ's and make recondite jokes about obscure stuff that they learned at snooty colleges. Who are they? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. When not painting annoying flower pictures or building ridiculous towers in the 7th arrondissement, these people sit around smoking horribly expensive cigarettes and philosophizing. They speak a mellifluous language in which paragraphs sound like one continuous word with a lot of "oo" sounds in it. Their most famous war hero was a teenage girl. They make endless terrible movies about menages a trois, and they plaster long silly names on wine bottles for which they charge exorbitant amounts. Who are they? Hint

Question 3 of 10
3. These people brood. I mean really brood ... a LOT! Then they think about depressing stuff. They paint even more depressing stuff. Their diet is incredibly varied, consisting as it does of meat, meat and meat. They are arguably the least romantic of the European peoples and their language sounds like marching orders. Every now and again they invade France. Yanks hated them for a while but now fall all over each other to buy their cars. When not brooding, they're pretty good at manufacturing stuff. Especially helmets. They LOVE helmets ... they even name their kids after 'em! Who are they? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. These people invented civilization or something. Then they got bored with it and made up a bunch of really ridiculous mythology. Then the Romans came. Alexander the Great turned up somewhere in there but was really a Macedonian, though you should be careful not to lay undue stress on this point if you're in a place called "Nick's Diner". One of these people, a goo-goo type from Brookline, Mass., ran for President in 1988 and got completely blown away after a rather dirty campaign was run against him. Who are they? Hint

Question 5 of 10
5. The principal occupation of this country appears to be going on strike. When they do work, they make great sports cars, shoes and suits. But there's really no point in working... the land is fertile, the climate pleasant, the wine is plentiful... why not just sit around, sing an operatic aria, ogle buxom women, and maybe paint a church ceiling? The people in the north of this country view the people from the southern part of the land as ignorant peasants and will not even TALK about some other countrymen of theirs who live on a nearby island, speak in a funny dialect and have movies made about them in which they kill each other in picturesque ways. Who are they? Hint

Question 6 of 10
6. Half the residents of this verdant land are arguably the world's toughest, hardest people. They have broad, freckled faces, twinkly blue eyes, big ears, enormous legs, and are said to get ferociously drunk and beat each other up in bars. The men, on the other hand, sit around writing good poetry and sad books, much of this in a language which appears to have entirely too many vowels and "h"'s in it It has been suggested that they studiously avoid sex with the tough, sharp-tongued women, or at best have it once in a blue moon but feel VERY ashamed about it. What is this odd land? Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. Geography is indeed often destiny, and sad fate has placed this unfortunate state between two of the most warlike countries in the world. The people have managed to withstand unending invasions from both west and east by eating a hearty, artery-clogging diet consisting almost entirely of cheese, dough and sour cream, with an occasional sausage on the side. This is often washed down with extremely warm vodka, and cynics suggest this is the case because the locals cannot remember the recipe for ice. Who are these people? Hint

Question 8 of 10
8. All Americans know that this land is the place you go to for "s" experiences... sun at midnight, skiing, sex and suicide. It is rumored to be the world capital of blonde women, on whom Yank alphas believe they can readily slake their unbridled lust. The suicide rate is believed to be directly tied to the country's very advanced cinema, which churns out an endless succession of well-made movies so depressing as to make "The English Patient" look like "The Producers." What is the place called? Hint

Question 9 of 10
9. This tiny nation, a long-standing subject of fun for the French (who refer to them with an insulting diminuendo), not only houses the European Union, but also what appears to be the highest concentration of FT quizmakers in the world. An important city almost at its western tip has name which translates (of course!) as "East End". The food is great; there's an annoying linguistic divide but the people tend to be rampantly multilingual. Kevin Kline's dopey/scary character in "A Fish Called Wanda" mistakenly (if hilariously) believed that Socrates was from here. Name the place! Hint

Question 10 of 10
10. This state, apparently the easternmost country in the world which speaks a Romance language, is known for gypsies, crazy tennis players, girl gymnasts, extremely tall basketball players, and a certain historical character who was known for... well, impaling people. Though their neighbors the Hungarians generally loathe them, arguably the most famous of all of these people was in fact portrayed by a Hungarian in a famous 1931 film. Who are they? Hint

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Most Recent Scores
Aug 29 2024 : Guest 217: 9/10
Aug 28 2024 : snhha: 10/10
Aug 26 2024 : Guest 47: 9/10
Aug 25 2024 : holetown: 7/10
Aug 24 2024 : canadie: 10/10
Aug 21 2024 : skb99: 10/10
Aug 21 2024 : rottenshot: 8/10
Aug 15 2024 : Guest 89: 8/10
Aug 09 2024 : Minister: 8/10

Score Distribution

Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. This country had a lot of kings that no one could ever remember the names of, but for the last 50 or so years it appears the place has been run by a series of women. The pleasures of the flesh appear to be unknown to the inhabitants of this land... certainly the FOOD is horrible; bangers & mash and bubble & squeak are things you INGEST rather than excrete! The country does have great comedians, though they all have 5-digit IQ's and make recondite jokes about obscure stuff that they learned at snooty colleges. Who are they?

Answer: Brits

They did have a good writer or two along the way there, and maybe a couple of decent poets and playwrights, too. They are great at making fun of the French, though they've sided with them in several recent wars. They can't seem to understand that a public school is not a private school ... or maybe it is, I can't keep track. They think soccer is football and pay horrendously high taxes so as to have the privilege of getting a doctor's appointment within at least two years of requesting one. Yanks stole their language and then proceeded to ruin it. Damned upstarts!
2. When not painting annoying flower pictures or building ridiculous towers in the 7th arrondissement, these people sit around smoking horribly expensive cigarettes and philosophizing. They speak a mellifluous language in which paragraphs sound like one continuous word with a lot of "oo" sounds in it. Their most famous war hero was a teenage girl. They make endless terrible movies about menages a trois, and they plaster long silly names on wine bottles for which they charge exorbitant amounts. Who are they?

Answer: The French

Also had a lot of kings that college kids now have to memorize and then immediately forget after the finals. Then they beheaded some people. There was a little guy running the show after that, but the Brits kicked his derriere somewhere in Belgium. Some time after there was a very tall guy with a huge nose who hated the US because he probably thought the Yanks were all going to tell him that but for them he'd be speaking German. (PS: They were!) After that there was some guy with a mistress who showed up at his funeral, and more deconstructionists than the human mind can comprehend. Several of these people do not find Jerry Lewis funny in the least.

The two Mickeys, however (Mouse and Rourke) are rumored to have enduring if peculiar popularity in this country.
3. These people brood. I mean really brood ... a LOT! Then they think about depressing stuff. They paint even more depressing stuff. Their diet is incredibly varied, consisting as it does of meat, meat and meat. They are arguably the least romantic of the European peoples and their language sounds like marching orders. Every now and again they invade France. Yanks hated them for a while but now fall all over each other to buy their cars. When not brooding, they're pretty good at manufacturing stuff. Especially helmets. They LOVE helmets ... they even name their kids after 'em! Who are they?

Answer: The Germans

You can drive about 500 miles an hour on the autobahn and no one will even think of giving you a ticket. Every word in the language has at least fifty syllables and lots of umlauts. Up until this time, the word "German" has never been used in the same sentence as the word "comedian".

This is probably because of all the brooding. A few hundred years ago a German guy did some religious brooding and split off from the Catholic Church. Yanks find this country somewhat easy to remember since "Hogan's Heroes" took place here. Moviegoers know that all Germans are exactly like Conrad Veidt, down to the pulsating forehead vein.
4. These people invented civilization or something. Then they got bored with it and made up a bunch of really ridiculous mythology. Then the Romans came. Alexander the Great turned up somewhere in there but was really a Macedonian, though you should be careful not to lay undue stress on this point if you're in a place called "Nick's Diner". One of these people, a goo-goo type from Brookline, Mass., ran for President in 1988 and got completely blown away after a rather dirty campaign was run against him. Who are they?

Answer: The Greeks

I don't know if there are any left over there any more. For a long time, the country flirted with the Commies, but Greeks appear to have a fantastic flair for capitalism. They come to the US, send their kids to NYU, and make tons of money buying up real estate at foreclosure sales in Queens County and reselling it.It is rumored that all Greek men are named "Harry" or "Stavros", both of which may be short for Charalambous ... or maybe Socrates ... or Demosthenes. All Greek dishes are made with plants, fish, very good olive oil, and feta cheese, which ingredients are then mixed in interesting ways and washed down with turpentine, which the Greeks call "retsina".
5. The principal occupation of this country appears to be going on strike. When they do work, they make great sports cars, shoes and suits. But there's really no point in working... the land is fertile, the climate pleasant, the wine is plentiful... why not just sit around, sing an operatic aria, ogle buxom women, and maybe paint a church ceiling? The people in the north of this country view the people from the southern part of the land as ignorant peasants and will not even TALK about some other countrymen of theirs who live on a nearby island, speak in a funny dialect and have movies made about them in which they kill each other in picturesque ways. Who are they?

Answer: Italians

Like the French, a Mediterranean people extremely proficient in the kitchen and quite nearly hopeless on the battlefield. The greatest
sculptor, artist and genius of all time were Italians... and -- perhaps peculiarly for a land known for hot-blooded heterosexuality--were all gay! The capital of Italy, by the way, may now be Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, now that the Albanians are in the process of taking over Arthur Avenue in the Bronx.
6. Half the residents of this verdant land are arguably the world's toughest, hardest people. They have broad, freckled faces, twinkly blue eyes, big ears, enormous legs, and are said to get ferociously drunk and beat each other up in bars. The men, on the other hand, sit around writing good poetry and sad books, much of this in a language which appears to have entirely too many vowels and "h"'s in it It has been suggested that they studiously avoid sex with the tough, sharp-tongued women, or at best have it once in a blue moon but feel VERY ashamed about it. What is this odd land?

Answer: Ireland

Should be natural allies of the French, as they have traditionally hated the British even more, and with much greater justification, but Celts are more musical and mystical than the French. The population is not replacing itself in the Emerald Isle and by the year 3000 the place will probably have a population of about 350 people. Gaelic, which is called "Irish" in Ireland, can be approximated by putting a few odd vowels together with the letters "b" and "h". Accordingly, we present the faux-Gaelic "word" aeoabhbh, which is probably pronounced "of" and doubtless refers to some sort of ancient Druidic shrine... much more fun than playing boring old "dictionary".
7. Geography is indeed often destiny, and sad fate has placed this unfortunate state between two of the most warlike countries in the world. The people have managed to withstand unending invasions from both west and east by eating a hearty, artery-clogging diet consisting almost entirely of cheese, dough and sour cream, with an occasional sausage on the side. This is often washed down with extremely warm vodka, and cynics suggest this is the case because the locals cannot remember the recipe for ice. Who are these people?

Answer: Poles

Poor Poland! Germany to the west, Russia to the east... BELGIUM laughs at Poland's geographical placement! There was a time in the early 60's when it seemed that every interior lineman in the NFL was Polish, though a few of them may have been Lithuanian... formerly part of the same confederation anyway! As for Polish women, it is rumored that several of them do NOT speak 15 languages and look like fashion models, though I myself have never been able to confirm this.
8. All Americans know that this land is the place you go to for "s" experiences... sun at midnight, skiing, sex and suicide. It is rumored to be the world capital of blonde women, on whom Yank alphas believe they can readily slake their unbridled lust. The suicide rate is believed to be directly tied to the country's very advanced cinema, which churns out an endless succession of well-made movies so depressing as to make "The English Patient" look like "The Producers." What is the place called?

Answer: Sweden

This perhaps Prozac-challenged nation has avoided two world wars, gotten fabulously rich, enjoys a standard of living which is the envy of much of the western world, and is renowned for the beauty of its women, and yet a lot of them, including the zillionaire who owns Ikea, seem to be sort of moping about.

Their movies are all about death and mortality and aging and disease...and those are the comedies! Despite the perks of a truly exceptional welfare state, the suicide rate is inexplicably high and alcoholism is by no means unknown to these descendants of the Vikings.
9. This tiny nation, a long-standing subject of fun for the French (who refer to them with an insulting diminuendo), not only houses the European Union, but also what appears to be the highest concentration of FT quizmakers in the world. An important city almost at its western tip has name which translates (of course!) as "East End". The food is great; there's an annoying linguistic divide but the people tend to be rampantly multilingual. Kevin Kline's dopey/scary character in "A Fish Called Wanda" mistakenly (if hilariously) believed that Socrates was from here. Name the place!

Answer: Belgium

Belgians rank way high on world income statistics, and it is hard for the observer to understand just HOW, as it seems they are all on here posting excellent if somewhat arcane quizzes on mythology, linguistics and a mind-boggling array of rather scholarly topics.

Their French neighbors to the South call them, condescendingly, "Les Petits Belges." Belgium's location between France and Germany, those ever-friendly powers, has certainly insulated it well from international strife!
10. This state, apparently the easternmost country in the world which speaks a Romance language, is known for gypsies, crazy tennis players, girl gymnasts, extremely tall basketball players, and a certain historical character who was known for... well, impaling people. Though their neighbors the Hungarians generally loathe them, arguably the most famous of all of these people was in fact portrayed by a Hungarian in a famous 1931 film. Who are they?

Answer: Romanians

The Drac, based on Vlad the Impaler (who was indeed a historical personage) was portrayed by Bela Lugosi... oh, just go to all the draculanut quizzes on the site! The principal product of Romania for many years appeared to be corruption, with political despotism a close second. Ceaucescu is now dead, in an unmarked grave-- as he deserves to be. For some peculiar reason, Cleveland, Ohio, of all the places in the world, has a prominent and large Romanian community!
Source: Author coolupway

This quiz was reviewed by FunTrivia editor thejazzkickazz before going online.
Any errors found in FunTrivia content are routinely corrected through our feedback system.
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