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DM of the Rings Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
DM of the Rings Quizzes, Trivia

DM of the Rings Trivia

DM of the Rings Trivia Quizzes

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7 quizzes and 75 trivia questions.
  "DM of the Rings" - Of Women and the Undead    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli go into the Paths of the Dead in an attempt to gather up a great army, but later regrets it thoroughly. The lads win the Battle of Minas Tirith, only to find that their troubles are not over yet.
Average, 15 Qns, Headrock, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
168 plays
  "DM of the Rings" - The Grand Finale    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The adventure comes to a conclusion - it's about time! This quiz follows the final battle between the forces of good and evil, and the aftermath of one of the world's most linear, unimaginative, and totally hilarious role-playing campaigns ever.
Average, 10 Qns, Headrock, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
153 plays
  "DM of the Rings" - Parts XXV to LVIII    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Continuing the "DM of the Rings" campaign, we go through Loth-Lorien and emerge quite unhappy on the other side. Boromir gets flipped off, and the rest hurry off pursuing an obvious "quest hook" in Rohan.
Average, 10 Qns, Headrock, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
171 plays
  "DM of the Rings" - Part the Third!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas arrive at Edoras, and the plot miraculously stays on track. Who will die? Who will live? And what difference does it make at all? Enjoy the third part of my quizzes about "DM of the Rings"!
Tough, 10 Qns, Headrock, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
205 plays
  "DM of the Rings" - Off to Kill the Wizard!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The fourth part of "DM of the Rings" quiz set, wherein our party members ride off to Edoras to kill old Saruman. Or is it Gandalf they were supposed to kill? That would be cool.
Average, 10 Qns, Headrock, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
171 plays
  "DM of the Rings" - Parts I to XXVI (eh?!)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"DM of the Rings" takes the Lord of the Rings movie, and plays it out as though it was a regular tabletop role-playing game. A few good men (?) sit down to guide their characters through the mind-boggling storyline, and hilarity ensues.
Average, 10 Qns, Headrock, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
165 plays
  "DM of the Rings" - Helm's Deep    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The party reaches Helm's Deep in chapter 78 (LXXVIII). This quiz follows the entire battle from that point. Will they live? Will they die? Will they quote Monty Python? No, that's against the rules. But they might, anyway.
Tough, 10 Qns, Headrock, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
227 plays
trivia question Quick Question
At the end of the campaign, there are three players in the party (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli). But how many were there at the beginning?

From Quiz ""DM of the Rings" - The Grand Finale"

DM of the Rings Trivia Questions

1. Aragorn is preparing to go down the Paths of the Dead. What does Eowyn want?

From Quiz
"DM of the Rings" - Of Women and the Undead

Answer: Both of these.

In an episode brilliantly named "Girl Trouble", Eowyn approaches Aragorn and asks to come along with him through the Paths of the Dead. Aragorn sees no reason not to let the (hot) lady tag along, but this doesn't fit in with the story. So Eowyn goes on about her duties and how she must remain behind, to which Aragorn also agrees. This swinging-door fun goes on until Aragorn decides to leave the crazy woman alone. This is a good example of how a simple bit of dialogue in a written piece has no chance of proceeding the same way in an improvisational game. Aragorn can't really be expected to bother himself with her troubles - he's only looking forward to finding some treasure!

2. According to forecasts, how many orcs are about to hit Helm's Deep?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Helm's Deep

Answer: Ten thousand

Aragorn is complaining about the lack of trained personnel for the defense of Helm's Deep, claiming that the defending force reminds him of a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Convention. Legolas believes the fortress is good enough to even the odds, until reminded that about 10,000 orcs are going to be knocking on the door later that day.

3. The Dungeon Master mistakenly has Galadriel speak someone else's lines. Whose lines were they supposed to be, originally?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Parts XXV to LVIII

Answer: Gandalf's

It's not uncommon for a Dungeon Master to get his scripts confused, and in this case he completely divulges Gandalf's fate at the Balrog encounter, long before it actually needs to be divulged. Fortunately, none of the players were actually listening! Saved by apathy!

4. Merry would rather have played what other board game?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Parts I to XXVI (eh?!)

Answer: Mechwarrior

The players of "DM of the Rings" are assumed not to know what Lord of the Rings is, and the DM either wrote the adventure himself or just trying to run the characters through this epic adventure. Unfortunately, he's so bent on having things go the way he planned, that he doesn't allow the characters to do ANYTHING that doesn't fit the rigid story. In fact, the whole point in "DM of the Rings" is to point out how terrible the game becomes (both to the players and the DM) when there's zero room for creativity.

5. What has Aragorn forgotten to do in Minas Tirith?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - The Grand Finale

Answer: Heal Faramir and Eowyn.

Aragorn was constantly being reminded to heal the two while he was in Minas-Tirith, but he kept putting it off. He's reminded once more when the army is already halfway to the battle with Sauron. Aragorn elects to "just hop back to the city for a moment" (a three-day ride in each direction), heal Faramir and Eowyn ("Expecto Healum or some such!") and avert all chances for further suspense and drama in the process.

6. Who goes first through the Dark Door at the end of the Paths of the Dead?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Of Women and the Undead

Answer: Gimli

The Dungeon Master makes the mistake of telling Gimli's player that his character is "frozen by fear" at the sight of the Dark Door. Gimli is outraged, and goes on to describe an encounter from his last "Call of Cthulhu" horror role-playing campaign, where his party met with a monstrous abomination too terrible for words. He then proceeds to PUT THE HORROR INTO WORDS, to illustrate his point, and then walks angrily through the door. Building up a scary moment is one thing, but telling the players that their characters are afraid is a big no-no in role-playing games. After all, the entire point in role-playing is letting the players decide how their characters react!

7. Who ruins the built-up tension before the Battle of Helm's Deep?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Helm's Deep

Answer: Legolas

Finally, some actual tension is built before the orcs' onslaught on the fortress, but Legolas goes and blows it all away by talking about the Arcane Archer prestige class that he's considering taking for his next level. He gets very dirty looks from the others, too.

8. Who or what is Legolas often mistaken for?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Parts I to XXVI (eh?!)

Answer: A woman

Aragorn leads a running gag where Legolas is actually a chick, based on his ambivalently-sexual character portrait. In fact, this leads Legolas to challenge Aragorn to a duel on their very first meeting. Despite the fact that the Dungeon Master is trying to lead a rigid "Lord of the Rings" adventure, it's events like this that make the comic so much fun.

9. How many lines of text does the Mouth of Sauron have in the comic?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - The Grand Finale

Answer: One and a half

"I am the Mouth of Sauron." "Is there anyone amongst such rabble with the authority to -" And then his head is chopped off by Aragorn. The clichéd phrase "Cutting to the chase" has never been more appropriate. It seems like the forces of darkness have yet to learn that the "good guys" have a different definition for the word "Parley". To them it means: Parley (n): Perfect timing for a surprise attack.

10. The party members have a parlay with Saruman at Isengard. How many people die during the talks?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Off to Kill the Wizard!

Answer: 2

The party members are getting increasingly restless about their long and exceptionally boring campaign. Legolas opts to end their misery by taking advantage of the parlay to kill Saruman while he's least expecting it. Gandalf and Saruman barely get the chance to exchange a couple of sentences, when Legolas' first arrow misses Saruman and hits Grima instead. A long and awkward pause follows, as everyone else is befuddled by this unexpected turn of events. Legolas seizes this opportunity as well - to finish what he started.

11. What does Aragorn receive from Eowyn?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Part the Third!

Answer: A disease

In the middle of the non-interactive portion where Gandalf exorcises King Theoden, Aragorn decides to alleviate his boredom by making advances at Eowyn. The Dungeon Master finds this extremely uncomfortable (as he's the one playing Eowyn!), and eventually, to avoid the weirdness, simply states that they have sex and that Aragorn should get himself checked by a cleric within the next 1-6 hours.

12. In their own words, how many battles have the Fellowship members won between the start of the campaign and the time they left Loth Lorien?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Parts XXV to LVIII

Answer: One

Although they've battled a large number of Goblins in Moria, managed to drive off the Ring-Wraiths, and successfully escaped both the Watcher in the Lake and the Balrog, the members of the Fellowship consider none of these as actual "victories", probably because they got no loot or "Experience Points" from any of those encounters. Their only _perceived_ victory was getting rid of Gandalf (by abandoning him at the Bridge of Khazad-Dum to fight the Balrog alone). They comment that "Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough"!

13. Who are the guys excited to meet in the Battle of the Black Gate?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - The Grand Finale

Answer: A Troll

For the first time in this long campaign, the remaining members of the fellowship find something worthy to fight - in other words, not an Orc. They are understandably ecstatic! Too bad though: they're not going to get the chance to actually fight it. What did you expect?

14. Aragorn negotiates with the King of the Dead. He asks that the dead help in the fight against Sauron, and that the King of the Dead give Aragorn his...what?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Of Women and the Undead

Answer: Treasure

If you haven't figured it out yet, the most important thing in the "DM of the Rings" campaign is loot, because there's practically none of it to be found anywhere. This becomes Aragorn's obsession - In fact, upon entering the hall for the first time he actually commands everyone to start searching for plunder!

15. At the tragic end of the Parlay with Saruman, Aragorn suggests that they should all share a moment of solemn silence for the dead, but not before... what?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Off to Kill the Wizard!

Answer: They loot the bodies.

Loot is the single most important thing in the "DM of the Rings" story, for the sole reason that it's an extremely scarce commodity. The party members spend most (read: ALL) of their time searching and pining for loot, but all they ever find are low-quality weapons which are pointless to even pick up. Fortunately, a piece of loot has just fallen off the tower!

16. Who wins "initiative", and gets to take the very first action in the battle of Helm's Deep?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Helm's Deep

Answer: Gimli

For some reason, Gimli gets to go first amongst 10,000 combatants. Unfortunately, Gimli is only armed with an axe and standing on top of a wall, so there really isn't anything he can do with that. He does ask if he could taunt the orcs though, but Monty Python quotations are strictly banned. Too bad!

17. Where is Gollum killed?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Parts XXV to LVIII

Answer: On the River Anduin.

One of the most major differences between Lord of the Rings and its comical representation is the death of Gollum, who is shot by Legolas on the River Anduin. Legolas spots Gollum floating by on a log, and rolls a perfect hit for maximum damage, killing Gollum immediately (despite the Dungeon Master's protests). He is subsequently written off from the campaign, which surprisingly really isn't going to change the story at all.

18. Complete the sentence: "This is the first trap I've ever encountered that could be triggered by _________!"

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Of Women and the Undead

Answer: Negotiations

Aragorn has just made a pact with the King of the Dead, and now thousands of skulls are flooding into the chamber. This has to be one of the most inexplicable events in the Lord of the Rings movie (it does not occur in the book). An entire episode is spent with the characters discussing the absurdity of this contraption whose sole purpose is to dump a massive quantity of cranial bones on unsuspecting visitors, and Aragorn goes so far as to point out that the negotiations in question (which apparently triggered the trap) were actually SUCCESSFUL. The notes for this episode mention that traps are a great way for a Dungeon Master to divert attention from something else - in this case, from Aragorn's incessant lust for gold.

19. Legolas confuses which two wizards?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Off to Kill the Wizard!

Answer: All three of them.

The ride to Isengard begins with Legolas being confused about who Saruman is - apparently he believes that Saruman and Gandalf are the same person. Later on, we find that ALL three party members are confused about the identity of Sauron, the main villain of the story. Legolas says he thought that "Sauron" was just Saruman's nickname. In truth - can you blame them? Saruman and Sauron, not a whole lot of difference there. Too bad for them though - they thought killing Saruman was the end of the campaign! Blessed freedom was so close!

20. Gimli suggests an interesting strategy for dealing with the ladders that the orcs are propping up against the wall. What does he suggest?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Helm's Deep

Answer: Pulling the ladders up.

He reasons that if they pulled the ladders up, the orcs would be stuck at the bottom of the wall and could be picked off by the elven archers, winning the battle in a pinch! The party members even pull out their massive lengths of rope that they had carried with them, but as they set things up, the Dungeon Master has the Orc Berserker blow up the wall. Rule #1 of role playing - Do not try to outsmart the Dungeon Master!

21. On their ride from Edoras to Helm's Deep, how heavy (in lbs.) is the equipment that Aragorn is carrying?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Part the Third!

Answer: 99 lbs.

Aragorn is using an old trick that is inherent to many of the older role-playing systems. He's carrying JUST below the amount that would cause him to become "over-encumbered". The others make jokes about how he can carry all that equipment (consisting of several weapons and whole suits of armor) without all of the problems that such a feat would cause in real-life, like not being able to pass through doorways, having a hard time pulling anything out of your backpack, and making an awful racket wherever you go. Role-playing games sometimes have ridiculously complex rules regarding some aspects (like combat), and ridiculously simplified rules regarding other aspects. C'est la Vie!

22. When Boromir is killed, what does his player choose to do?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Parts XXV to LVIII

Answer: Leave the game.

Frank's had enough. His pre-ordained death at the hands of, well, an INFINITE NUMBER OF ORCS has convinced him that the game is simply not worth playing (it's surprising he hasn't left earlier, not to mention everyone else). In his death, at least, he's free to do whatever he wants, which is probably what any sane player would've liked at this point.

23. What does the Fellowship discuss on their way up Mount Caradhras?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Parts I to XXVI (eh?!)

Answer: Upgrading to PHP 5.0.

Again, players who stay in-character are exceptionally rare during the campaign. In fact, there's scarcely a single episode in the entire comic where the characters do not do something which is completely stupid or out-of-character. This is what makes it so funny! It actually keeps getting better and better, as the players become more and more frustrated with the game.

24. What is the result of the last and most important die-roll in the entire game?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - The Grand Finale

Answer: 10

The Dungeon Master rolls a twenty-sided die to see whether Frodo can overcome the One Ring's temptation and throw it into the volcano. The die comes up 10. Everyone is anxious to find out if that means victory or defeat...and then the Dungeon Master confesses that he's mistakenly rolled the wrong kind of die. Apparently this doesn't matter - Frodo succeeds in his task: saving the world from a dead-end plot of biblical proportions.

25. As they leave Isengard, where do the party members want to go FIRST?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Off to Kill the Wizard!

Answer: West

They're definitely not interested in going back East to Edoras as they story dictates. They've got a thirst for some carefree sight-seeing, hopefully to be interrupted only by the occasional and highly-profitable random encounter. Of course, there's in any other direction that's remotely relevant to the story, so the Dungeon Master comes up with the "impassable mountains" excuse for every direction except East. Adventure? Excitement? Not in this story, mister!

26. Legolas is how many "kills" ahead of Gimli, when they have a discussion about the killing game?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Helm's Deep

Answer: Ten

Legolas is really jazzed up from having such a large lead in the game due to his bow and arrow, until Gimli reminds him that while he may be ahead now, he will eventually run out of arrows and will, in Gimli's own words, "begin screaming like a woman".

27. On the ride to Helm's Deep, the party members calculate certain odds, and come to the conclusion that their best course of action would be to do what?

From Quiz "DM of the Rings" - Part the Third!

Answer: Force-march the peasants.

They calculate the chance of "random monster encounters". The results indicate that a forced-march would kill off fewer peasants than an onslaught of Orcs. Fortunately, they forgo this decision because they forgot to bring a whip!

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