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Confederate Army Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Confederate Army Trivia

Confederate Army Trivia Quizzes

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48 Confederate Army quizzes and 672 Confederate Army trivia questions.
They Were Soldiers
  They Were Soldiers    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
This quiz is about ten Confederates from North Carolina who were distinguished during the American Civil War. How much do you know about their lives and accomplishments? Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Nov 21 14
DeepHistory gold member
860 plays
Profiles Under Courage
  Profiles Under Courage    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
During the American Civil War, there were some Confederate Generals who hailed from the North. In this quiz, ten of them are mentioned. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Jan 31 15
DeepHistory gold member
542 plays
  Confederate Lingo [2]   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is Part Two to Confederate Lingo.
Average, 10 Qns, beterave, Mar 24 23
Mar 24 23
1259 plays
  Confederate Generals Killed in Action    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a short quiz on ten Confederate Generals who were killed directly or died from their wounds. Please let me know how you like it, I have more if you enjoy this one. The quiz is on where each General received his fatal wound.
Average, 10 Qns, foxgap, Jun 08 13
3643 plays
  Confederate Generals and their Nicknames    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
This quiz is about the nicknames of Confederate Generals. Some are probably easy, but others are pretty tough.
Difficult, 25 Qns, supermanbhc, Mar 30 08
1164 plays
  Mount Up, Draw Sabers, Charge! 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Confederate cavalry officers were some of the most feared and audacious warriors to emerge in the Civil War. This quiz focuses on these men.
Average, 10 Qns, tazman6619, Dec 17 08
tazman6619 gold member
633 plays
  Confederate Generals    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
How much do you know about the nicknames, monikers, and such of these famous rebels? Have a go at it.
Tough, 20 Qns, KIRKEPOO, Sep 16 18
Sep 16 18
2435 plays
  Gray Warriors    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a quiz about the men in gray who fought valiantly for a cause in which they believed.
Tough, 10 Qns, jkgregg, Nov 20 08
3011 plays
  150 Years Since the Deaths of The Ten: 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about ten Confederate generals, who were killed in the year 1864 - some well known and some more obscure. A sequel will be written about ten Union Generals that died during the same year. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Jul 15 14
DeepHistory gold member
276 plays
  I Say, those Confederates are Obscure    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz deals with the life and times of some Confederate Generals who are generally not familiar to Civil War buffs, but gives a motive for studying and learning. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Jun 09 14
DeepHistory gold member
743 plays
  Less Well Known Confederate Generals   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Lee, Jackson, Stuart, Longstreet and others are well known to most students of the American Civil War. But many Confederate Generals have been lost in the shadow of these major players and played an important part in this conflict.
Tough, 10 Qns, watt07, Dec 17 14
553 plays
  Jefferson Davis    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States of America during the US Civil War.
Tough, 10 Qns, star_gazer, May 29 12
624 plays
  Confederate Trivia (Campaigning)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
During the Civil War, campaigns were waged from spring till fall. What was it like to be on the move? I hope this quiz answers some of these questions.
Average, 10 Qns, beterave, Dec 10 12
531 plays
  Test yourself! Confederate Generals Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I will give you a Last and sometimes a Middle name and you will give me a First name.
Average, 15 Qns, davethewave6686, Aug 19 05
1275 plays
  Who Did I Just Meet? (time travel)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My time machine transported me at Richmond, the year being 1861. During my journey, I met ten prominent Confederates. Can you identify them? Good luck and have fun!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Feb 25 14
DeepHistory gold member
368 plays
  Under New Management    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Throughout the American Civil War, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia (or parts of it) came under new management many times. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Jul 29 15
DeepHistory gold member
426 plays
  General John C. Pemberton    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
How much do you know about the Northern-born Confederate general who lost both Vicksburg and his army?
Average, 15 Qns, Stalin1879, Jun 25 07
292 plays
  Confederate Lingo [1]    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These Rebs had some strange ways of expressing themselves. Here are some of these unique expressions.
Average, 10 Qns, beterave, Mar 07 13
983 plays
  Dying Words of Confederate Soldiers   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will give you the dying words and you tell me who said them.
Tough, 10 Qns, supermanbhc, Jun 26 10
574 plays
  Patrick Cleburne: The Stonewall of the West   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A quiz about the Confederate General known as the Stonewall Jackson of the West.
Tough, 15 Qns, supermanbhc, Oct 14 08
362 plays
  Confederate Warriors Woefully Confused    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many of the Confederate generals serving in the Army of Northern Virginia won fame and glory for their conduct in the Civil War. Your job is to figure out which one of the four statements about ten of Lee's generals is wrong. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Aug 10 14
DeepHistory gold member
251 plays
  Confederate Trivia (Camp Life)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
So what was it like in a Confederate Army camp? I hope this quiz answers some of those questions.
Tough, 10 Qns, beterave, Dec 10 12
488 plays
  General Albert Sidney Johnston    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A quiz about one of America's greatest generals. He served Texas, the USA, and the Confederacy in a distinguished military career.
Tough, 15 Qns, Stalin1879, Jun 25 07
600 plays
  Little Known Confederate Generals    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
This quiz tests your knowledge of the lesser known Confederate Generals.
Tough, 25 Qns, supermanbhc, Jun 25 07
557 plays
  The First Alexander Stephens Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz focuses on Alexander Stephens, first and only vice president of the Confederate States of America. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first quiz about him.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Nov 20 16
bernie73 gold member
138 plays
  Virginia in the American Civil War    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Virginia was instrumental to the Confederate cause. Let's see what we know about her role in the War for Southern Independence!
Difficult, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Jul 31 13
DeepHistory gold member
375 plays
  Questions on Confederate Generals   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
See how much you know about the generals who wore gray.
Difficult, 10 Qns, jkgregg, Jul 08 12
2153 plays
  Nathan Bedford Forrest    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The life and times of the famous and controversial Confederate general.
Tough, 10 Qns, tnewman1, Jun 25 07
1173 plays
  Identifying Confederate States    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this quiz you will be asked to identify which Confederate State the question is asking about.
Tough, 10 Qns, supermanbhc, Aug 27 14
1098 plays
  The Civil War - Part H    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about CSA generals killed or mortally wounded in battle. I will give you either the battle in which they were killed or wounded, or their name and you name the battle. Have fun and please rate the quiz as to quality. No spelling questions.
Difficult, 10 Qns, colmosby, Aug 19 05
1248 plays
  The Civil War - Part Y    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hi again. This will be about CSA leaders/troops. I'll try to make it fun for you to take. Questions 1-5 might be hard but 6-10 are much easier. No spelling questions.
Average, 10 Qns, ColMosby, Apr 28 24
Apr 28 24
1552 plays
  The C.S.A. Government    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This should be a relatively easy quiz on the government of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. Good Luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, TheJay, Jul 01 13
1159 plays
  William Quantrill    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
William Clarke Quantrill, the hero of Missouri and the terror of Kansas.
Tough, 10 Qns, jds83210, Jun 25 07
426 plays

Confederate Army Trivia Questions

1. It might seem doubly obscene, but onn which denomination of Confederate paper money can you find Alexander Stephens?

From Quiz
The First Alexander Stephens Quiz

Answer: Twenty Dollars

Stephens appeared on twenty dollar notes issued in 1862 and 1864. Unlike modern United States paper money, several then-living Confederates appeared on paper money, including Jefferson Davis, Judah Benjamin, Robert M. T. Hunter, and Christopher Memminger. A picture of Tennessee State Capitol appears on the obverse of the bill even though Stephens never lived in or represented Tennessee. The denomination of the bill is indicated both in Arabic numerals (20) and Roman numbers (XX). In the United States, an X rating indicates a film that only adults can see and that many would consider obscene.

2. After the Battle of Seven Pines at May 31, 1862 and the wounding of the commanding general, President Jefferson Davis appointed General Robert E. Lee as leader of the Army. What was the name of the General whom Lee supplanted?

From Quiz Under New Management

Answer: Joseph E. Johnston

At the time of Johnston's wounding the tide of the war was against the Confederacy, since Federal forces under Major General George B. McClellan had advanced almost to the gates of the Confederate capital of Richmond. With General Lee in command, things went better for the rest of 1862. McClellan was driven back 30 miles from Richmond during the climactic Seven Days' Battles (June 25-July 1), the Union Army of Virginia under John Pope was crushed at the Second Battle of Manassas (Bull Run, August 28-30), an invasion to the North was attempted and ended with the Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam) (September 17) and the Confederates again defeated their opponents at the Battle of Fredericksburg (December 13).

3. It is said that it's good to have friends or relatives in high places, both in an office and in the army. This was the case of the commander of the 33rd Virginia Infantry, a first cousin once removed of General Robert E. Lee. Who was he?

From Quiz I Say, those Confederates are Obscure

Answer: Edwin Gray Lee

Edwin Gray Lee was born on May 27, 1836. He studied law in the College of William and Mary until 1853. In 1856, he married Susan Pendleton, daughter of William N. Pendleton, who would also become a Confederate general. When the Civil War started, Edwin Gray Lee supported the Confederate cause and enlisted in the military. He served as an aide to Stonewall Jackson from the 1st to the 2nd Battle of Manassas (Bull Run). Due to health issues, on November 18, 1863, he was placed on the staff of General Robert Ransom. In 1864, he was given a promotion to Brigadier and accompanied General Rosser in the Valley. In December, 1864 he was given a mission by the Confederate Secret Service which required him and his spouse to sail to Canada. The end of the war found him in Montreal. He died on August 24, 1870.

4. Virginia was not the first state to secede from the Union. How many states had done so before her?

From Quiz Virginia in the American Civil War

Answer: 7

Initially, the Old Dominion did not want to severe ties with the Union. But the tide turned when Abraham Lincoln declared war on the Confederate States. Virginia did not want to fight her fellow Southerners and it seceded.

5. During the Civil War who were the 'Yellowhammers'?

From Quiz Confederate Lingo [2]

Answer: Troops from Alabama

Yellowhammers were Confederate troops from Alabama. The nickname was gained when sport was made of the bright gold facings on their uniforms. It was a name that stuck with all soldiers from Alabama.

6. During the Civil War, every Confederate infantryman was required to have '40 dead men' before going into battle. What were '40 dead men'?

From Quiz Confederate Lingo [1]

Answer: A full cartridge box

Forty dead men was a full cartridge box, forty being the number of cartridges the box could carry.

7. While campaigning, you are sometimes forced to live off the land or the civilian populace. What was the proper name for seizing civilian goods to feed the army?

From Quiz Confederate Trivia (Campaigning)

Answer: Impressing

The proper name for seizing civilian goods was impressing. If possible, the owner was paid in Confederate script or money. In the states that were not in rebellion, this money or any promisory note was worthless.

8. Here is a delectable dish: What do you call bacon grease, cold beef, water and crumbled cornbread?

From Quiz Confederate Trivia (Camp Life)

Answer: Cush or slosh

This delicious treat was known as cush or slosh. Believe it or not, this was considered a treat and luxury as the war went on.

9. What Confederate soldier said, "I would rather die a thousand deaths than betray a friend" just before he was hanged for not becoming an informant for the Union.

From Quiz Dying Words of Confederate Soldiers

Answer: Sam Davis

Sam Davis was hanged in Pulaski, Tennessee because he refused to become an informer. There is a museum to "the Boy hero of the Confederacy" on the spot where he was hanged.

10. Where was Jefferson Davis born?

From Quiz Jefferson Davis

Answer: Fairview, Kentucky

Davis was born on June 3, 1808, less then a year before Abraham Lincoln's birth and only one hundred miles from Lincoln's place of birth. While Davis was still an infant his family moved to Mississippi.

11. Patrick Cleburne was born in 1828 in what Country?

From Quiz Patrick Cleburne: The Stonewall of the West

Answer: Ireland

Pat Cleburne was born March 17, 1828 in County Cork, Ireland. He immigrated to America in 1849.

12. This Confederate Brigadier General was nicknamed "Old Clubby".

From Quiz Confederate Generals and their Nicknames

Answer: Edward Johnson

Johnson was nicknamed "Old Clubby" because he carried a large hickory club into battle instead of a sword.

13. This general was born in Alabama and led a Texas brigade at Chickamauga, where he was killed by artillery fire.

From Quiz Little Known Confederate Generals

Answer: James Deshler

James Deshler was hit in the chest by a cannonball and killed instantly at Chickamauga. He was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama and is buried there.

14. In which state is Fort Gaines?

From Quiz Identifying Confederate States

Answer: Alabama

Fort Gaines was built to guard Mobile Bay against attack from the sea.

15. Who was William Quantrill's father?

From Quiz William Quantrill

Answer: Thomas Henry Quantrill

Tom Quantrill liked to beat William as a child, often in public and loved humiliating him. He died of consumption when William was 16.

16. He was the first officer of either army killed on the field at First Manassas in 1861.

From Quiz The Civil War - Part H

Answer: Francis Bartow

Gen. Bartow was killed on July 21,1861 at the Battle of First Manassas. He had been elected to the Confederate Congress, but resigned to join the CSA Army. In November 1861, the name of Cass County, Georgia was changed to Bartow County to honor him.

17. Who was the last CSA Gen. to die after the war ended?

From Quiz The Civil War - Part Y

Answer: Robertson

Felix Robertson lived in Texas until he died in 1928. He saw action at Shiloh, and Atlanta.

18. Although Texas became Albert Sidney Johnston's adopted state, where was he actually born?

From Quiz General Albert Sidney Johnston

Answer: Kentucky.

He was born on February 2nd, 1803, in Washington, Kentucky.

19. Robert E. Lee was also known as Marse Robert. What does "Marse" mean?

From Quiz Confederate Generals

Answer: Master

In Southern slang, it was a term of respect for a person of high standing such as a plantation owner or the like. Mister or Mr. would also be applicable.

20. What Confederate officer ordered the town Chambersburg, PA to be burned on July 30, 1864?

From Quiz Gray Warriors

Answer: Jubal Early

On July 30, 1864, Confederate General Jubal Early ordered the residents of Chambersburg to pay a half-million dollars in ransom or have their town burned in retaliation for Federal destruction of civilian property in Virginia.

21. Who was the last Confederate general to die a natural death?

From Quiz Confederate Generals

Answer: General Felix H. Robertson

General Robertson saw action in Shiloh, Murfreesboro and Chickamauga;lived in Texas after the war until his death on April 20, 1928.

22. Where was Major General Albert Sidney Johnston killed?

From Quiz Confederate Generals Killed in Action

Answer: Shiloh

(1803-1862) He graduated from West Point in 1826. He left the regular army to join Texas and their struggle with Mexico. He returned to the regular army during the Mexican war (1846-1848). In 1857 he was sent by President Buchanan with federal troops to remove Brigham Young from power. In May of 1861 he was commissioned as a general into the Confederate Army and given command of all troops west of the Alleghenies. In April of 1862 attacked General Grant at Shiloh where he was killed. General Johnston was wounded in the leg while leading his troops. Not thinking the wound was serious he continued on and eventually bled to death.

23. Nathan Bedford Forrest was born on July 13 1821 in Bedford County, Tennessee. He was also born as a twin. What was Nathan's twin's name?

From Quiz Nathan Bedford Forrest

Answer: Fanny

Nathan had a twin sister named Fanny. They were two of eight children in the family.

24. Where was the first capital of the CSA?

From Quiz The C.S.A. Government

Answer: Montgomery & Montgomery, Alabama & Montgomery Alabama

The capital was moved to Richmond after Virginia seceded from the USA.

25. Massachusetts was a Union state during the Civil War, yet there was a Confederate General born in this state. What was his name?

From Quiz I Say, those Confederates are Obscure

Answer: Albert G. Blanchard

Albert Gallatin Blanchard was born on September 6, 1810. He graduated from West Point in 1829, 26th in his class. One of his classmates was Robert E. Lee. His first wife, who died young, bore him a son and a daughter. His daughter, Susan Blanchard later became an author. Blanchard remarried in the 1840s a woman from Louisiana, where they moved. Blanchard selected Louisiana as his adoptive state. When the war broke, he accepted an offer to command the 1st Louisiana Infantry. On September 21, 1861 he was promoted to Brigadier General. His command was held in the rear at Seven Pines. After that battle, command of Blanchard's brigade was given to Ambrose Wright, due to the former's age. For the remainder of the war, he served in various administrative posts. He died on June 21, 1891.

26. What was the exact date in which State Convention voted to secede?

From Quiz Virginia in the American Civil War

Answer: April 17, 1861

Virginia voters ratified the ordinance after one month. Meanwhile, Lincoln had orderd the Union Navy to blockade Virginia and North Carolina, thus tipping the scales and leading to public acceptance of the Ordinance of secession in an overwhelming majority.

27. What were 'White Washed Rebs'?

From Quiz Confederate Lingo [2]

Answer: Turncoats

Any Rebel soldier of the Confederacy who renounced the rebellion and swore an oath of allegiance to the United States was a white washed reb, or turncoat. They were also called Galvanized Yankees. Most of them were sent west to fight hostile Indians because no one trusted their 'conversion'.

28. While waging the Valley Campaign in 1862, what did Stonewall Jackson's Corps primarily subsist on?

From Quiz Confederate Trivia (Campaigning)

Answer: Cornbread and salt pork

While campaigning in the Shenandoah Valley, Jackson's men lived primarily on salt pork and cornbread. They covered 648 miles in 47 days on this diet.

29. As a Confederate soldier, what type of meat were you most likely going to be served?

From Quiz Confederate Trivia (Camp Life)

Answer: Pork

In the Army of Northern Virginia as well as the other armies of the Confederacy, you were most likely going to be served salted pork for your ration. Hopefully, it won't be too moldy or wormy.

This is category 25128
Last Updated Mar 29 2025 5:53 AM
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