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Risk Trivia Quizzes

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If world domination is your goal, Risk is the game for you to play. Choose your attack targets, roll the dice and liberate your favorite countries, then try your hand at these quizzes guaranteed to teach you a few things you didn't know about the game yet.
8 Risk quizzes and 85 Risk trivia questions.
  Lord of the Rings Risk Territories    
Collection Quiz
 10 Qns
In this quiz select the territories that appear on the game board for 'The Lord of the Rings' version of the board game 'Risk'. Note: this quiz is based on the 2003 version called 'Risk: Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition'.
Easier, 10 Qns, Stoaty, Jan 18 25
Stoaty gold member
Jan 18 25
138 plays
  The Original Risk    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I absolutely adore this classic board game and thought I ought to write a quiz for it.
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Feb 15 11
1133 plays
  The Game of Risk    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A classic game. But how well do you know it? Are you ready to take over the world?
Average, 10 Qns, lollymoly, Jan 15 23
Jan 15 23
2226 plays
  Genuine Risk    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
History, basics and some strategy for the game of RISK. Questions concern the standard, original version of the game purchased in the 1960's and including the wooden armies.
Average, 10 Qns, Nealzineatser, Apr 23 15
Nealzineatser gold member
241 plays
  Risk 2210    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
After years of playing traditional "Risk", I bought "Risk 2210" (made by Avalon Hill) to see what it was all about, and I have no regrets. It's fast paced and unpredictable, and loads of fun.
Tough, 15 Qns, qrayx, Feb 24 08
241 plays
  Is It Worth The Risk?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about one of my favorite board games: Risk. It is a great game of strategy that can last thirty minutes or thirty hours. So why don't you jump right on in and "take the risk?" (All questions are taken from the standard 1993 version.)
Tough, 10 Qns, biohazard930, Jul 27 18
Jul 27 18
1791 plays
  Moderate-Risk Questions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
RISK is a fun game that has a lot of diehard fans. I'll try not to duplicate questions asked in the other Risk quizzes. Note that some questions refer to the ORIGINAL, traditional rules, which may differ from modern rules and player modifications.
Tough, 10 Qns, wjames, May 23 14
wjames gold member
178 plays
  Territories Not in Risk    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this quiz I will give you a list of 4 territories and you have to select the one that was NOT in the original (1959) English version of Risk.
Average, 10 Qns, andymuenz, Aug 21 21
andymuenz gold member
Aug 21 21
221 plays
trivia question Quick Question
If you control 13 territories (total) which includes all of Europe, how many new armies will you get at the beginning of your turn?

From Quiz "The Original Risk"

Risk Trivia Questions

1. How do you win a standard game of RISK?

From Quiz
Genuine Risk

Answer: wipe out/capture every opposing army and control every territory with your own armies

World domination is the object of the game. There are no kings, money or battleships involved; only masses of little cubes, each representing one army, which players strategically deploy to gain numerical superiority and increase odds when attacking enemy territories.

2. In the board game Risk, how many countries make up the world?

From Quiz Moderate-Risk Questions

Answer: 42

Risk has six continents containing a total of 42 countries. Eight of the countries have different names in different versions of the game: for instance, what is Siam in one version is Southeast Asia in another.

3. From which other continent(s) is Australia accessible?

From Quiz The Original Risk

Answer: Asia

Australia is a small continent in terms of Risk. It has only four territories, and only give two bonus armies per turn for controlling it. It has only one access point between Indonesia and Siam (which is part of Asia). For this reason, it is easy to defend. However, if a player tries to build a fortress in Australia, they will soon realize that the other players will build up their forces faster with higher-value continents. The person who controls Australia should also try to hold southern Asia, and try to cover a larger area as to not be trapped.

4. At the beginning of the game, you draw land territory cards off the top of the land territory deck. You then place a devastation marker on each territory drawn. How many devastation markers do you use?

From Quiz Risk 2210

Answer: Four

At the beginning of a game, each player counts out how many units they start off with as well as a Space Station, and Land Commander, and a Diplomat Commander, and three energy. Energy is the currency of the game, used to buy and play command cards, as well as Commanders. You gain energy equal to the number of new units you place on the board at the beginning of each turn. Also, cards are separated into decks. There is the Land Territory Deck, the Water Territory Deck and the Lunar Territory Deck. After that, you also have your Command Card decks, which include Land, Naval, Space, Diplomat, and Nuclear. First, four land territories are taken from the land territory deck, and devistation markers are placed on those territories. The rule book tells players to choose territories one at a time, by placing one unit at a time until all territories are occupied. Then, they place their remaining units, three at a time, until there are no more units left to place on the board. After that, players place their Space Station, Land Commander and Diplomat Commander. Of course, many people use the system of dealing out cards to choose territories, or just place units as they wish, as many as they wish, without waiting for a turn order.

5. In the classic game of RISK, how many bonus points would you get if you had North America?

From Quiz The Game of Risk

Answer: 5

Risk was designed by Albert Lamorisse and released in France in 1957. This was the original game. Since there have been many different versions, including a Lord of the Rings and Star Wars editions.

6. How many players can enjoy a single game of Risk?

From Quiz Is It Worth The Risk?

Answer: 6

The game comes with six different sets of armies, all of which are different colors. The choices are black, blue, green, yellow, red, and gray. (Black is my personal favorite.)

7. The Shire, South Mirkwood, Moria, The Wold, Mount Doom, West Rohan, Vale of Erech, Brown Lands, Angmar, Nurn

From Quiz Lord of the Rings Risk Territories


'Risk: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition' is a variant of the board game 'Risk' themed around 'The Lord of the Rings' books and movies. An initial 'Lord of the Rings' themed 'Risk' game was released in 2002 with the 'Trilogy Edition' being released in 2003 to coincide with the release of 'The Return of the King' movie - the final movie in 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy. The major difference between the two editions was that the 'Trilogy Edition' featured a board with a map of the whole of Middle-Earth while the board in the original version was missing certain regions. There were also some tweaks made to the rules and new game play modes introduced. In the original version of the board game 'Risk' players control territories marked on the game board by populating them with their armies which are marked by playing pieces. Players receive an initial allocation of territories and must gain more by battling with the owners of neighbouring territories which is done by rolling dice. Players aim to be the first to complete the objective they were given at the end of the game, this might be defeating all the armies of a certain colour, occupying certain continents or claiming a set number of territories, in European versions of the game. In other versions, they must conquer the world. 'Risk: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition' takes the rules of standard 'Risk' as its starting point but tweaks them to better fit with the world of 'The Lord of the Rings'. Most notably the aim of the game in this version is to score as many points as possible before the Fellowship travels from The Shire to Mount Doom rather than the winner being the first to complete a set objective. The Fellowship is moved each turn along a set path although certain territories on the path require a correct dice roll before the Fellowship can move thus meaning the game does not always take the same number of turns. As well as the Fellowship another major difference between this game and classic 'Risk' is the inclusion of Leaders and Adventure Cards. Leaders can be placed onto the board to give players advantages in battles and can also help players to gain further Adventure Cards. The Adventure Cards consist of a mixture of Mission Cards and Power Cards. The Mission Cards require players to get a Leader to a specific site of power as detailed on the card and completed missions give players points at the end of the game. Power Cards give that player assistance during the battle phase of their turn, played power cards also give the player points at the end of the game.

8. The game of RISK was originally produced by which company and in what year?

From Quiz Genuine Risk

Answer: Parker Brothers- 1959

Origins, intellectual property rights and ownership of board games is often confusing (and disputed), as patents and companies have changed hands and been taken over by bigger companies over the years. However, there is no doubt Parker Brothers has produced many of the world's classic popular 20th century board games; including RISK, Monopoly (1935), Cluedo (1948), Sorry! (1934) and Trivial Pursuit (1982). The company was family owned until 1968, when it was purchased by General Mills. It has been a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. since 1991. As of 2013, Hasbro no longer uses the name "Parker Brothers" on its games or advertising.

9. What happens if you turn in a card with a territory that an enemy controls?

From Quiz The Original Risk

Answer: Nothing

When you turn in a set of three cards, if you control one of the territories on them, you can put an extra two armies on that territory (this can only be done for one territory). If you do not own a territory on a card, nothing happens.

10. What do devastated lands (territories with devastation markers) do?

From Quiz Risk 2210

Answer: You cannot enter them

Devastation markers are a fun innovation. They make certain territories impassable. It is possible to divide the board in half, so there's only one way around the globe. You can also have devastation markers at choke points, limiting the number or ways into a continent, or quite possibly dividing an actual continent into two halves. These markers force players to create new strategies based on their position, and provides a new game every time.

11. Which Continent is worth the most?

From Quiz The Game of Risk

Answer: Asia

Albert Lamorisse (the creator of Risk) (1922 - 1970) was a French filmmaker best known for "The Red Balloon" (1956), a short film which earned him the grand prize at Cannes and an Oscar. He died in a helicopter crash while filming "The Lovers' Wind", a helicopter-tour of Iran. The film was edited from his production notes and released in 1978. It was nominated for a posthumous Oscar for best documentary.

12. How many armies is the horse piece worth?

From Quiz Is It Worth The Risk?

Answer: 5

The soldier piece is worth one army, the horse is worth five, and the almighty cannon is worth ten. Those are the only three pieces available; hence, none are worth twenty.

13. How many territories border Brown Lands?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings Risk Territories

Answer: 6

They are Dead Marshes, Emyn Muil, Rhun Hills, South Mirkwood, Eastern Mirkwood and South Rhun.

14. On to the game itself: How does game play proceed?

From Quiz Genuine Risk

Answer: Players take turns attacking other players with their armies, with results determined by dice rolls

Having dice determine the outcome of battles creates the drama which makes RISK great. The attacker generally has the advantage being able to roll one more die in most cases, but that is mitigated by the defender winning ties. Making alliances and turning in secret orders to gain territory is the method of play for DIPLOMACY, another great world conquest game.

15. What action signals the end of your turn at Risk?

From Quiz Moderate-Risk Questions

Answer: Passing the dice

Passing the dice is the last step mentioned in the Risk rule book for "Ending Your Attack". If you took at least one territory, you will draw a card and you may make a "free move" to fortify one territory from an adjacent territory.

16. For every three territories you have, how many armies will you receive?

From Quiz The Game of Risk

Answer: 1

In the classic game of Risk, there are a total of 42 different territories and 6 Continents.

17. What do dotted lines on the board represent?

From Quiz Is It Worth The Risk?

Answer: Overseas borders between countries

Countries can only attack other countries with which they have borders. The dotted lines add extra borders to nearby countries that may be, for instance, islands.

18. How many territories border Rhudaur?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings Risk Territories

Answer: 3

They are Eregion, Weather Hills, and Carrock.

19. Which sea route does not exist?

From Quiz The Original Risk

Answer: Greenland - Great Britain

Greenland shares a sea route with Iceland, not Great BritAIn. From Iceland, you can then move on to Great Britain via a second sea route.

20. In the game of Risk, how many reinforcements does a player get at the beginning of his turn if he holds 20 territories, no continents, and turns in no match?

From Quiz Is It Worth The Risk?

Answer: 6

There are three steps to figuring out the number of reinforcements a player receives at the beginning of his turn: territory holdings, continents, and matches. First, a player counts the number of territories he holds. Then he divides that number by three and always rounds down. In this case, 20/3=6.66. That number rounded down is six. Next, a player looks to see if he holds any continents. The reinforcement bonus for continents is as follows: North America: 5 South America: 2 Africa: 3 Asia: 7 Europe: 5 Australia: 2 Lastly, a player sees if he has any matches in his cards. (A player receives a card after each turn in which he conquers another country. They have country pictures on them and pictures of the three pieces.) A match consists of a Soldier-Horse-Cannon or a three-of-a-kind, such as a Cannon-Cannon-Cannon. These matches are slid under the bottom edge of the board and under the number of reinforcements a player will get. The more matches that have been previously turned in, the more reinforcements the current match will be worth. (For instance, the first match is worth 4 armies and the second is worth 6. The last is worth 60.) All of those numbers are added together to find the total number of reinforcements a player receives on his first turn! Whew!

21. How many territories border Mithlond?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings Risk Territories

Answer: 6

By land are Forlindon, Harlindon, Tower Hills and Lune Valley. By sea are Minhiriath and Forodwaith.

22. Why is it advantageous to hold every territory in a given continent?

From Quiz Genuine Risk

Answer: You are awarded extra armies at the beginning of your turn if you do so

If you hold a continent at the beginning of your turn, you are awarded extra armies based roughly on how large (number of territories) it is, and how difficult it is to hold that continent. Australia and South America are worth two extra armies, Africa three, North America and Europe five, and Asia seven. The skill and strategy comes in determining when to attempt this, because other players will be highly motivated to attack you and prevent you acquiring those extra armies and thus strengthening your position.

23. If an attacker and a defender roll the same number paired number, who wins the tie?

From Quiz The Original Risk

Answer: Defender

When a player attempts to take over a territory, he can roll 1, 2, or 3 dice. A defender can roll 1 or 2. When rolled, the top two numbers are paired and the second two numbers are paired. The lowest number the attacker rolled is not included in any calculations. If either of those paired numbers are the same, the defender wins the tie.

24. How many dice does the attacker get if he is attacking with three armies?

From Quiz Is It Worth The Risk?

Answer: 2

The attacker gets as many dice as the number of armies he is attacking with, minus one. Therefore, he cannot attack with one army; he'd have no dice! The attacker may only roll up to three dice, however. The defender gets as many dice as he has armies defending his territory, up to two. In battle, both players roll their dice. Then the highest rolls of each player's throw are paired together. For each higher number in the pair, the winning player destroys one of the other player's armies, regardless of whether he is attacking or defending. Say the attacker rolls a 5-3-4 and the defender rolls a 5-3. You'd pair the pair of fives and the 4 and the 3 together. In this case, both the attacker and defender would lose one army. (Defenders win all ties!)

25. How many territories border Umbar?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings Risk Territories

Answer: 3

By land is Deep Harad. By sea are Belfalas and Minhiraith.

26. What is the easiest continent to control, since it can be accessed from only one outside territory?

From Quiz Genuine Risk

Answer: Australia

Australia can be attacked only from Siam, which is the RISK territory representing the southeast Asian peninsula, or what is now Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. Therefore it is fairly easy to mass armies in Indonesia and hold Australia, or as you get stronger, push your force into Siam and still face attack from only two places (China and India). Every other continent is vulnerable from at least two territories. Greenland has pretty much lost the battle for continent status among geographers, and it's merely a single territory in the game of RISK.

27. Out of all the territories, how many begin with the letter A?

From Quiz The Game of Risk

Answer: 4

Territories beginning with A are as follows- Alaska, Alberta, Argentina and Afghanistan. There are three continents beginning with A- Asia, Australia and Africa.

28. How many territories border Fangorn?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings Risk Territories

Answer: 3

They are Gap of Rohan, The Wold and Lorien.

29. Which statement is true about the game?

From Quiz Genuine Risk

Answer: It is possible to attack from North America to Asia

Permitted attacks are from a country to a bordering country, or across water if indicated by a dotted line on the game board. In this case, an attack from Alaska (North America) to Kamchatka (Asia) or vice-versa is permitted, as is one between Brazil and North Africa. There is no attack line from Africa to Australia. Asia has the most individual territories (12).

30. Which continent cannot be attacked directly from an Asian territory?

From Quiz The Original Risk

Answer: South America

Asia is connected to Europe by Afghanistan, Ural, and the Middle East, which all are adjacent to Ukraine. Africa is accessible from the Middle East to Egypt (and in some versions, East Africa). Australia can only be accessed from Asia via the Siam-Indonesia sea route. North America is connected to Asia by the Kamchatka-Alaska sea route. There is no way to directly go from Asia to South America.

This is category 10105
Last Updated Mar 01 2025 5:48 AM
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