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Fruit Mixture Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Fruit Mixture Trivia

Fruit Mixture Trivia Quizzes

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41 Fruit Mixture quizzes and 439 Fruit Mixture trivia questions.
Chefs Ingredients  More Fruits
  Chef's Ingredients - More Fruits   best quiz  
Photo Match
 12 Qns
Sweet, sour, and bitter--fruits bring a lot of flavor to the kitchen! Take a look at these twelve fruit beauties. (Click the photos to get a closer look!)
Easier, 12 Qns, trident, Jan 28 24
trident editor
Jan 28 24
872 plays
  Am I Red?   best quiz  
Collection Quiz
 15 Qns
Fruit Colours
Can you recognise the red fruits hiding in this fruit bowl, and leave the rest behind? Some have red skins, some have red flesh, some are cultivars of fruits that also come in other colours.
Very Easy, 15 Qns, looney_tunes, Mar 19 24
Very Easy
looney_tunes editor
Mar 19 24
771 plays
  Orange Ya Glad I Didn't Say Banana?   popular trivia quiz  
Classification Quiz
 12 Qns
Let's Get Juiced Up!
Juiced up on OJ, that is, not the hard stuff! There are some bananas impersonating oranges in my fruit bowl. Can you sort the real McCoys from the imposters?
Easier, 12 Qns, sally0malley, Mar 29 24
sally0malley gold member
Mar 29 24
287 plays
  Are you the Fruity Type?   popular trivia quiz  
Classification Quiz
 20 Qns
Sort by Type
You are minding your own business, when someone drops a box full of fruit in front of you, together with five baskets. "Separate the fruit, according to the category written on each basket, and be quick about it". Well, what are you waiting for?
Average, 20 Qns, gme24, Feb 14 24
gme24 gold member
Feb 14 24
550 plays
  Fruit & nuts mix    
Fun Fill-It
 13 Qns
Can you help with labelling crop trees in the garden? A burst of enthusiastic planting can result in a range of unnamed sticks growing in the garden. They need identified with their Latin names. Can you help?
Average, 13 Qns, suomy, Jun 14 24
Jun 14 24
59 plays
Chefs Ingredients  Fruits
  Chef's Ingredients - Fruits   best quiz  
Photo Match
 12 Qns
Sweet, sour, and bitter--fruits bring a lot of flavor to the kitchen! Take a look at these twelve fruit beauties. (Click the photos to get a closer look!)
Easier, 12 Qns, trident, Sep 26 23
trident editor
Sep 26 23
527 plays
  Fruity   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Fruit! What is it good for? Many things, actually. It's full of vitamins and other nutrients, and it tastes delicious. I've done loads of cake quizzes, so it's time for something healthier. This quiz looks at some of the lesser-known fruits out there.
Easier, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Jul 15 24
Kankurette gold member
Jul 15 24
419 plays
  Let's Get Fruity!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about guessing the fruits from the clues given. Hope you enjoy it.
Easier, 10 Qns, miaow, Dec 19 15
17505 plays
Fruit Salad
  Fruit Salad   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Test your knowledge of various fruits - from the most familiar to some rather exotic ones - with this tasty quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, LadyNym, Mar 25 22
LadyNym gold member
Mar 25 22
492 plays
Lemon or Lime
  Lemon or Lime   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
All these dishes, both sweet and savoury, have one thing in common - they either contain lemons or limes.
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Jul 27 20
Kankurette gold member
Jul 27 20
891 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What color are bananas before they turn yellow?

From Quiz "Fruit"

Whats My Trade Lemonade
  What's My Trade? Lemonade!   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Remember the chant in the childhood game? "What's my trade? Lemonade!" And the answer: "Well, get to work and show us some!" Well, get to work and show us what you know about fruits and their products in human culture.
Average, 10 Qns, nannywoo, Apr 01 24
nannywoo gold member
Apr 01 24
1373 plays
Whats The Deal
  What's The Deal?   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
This guy on the market is trying to sell me some fruit but I don't recognise his description or what he's calling them. Maybe it is a language problem. What is he trying to sell me?
Average, 10 Qns, suomy, Sep 18 13
1922 plays
  Strange Fruit   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Forget the apples and oranges, let's explore some fruits with which you may not be familiar. For this quiz, fruit is used in the culinary, not the botanical, sense. All incorrect options are also edible fruits - check them out!
Average, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Sep 13 24
looney_tunes editor
Sep 13 24
4573 plays
Fruity Berrylicious
  Fruity Berrylicious   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Play this quiz to find out some trivia facts about these very edible berries.
Average, 10 Qns, Plodd, Apr 08 15
598 plays
  The Fruit Bat's Fruit Quiz   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This fruit quiz is for my nephew Brian, the "Fruit Bat", who turns 11 this June 21. I hope you will enjoy playing it as much as he will. Good Luck!
Average, 15 Qns, jouen58, Aug 05 24
Aug 05 24
5090 plays
  Some Really Fruity Questions   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are many kinds of fruit on the planet. We all have our favorites. Don't go bananas while playing this fruity quiz and have a cherry good time.
Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Sep 18 23
Sep 18 23
2109 plays
  Hooray for Lemons!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In response to a quiz challenge by kyleisalive for the Author Challenges badge, here are ten questions on lemons for you. Have fun :)
Easier, 10 Qns, Creedy, Jan 22 23
Creedy gold member
Jan 22 23
1295 plays
  Apples, Bananas, Cherries   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Counting fruit is easy, but what happens when the fruit starts getting complicated? This quiz requires (very) basic math skills and more significant knowledge of types of apples, bananas, and cherries. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jul 19 12
kyleisalive editor
1314 plays
  Food and Drink 6 - Fruit    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Quiz number 6 on fruit.
Average, 10 Qns, steiny1, Aug 18 17
5085 plays
  Are You Feeling a Little Fruity?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You say you are feeling a little fruity? Well, now here is your chance to explore everything from cherries to kiwis! Good luck and have fun!
Difficult, 10 Qns, JuniorTheJaws, May 05 08
3524 plays
  A Fruit or Not a Fruit?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
That is the question! Some things that we call vegetables in cooking are really fruits. Can you tell the difference? Untimed quiz mode strongly recommended.
Tough, 10 Qns, gracious1, Oct 31 13
gracious1 gold member
1023 plays
  Scientific Names of Fruit    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Can you match the fruit with its scientific name? Please go ahead and try.
Easier, 10 Qns, gentlegiant17, Jun 05 17
392 plays
  I'll Have a Short Stack    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Whilst we all like a short stack of pancakes, it is the fruit on top that makes the difference. Match the scientific name with the fruit as we know it.
Average, 10 Qns, ClaudiaCat, Jun 09 19
ClaudiaCat gold member
Jun 09 19
458 plays
  There's No Dispute That Fruit is Cute   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Having just been advised that a jelly doughnut does not count as a serving of fruit, I'm off to the local gourmet fruit market. Would you like to come along?
Tough, 10 Qns, beergirllaura, May 29 16
850 plays
  A Very Fruity Quiz   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are only a possible four answers to this fruity quiz: banana, plum, peach or apple. Which one will you pick?
Tough, 10 Qns, Plodd, Aug 22 12
904 plays
  Feeling Fruity Test Your Knowledge   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A fruit quiz from a limey? Top banana!
Average, 10 Qns, 480154st, Apr 12 18
480154st gold member
403 plays
  I've Gone Bananas!   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Just a few random questions about the humble banana.
Average, 10 Qns, ozzz2002, Sep 03 13
ozzz2002 gold member
572 plays
  All About Melons    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
What makes a melon a melon? Where did they all come from? Are there lots of different melons or only a few? For these answers and much more, please play on!
Average, 10 Qns, timence, Jun 27 13
timence gold member
445 plays
  Just Give Me a Raisin    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the delightful food known as the raisin.
Average, 10 Qns, workisboring, Nov 09 24
workisboring gold member
Nov 09 24
452 plays
  Food And Drink 16 - Fruit    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Quiz number 3 on fruit.
Difficult, 10 Qns, steiny1, Nov 07 07
1966 plays
  Exotic Fruits from Around the World   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are so many fruits populating the world, but my heart will always be for the apple. Here is a quiz on those rare and exotic fruits from around the globe that are scrumptious, but have not captured my heart like the apple.
Average, 10 Qns, Joepetz, Jun 13 14
Joepetz gold member
523 plays
  Fruits of Thailand    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Thailand is a tropical country with many delicious fruits. Try this quiz and you will want to try the fruit, too. Have fun.
Tough, 10 Qns, SP44000, Sep 03 09
825 plays
  The Incredible Edible Mangosteen    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Take a bite of this "superfruit" and join in its culinary delights.
Average, 10 Qns, maddogmaxx, Oct 08 23
Oct 08 23
323 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is the first of many on the subject of fruits.
Average, 10 Qns, steiny1, Oct 03 19
Oct 03 19
5901 plays
  Feeling Fruity Multiple Choice Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The link is fruit, the theme is fun. Creating it made me famished. As ever enjoy.
Tough, 10 Qns, fiachra, Jun 11 13
1267 plays
  The Incredible Edible Eggplant    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The quiz is all about the incredible edible eggplant! I hope this quiz teaches you some things about this wonderful purple fruit. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, eva1000, Aug 01 11
340 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Pomegranates are my favorite fruit! Hope you enjoy my quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, jennelly, Mar 22 24
Mar 22 24
576 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'll give the variety of fruit. You choose if it is an apple, pear, grape or potato.
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, awkins, Nov 07 07
Very Difficult
1802 plays
  Funny Fruit    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
People have been throwing fruit at people who aren't very funny for millennia, the reason being that fruit is funny in itself. Try these questions!
Difficult, 10 Qns, quacker, Sep 30 17
1276 plays
  Food And Drink 17 - Fruit    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is number 5 on fruit.
Tough, 10 Qns, steiny1, Jun 29 12
2488 plays
  Food And Drink 13 - Fruit    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a true or false quiz on fruits. All answers are either true or false.
Tough, 10 Qns, steiny1, Nov 18 09
2583 plays
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  Fruit and Vegetables [Hobbies] (141 quizzes)

  Hidden Words by Fruit & Veg [Brain Teasers] (9 quizzes)

  Thematic Fruits [General] (23 quizzes)

Fruit Mixture Trivia Questions

1. The cheesecake recipe I am using calls for four tablespoons of red prawn. What should I add?

From Quiz
Feeling Fruity

Answer: Durian

Red Prawn is a variety of durian grown mainly in Malaysia and is one of the larger and more expensive varieties of this pungent fruit. It takes its name from the way the pinkish coloured and slightly curved flesh of the fruit resembles an actual prawn.

2. A raisin is a dried version of which fruit?

From Quiz Just Give Me a Raisin

Answer: grape

Raisins are made by drying harvested grapes. When making raisins, the grapes may either be sun dried or mechanically dried.

3. This first fruit has sort of a stinky reputation. It is native to Southeast Asia and people have claimed it smells like sewage but tastes heavenly. Which fruit is this that will never be invited into a fruit salad?

From Quiz Exotic Fruits from Around the World

Answer: Durian

Durian smells so bad, it is banned from most public places in Indonesia, Malaysia and elsewhere. It was even featured in the gross food round of an episode of "Fear Factor".

4. Melons are part of the larger Cucurbitaceae family. What other plants fit under this family?

From Quiz All About Melons

Answer: Pumpkins and squash

The Cucurbitaceae family has over 900 species, which also include cucumbers. They grow primarily in tropical and subtropical areas, typically on vines.

5. Where are bananas thought to have originated?

From Quiz I've Gone Bananas!

Answer: South East Asia

They are a tropical fruit, and it is likely that their long history started in countries like Papua New Guinea and Malaysia. Explorers introduced the banana to many other locations, including the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent, the Caribbean, northern South America, northern Australia, and eastern Africa. The leading producer of bananas is India.

6. Jonathan, Red Delicious and Catshead are all varieties of which popular fruit?

From Quiz Some Really Fruity Questions

Answer: Apples

Jonathan apples are a dark red color with green patches. They are a very juicy apple whose tart flavor makes them an excellent choice for pies and cobblers. Red Delicious apples originated in South America are a popular choice for eating right off the tree. They are tall and deep red and their tendency to be firm makes them a great choice for fruit salads. Catshead apples have a very sharp flavor that is suited to cooking rather than for eating raw. They have a beautiful bright green color and are one of the older varieties of apples.

7. In which exotic countries is it believed lemons first grew?

From Quiz Hooray for Lemons!

Answer: India, Burma and China

From these countries, they spread outwards to the rest of the world approximately in the first century AD. This occurred with the rise of the Roman Empire as it also began to spread outwards to the rest of the known world. When lemons were first introduced to the rest of the world however, they weren't widely grown and it wouldn't be until the seventh century, with their arrival in the Middle East, that they began to gain in popularity.

8. How long does it usually take eggplant crops to grow after they have been planted?

From Quiz The Incredible Edible Eggplant

Answer: 60 days

Although it can vary from 45-90, the average is more around 60 days. That would be around two whole months!

9. The fruit market is a blaze of colors, and yet a rather dull brown fruit catches my eye. It has a long, slender shape and the husk is dry to the touch. Which exotic fruit is this?

From Quiz There's No Dispute That Fruit is Cute

Answer: tamarind

Used in Worcestershire sauce, relishes and curries, as well as in sorbets, drinks and as a simple snack, the tamarind is originally from Africa although it is now grown in many tropical locations.

10. This citrus fruit is larger than a grapefruit and has a much thicker peel. It is generally considered to have a sweeter taste as well. What is it?

From Quiz Fruits of Thailand

Answer: pomelo

This fruit is often sold by fruit vendors or in supermarkets already peeled and packed, ready to be eaten, since the thick rind is time-consuming to deal with.

11. What is a mangosteen?

From Quiz The Incredible Edible Mangosteen

Answer: An evergreen tree

A mangosteen is a tropical evergreen tree that is believed to have originated in The Spice Islands and the Moluccas near Indonesia, although it is grown in several other areas today. Despite the similar name it is not related to the mango.

12. Which soft fruit is used in the liqueur Cassis?

From Quiz Feeling Fruity

Answer: Blackcurrant

Blackcurrants are a great source of vitamin C. As well as their role in flavouring Cassis, they are used in pies, jams, preserves and a great fruit drink. They grow very easily but picking them is a nightmare as they squash so easily in your hands/fingers.

13. According to European tradition, this fruit is cut in half horizontally at the Christmas table. If the seeds form a perfect star, the year will be a good one.

From Quiz The Fruit Bat's Fruit Quiz

Answer: Apple

This tradition exists in Germany and Czechoslovakia, among other countries.

14. The naming rights to which fruit were stolen in an antipodean advertising coup in the 1970s?

From Quiz Funny Fruit

Answer: The Chinese Gooseberry

New Zealand growers decided to market their Chinese gooseberries as 'kiwi fruit' in the 1970s, as the originally Asian fruit not only grew well in New Zealand's climate but also resembled New Zealand's national bird, the kiwi.

15. A nine square mile area of West Yorkshire UK, has Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status for this crop which is harvested by candlelight. Which fruit are we talking about?

From Quiz Feeling Fruity

Answer: Rhubarb

The Rhubarb Triangle, as the area is known was awarded PDO status in 2010, putting this rhubarb on a par with champagne and parma ham. The crop spends two years in a field without being harvested before being moved into a heated shed and kept in complete darkness, which gives the fruit a wonderful sweet/sour flavour. After three to five months in the shed, pickers pull the stalks in candlelight as any exposure to strong light will stop the plant's growth.

16. From which language did the word "raisin" originate?

From Quiz Just Give Me a Raisin

Answer: French

The word "raisin" means "grape" in French. The French word for "dried grape" is "raisin sec". The French word "raisin" was derived from the Latin word "racemus" which means "a bunch of grapes".

17. Despite this next fruit's most common name, it is actually a melon and looks something like okra when cut open. It has a citrusy taste and only grows in natively in one desert on Earth. Which tasty fruit is this?

From Quiz Exotic Fruits from Around the World

Answer: African Cucumber

The African Cucumber is also called the African horned melon, jelly melon, melano or the Blowfish melon. It only grows in the Kalahari Desert of Botswana and is expensive in Western markets.

18. Melon seeds have been found in archaeological digs in some ancient tombs, revealing their origins in which continent?

From Quiz All About Melons

Answer: Africa

Most melons are thought to have originated in Africa, and some varieties in Asia. Watermelon seeds were indeed found in Tutankhamun's tomb; evidence of their cultivation has also been found as far back as the second millennium BC.

19. The scientific genus of the banana is 'musa'. What is the etymology of 'musa'?

From Quiz I've Gone Bananas!

Answer: Arabic word for 'banana'

Sometimes the scientific terms are not really that mysterious.

20. Which type of fruits come in varieties known as clingstone or freestone?

From Quiz Some Really Fruity Questions

Answer: Peaches

Peach varieties are separated into freestone and clingstone, which simply describes how hard the flesh clings to the large stony seed in the middle of the peach. In freestone peaches the pit comes out easily; they are sweet with slightly acidic overtones. In clingstone peaches the pit must often be cut out. They are usually larger and juicier but not quite as sweet as freestone peaches.

21. Why should eggplants not be planted after tomatoes and potatoes in the same spot?

From Quiz The Incredible Edible Eggplant

Answer: Eggplants are very vulnerable to tomato and potato pests

The eggplant is closely related to the tomato and potato, therefore the same pests from tomatoes and potatoes would feed on eggplants. It is suggested that four whole years should separate eggplant crops.

22. The name of this fruit means 'dragon eye'. The shelled fruit has a black stone which can be seen through the translucent flesh, leading to the name. If you're not short on time, try to decide what its name is.

From Quiz Strange Fruit

Answer: Longan

'Dimocarpus longan' is a tropical tree native to southeast Asia. Its fruit, usually about 1 cm in diameter, has a hard shell, from which the edible interior is easily squeezed. The flesh is translucent white and encases a hard black seed which is usually removed, but which can be consumed. It is eaten fresh, and is used (fresh or dried) in soups, desserts, and as part of sweet-and-sour dishes. It is often canned in syrup for export to parts of the world where it cannot be cultivated. In Chinese herbal medicine, dried longan is used for relaxation.

23. This fruit looks like a little porcupine rolled into a ball and given a buzz-cut. Known by some as 'the king of fruits' and banned in many public places because of its strong odor, what is the name of this thorny fruit?

From Quiz There's No Dispute That Fruit is Cute

Answer: durian

Native to Malaysia, and now grown in other Asian countries, durians are left to ripen on the tree, then collected after they drop into nets strung beneath the branches. Creamy and custardy, the durian is often eaten, once skinned, like an ice cream cone.

24. How can you tell if a pomegranate fruit is ripe?

From Quiz Pomegranates

Answer: It is a deep red

The pomegranate fruit is noted for being red. The fruit grows on a deciduous shrub that is native to Iran.

25. This large greenish-colored fruit with a spiky exterior is known for its strong smell. Many hotels in Thailand do not allow guests to bring this fruit inside their rooms. What is it?

From Quiz Fruits of Thailand

Answer: durian

As with many other fruits in Thailand, this fruit is made into a dessert paste and is also used to flavor cookies. Many westerners find the smell and taste of this fruit particularly offensive.

26. The mangosteen fruit tastes most like what other fruit?

From Quiz The Incredible Edible Mangosteen

Answer: Peach

Most people who have tasted this rare fruit say that it most closely resembles the peach in both taste and texture. It does not, however, physically resemble the peach.

27. The word 'lampoon' bears an uncanny and rather funny resemblance to the Italian for which fruit?

From Quiz Funny Fruit

Answer: The Raspberry

The word 'lampoon' comes from the Middle French for 'let's guzzle' (lampons)and originally designated drinking songs. Funny, then, that we blow raspberries in derision!

This is category 17436
Last Updated Mar 01 2025 5:51 AM
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