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Women and Goddesses Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Women and Goddesses Trivia

Women and Goddesses Trivia Quizzes

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The goddesses and other women recorded in Greek mythology were often strong women, holding their own in a male-dominated world. Some of them, however, found themselves being used and abused, especially when Zeus was in a romantic mood.
15 quizzes and 155 trivia questions.
  Divine Ladies of Greek Mythology   top quiz  
Match Quiz
 15 Qns
This quiz is dedicated to some of the many female deities encountered in Greek myth. Can you match each of these immortal ladies to their brief description?
Easier, 15 Qns, LadyNym, Dec 07 24
LadyNym gold member
Dec 07 24
171 plays
Tales of Ladies Dancing
  Tales of Ladies Dancing   top quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
In ancient Greece and Rome ladies were seen dancing at night to loud music, while playing cymbals, flutes, and tambourines. Come and dance with the maenads of mythology!
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Apr 17 18
ponycargirl editor
2032 plays
  Greek Goddesses- Who Is She?   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Top goddesses, with each their own story. Can you guess who they are?
Easier, 10 Qns, sweet_cake, Aug 19 16
8475 plays
  Women in Greek Mythology I: the Strong   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Greek mythology is full of strong women. The subjects of this quiz overcame massive cultural, familial and (or) personal obstacles to seize control of their own fates. In some cases happily, in others not.
Average, 10 Qns, xaosdog, Feb 29 08
7987 plays
  The Music of the Goddesses   top quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Can you match these ancient Greek goddesses with what might be their favourite modern songs, based on what you know about them?
Easier, 10 Qns, emiloony, Sep 01 18
Sep 01 18
499 plays
  Pandora - The First Woman   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Meet the woman behind the idiom.
Average, 10 Qns, doublemm, Jun 28 09
doublemm gold member
2515 plays
  Psyche - the Second Curious Woman   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As a follow-up to my quiz on Pandora, this quiz looks at another mythological woman known for her curiosity and how it almost led to her downfall. This woman is Psyche.
Average, 10 Qns, doublemm, Jun 23 17
doublemm gold member
838 plays
  Mythological Mothers   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
The family trees of the Greek gods can be very complicated. These 10 mythological figures were all children of Zeus -- but can you remember who their mothers were?
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, Jun 21 17
CellarDoor gold member
4098 plays
  Persephone Queen of the Underworld   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My favourite Goddess is Persephone but Funtrivia only had one quiz on her that was mostly about her husband Hades. My plan is to change that.
Tough, 10 Qns, coolcat90, Apr 25 22
Apr 25 22
1099 plays
  Greek Mythology Who am I?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will give you a clue on the goddess/person. Click the correct answer. Have fun! FYI - This quiz includes titans, mortals, nymphs, or other creatures too.
Average, 10 Qns, foil7, Jul 14 23
Jul 14 23
560 plays
trivia question Quick Question
She was the daughter of Demeter. She was the Goddess of Spring. She was the one who was kidnapped by Hades and brought to the Underworld. Who is she?

From Quiz "Greek Goddesses- Who Is She?"

  Women in Greek Mythology III: the Hapless   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Greek myth is full of strong women - but also of women who suffer helplessly at the hands of others. Ancient Greek culture was starkly misogynistic: even in the myths, strong women are the exception, not the rule. This quiz reminds us of that reality.
Average, 10 Qns, xaosdog, Mar 12 10
4385 plays
  Women in Greek Mythology IV: the Debauched    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Greek mythology is full of strong women -- but also of women whose lives were manipulated by the gods. The women who are the subject of this quiz were all seduced by gods in DISGUISE.
Tough, 10 Qns, xaosdog, Apr 17 17
3625 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Atalanta is one of the few celebrated female heroes of Greek mythology. So great was her fame that she was recruited by Jason to join the Argonauts. How much do you know about the swift-footed Atalanta?
Average, 10 Qns, AlessandraKare, Jun 15 21
Jun 15 21
218 plays
  Medea the Sorceress   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Medea was an enchantress in Greek mythology who married Jason after helping him to retrieve the Golden Fleece. When Jason abandoned her she decided to kill her own two sons.
Average, 10 Qns, wardcogge, Jan 08 10
616 plays
  Hippolyte, Alcmene and Hippodamia    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my first quiz. I hope you will like it. Have fun and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, swan2, Apr 25 08
472 plays
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Women and Goddesses Trivia Questions

1. Atalanta was devoted to which goddess?

From Quiz

Answer: Artemis

Atalanta, like Artemis, was a skilled hunter. Atalanta developed an affinity with Artemis because she was rescued, as an infant, by an animal associated with Artemis.

2. Psyche was a beautiful young maiden and the youngest of three sisters. To whom were these three sisters born?

From Quiz Psyche - the Second Curious Woman

Answer: A king and a queen

The kingdom of the king and queen seems to be unknown, as several sources give different locations, but all agree that they were, in fact, a king and a queen. It is said that the two older sisters had a certain charm about them, but were fairly common-looking. The youngest, Psyche, was so beautiful that many would travel to see her. *Note: Although some consider this story to be more Roman than Greek, I have used Greek names throughout.*

3. Medea was a daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis. Where was Colchis situated?

From Quiz Medea the Sorceress

Answer: East of the Black Sea

Colchis was in today's Georgia. It was the destination of the Argonauts.

4. What other name is Persephone most often known by?

From Quiz Persephone Queen of the Underworld

Answer: Kore

Persephone was the name given to her by her husband Hades and is generally used only in her context as Queen of the Underworld. Kore is the word for "maiden". Her mother, Demeter, gave her this name at her birth with the idea of keeping her a virgin Goddess as her mother (Demeter) did not trust men immortal or otherwise. She is sometimes given the title of Kore Persephone. Persephone means "she who swallows the light". Erinyes is not a single person but in fact a group of three women who punished people who committed crimes against others. In Latin they were known as the Furies. According to some myths they are children of Hades although Persephone is not labelled as their mother. Hecate is an archaic goddess of the Underworld during the Titans' rule of the realms. According to myths she lives peacefully in Hades' dominion and is often involved in the myth "The Rape of Persephone"; according to some traditions she followed Persephone to the Underworld and to others she was the one to inform Demeter as to the location of her missing daughter.

5. Who was Hippolyte's father?

From Quiz Hippolyte, Alcmene and Hippodamia

Answer: Ares

Hippolyte was a very pretty Amazon queen. Her parents were Ares, the god of warfare, and the Amazon Otriris.

6. She was the daughter of Demeter. She was the Goddess of Spring. She was the one who was kidnapped by Hades and brought to the Underworld. Who is she?

From Quiz Greek Goddesses- Who Is She?

Answer: Persephone

Later, Persephone's mother implores Hades to return Persephone back to earth. However, by then, Persephone has already eaten the food of the dead - six pomegranate seeds - which normally means that she must stay in the Underworld forever. But Persephone's father is Zeus, so Zeus suggests that Persephone stay in the Underworld half the year and above ground the other half.

7. What Titan was the mother of Artemis and Apollo?

From Quiz Mythological Mothers

Answer: Leto

Hera was so angry with her that she forbade all the lands of the earth to give her shelter. Finally, poor Leto was able to give birth on the floating island of Delos. The results: the goddess of the moon and hunt and the god of light and music.

8. As an infant, Atalanta was left exposed on a mountaintop. What kind of animal saved her and gave her sustenance?

From Quiz Atalanta

Answer: Bear

Atalanta is said to have been raised by a she-bear. This would account for her extraordinary skill in hunting and fighting.

9. Which god was Medea's grandfather?

From Quiz Medea the Sorceress

Answer: Helios

The Sun God Helios and the Oceanid Perse were King Aeëtes' parents.

10. Who wanted to acquire Hippolyte's girdle?

From Quiz Hippolyte, Alcmene and Hippodamia

Answer: Eurystheus' daughter

Eurystheus' daughter had learned about Hippolyte's girdle and wanted to acquire it. So, her father ordered Hercules to bring it to her. This was his ninth labour. Hercules defeated the Amazons, with the help of some of his friends, and took the girdle.

11. She was the daughter of Metis. She was the Goddess of Wisdom. She was the weaver who competed with the mortal Arachne. Who is she?

From Quiz Greek Goddesses- Who Is She?

Answer: Athena

The story of Athena and Arachne goes as follows: Arachne was a mortal who was a skilled weaver and student of Athena. However, she became vain and boasted that she was better at weaving than Athena and challenged Athena to a weaving competition. Although both were flawless in their technique, the panel of judges chose Athena as the winner as Arachne's attitude remained one of foolish pride and vanity. Arachne was punished by being turned into a spider. And in fact Athena does have parents. Metis (her mother) was eaten by Zeus when Metis was pregnant. Then Athena popped out of Zeus' head.

12. The nymph Philyra was ravished by which Titan, in which animal form (hint: the product of their union later taught Asclepius the healing arts)?

From Quiz Women in Greek Mythology IV: the Debauched

Answer: Cronos, horse

The product of their union was Chiron, wisest of centaurs.

13. This woman's claim to fame is having been chained to a rock to be eaten by a sea-monster. Who was she?

From Quiz Women in Greek Mythology III: the Hapless

Answer: Andromeda

Perseus rescued her, and felt entitled to take her for a wife. Discovering that her father -- who had been the one to chain her to that rock -- had already betrothed her to her own uncle, Perseus turned the dirty old man to stone with the gorgon's head. (The wrong answers are three of the four Charities.)

14. Who was the mother of Hephaestus?

From Quiz Mythological Mothers

Answer: Hera

Hephaistos is the god of forges and metalcraft.

15. Atalanta proved her hunting prowess in a hunting party that was pursuing what kind of animal?

From Quiz Atalanta

Answer: Boar

Artemis, slighted by King Oeneus, sent the Calydonian Boar to ravage the countryside. Atalanta joined the all male company of hunters and drew the boar's first blood.

16. Eros intended to strike the sleeping Psyche with one of his arrows and cause her to fall in love with someone who was unworthy of her beauty. What actually happened?

From Quiz Psyche - the Second Curious Woman

Answer: Eros accidentally stuck himself with the arrow

Eros snuck into where Psyche was sleeping, turning himself invisible so nobody would see him. As he stood above Psyche he admired her beauty and *almost* pitied her. However, on the orders of his mother he drew his arrow and intended to simply scratch her shoulder. Psyche was alarmed and woke suddenly, surprising Eros, who accidentally scratched himself. Eros therefore fell completely in love with Psyche.

17. Of which goddess was Medea a priestess?

From Quiz Medea the Sorceress

Answer: Hecate

This goddess was associated with magic and crossroads. Medea prayed to her when she wanted to help Jason.

18. What does the name "Pandora" mean?

From Quiz Pandora - The First Woman

Answer: All Giving

Many incorrectly believe Pandora's name to mean "All Gifted" due to incorrect translations from Hesiod's poem "Works and Days". Baby name books also claim the name Pandora to mean "Gifted".

19. Which Mediterranean Island is Persephone said to have been abducted from?

From Quiz Persephone Queen of the Underworld

Answer: Sicily

One of the myths surrounding her abduction is that a distraught Demeter changed the nymph companions of Persephone into the Sirens for not being able to rescue the maiden goddess from Hades' clutches.

20. Who is said to have killed Hippolyte in battle?

From Quiz Hippolyte, Alcmene and Hippodamia

Answer: Hercules

Hercules fought against the Amazons with the help of his friends and finally killed Hippolyte and took her girdle. This was his ninth labour.

21. She was the helper of Ares, and the Goddess of Strife. Many believe it was she who threw the Golden Apple of Discord that lead to the Trojan War. Who is she?

From Quiz Greek Goddesses- Who Is She?

Answer: Eris

At the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Eris was the only goddess that wasn't invited. As her revenge, she threw the Apple of Discord into the middle of the party where Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera all saw it. The words "To the fairest" were written on the apple and all three goddesses claimed the apple for themselves. A mortal - Paris - was asked to decide who was really the fairest. Each of the goddesses bribed Paris. Paris chose Aphrodite, whose promise was the most beautiful woman on earth. The Trojan War was the battle over this woman.

22. Who did Poseidon seduce in the form of a ram?

From Quiz Women in Greek Mythology IV: the Debauched

Answer: Theophane

Theophane was also known as Bisaltis. The product of their union was the golden ram whose fleece was the object of Jason's quest to Colchis with the Argonauts.

23. Theseus won renown for slaying the Minotaur, but he only provided the brawn. Who provided the wit and cunning -- and according to some versions of the myth, the concealed weapon -- that were the monster's undoing?

From Quiz Women in Greek Mythology I: the Strong

Answer: Ariadne

The story of the Minotaur begins with the impiety of Cretan King Minos, who swore to sacrifice a certain miraculous bull to Poseidon. When Minos substituted another bull to send to the knife, the gods were offended. They therefore caused Minos' wife to conceive an unholy passion for the bull. The Queen ordered Daedelus, the engineer of unparalleled skill, to construct a device to make it possible for her to consummate her desire, so he made a hollow cow with which the bull could couple with the queen inside. She subsequently bore Asterius, the Minotaur, a creature with the body of a man but the head of a bull -- and an appetite for human flesh. An oracle told Minos to 'conceal his shame with cunning' so he ordered Daedelus to build a bewildering maze within which to house the creature. (Because Daedelus and his son knew the way through the maze, Minos then betrayed them by imprisoning them in a tall tower. Daedelus fashioned wings with which the two escaped, but his son Icarus famously flew too high... Daedelus went on to invent hot and cold running water, and to 'thread the conch' among other escapades) ...To make a long story short, Theseus, along with thirteen other youths, was sent by Aegeus of Athens as tribute to Knossos, where Minos would feed them to the Minotaur. Ariadne decided to help handsome Theseus, and therefore gave him a ball of thread (and in some versions of the myth, a knife) with which to mark his trail through the so-called Labyrinth (from a word for axe, presumably because the Minotaur bore an axe, or because the maze contained a sacred axe, or because the palace at Knossos contained a famous axe or axes) so that he might find his way out of it. ...Theseus was successful, and fled Knossos with Ariadne, but faithlessly abandoned her on Naxos. However, Ariadne was comforted there by the god Dionysos, which you have to figure was trading up. ...One last factoid: Theseus screwed up again, by forgetting to hoist the red (or white) sail that would signify to his adoptive father Aegeus that his mission had been successful. Seeing Theseus' ship on the horizon with its original black sail, Augeus leapt into the sea and ended his own life. Hence the name of the Aegean Sea.

24. What mortal was the mother of Dionysus?

From Quiz Mythological Mothers

Answer: Semele

Dionysus, god of wine and revelry, was actually born from Zeus's leg, as Semele had turned to ash before giving birth. Being a Greek mythological character is so complicated!

25. What member of the Calydonian party of hunters was smitten with her?

From Quiz Atalanta

Answer: Maleager

Meleager awarded the hide of the boar to Atalanta, angering his uncles. In one version of the myth, the uncles tried to take the prize and Maleager killed them in defense. This, in turn, led to his death.

26. Why did Medea give Jason a magic potion in Colchis?

From Quiz Medea the Sorceress

Answer: To make him invincible

King Aeëtes made Jason perform several tasks before he could get the Golden Fleece. Medea's potion helped him to plow a field with a fire-breathing oxen. She did this after Aphrodite made her fall in love with Jason.

27. Pandora is also represented on a white dish made by Tarquinia Painter, which is called a "kylix". However, by what name is she known as in this depiction?

From Quiz Pandora - The First Woman

Answer: Anesidora

A "Kylix" is a drinking cup most commonly containing wine. The name Anesidora literally means "She who sends up gifts". This particular white dish depicts Hephaestus and Athena as they finished creating Pandora.

28. Mythology clearly tells us that like most Olympian men Hades was not always the most faithful of husbands. Was Persephone ever unfaithful to Hades?

From Quiz Persephone Queen of the Underworld

Answer: No, never

Persephone is never recorded as having an affair although she clearly loved Adonis. Whether she loved him romantically or as a friend is not recorded but she felt strongly enough about him to fight with Aphrodite over rights to him.

29. Who married Antiope, Hippolyte's sister?

From Quiz Hippolyte, Alcmene and Hippodamia

Answer: Theseus

Antiope was captured during the battle between Hercules and the Amazons and later became the wife of King Theseus. Together, they had a son, Hippolytus. (In some versions of the tale, Hippolyta survived the battle and married Theseus, not her sister -- but Hippolytus was always Theseus's son.)

30. She was the helper of Hera and the Goddess of Childbirth. In one of her stories, Hera had forbidden her to help Leto's childbirth until the other gods intervened. Who is she?

From Quiz Greek Goddesses- Who Is She?

Answer: Eileithyia

Since Leto was one of Zeus' wives, Hera was jealous. She sent monsters chasing after Leto so that pregnant Leto would not have a place to rest for her childbirth. When Leto finally stayed on a floating island, Hera would not let Eileithyia help her in her childbirth. But the other gods bribed Hera with a beautiful necklace and Hera finally let Eileithyia go.

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Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:50 AM
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