1. In Leg 2, teams completed a Detour in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and, in both cases, they had to work for money. What was done with the money when they were done the task?
From Quiz Detours of "The Amazing Race 19"
It was donated to an orphanage
The first Detour task, found towards the end of the race's second leg, asked teams if they would 'Shake your Money Maker' or 'Be a Ticket Taker'. In the former task, teams needed to dress up in traditional garb and masks and dance for tips (while one team member would play a gamelan. Once they accumulated 30,000 rupiah, they could continue. In 'Be a Ticket Taker', teams parked scooters at Mal Malioboro to earn 15,000 rupiah. After the Detour, teams needed to donate their money-- all of their money-- at a local orphanage. Eight of the eleven teams did not realize that had to give over all of their cash before checking into the double elimination Pit Stop in this leg, resulting in a severe shake-up of the placings.