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Video Game Alphabetic Symbols Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Video Game Alphabetic Symbols Quizzes, Trivia

Video Game Alphabetic Symbols Trivia

Video Game Alphabetic Symbols Trivia Quizzes

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12 quizzes and 125 trivia questions.
  Elementary Pokémon Part 6   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The sixth generation encompasses the games "Pokémon X" and "Pokémon Y" for the Nintendo 3DS, as well as the "Pokémon Alpha Ruby" and "Pokémon Omega Sapphire". Can you recognize the following Pokémon hidden in a list of chemical elements?
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Dec 01 24
JanIQ gold member
Dec 01 24
48 plays
  Elementary Pokémon Part 5    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are ten Pokémon from Generation V for Nintendo DS ("Pokémon White" - "Pokémon Black" - "Pokémon White 2" - "Pokémon Black 2"). Fill in their name using the chemical symbols for the given elements.
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Nov 26 23
JanIQ gold member
Nov 26 23
79 plays
  Elemental "Smash Bros."   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Use the symbols of the elements given in each question to spell out the name of a character from "Super Smash Bros. Melee" for the Wii.
Average, 15 Qns, qrayx, Jul 08 21
Jul 08 21
1374 plays
  Elemental Pokemon   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When changed to their scientific symbols, the following elements will form the name of a Pokemon from the "Pokemon Red" and "Pokemon Blue" games. The English Pokemon names are used. Example: "Copper - Boron - Oxygen - Neon" is Cubone (Cu-B-O-Ne).
Average, 10 Qns, stingjc, Jul 08 21
Jul 08 21
2196 plays
  Elementary Pokémon Part 3    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
What if a chemist would play Pokémon? Here are some Pokémon from the third generation (for Game Boy Advance) whose name consists of the symbols to chemical elements. Can you identify the Pokémon from the elements?
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Dec 28 21
JanIQ gold member
Dec 28 21
149 plays
  Elemental Pokemon 2   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When changed to their scientific symbols, the following elements will form the name of a Pokemon from the "Pokemon Red" and "Pokemon Blue" games. The Pokemon English names are used. Example: "Argon - Boron - Oxygen - Potassium" is Arbok (Ar-B-O-K).
Average, 10 Qns, stingjc, Jul 08 21
Jul 08 21
1602 plays
  Elementary Pokémon Part 4    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are ten Pokémon from the fourth generation ("Pokémon Diamond", "Pokémon Pearl" and "Pokémon Platinum"), developed for Nintendo DS. I'll give you the chemical elements that spell their names, you give me the correct name.
Easier, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Nov 03 22
JanIQ gold member
Nov 03 22
72 plays
  Elementary Pokemon    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I once threatened my pub quiz team members to write a "Pokémon" quiz. Here it is, combining Pokémon with Mendeleev's periodic table. Have fun deciphering the Pokémon names from the first generation ("Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue and Pokémon Yellow").
Easier, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Jul 08 21
JanIQ gold member
Jul 08 21
204 plays
  Elemental "Mass Effect" [2]    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's another round of Elemental "Mass Effect". I will give you a list of elements, and you use their symbols to spell out the answers. "Mass Effect" is for the Xbox 360, PC, and PS3.
Easier, 10 Qns, qrayx, Jul 08 21
Jul 08 21
438 plays
  Elemental "Mass Effect" [1]    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will give you a list of elements, and you have to use their symbols to spell out the answers to the questions about "Mass Effect". "Mass Effect" is for the Xbox 360, PC, and PS3.
Easier, 10 Qns, qrayx, Jul 08 21
Jul 08 21
490 plays
  Elemental "KOTOR"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz was inspired by Stingjc's "Elemental Pokemon" quizzes. Use the elemental symbols of the elements given to get the answer to each question. "Knights of the Old Republic" and the "Sith Lords" are for the PC and Xbox.
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Oct 16 21
Oct 16 21
803 plays
  Elementary Pokémon Part 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you decipher which Pokémon from the second generation hides after these elements? These come from "Pokémon Gold", "Pokémon Silver" and "Pokémon Crystal" (all for Game Boy Color).
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Jul 07 23
JanIQ gold member
Jul 07 23
167 plays

Video Game Alphabetic Symbols Trivia Questions

1. Sulphur - Nickel - Vanadium - Yttrium

From Quiz
Elementary Pokémon Part 5

Answer: Snivy

Snivy, nicknamed the "grass snake" Pokémon, is the starter Grass Pokémon you can choose at the outset of the game. It looks like a green bird with yellow underparts, and brown snake-like eyes. The best stat is speed: it can move faster than the other starter Pokémon (Tepig for fire and Oshawott as the water starter). Snivy's speed is enhanced by sunlight. When Snivy is low on sunlight energy, its tail will droop. As a Grass type Pokémon, Snivy will have an advantage when attacking Water type Pokémon such as Oshawott, against Ground type Pokémon (for instance Drilbur) and against Rock type Pokémon such as Tirtouga. Contrary to most other generations, the grass starter Snivy is not the first Pokémon in the local Pokédex - that is the mythical Victini, that one can only find on special occasions. And although a starter, Snivy is not the weakest Pokémon in Generation V. There are several Pokémon with lower stats, and Patrat is the weakest of them all. At level 17 Snivy can evolve to Servine, a more slender bird. And at level 36 it can evolve to Serperior.

2. Carbon - Hydrogen - Iodine - Moscovium - Hydrogen - Argon

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 4

Answer: Chimchar

Chimchar is one of the three starters and is a Fire type Pokémon. The artwork resembles a playful monkey in hues of yellow, orange and red, with a tail that seems to be on fire. It evolves to a Monferno (a Fire and Fighting type Pokémon) at level 14 and to an Infernape at level 36. As a Fire type Pokémon, Chimchar has an advantage when attacking a Grass type Pokémon such as the Turtwig (the Grass starter). Out of the three starter Pokémon in the fourth generation, Chimchar is by far the fastest, but has the worst stats for Defense and Special Defense.

3. Which flying bug hides after these elements? Beryllium - Gold - Titanium - Flerovium - Yttrium

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 3

Answer: Beautifly

The third generation Pokémon games designed for Game Boy Advance included "Pokémon Ruby", "Pokémon Sapphire", "Pokémon Leaf Green"; "Pokémon Fire Red" and "Pokémon Emerald". In the "Ruby", "Sapphire" or "Emerald" version you start with a Treecko (grass Pokémon), Torchic (fire Pokémon) or Mudkip (water Pokémon). On route you may encounter other Pokémon and try to catch them. Be is beryllium. Au is the symbol for gold. Titanium is abrreviated Ti. Flerovium, one of the newest discovered unstable elements, has the symbol Fl. Y stands for yttrium. Put these symbols together and you get Be-Au-Ti-Fl-Y, the Beautifly. The Beautifly is one of the final evolutions of a Wurmple. At level 7 the Wurmple evolves either to a Silcoon or a Cascoon, and at level 10 the Silcoon evolves to a Beautifly. The graphic appearance of a Beautifly is a butterfly with many colours and it is attracted to blooming flowers. Don't anger them, for the Beautifly has a strong special attack. The Beautifly is a Bug/Flying type Pokémon, and as such has extra strong attacks against a Grass type Pokémon. So if you use a Treecko and you would stumble upon a Beautifly, you better flee. There are both male and female Beautiflies, so when you want to use a Beautifly to breed, pay attention to its gender.

4. Chromium - Oxygen - Cobalt - Sodium - Tungsten

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 2

Answer: Croconaw

In the second generation of "Pokémon" games, you can start with Chikorita (a grass type Pokémon), Cyndaquil (a fire type Pokémon) or Totodile (a water type Pokémon). Let's suppose you start with the Totodile, then you can evolve to the Croconaw at level 18 and to the Feraligatr at level 30. In a duel the Croconaw is at an advantage against Fire types (such as Quilava), Rock types (such as Sudowoodo) and Ground types (such as Phanpy) and at a great advantage against the combined Ground/Rock types such as Pupitar. Croconaw looks like a blue crocodile walking on the hind paws.

5. Which "normal" type of Pokémon can be formed with the symbols for radium, titanium, calcium and tellurium?

From Quiz Elementary Pokemon

Answer: Raticate

Solving the riddle gives you Ra - Ti - Ca - Te. Raticate is described as a mouse Pokémon, but the artwork and the name point more to a rat than to a mouse. Normal type Pokémon are rather useful against any type of other Pokémon, except for ghost-type Pokémon such as Gastly. Raticate is the first evolution of Rattata, at level 20. In comparison, the first evolution of the starter Pokémon (grass type, fire type or water type) are Ivysaur, Charmeleon and Wartortle, respectively. Raticate is typically faster than any of these comparable Pokémon, but has less hit points.

6. Use the symbols of the elements to spell the name of one of Shepard's squad members: Lithium - Argon - Astatine - Sulphur - Oxygen - Nickel.

From Quiz Elemental "Mass Effect" [2]

Answer: Liara TSoni & Liara T'Soni

Liara was an asari squadmember in "Mass Effect" and "Mass Effect 3" (and temporarily in "Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker"). She was the Normandy's resident prothean expert, but could also use her full array of biotic abilities against enemies in the field.

7. Use the symbols of the elements to spell the name of an enemy faction: Germanium - Thorium.

From Quiz Elemental "Mass Effect" [1]

Answer: Geth

The geth were the main enemy faction in "Mass Effect". They returned with reduced roles in "Mass Effect 2" and "Mass Effect 3". The geth were created by the quarians 300 years before the events of "Mass Effect", and were one of the very few intelligent synthetic species.

8. Sulphur - Oxygen - Nitrogen - Iodine - Carbon

From Quiz Elemental "Smash Bros."

Answer: SONIC

Sonic is a blue hedgehog who can run super fast. He is Sega's mascot, and his fans have been rivals with Mario fans for many years. He's appeared in a number of games since 1991. In "Brawl" he can move quickly, and his attacks are fast, but generally weak. Sonic appeared in over sixty games before "Super Smash Bros. Brawl". To unlock Sonic play 300 matches or complete Classic Mode with ten characters.

9. Spell out the elements to find the name of the enemies in "Knights of the Old Republic". Silicon - Thorium

From Quiz Elemental "KOTOR"

Answer: Sith

The Sith is a group of beings that are Force sensitive, and use the Dark Side of The Force for personal empowerment. Throughout the game, regardless of whether you choose the Light Side path or the Dark Side path, the Sith will be your main enemies.

10. Argon - Boron - Oxygen - Potassium

From Quiz Elemental Pokemon

Answer: Arbok

Arbok is the evolved form of Ekans. It is a poisonous snake Pokemon which looks like a purple cobra. As such, it uses its venomous fangs to subdue its opponents with attacks like Poison Sting and Thunder Fang. In the Pokemon animated television series, Arbok was a dangerous Pokemon used by the evil Team Rocket, though the Pokemon itself is not evil. It merely follows the orders of the villains.

11. Argon - Calcium - Nickel - Neon

From Quiz Elemental Pokemon 2

Answer: Arcanine

Arcanine is a fire-type Pokemon which appears to be a mixture of a tiger, a lion, and a dog. Its fur is orange with black stripes like a tiger, but it has a light-colored mane like a lion. Arcanine is a special Pokemon which evolves from a Growlithe only if the trainer uses a Fire Stone on the creature. It typically fights with normal or fire-type attacks such as Flamethrower. In the original "Pokemon" animated series, Gary Oak (Ash Ketchum's rival) owns an Arcanine.

12. Tungsten - Astatine - Carbon - Hydrogen - Oganesson

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 5

Answer: Watchog

A Watchog is the evolution (at level 20) of a Patrat. Watchog is nicknamed the Lookout Pokémon and will raise its tail if it discovers other Pokémon nearby. Watchog is a Normal type Pokémon. As such, fighting a Ghost type Pokémon such as a Yamask will have no effect whatsoever. The physical appearance of a Watchog may be based on the American groundhog, but to me it resembles more an African meerkat: it is more slender than a groundhog. When you start your journey through the world of Unova, you can find Patrat or the evolved Watchog already on route 1, but also in some other places.

13. Phosphorus - Iodine - Phosphorus - Lutetium - Phosphorus

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 4

Answer: Piplup

Piplup is the Water type starter Pokémon, as Chimchar is the Fire type starter and Turtwig is the Grass type Starter. The artwork for Piplup shows a bluish penguin-like creature, and Piplup is thus nicknamed the "Penguin Pokémon". Being a Water type Pokémon, Piplup has an advantage over Fire type Pokémon such as Chimchar, but Piplup's attacks won't harm the Grass type Pokémon (such as the Turtwig). Overall, Piplup is marginally the best Starter Pokémon in the fourth generation. Piplup evolves to Prinplup and later to Empoleon. The second type advantages don't develop in the first evolution, Piplup has to turn into Empoleon to become a Water and Steel type Pokémon.

14. Given the following elements, which Normal Pokémon can you find? Sulphur - Lanthanium - Potassium - Oxygen - Thorium

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 3

Answer: Slakoth

S for sulphur - La for lanthanium - K for potassium - O for oxygen - Th for thorium, this adds up to Slakoth. The Slakoth is a Normal type Pokémon, which limits the strengths and weaknesses against other type Pokémon. Only against Ghost type Pokémon (such as the Duskull) a move will have no effect whatsoever. The Slakoth resembles in artwork a three-toed sloth, and it moves very slowly (hence the nickname slacker Pokémon). At level 18 a Slakoth will evolve to a Vigoroth (which is much faster), and at level 36 to a Slaking.

15. Sulfur - Phosphorus - Iodine - Sodium - Radium- Potassium

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 2

Answer: Spinarak

Spinarak looks as a small green spider. It is a rather feeble Pokémon of the combined Bug/Poison type. The Bug types have an advantage over Grass types, Psychic types and Dark types, and Poison types also have an advantage over Grass types. So Spinarak has a great edge over Chikorita. Spinarak does not go out hunting for prey, but instead spins a web and waits until other Pokémon get trapped in it. At level 22, Spinarak evolves into Ariados, a reddish spider-like creature with purple-yellow paws.

16. Which poison type Pokémon is hiding behind the symbols for Argon - boron - oxygen - potassium?

From Quiz Elementary Pokemon

Answer: Arbok

Deciphering the elemental code gives you Ar - B - O - K. The Arbok resembles a cobra. Its name is (phonetically) "cobra" in reverse. Arbok is the first evolution of Ekans, the basic snakelike Poison type Pokémon. Arbok has more than average attack stats for a first evolution. But Ekans evolves only at level 22 into Arbok, whereas the starter Pokémon (Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle) already evolve for the first time at level 16. Poison type Pokémon have no effect on Steel type Pokémon (for instance Magnemite). It sounds logical, but as the game is set in a fantasy world normal logic needs not always to apply.

17. Use the symbols of the elements to spell the name of a species: Vanadium - Oxygen - Lutetium - Sulphur.

From Quiz Elemental "Mass Effect" [2]

Answer: Volus

The volus were short, round aliens who lived in pressurized suits. They were not the most combat oriented, focusing more on trade, commerce, and economics. They organized galactic trade, even establishing the credit as a galactic currency.

18. Use the symbols of the elements to spell the name of one of Shepard's squad members: Tantalum - Lithium.

From Quiz Elemental "Mass Effect" [1]

Answer: Tali

Tali was a quarian woman, and one of Shepard's squadmembers in all three games. She had an aptitude for nearly anything mechanical, which could be very useful on the battlefield. Her preferred weapon was the shotgun.

19. Lithium - Nitrogen - Potassium

From Quiz Elemental "Smash Bros."

Answer: LiNK

Link is the main character from the "Legend of Zelda" series, and has been one of Nintendo's main characters for years. He is swathed in green clothing and primarily fights with his sword, though he does have quite a few other tricks up his sleeve, such as a boomerang, a bow, a grapple, and bombs. Link appeared in fourteen of his own games before "Brawl" was released, as well as a few other appearances, such as the first two "Super Smash Bros." games. Link is one of the starting characters in "Brawl".

20. Spell out the elements to find the name of one of your party members in "Knights of the Old Republic". Calcium - Neodymium - Erbium - Oxygen - Uranium - Sulphur

From Quiz Elemental "KOTOR"

Answer: Canderous

Canderous Ordo was a Mandalorian who fought in the Mandalorian War that preceded the Jedi Civil War ("Knights of the Old Republic"). He was picked up by Revan on Taris where he was a mercenary. He was also a party member in "The Sith Lords", but was known as Mandalore, and did not remove his armour, so no one knew his true identity.

21. Phosphorus - Iodine - Potassium - Actinium - Hydrogen - Uranium

From Quiz Elemental Pokemon

Answer: Pikachu

Pikachu is an electric rodent Pokemon which is the most recognizable Pokemon from the series. Characterized by its yellow fur and lightning-shaped tail, Pikachu uses electrical power in its attacks such as Thunderbolt and Thunder Wave. Pikachu has also made appearances in other video games such as "Super Smash Bros." and "Hey You, Pikachu". In the animated television series, Pikachu is the main Pokemon of the show's protagonist, Ash Ketchum. In "Pokemon Yellow", Pikachu is the trainer's starting Pokemon.

22. Polonium - Lithium - Tungsten - Silver

From Quiz Elemental Pokemon 2

Answer: Poliwag

Poliwag is a water-type Pokemon which looks like a blue tadpole. Its most significant feature, however, is a large black swirl on the creature's abdomen. The swirl's direction differs from creature to creature depending on the location the Pokemon is found. Poliwag uses mainly water attacks such as Water Gun and Bubblebeam. It also has the ability to evolve into a Poliwhirl.

23. Yttrium - Americium - Arsenic - Potassium

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 5

Answer: Yamask

A Yamask (nicknamed the Spirit Pokémon) is a Ghost type Pokémon, a very good attacker against Psychic type Pokémon such as the Gothita. The artwork for Yamask resembles not any existing animal. The best description would be a black bird head with large black wings, and carrying an egg-like mask in its black tail. The Yamask can evolve into a Cofagrigus (resembling a sarcophagus with four hands) at level 34. You can only find Yamask in the wild near Relic Castle.

24. Protactinium - Carbon - Hydrogen - Iridium - Iodine - Sulphur - Uranium

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 4

Answer: Pachirisu

Pachirisu is an Electric type Pokémon. Its artwork resembles a squirrel, white with a light blue stripe (or a pink stripe if Pachirisu appears as a Shiny Pokémon). Shiny Pokémon are rare, but have the same stats as the normal ones. As an Electric type Pokémon, Pachirisu is good against Water type Pokémon such as Prinplup but vulnerable to Ground type Pokémon such as Hippopotas. Pachirisu is a fast Pokémon, but it has low Attack stats. Pachirisu does not evolve. It can only gain levels and extra abilities. You can find wild Pachirisu on route 205 and in the Valley Windworks.

25. Chromium - Oxygen - Boron - Astatine

From Quiz Elementary Pokémon Part 2

Answer: Crobat

Crobat is one of the better Pokémon in the second generation. Its overall stats are comparable to the second evolution of the starter Pokémon. Crobat is styled as purple vampire bat. It is a Poison/Flying type Pokémon, which gives Crobat a great advantage over Grass type Pokémon. The combination of Poison type and Flying type does not expose Crobat to double disadvantages when defending: whereas the Electric type, Rock type and Ice type have an edge on a Flying type, they don't have extra advantage over a Poison type.

26. Which electric type Pokémon ca be deciphered from the symbols for phosphorus - iodine - potassium - actinium - hydrogen - uranium? It is also the most recognisable Pokémon.

From Quiz Elementary Pokemon

Answer: Pikachu

The chemical elements mentioned in the question are symbolized by P - I - K - Ac - H - U. Pikachu is a mouse Pokémon. The artwork resembles a mouse with a lightning-like tail. The name is derived from the Japanese words for the sounds it makes: sparkling and squeaking. In the games Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue, Pikachu is one of the wild Pokémon one can catch. One has to start with Bulbasaur (grass type), Charmander (fire type) or Squirtle (water type). In Pokémon Yellow though Pikachu is the only starter Pokémon. Compared to Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle, Pikachu is far more rapid. Electric type Pokémon as Pikachu are good against water types (for instance Squirtle) and flying types (such as Pidgey). But they have no effect at all when attacking ground type Pokémon (e.g. Sandshrew).

27. Use the symbols of the elements to spell the name of a location on the Citadel: Tungsten - Argon - Darmstadtium.

From Quiz Elemental "Mass Effect" [2]

Answer: Wards

The Citadel was a large space station, and the hub of galactic politics and trade. The base of the Citadel was the Presidium, where the elite and politicians resided. Coming off the Presidium were five large arms, known as the Wards. The Wards were where the bulk of the population lived, and developed unique cultures because of all the different species living together.

28. Use the symbols of the elements to spell the name of a species: Arsenic - Argon - Iodine.

From Quiz Elemental "Mass Effect" [1]

Answer: Asari

The asari were a single-gendered race that resembled blue human women with "hair tentacles". They had one of the longest natural lifespans of any species, reaching about one millennium. They were known for their natural biotics, and their role as diplomats and peacekeepers in Citadel space.

29. Fluorine - Aluminum - Cobalt

From Quiz Elemental "Smash Bros."

Answer: FAlCo

Falco is a member of the Star Fox team (from the "Star Fox" series), and is the ace pilot of the group. He uses speed and high-tech equipment to win fights, such as his blaster and his personal shield. His move set is a slight variation of Fox's. In the "Star Fox" games, Falco was always known for his boastful/rude comments. He was considered the ace pilot of the Star Fox team. Falco can be unlocked by playing fifty matches, or completing the 100 man brawl.

30. Spell out the elements to find the name of one of the bad guys in "The Sith Lords". Silicon - Oxygen - Nitrogen

From Quiz Elemental "KOTOR"

Answer: Sion

Sion was one of the three Sith Lords of the Sith Triumvirate, the Lord of Pain. He had grey, cracked skin, and only one eye. He is first seen when he brings in the Republic ship, the Harbinger, to Peragus. There, Kreia fought him to buy the Exile time to escape, but she lost her hand in the process. Later, near the end of the game, he is the second-to-last enemy you fight in the game, and you have to defeat him multiple times before you may pass to the final battle.

This is category 24150
Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:52 AM
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