23. Belle-__________,maison- __________, grand-__________, _________ poule
From Quiz Premier Jeu de Mots
Belle-mère : mother-in-law and also stepmother, there's only one word now. An older form is used for stepmother of the wicked variety, "la marâtre" one wouldn't use it now or the stepmother might become a marâtre. You did want to know if mothers-in law appeared in jokes as often as they do in English, didn't you? Of course they do! A popular expression for something really heavy to eat or digest is "étouffe-belle-mère" aka "étouffe-chretien". Maison mère is the main or head office of a company, as in Saint-Gobain is the maison mère of Certainteed. Maison mère comes from the convent which leads religious order. Grand-mère is grandmother, the most common way of addressing a grandmother in the nineties and two thousands, is "mamy" though that sounds odd to us! Always makes me think of Al Jolson! Une mère poule is a mother hen type. The père poule is however a father who exhibits the same behavior, not a père-coq. Now, I did put the accent in there, but technically it might not register if you're using accents with a different keyboard. I preferred to warn you though.