Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. A North American city, not that large, but politically important:
My first is in lemon but not in green.
My second is in violet but not in mauve.
My third is in white but not in black.
My fourth is in azure but not in blue.
My fifth is in yellow but not in pink.
My sixth is in orange but not in red.
What city am I?
2. A desert oasis:
My first is in Colorado but not in Connecticut.
My second is in Kansas but not in Kentucky.
My third is in Alaska but not in Arizona.
My fourth is in Nevada but not in Nebraska.
My fifth is in Vermont but not in Virginia.
My sixth is in Oregon but not in Oklahoma.
My seventh is in New Hampshire but not in New York.
My eighth is in Illinois but not in Iowa.
What city am I?
3. Which European city of over 3 million inhabitants am I?
My first is in hail but not in rain.
My second is NOT in window but IS in pain.
My third is in kingdom but not in reign.
My fourth is NOT in skull but IS in brain.
My fifth is in avenue but not in lane.
My sixth is in Frankfurt but not in Main.
My seventh is NOT in muesli but IS in grain.
4. Here's a question for keen Quizzyland competitors:
My first is in Nannanut but not in tommy-r.
My second is in baldricksmum but not in brazee.
My third is in Dalgleish and ALSO in greatful_read.
My fourth is in acelar but not in Miss G.
My fifth is in NatalieW and ALSO in RogerW1nz.
My sixth is in thumbsucker but not in McGruff.
My seventh is in bobby_windass but not in Beckyel.
My eighth is in spanishliz and ALSO in Howie72.
What Middle Eastern city am I? Extra clue: Local, not English, spelling.
5. This city hosted the Olympic Games in the second half of the 20th century.
My first is in swimming but not in diving.
My second is in canoeing but not in kayaking.
My third is in baseball but not in hockey.
My fourth is in cycling but not in rowing.
My fifth is in boxing but not in wrestling.
My sixth is in weightlifting but not in soccer.
What city am I?
6. This Asian city has had a name change:
My first ISN'T in January but IS in February.
My second is in November but not in December.
My third is in May but not in June.
My fourth is in September and ALSO in October.
My fifth is in March and ALSO in April.
My sixth is in July but not in August.
What city am I (old name)?
7. No extra clues!
My first is in Washington but not in Bush.
My second is in Truman and ALSO in Garfield.
My third is in Eisenhower but not in Nixon.
My fourth is in Hoover and ALSO in Harding.
My fifth is in Wilson but not in Johnson.
My sixth is in Kennedy but not in Ford.
My seventh is in George W but not in Bush.
My eighth is in Roosevelt and ALSO in Clinton.
My ninth is in Coolidge but not in Carter.
My tenth is in Lincoln but not in Adams.
What city am I?
8. Some famous duo clues:
My first is in Morecombe but not in Wise.
My second is in Grace but not in Will.
My third is in Abbott but not in Costello.
My fourth is in Sonny but not in Cher.
My fifth is in Bill but not in Ben.
My sixth is in Laurel but not in Hardy.
My seventh is in Simon but not in Garfunkel.
My eighth is in Peaches but not in Herb.
What city am I, federal capital of the country whose name I resemble?
9. A shopping mecca!
My first is in buy but not in sell.
My second is in trade but not in transact.
My third is in price but not in value.
My fourth is in joy but not in despair.
My fifth is in commodity but not in purchase.
My sixth is in need but not in impulse.
My seventh is in shopping but not in broke.
Which Asian city am I?
10. Lord of the Rings trivia for a city with nothing to do with the movie!
My first is in Lord but not in Rings.
My second is in Samwise and ALSO in Gamgee.
My third is in Peter but not in Jackson.
My fourth is in New but not in Zealand.
My fifth is in Hobbit but not in Orc.
My sixth is in Arwen but not in Boromir.
Which Australasian city am I?
Source: Author
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