71. Which Biblical man who led many of his people back to their home was told to climb a mountain and see and hear what his people were not allowed to witness? Which book of the Bible did he go through such an experience?
From Quiz Eyes of the Soul
Moses; Exodus
Moses was born of an Israelite family, but since the Egyptians were killing all Israelite boys, his mother hid him. The well-known story goes that Moses was found in bulrushes by an Egyptian princess, who raised him as her son. When Moses grew up, the Lord spoke to him from a burning bush, saying, "Go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people out of Egypt." (Exodus 3:10) In obedience, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt in the Book of Exodus.
Three months after leaving Egypt, the Israelites stopped by Mount Sinai. There, God descended on Mount Sinai to speak to Moses, who went up to the mountain top. The rest of the Israelites were forbidden to go, and remained behind with Aaron. Later, after offering up sacrifices, Moses and the elders all ascended the mountain and saw God. However, Moses alone entered the cloud where the Lord was and spoke to him face to face. There, the Lord gave him commandments for the future of the Israelites.