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Trivia about Daniel Bible

How much do you know about Daniel Bible? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Daniel Bible (Religion). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information. There are 73 questions in this immediate directory. Last updated Feb 24 2025.
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51 Which part of the item in the king's vision was part iron and part fired clay?
Answer: the toes

"You saw the iron mixed with clay -- the peoples will mix with one another but will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with fired clay." (2:43)
    Your options: [ the toes ] [ the head ] [ the fingers ] [ the thighs ]
  From Quiz: The Book of Daniel: Chapter 2
52 How long were the four men supposed to be trained in preparation for the King's court?
Answer: 3 years

Verse 5 says that the men were to be trained for 3 years.
  From Quiz: The book of Daniel : Chapter 1
53 In Daniel chapter five, what did Daniel NOT get for interpreting some handwriting that was on the wall during a feast for the new king of Babylon?
Answer: A wife of his choosing

In Daniel 5:7, after Nebuchadnezzar passed away, his son, Belshazzar, became the new king. One night, during a party that Belshazzar threw, God wrote a message on the wall in the party room. Belshazzar had heard of Daniel's interpreting and sent for him. Daniel told King Belshazzar that the writing on the wall told of his destruction by the Medes and the Persians. For his interpretation, Daniel was given a scarlet robe, a gold necklace, and was made third ruler of the kingdom. That same night, Belshazzar was killed.
  From Quiz: Dare To Be A Daniel
54 What is the name of Daniel's famous prophecy that is found in chapter nine?
Answer: Daniel's Seventy Weeks

With this prophesy, many believe that the Magi in the Christmas story were able to approximate the date of the Messiah's birth, and pinpoint the year of his death.
  From Quiz: The Dandy Story of Daniel
55 How many individuals did Nebuchadnezzar see in the furnace?
Answer: 4

Daniel 3:25. There were four figures in the fire, yet they were unharmed by the fire. Three were human; the fourth was an Angel of the LORD.
  From Quiz: Daniel and his Friends
56 According to Chapter 6, why did the satraps and administrators try to find grounds for charges against Daniel?
Answer: Because the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom

See Daniel 6 vs. 3-5.

Daniel was so good at his job that the officials could not find any basis for accusing him, unless it had 'something to do with the law of his God'. (v5)

Satrap was the name given to provincial governors in the Persian Empire at the time of Daniel.

Question submitted by cal562301
  From Quiz: "God Is My Judge" - Daniel
57 The king ordered that the furnace be heated more than usual before having Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego thrown in. How much hotter was it to be?
Answer: Seven times hotter

The king was even more furious with them after they openly refused to worship his statue, so he ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual. He also ordered that the strongest men in the army tie them up and throw them in. The furnace was so hot that the men ordered to throw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in were toast. This can be found in Daniel 3:19-23.
  From Quiz: Fifteen Minutes in the Oven
58 The king interviewed Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and found them _______ time better than all the diviner-priests and mediums in the entire kingdom.
Answer: 10

No one was found equal to Daniel and his friends in all matters of wisdom and understanding (1:19-20).
    Your options: [ 5 ] [ 100 ] [ 10 ] [ 1000 ]
  From Quiz: The book of Daniel : Chapter 1
59 According to Daniel chapter six, Darius made a decree that all Babylon should bow down only to him. How long was Darius' decree to last?
Answer: One month

In Daniel 6:7, after Belshazzar was killed by the Medes and Persians, Darius took over the ruling of Babylon. Darius took a liking to Daniel and Daniel did his best to obey the king. When some of Darius' men saw how their king doted on Daniel, they looked for ways to make Daniel suffer. When they couldn't find anything wrong with his loyalty to the king, they went after his God. Darius' men had King Darius make a decree that no one could bow down to or pray to anyone else but King Darius. Darius signed the decree. That same day, Darius' men saw Daniel enter his room and pray to his God in front of a window. The men told Darius what they saw and Daniel was thrown into the lions' den as punishment.

The lions' den carried the inscription 'The place of execution where men who angered the king die, torn by wild beasts'. The next morning, Darius went to the lion's den to check on Daniel. Daniel spoke to him and told him that he was safe. Darius had Daniel taken out of the lions' den and the men that accused Daniel were thrown in along with their families.
  From Quiz: Dare To Be A Daniel
60 How long did Daniel fast in chapter ten?
Answer: Three full weeks

This was the time it took for Michael to deliver the answer to his prayer.
  From Quiz: The Dandy Story of Daniel
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The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
Daniel Bible Quizzes