3. According to Genesis, chapter 1, verse 2, what was the (Holy) Spirit of God doing?
From Quiz The Trinity for Kids
He was moving over or upon the waters.
The Holy Spirit is sometimes called simply the Spirit or the Spirit of God. Genesis, chapter 1, verse 2, states that the earth was formless and void, and the Spirit of God was moving upon or over the waters. So, clearly we have reference to the Holy Spirit in the creation account, but what about the Son (Jesus) and the Father? Well, according to Genesis, God SAID and things came into existence. He spoke the sun, moon, ocean, trees, etc., into existence. The New Testament claims that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was the Word whom God used to create the universe. Henry M. Morris of the Institute for Creation Research states it as the following: "The Father planned the work of creation, the Son did the work ('all things were made by Him'--John 1:3), and the Spirit energized it ('the Spirit of God moved')."
In case you were wondering, the Holy Spirit apparently did form the baby, human Jesus inside Mary's womb, based on the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. However, that answer is incorrect for this question. I didn't base the other two choices on the Bible at all.