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Sports Trophies Trivia Quizzes

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Name the trophy.

Name the sport.

Name the national sport of a country.

34 Sports Trophies quizzes and 345 Sports Trophies trivia questions.
How Easy is it to Locate the Sport
  How Easy is it to Locate the Sport?   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
I found a few of my favorite pictures and see if you figure out which sport I'm referring to from the picture shown. Good luck and have fun!
Very Easy, 10 Qns, linkan, Jan 13 21
Very Easy
linkan gold member
Jan 13 21
740 plays
  Give It a Name!   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Can you match these phrases for plays, rivalries, and matches with the sport to which they were most famously applied? Some phrases may apply to multiple sports but there is only one correct solution to the quiz. Apologies for the U.S. focus.
Easier, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Nov 15 21
PDAZ gold member
Nov 15 21
403 plays
  What do you know about Which Sport??   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I list a few words or phrases, you choose which sport uses these terms. Some sports are the correct answer to more than one question. Example: base, bat, strike = baseball (but I hope they are not quite that easy!)
Average, 15 Qns, spanishliz, Jun 17 13
spanishliz editor
5925 plays
  Deuce!   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Almost every sport has its own specialised vocabulary. Here we'll look only at terms beginning with the letter "D", a surprising number of which are two word terms involving the word "double"! Match the terms on the left with the sports on the right.
Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz, Apr 19 17
spanishliz editor
940 plays
  For the Win!   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the game with its coveted trophy.
Easier, 10 Qns, MotherGoose, Dec 14 21
MotherGoose editor
Dec 14 21
730 plays
A Great Deal of Trophies
  A Great Deal of Trophies    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
This quiz is all about teams who have won a lot of championships in their particular sports. Hopefully the photos will provide a bit of help!
Average, 10 Qns, Dizart, Dec 17 13
Dizart gold member
859 plays
  Trophies, Awards and Medals   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the sport with the correct trophy, award or medal.
Easier, 10 Qns, nyirene330, Jun 08 16
797 plays
  My Cup Runneth Over    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the sport to the cup or trophy with which it's related.
Easier, 10 Qns, nyirene330, Nov 22 19
Nov 22 19
460 plays
  "De Facto" National Sports    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Some sports, such as lacrosse in Canada ("de jure"), have been established by law, while others, such as baseball in the U.S. ("de facto"), are traditionally considered to be a country's national sport. Let's have a look at some "de facto" sports!
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Jan 29 19
ponycargirl editor
Jan 29 19
455 plays
  All Silver Tea Cups    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
To acquire each of these silver cups would make for a very expensive tea service. Mind you, I don't think that tea is typically the beverage of choice to drink from these cups.
Easier, 10 Qns, reedy, Jun 27 13
reedy gold member
632 plays
trivia question Quick Question
The Heisman Trophy

From Quiz "Sports Trophies"

  Battles for the Cup   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many sports offer Cups as trophies to the winners. Can you identify these?
Average, 10 Qns, shvdotr, Apr 22 16
shvdotr gold member
451 plays
  All About Championships    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Different sports have different ways of determining the champion. Can you get the different "finals" straight?
Very Easy, 10 Qns, grisham, Nov 17 17
Very Easy
614 plays
  You Could Be Mine   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Sport is all about winning. Who remembers who came second? I hope you do, because this quiz features those who came close enough to the trophy to say 'you could be mine', only to have their hopes dashed.
Average, 10 Qns, rossian, Dec 07 11
rossian editor
557 plays
  National Sports   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about National Sports around the World?
Average, 10 Qns, --simone--, Oct 13 09
1316 plays
  10 Questions: Which Sport? Multiple Choice Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this quiz you are asked to identify ten different sports from the bits of information which are given with the questions. See if you can recognise all of them.
Average, 10 Qns, Jomarion, Jul 17 13
939 plays
  Space on My Trophy Shelf    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I really want to add to the trophies on my shelf. Okay, trophy. It's a bit lonely, so I'll train hard to add some others. Now, to work out which ones I can get!
Average, 10 Qns, VegemiteKid, Jun 19 14
VegemiteKid gold member
342 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As athletes continue to push the boundaries of human endurance we are left to marvel at the capacity of the human body to endure remarkable challenges. Can you identify some sporting accomplishments that have required exceptional endurance?
Average, 10 Qns, coachpauly, May 04 15
326 plays
  The Guild of Victory   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The members of "The Quiz Makers Guild" would like to present you with their take on some of the captivating games, fascinating personalities and gripping moments that have taken place in the wide world of sports throughout the years.
Tough, 10 Qns, joemc37, Jun 22 08
433 plays
  Sick of Major Sports?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Why is it that all I ever see on shows like Sportscenter is football, hockey, baseball, basketball, and an occasional share of golf, tennis and Nascar? Perhaps it is time for some lesser-known sports to gain some recognition.
Easier, 10 Qns, Diceazed, Jan 15 09
1238 plays
  Hold the Trophy High: Part I    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the endeavour of individuals or teams to win the trophies or awards from around the world.
Easier, 10 Qns, zambesi, Oct 23 16
265 plays
  Brunch of Champions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Champions Bed and Breakfast" is hosting a "Brunch of Champions", who have left a mark on their sports, and have paved the way for others. Your presence is requested and your help is needed to determine what sport they left their "mark" in.
Easier, 10 Qns, Emma058, Nov 26 15
Emma058 gold member
581 plays
  The Sports Atlas    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The most popular sport in the world is football (called soccer in some countries). However, it is not always the designated national sport of a country. Match these national sports with their nation.
Tough, 10 Qns, Cymruambyth, Apr 22 07
Cymruambyth gold member
604 plays
  Sports Trophies Test Your Knowledge    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Trophies are frequently associated with an identifying name rather than the sport. Can you match the award with the correct sporting activity?
Average, 10 Qns, golfer46, Oct 21 21
Oct 21 21
421 plays
  Eleven Straight Titles    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Test your knowledge on the great achievements of some amazing people, teams, animals and things who made it eleven straight.
Average, 10 Qns, bubbatom1, Jul 17 12
563 plays
  Sporting Firsts    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz concerns various breakthroughs in the world of sport and the pioneering athletes who achieved them. See how much you know.
Tough, 10 Qns, nickdrew55, Jun 09 12
333 plays
  Hand 'Em the Hardware    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Trophies are synonymous with sports. Unfortunately, you won't get a trophy for playing this quiz about sports trophies, but good luck anyway!
Tough, 15 Qns, StickyBad, Jan 06 15
283 plays
  Spot the Ball    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you identify balls that are used in an assortment of sports?
Average, 10 Qns, simon_templar, Dec 08 13
1422 plays
  Hold the Trophy High: Part II    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the endeavour of individuals or teams with the trophies or awards from around the world.
Average, 10 Qns, zambesi, Oct 27 16
210 plays
  Wooden Spoons    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The wooden spoon is known in Britain as the booby prize, it's what is given to the person or team who comes in last place.
Average, 10 Qns, Shadowmyst2004, Sep 20 15
Shadowmyst2004 gold member
271 plays
  Cup Fever    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Name a Cup and a sports fan will know in what sport it can be won. Do you? Give it a try!
Average, 10 Qns, jaydel, Jan 13 25
Jan 13 25
970 plays
  Sports Cups    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the kind of cups that are awarded, not the kind that are worn.
Tough, 10 Qns, sportcon, Nov 25 09
1329 plays
  Sports Droughts    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Winning isn't the most important thing in the world, but in sports, it's pretty important. Here are some teams and cities that have had to endure long droughts in their histories.
Difficult, 10 Qns, raidersruleall, Oct 13 09
463 plays
  The Ultimate Sports Trophies Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
Identify the sport from the trophy.
Very Difficult, 5 Qns, awkins, Nov 08 02
Very Difficult
902 plays
  The Age of Sports Champions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz relates to how old (or young) each of these champions were at the time of their success.
Difficult, 10 Qns, sunfloweruk23, Oct 13 09
393 plays

Sports Trophies Trivia Questions

1. What is the name of the championship round in baseball?

From Quiz
All About Championships

Answer: World Series

The World Series is the championship series played between the pennant winners in the National League and the American League. It has been around since 1903. The Vezina Trophy is awarded to the best goalie of the year in the NHL.

2. One cup awarded to the winner of a collegiate football game is the Apple Cup. Which in-state and in-conference rivals play for this trophy each year?

From Quiz Battles for the Cup

Answer: U. of Washington and Washington State

The State of Washington is the largest producer of apples in the United States, producing 42% of the nation's crop, and in 1989, the state government declared the apple to be the official state fruit. The two state schools have been playing each other since 1900 (Huskies of U-Dub (UW) vs. Wazzu's (WSU's) Cougars). The winner was awarded the Governor's Cup from 1934 to 1961, but the trophy was renamed the Apple Cup in 1962.

3. A significant endurance accomplishment for any runner is to complete a marathon, but what is the recognized distance for a traditional IAAF sanctioned marathon?

From Quiz Endurance

Answer: 26.2 miles

The marathon has been a part of the modern-day Summer Olympics program since the first Olympic Games in Athens Greece in 1896. The official marathon distance is 42.195km or 26 miles and 385 yards. The distance was standardized in 1921. The marathon event is influenced by the Greek legend of Pheidippides. Pheidippides was a messenger who in 490 BC was sent from the battlefields of Marathon to Athens to announce a victory over the Persians. It is said he ran the whole distance without stopping and after bursting into the Assembly to announce the news he promptly dropped dead of exhaustion.

4. What kind of race is the Iditarod and where has it taken place?

From Quiz Which Sport?

Answer: Sled-dog race in Alaska

The Iditarod Trail Sled-dog Race has usually run between Anchorage and Nome in Alaska. Teams have had to cope with blizzards, sub-zero temperatures and winds which have caused temperatures to drop as low as -100°F (-73°C). The roadrunning event in Perth is known as The City to Surf Race. A famous long-distance ski race, in Sweden is known as the Vasalopper (meaning Vasa race). The Yukon Quest is the name of another sled-dog race - usually run between Fairbanks in Alaska and White Horse in the Yukon.

5. This make of car won the Australian Formula Ford Championship eleven times straight. What was the make of car?

From Quiz Eleven Straight Titles

Answer: Van Diemen

Van Diemen International Ltd was started in Norfolk, England in 1973 by Ross Ambrose and Ralph Firman. The company was called Van Diemen as that is the former name of Tasmania, where Ambrose was born and lived before he moved to England.

6. Which fancy silver cup has been presented to the winner of the British Open since 1872?

From Quiz All Silver Tea Cups

Answer: The Claret Jug

Tom Morris, Jr. (also known as Young Tom Morris) had won The Open three years in a row (1868-70), earning the Championship Belt to keep. The powers-that-be elected to make a new trophy, and at a cost of £30, 'The Golf Champion Trophy' (The Claret Jug) was made. Young Tom Morris won The Open again in 1871 (at the age of 21), but The Claret Jug was not ready to be presented. When it finally was in 1872, it was presented to Tom Kidd, although Morris did have his name already inscribed on the trophy.

7. In 1985, which teenage tennis player became the first unseeded player to win the Men's Singles title at Wimbledon, when he defeated Kevin Curren in the final by three sets to one?

From Quiz Sporting Firsts

Answer: Boris Becker

Boris Becker became a professional tennis player in 1984, and a year later, aged just 17 took his place in the history books by winning at Wimbledon (he beat 8th seed Kevin Curren in four sets). At that time he was the youngest winner ever of a Grand Slam tennis tournament, though the record lasted only four years, being beaten in 1989 by Michael Chang. In his career Becker won 49 major titles including Wimbledon three times. The Australian Open twice and The US open on one occasion. He retired from competitive tennis in 1999.

8. The first athlete to grace our table is Lou Gehrig. He has a disease named after him. The disease that cut his career short and yet made him a true sports icon. Which sport is he associated with?

From Quiz Brunch of Champions

Answer: Baseball

Lou Gehrig, nicknamed "The Iron Horse" was 14lbs at birth. His career was cut short due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS), however, he never lost that hope evidenced by these words that he stated"When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so that you can have an education and build your body - it's a blessing. When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed - that's the finest I know.So I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for. Thank you." - Lou Gehrig at Yankee Stadium, July 4, 1939

9. Andy Murray reached the finals of the US Open in 2008 and the Australian Open in 2010. Which player denied him the trophy both times?

From Quiz You Could Be Mine

Answer: Roger Federer

From 2006-2010, every Grand Slam was won by one of the four men named as options, with most of them shared between Federer and Nadal. The only ones taken by neither of them were the Australian Open of 2008, which Djokovic won, and the US Open, won by del Potro in 2009. Federer shed tears after losing to Nadal in the 2009 Australian final, and Murray also cried after losing the following year. He commented at the time, 'I can cry like Roger, it's just a shame I can't play like him'.

10. What year did the NFL name it's Super Bowl trophy after Vince Lombardi?

From Quiz Hand 'Em the Hardware

Answer: 1970

After legendary Green Bay Packers/Washington Redskins coach Vince Lombardi died of cancer in the summer of 1970, The National Football League named the Super Bowl trophy in his honor. On January 17, 1971, the Baltimore Colts defeated the Dallas Cowboys 16-13 in Super Bowl V, the first Super Bowl played for the newly named trophy.

11. America's pastime, Major League baseball. The Boston Red Sox went 86 years without a World Series win, from 1918 to 2004. Which team was waiting even longer, without a World Series title, when the Red Sox broke their drought?

From Quiz Sports Droughts

Answer: Chicago Cubs

After making three consecutive appearances in the World Series from 1906-07-08, and winning the two latter ones, they were still looking for a win when the Red Sox broke their drought in 2004. They had their seven opportunities during those 96 years but couldn't cash in on one of them - 1910, 1918, 1929, 1932, 1935, 1938, and 1945.

12. What is the national sport of Andorra?

From Quiz National Sports

Answer: Skiing

Andorra is on a high altitude which means it generally has more snow then neighbouring countries France and Spain, making skiing the perfect sport. Sailing and Camel Racing is not a popular sport in Andorra, due to the fact that Andorra is land locked and that there are no deserts in Andorra! Rugby Union and Association Football are also popular sports in Andorra.

13. An air filled leather sphere with a circumference of 68-70cm (27"-28") and a dry weight of 410-450 gms (14-16 ozs) which is inflated to a pressure of 60-110 kPa (8.5-15.6 psi).

From Quiz Spot the Ball

Answer: Football (soccer ball)

The dimensions quoted are dictated by Law 2 of the 17 laws of Association Football as applied by F.I.F.A.

14. The winter sport is hockey and the summer sport is lacrosse in which country?

From Quiz The Sports Atlas

Answer: Canada

The National Sports Act of 1994 designated ice hockey as Canada's winter sport and lacrosse as the national summer sport. Both sports have their roots in games that have been played for centuries. A form of ice hockey was played in The Netherlands as long ago as the 16th century. The game was brought to North America by European settlers and played wherever there was ice on which to have a game. A newspaper in colonial Williamsburg carried a story about a game of hockey played in a snow storm in Virginia. The first game to use a puck rather than a ball was played on frozen Kingston Harbour in Ontario in 1860, and the majority of the players were Crimean War veterans. Where hockey got its name is not really known. Some etymologists suspect that it derives from hoquet, the French word for a shepherd's crook, because the stick was curved. Others believe it may have come from the Dutch hok, meaning shack or small shed, which was also the term used for goal in The Netherlands. Lacrosse had its origins among the native North American peoples of eastern Canada and the U.S., where it went by different names - the Onondaga people called it dehuntshigwa'es ("men hit a rounded object") and the eastern Cherokee called it da-nah-wah'uwsdi ("little war"). The Mohawk called it tewaarathon ("little brother of war") and the Ojibway called it baaga'adowe ("bump hips"). Obviously, it was a pretty violent game, regardless of who was playing it! Rules were minimal. It seems that the first object was to injure as many players as possible on the opposing side prior to moving towards the goal. Early balls were made of deerskin, clay, stone, wood, and even the heads of defeated enemies! Lacrosse, by whatever name the aboriginal peoples called it, was more than just a game - it was also a spiritual and religious exercise, and all tribes believed that the game had been invented by the Creator for the Creator's pleasure. It was the French habitants of Quebec who dubbed it lacrosse, owing to the similarity in shape of the stick to that of the bishop's crozier.

15. The oldest Cup of the lot: it is yachting, where every four years, or thereabouts, two teams compete against each other. What is the name of the Cup they badly want to win?

From Quiz Cup Fever

Answer: America's Cup

The Cup was named after the first yacht to win it. The "America" was dispatched by the New York Yachting Club to race against the Britons in 1851 around the Isle of Wight. The United States held on to the Cup for a staggering 132 years, until 1983 when Australia took the Cup down under. In 2003 Switzerland brought the Cup to Europe for the first time.

16. How old was Roger Bannister (subsequently Dr Bannister) when he became the first man to run a mile in under 4 minutes?

From Quiz The Age of Sports Champions

Answer: 25

Roger Bannister was born in 1929. He ran the sub-4 minute mile at Oxford on 6th May 1954 in a time of 3min 59.4sec.

17. The 'Bowring Bowl' is competed for in which sport?

From Quiz Sports Trophies

Answer: Rugby Union

Oxford and Cambridge University's compete for the trophy.

18. What is the name of the cup awarded to the winner of the competition between men's amateur golf teams from the U.S. and the British Isles?

From Quiz Sports Cups

Answer: Walker Cup

The Walker Cup is named after George Herbert Walker, president of the United States Golf Association in the 1920s. The matches have been played every other year since 1922.

19. Hack, hog line and house are the terms of what sport?

From Quiz Which Sport?

Answer: curling

The hack is the foothold in the ice from which a player pushes off when delivering a stone, which must be released before reaching in near hog line, and must travel at least over the far hogline to remain in play. The house is where the player is trying to place the rock, with the one lying closest to the central button lying 'shot'.

20. How many games are needed to win the World Series?

From Quiz All About Championships

Answer: Four

The World Series has almost always been the best of 7 while the wild card playoff is now a 1 game playoff and the division series is now best of 5. There were only 4 times when the World Series champ was determined in a best of 9 playoff - in 1903 and 1919-21.

21. In Australian League Football, the team with the second most Wooden Spoon victories in the in 20th century posted 13 of the worst seasons in the sport. What team was it?

From Quiz Wooden Spoons

Answer: North Melbourne

Sticking with just the 20th century, North Melbourne "won" the distinction 13 times between 1926 and 1972. Post '72 the team didn't finish on the bottom again through the end of the century. St Kilda won 22 wooden spoons in the 20th century. Gold Coast and the Lions never won a Wooden Spoon in the 20th century.

22. Multisport competitions have become increasingly popular across the globe. What three disciplines are contested in a traditional Ironman triathlon?

From Quiz Endurance

Answer: Swimming, Cycling, Running

The Ironman Triathlon is a trade-marked race organized by the World Triathlon Corporation. It incorporates a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike leg, and a 26.2 mile marathon run. The Ironman event has a very strict 17 hour time limit that athletes must meet in order to earn a finishing medal. Races usually begin at 7:00 am. The swim must be completed by 9:20 am, the bike by 5:30 pm, and the run by midnight.

23. This silver cup was donated in 1892 by Canada's Governor-General to the country's top-ranking amateur hockey club. Originally called the Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup, by what name is it known today?

From Quiz All Silver Tea Cups

Answer: The Stanley Cup

Lord (Frederick) Stanley of Preston was Canada's Governor-General from 1888 to 1893. With two sons actively playing hockey, Lord Stanley also became a fan of the sport, donating the Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup for the purpose of contesting Canada's best amateur hockey club. By 1909, however, it became the prize of professional hockey teams exclusively. In 1926, it became the top prize of (exclusively) the National Hockey League.

24. In 1938 in France, which nation's soccer team became the first to retain the FIFA World Cup?

From Quiz Sporting Firsts

Answer: Italy

The Italians won the World Cup on home soil in 1934, and held on to their title four years later when they defeated Hungary 4-2 in the final at the Stade Olympique de Colombes, Paris. Owing to the occurrence of World War II, Italy kept hold of the crown as world champions until 1950. Rumour has it that the Italian vice-president of FIFA, secreted the trophy under his bed during the war, so that any invading troops should not be able to get their pilfering hands upon it.

25. One of the great athletes of his time, Jim Thorpe, competed in the Olympics held in Sweden in 1912 and won Gold in this event. Do you recall what event brought him to the forefront?

From Quiz Brunch of Champions

Answer: Decathlon

Unfortunately, Jim, was stripped of his medals in 1913. Jim did play semi-professional baseball for a while and close to his death, he was penniless. In 1983, January to be exact, the International Olympic Committee finally reinstated his medals. The original medals were stolen from a museum where they were housed so commemorative medals were presented to his children.

26. The 1983 cricket World Cup was won by India, who defeated a team aiming for a hat-trick of wins. Which team was it?

From Quiz You Could Be Mine

Answer: West Indies

Having won the trophy in both 1975 and 1979, and with Andy Roberts, Malcolm Marshall, Michael Holding, and Vic Richards on their team, West Indies had high hopes of retaining the cup. Having been asked to bat first, India made only 183 runs and batted only 54.4 of the allotted 60 overs. When West Indies batted, the Indians bowled them out for only 140 runs to complete a well deserved victory. Australia won the competition in 1987, 1999, 2003, and 2007 with Sri Lanka being victorious in 1996. The only other winner was Pakistan in 1992, with the next tournament due in 2011.

27. Why was Brazil allowed to permanently keep the FIFA World Cup trophy after their victory in 1970?

From Quiz Hand 'Em the Hardware

Answer: It was Brazil's third victory.

From 1930 until 1970, the Jules Rimet Trophy was awarded to the winner of the FIFA World Cup. The trophy was named after the FIFA president who initiated the tournament following a vote in 1929. It was stipulated by Rimet himself that should any nation win the trophy three times, that nation would be allowed to keep the trophy permanently, rather than have it passed along to the next winner. After bulldozing Italy 4-1 in the 1970 final, Brazil won it's third World Cup, allowing them to retain permanent possession of Rimet's trophy.

28. Kabaddi is the national game of which country?

From Quiz National Sports

Answer: Bangladesh

Kabbaddi is a game that comprises two teams of seven players each standing on opposite ends of a field. One team sends a 'raider' to the opposing team to break a link in their chain of hands, by wrestling or 'tagging' them, and then once a successful break has been made, return to their own team. The 'raider' must hold their breath for the duration of their turn and is out if they fail to do so, any 'tagged' or wrestled players are also out of the game too. The team with the most points win the game. Kabaddi is also a popular sport that is played by the British army, as well as in South Asia, Japan and Iran.

29. The most popular sport in this country is kickboxing. Which country is it?

From Quiz The Sports Atlas

Answer: Cambodia

Kickboxing, or Khmer martial art, is the number one sport in Cambodia. It is an ancient martial art, developed in Cambodia and has a history of centuries. During the regime of the Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia Khmer martial art was suppressed, but it has gained a resurgence in the country over the past 30 years. Singapore's most popular sport is football, as is Myanmar's and Indonesia's.

This is category 6364
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:46 AM
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