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Golden Girls  Quotes Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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'Golden Girls' - Quotes Trivia

'Golden Girls' - Quotes Trivia Quizzes

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10 quizzes and 105 trivia questions.
  Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls"   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
How well do you know "The Golden Girls"? Check out this quotes quiz and discover whether or not you know your Dorothy from your Sophia.
Easier, 10 Qns, poshprice, Aug 25 13
2330 plays
  "Golden Girls" Who Said It? No. 2   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my second "Golden Girls" quotes quiz. Just pick the girl who said each quote!
Average, 10 Qns, ashleighroo, Oct 23 08
8424 plays
  "Golden Girls" Who Said It?   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my first "Golden Girls" quiz on only quotes. Just choose the name of the girl who said each quote. I hope you enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, ashleighroo, Dec 24 05
6551 plays
  'Golden Girls' Quotes- Who Said It?   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Well, if you really know 'Golden Girls', you should know who said what on the show. Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, vixen_92, Oct 06 09
10685 plays
  "The Golden Girls" Quotes   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These are 10 specific questions challenging your knowledge of some of "The Golden Girls" most memorable quotes. For passionate "TGG" fans!
Average, 10 Qns, pikekinggirl, May 07 13
5788 plays
  Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls" #2   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well do you know "The Golden Girls"? Check out this quotes quiz and discover whether or not you know your Dorothy from your Sophia.
Average, 10 Qns, poshprice, Jul 31 14
549 plays
  'Golden Girls' Quotes 3- Who Said It?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Well, this is the same as my other quizzes, good luck!
Average, 15 Qns, vixen_92, Oct 06 09
7853 plays
  Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls" #4   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well do you know "The Golden Girls"? Check out this quotes quiz and discover whether or not you know your Dorothy from your Sophia.
Average, 10 Qns, poshprice, Dec 02 15
375 plays
  Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls" #3   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well do you know "The Golden Girls"? Check out this quotes quiz and discover whether or not you know your Dorothy from your Sophia. Please note that all of these quotes come from the season one episodes "The Break-In" and "Job Hunting".
Average, 10 Qns, poshprice, Nov 30 15
410 plays
  Rose's Goofy Scandinavian Words   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These are questions based on the stupid Scandinavian words that Rose uses on 'The Golden Girls.'
Average, 10 Qns, ShampooCell, Oct 06 09
5628 plays

'Golden Girls' - Quotes Trivia Questions

1. Rose: "Would I be too big a nerd if I asked for a group hug?" Dorothy: "Oh, honey, of course not." Sophia: "What are you doing?" Rose: "We're having a group hug." Sophia: "Well knock it off, the neighbours will ___."

From Quiz
Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls" #2

Answer: Get the wrong idea

Sophia said this upon walking into the kitchen and seeing her three roommates locked in a group hug. She had no way of knowing that moments earlier Rose, Dorothy and Blanche, who had all been bickering for days, had buried the hatchet and agreed to help each other through their bout of flu. This quotation can be heard in the twenty-first episode of season one, entitled "The Flu". The episode also has the alternative title of "Flu Attack".

2. "When somebody tries to murder his cereal, he should see a psychiatrist!" Which dim-witted character said this?

From Quiz Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls"

Answer: Rose

Rose said this in response to a comment made by Sophia, while the group was waiting for Blanche to see a psychiatrist. The group had banded together in order to force Blanche to see a psychiatrist, after she was overcome with depression at the thought of having to go through menopause. This quotation can be heard in the first episode of season two, entitled "End of the Curse".

3. "You're just a big pile of estrogen, aren't you?"

From Quiz "Golden Girls" Who Said It? No. 2

Answer: Dorothy

This quote is from the episode "Once, In St. Olaf" in which Rose finds out that her natural father is a monk. Also in this episode, Sophia checks into the hospital for a hernia operation and later goes missing in the hospital. While looking for Sophia, Dorothy is told by Blanche that the way she is walking is not sexy. Blanche says that if she were in Dorothy's situation she would feel the same way but would like to think that she would still be sexy. Dorothy then follows with the quote.

4. "Words of wisdom from the human torch!"

From Quiz "Golden Girls" Who Said It?

Answer: Sophia

This quote comes from the episode "The Impotence of Being Ernest." The girls were sitting around talking about Rose's impotent boyfriend, Ernie. As usual, Sophia has an incredibly funny comment!

5. What does Blanche say is on the "big piece of chocolate cake" she refers to after Dorothy asks how Blanche's diet is doing?

From Quiz "The Golden Girls" Quotes

Answer: A lobster

Dorothy asks Blanche, "How's the diet going, Blanche?" She replies, "Piece of cake. Nice big piece of chocolate cake, smothered with whipped cream and chocolate fudge, and a lobster!"

6. 'Well, anyway, I don't want to toot my own ___________!'

From Quiz Rose's Goofy Scandinavian Words

Answer: vertuugenfluugen

I love that quote!

7. 'I can't even reach mine.'

From Quiz 'Golden Girls' Quotes 3- Who Said It?

Answer: sophia

Rose said something about not being one to blow her own 'vertugenflugen'. Who knows what that is!

8. 'I don't wanna spoil the surprise, but in a few weeks, someone in this room is gonna know how to yodel'

From Quiz 'Golden Girls' Quotes- Who Said It?

Answer: Rose

This was when they had to buy Christmas gifts for each other. Rose was supposed to buy for Blanche. She bought her a blouse instead of yodeling lessons. Thank God!

9. Dorothy: "Blanche, would you like some broiled chicken?" Blanche: "Oh, no thank you. I'm having a raw vegetable plate. You probably haven't noticed it, but I've put on three pounds." Sophia: "___!" What cutting remark of Sophia's comes next?

From Quiz Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls" #3

Answer: On each side

Sophia makes this remark at the very opening of the episode, following a discussion about food. As noted in the question, Blanche is sticking to a rigid diet, which her eldest roommate can't help but mock. Of course, it doesn't help that Sophia is in a foul mood because there is no more pepperoni in the house, and as a result has already rejected Blanche's offer of cottage cheese, as well as her own daughter's suggestion of chicken. This quotation can be found in the twenty-second episode of season one, entitled "Job Hunting".

10. "No visible means of life support... I like that in a man."

From Quiz "Golden Girls" Who Said It? No. 2

Answer: Sophia

This quote comes from the episode "Old Boyfriends" in which Sophia answers an ad in the personals column. When her date, Marvin, shows up with a woman named Sarah, whom we find out later is his wife, Sophia says that she likes a man with no visible means of life support!

11. "I look like the mother of a solid gold dancer."

From Quiz "Golden Girls" Who Said It?

Answer: Dorothy

This quote comes from the episode in which Dorothy unknowingly has a crush on a priest. Dorothy dresses up very nice when Frank the priest comes over for dinner. Little does she know that he is a priest! When he says that she looks lovely, she says this memorable quote.

12. After Sophia tries to show Dorothy a magic trick with the latter's watch, what does Sophia say?

From Quiz "The Golden Girls" Quotes

Answer: "This watch is broken!"

Sophia smashed Dorothy's watch, and then innocently cries out, "This watch is broken!" She had no idea what she was doing!

13. What is Sophia's response to what Rose said about 'tooting her own...'?

From Quiz Rose's Goofy Scandinavian Words

Answer: 'I can't even reach mine.'

Again, one of my favorite quotes in the show's history.

14. 'Lazlo keeps me too warm. Too warm and too tingly. Too warm and too tingly and too hot.'

From Quiz 'Golden Girls' Quotes 3- Who Said It?

Answer: blanche

She was posing naked for one of Lazlo's sculptures.

15. 'You can't pick men and you can't pick pizza!'

From Quiz 'Golden Girls' Quotes- Who Said It?

Answer: Sophia

16. "What? Do you think I was born with white hair and a butt like ___?" Which classic childhood toy completes Sophia's quotation?

From Quiz Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls" #2

Answer: Playdough

Sophia came out with this hilarious quip while she, Rose and Dorothy were discussing Blanche's horror at growing old and losing her looks. Moments earlier, Rose had remarked that she couldn't believe that Blanche was still upset that her college roommates looked better than she did, which prompted Dorothy to say that "looks have always been very important to Blanche". Sophie then remarked that "Blanche is a very vain person and vanity can be a terrible thing. I should know, I used to be vain myself." At this, Rose chuckled in disbelief, prompting Sophia to come out with the quotation detailed in the question. This quotation can be heard in the twentieth episode of season two, entitled "Whose Face Is This Anyway?"

17. "You bring your little wife with you, or did you make her stay home and clean out her toy box?" To whose ex-husband did Sophia direct this question?

From Quiz Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls"

Answer: Dorothy's

Sophia said this to Dorothy's ex-husband, Stan, after he showed up at their house asking to speak to Dorothy. A wary Stan merely muttered in Sophia's direction, forcing Dorothy to take her mother aside and explain that she had previously explained that "Stan and Chrissie got a divorce". A surprised Sophia then exclaimed that she thought they "had got a horse", before berating Dorothy by saying "I'm eighty. You gotta enunciate." This quotation can be heard in the third episode of season two, entitled "Take Him, He's Mine".

18. "I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!"

From Quiz "Golden Girls" Who Said It? No. 2

Answer: Blanche

This quote comes from the second episode of the series, "Job Hunting." In this episode, Rose loses her job at the grief counseling center and must look for another job. Rose, however, still receives calls from her patients and these calls come at all hours of the night. One night after being woken up by one of the calls, Blanche says that she won't be able to back to sleep because she's "Jumpier than a virgin at a prison rodeo!" Afterward, Dorothy says, "That's pretty jumpy."

19. "To this day, everytime I pass an ice-cream parlor or a tackle shop, I blush."

From Quiz "Golden Girls" Who Said It?

Answer: Rose

This quote comes from the episode where Blanche's psychology professor sexually harasses her. While sitting around talking about harassment, Rose said that she cannot pass an ice-cream parlor or a tackle shop without blushing because a boy she knew used to arrange the ice cream scoops for her sundae in an "obscene" way!

20. According to Rose, what is "Gerconeknocken"?

From Quiz "The Golden Girls" Quotes

Answer: The precise moment when dog doo turns white

In a moment of anger, Rose calls Blanche a "Gerconeknocken" during a counseling session. When asked what it was, Rose replied, "The precise moment when dog doo turns white."

21. 'Personally, I think she's a ______________.'

From Quiz Rose's Goofy Scandinavian Words

Answer: garconnanokkin

'Technically, it's the precise moment when dog doo turns white.'

22. 'Hey, you dumb budjagaloop! Your face looks like the rear end of a donkey. He he he he.'

From Quiz 'Golden Girls' Quotes 3- Who Said It?

Answer: sophia

23. 'In what Blanche, dog years?'

From Quiz 'Golden Girls' Quotes- Who Said It?

Answer: Dorothy

Blanche was talking about Dirk, her aerobics instructor. She said he was nearly 5 years younger than her. I doubt it.

24. Rose: "Oh, Dorothy. I see you met Milton." Dorothy: "Oh, yes. We were just getting acquainted." [Aside] Dump him, Rose, he's ___!" Which adjective completes Dorothy's scathing assessment of Milton?

From Quiz Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls" #3

Answer: Driftwood

This comic moment occurs when Dorothy enters the patio only to discover a strange man sitting there alone, reading her "Newsweek". When she tries to make conversation, the man reveals very little, forcing Dorothy to remark bluntly, "I live here - you don't", in order to get a reaction. Finally, it is revealed that Milton is a client that Rose counselled prior to the closure of the grief centre. Clearly unimpressed, Dorothy, who initially thinks Rose is dating him, comes out with the words mentioned in the question. Once again, this quotation can be found in the twenty-second episode of season one, entitled "Job Hunting".

25. Dorothy: "Ted. What a surprise." Stan: "What about me babe?" The above exchange took place during a visit from Stan's brother, Ted. But what was Dorothy's response to Stan's question?

From Quiz Pearls of Wisdom from "The Golden Girls" #2

Answer: Go hug a landmine

Ever the charmer, Dorothy made this remark to her ex-husband Stan during a visit from his own brother, Ted. Though overjoyed to see her ex brother-in-law again, Dorothy did not feel the same way about Stan, and made sure he knew it. Ironically, Ted spoke about his brother in glowing terms, even referring to him as "the greatest guy in the world". This quotation can be heard in the eighth episode of season three, entitled "Brotherly Love".

26. "Apparently, I'm not limber enough"

From Quiz "Golden Girls" Who Said It? No. 2

Answer: Rose

This quote was said by Rose in the episode where she finds out that Blanche supposedly slept with Charlie while he was in Miami, years earlier. Blanche asks Rose if she can put herself in her (Blanche's) position and Rose answers with this funny quote!

27. "He's an okay petunia."

From Quiz "Golden Girls" Who Said It?

Answer: Sophia

This quote is featured in the pilot episode. Sophia is worried that she won't be able to get any food because the "fancy man" is in the kitchen. She is referring to Coco, the girls' gay cook, who was featured only in the first episode.

28. In the episode "Sick and Tired", Blanche decides to become a novelist. What does she say about other great Southern writers?

From Quiz "The Golden Girls" Quotes

Answer: "Those so famous they need not be mentioned."

In the episode "Sick and Tired", Blanche says, "I shall carry on the tradition of other great Southern writers...those so famous they need not be mentioned!"

29. Whom is Rose describing when she says 'Personally, I think she's a _________'?

From Quiz Rose's Goofy Scandinavian Words

Answer: Blanche

This was said during therapy.

30. 'The woman in those sketches is a dog!'

From Quiz 'Golden Girls' Quotes 3- Who Said It?

Answer: blanche

Blanche went through Lazlo's things and saw some of his sketches. She thought the woman he drew was horrible.

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