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Specific Country Government Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Specific Country Government Trivia

Specific Country Government Trivia Quizzes

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Fun Trivia
33 quizzes and 335 trivia questions.
  Dutch Prime Ministers - 1945 to 2010   top quiz  
Match Quiz
 15 Qns
Can you arrange the Dutch Prime Ministers who have served between 1945 and 2010 in the correct order?
Average, 15 Qns, piet, Sep 22 23
piet gold member
Sep 22 23
73 plays
  New Leadership: Jacinda Ardern editor best quiz   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Jacinda Ardern became New Zealand's 40th Prime Minister in 2017. She quickly established herself as a different type of leader where compassion and empathy were prominent characteristics in how she has led New Zealand to overcome some severe setbacks.
Average, 10 Qns, 1nn1, Oct 07 20
1nn1 gold member
Oct 07 20
282 plays
  Wait Just a Ho Chi Minh-Ute   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are ten questions on the Vietnamese revolutionary leader, Ho Chi Minh, from his early life to the lead up to the Vietnam War.
Average, 10 Qns, Creedy, Sep 01 20
Creedy gold member
Sep 01 20
576 plays
Malaysian Government
  Malaysian Government   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
During the Phoenix Rising Global Tour 2022, the Red Crew visited Malaysia. One topic we reviewed was the structure and function of government in Malaysia - this quiz shares what we learned!
Average, 10 Qns, pusdoc, Sep 11 22
Recommended for grades: 12
pusdoc gold member
Sep 11 22
125 plays
  Multi-Capital Countries    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
There are thirteen countries in the world that have more than one recognized "capital city". Can you match ten of these countries with their multi-capitals?
Very Easy, 10 Qns, Rehaberpro, Jun 29 19
Recommended for grades: 5,6,7
Very Easy
Jun 29 19
676 plays
  Vigdis Finnbogadottir - President of Iceland    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Phoenix Rising's Red Crew unexpectedly made a stop in Iceland on its 2022 World Tour. Join us as we learn about one of Iceland's famous people, Vigdis Finnbogadottir.
Easier, 10 Qns, Triviaballer, Apr 13 22
Triviaballer gold member
Apr 13 22
136 plays
  The Once Powerful and Now Nearly-Forgotten Leaders    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here's a list of once well-known and powerful leaders who have been relegated to the back pages of history. Let's rescue them from oblivion, at least for a short moment.
Average, 10 Qns, SixShutouts66, Jan 06 20
SixShutouts66 gold member
Jan 06 20
351 plays
  What's That Thing? The Althing!   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz examines the history and some of the machinations of the oldest parliament in the world - the Icelandic 'Althing' or 'Alþingi'.
Average, 10 Qns, SisterSeagull, May 14 13
SisterSeagull gold member
263 plays
  Turkmenbashi, Crazy Dictator of Absurdistan   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
On December 21, 2006, Saparmurat Niyazov, the President of Turkmenistan died, and the reign of one of the world's more bizarre leaders came to a close. This is a quiz about some of the absurdity that became the norm under the regime of "Turkmenbashi".
Average, 10 Qns, eauhomme, Jan 18 08
294 plays
  The Politics of Greenland   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The following quiz is based upon the politics of the fascinating Arctic nation of Greenland. I hope you enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, jonnowales, Jan 16 08
jonnowales gold member
382 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Omar al-Bashir became the Prime Minister of what nation in a coup?

From Quiz "The Islamist Dictator: Omar al-Bashir"

  Truth and Love and Vaclav Havel   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here's a quiz about the courageous dramatist, statesman, freedom fighter and cool old hippie, Vaclav Havel. How much do you know about his life and work?
Average, 10 Qns, annaheldfan, Jun 08 12
202 plays
  All Greek To Them   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Every school-aged child learns about the government of Ancient Greece, the "Birthplace of Democracy" and all that; but what do we know about Modern Greece and its government. Take this quiz and let's find out together.
Average, 10 Qns, adam36, May 08 23
adam36 gold member
May 08 23
220 plays
  Famous Poles II: Jozef Pilsudski   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome! Witamy, as we say in Polish, to my second quiz on Famous Polish personalities who have made an impact on the world. Jozef Pilsudski, soldier and statesman, is the focus of this quiz. Enjoy and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, PolskaMan, Sep 27 17
241 plays
  The Islamist Dictator: Omar al-Bashir    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This a short quiz about the president of an African nation. To find out which nation and much more about him and the country's history, please play the quiz! I am sure you will find it informative.
Average, 10 Qns, Pejikr, Feb 09 10
193 plays
  Hugo Chavez    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Charismatic Leader of Venezuela is now dead but lives on in the hearts of the Venezuelans. Lets see how much you knew about him.
Average, 10 Qns, mask100, Dec 02 14
mask100 gold member
293 plays
  VI: The Illegitimate Dictator: Faure Gnassingbé    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Coming to power in 2005, this African dictator has widely disputed claims of being the legitimate president of his nation. I hope you enjoy the quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, Pejikr, Aug 02 10
188 plays
  Israeli Prime Ministers 1948-2006   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The state of Israel has been under the world media spotlight since its inception in 1948. How well do you know its Prime Ministers? Enter and find out. Lots of enriching information inside.
Difficult, 10 Qns, gentlegiant17, Jul 21 11
702 plays
  Thomas Sankara, Africa's Che    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Perhaps one of the most iconic and inspirational leaders in recent time, this quiz attempt to focus on some of the aspects that made this man so great.
Average, 10 Qns, DanKeevy, Mar 06 13
181 plays
  Spots of the Leopard    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Somalia has the leopard as its national animal. Let's see what it is that puts the spots on this leopard, with a look at Somalia's government over the years.
Average, 10 Qns, Saleo, May 13 13
398 plays
  Josip Tito    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Josip Broz Tito, the dynamic, controversial and somewhat enigmatic leader of the former Yugoslavia. How much do you know about him?
Tough, 10 Qns, quaquaqua, Jun 05 18
Jun 05 18
214 plays
  Aung San Suu Kyi's Family Life [Burma]    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a quiz on Aung San Suu Kyi. She is a very famous women who won the Nobel Peace Prize. This focuses mainly on her family life.
Average, 10 Qns, CharmedLivesOn, Dec 04 13
179 plays
  Idi Amin: Larger Than Life    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Idi Amin, one of the most famous, and infamous, figures on the world scene in the 1970s, died on August 16, 2003. What do you remember about this tyrannical African dictator?
Tough, 10 Qns, trammgr, Mar 01 10
454 plays
  The Violent Dictator: Moussa Camara    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Coming to power in a coup during December 2008, this dictator has been criticized for his violent way of dealing with protests against him. Enjoy the quiz about Moussa Camara's life!
Average, 10 Qns, Pejikr, Mar 19 18
208 plays
  The Elected Dictator: Robert Mugabe    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Unlike the first two dictators in my series, Robert Mugabe didn't take power in a coup. He was elected, but where? Play this quiz to find out. Shall we begin?
Average, 10 Qns, Pejikr, Sep 07 20
Sep 07 20
251 plays
  The Discreet Charm of Robert Mugabe    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Exploring the lesser known facets of 'Mugabean' life on a 'Quiz you wouldn't want to play'.
Average, 10 Qns, ace_sodium, Mar 02 24
Mar 02 24
346 plays
  Ukrainian Politics    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All you need to know about the political situation in this European country up until December 2004.
Tough, 10 Qns, dimakir, Jun 04 09
390 plays
  Colombian Politics    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hello everybody, here's a quiz on Colombian Politics. Have fun.
Tough, 10 Qns, snowdaemon, Jan 16 08
214 plays
  Presidents of Lithuania    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on the seven presidents of Lithuania. Have fun and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, tankhenry, Jan 30 15
271 plays
  Those Terrible Tzars    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
They were not so terrible, but these three monarchs all served as Tsar of Bulgaria during the 20th century. See if you can identify which fact applies to which ruler.
Difficult, 10 Qns, bernie73, Jan 22 18
bernie73 gold member
98 plays
  Aung San Suu Kyi - Her Early Life    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Aung San Suu Kyi was a human rights fighter and politician in Burma (now called Myanmar). What do you know about her life up until 2009?
Average, 10 Qns, Pointe, Feb 28 19
Feb 28 19
172 plays
  Maumar Qaddafi    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
What do you know about the Libyan dictator, "a patriot who gave up himself for his country" to some and "one of the greatest sponsors of terrorism" to others?
Average, 10 Qns, arsalanrizvi, Jan 12 18
372 plays
  Yasser Arafat    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The symbol of terror or the symbol of peace? Many debate over the character of Yasser Arafat, but you can judge him for yourselves with this chronological order quiz. Hint--some of the information is taken from the ICT center--
Tough, 10 Qns, D@N, Mar 01 10
429 plays
  Ayotollah Khomeini    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Do you think you know about the man who was the mastermind behind one of the greatest revolutions of the 20th century? Play this game to check!
Difficult, 10 Qns, arsalanrizvi, Mar 01 10
419 plays

Specific Country Government Trivia Questions

1. The Supreme Head of the Federation, or Paramount Ruler of Malaysia was established in 1957 following what event?

From Quiz
Malaysian Government

Answer: Malaysia gained independence from the UK

After gaining independence from the UK the Federal Constitution of Malaysia defined the role of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (Supreme Head) or constitutional Monarch as Head of State. This means the Ruler has two categories of power. The Head of State exercises powers as advised by the Cabinet - or a cabinet minister, or discretionary powers which can be used to reject a call to dissolve parliament, to convene a meeting of rulers and to appoint the Prime Minister. He is not however able to remove the Prime Minister from office. If there is an unclear result in the election of a majority, he has discretionary powers to choose someone. Red Crew's smpdit wields her powers in a very benevolent manner.

2. What form of government did Greece abolish on June 1 1973 and reconfirm in a plebiscite on December 8, 1974?

From Quiz All Greek To Them

Answer: Constitutional Monarchy

Constantine II was the last official "King of Greece" and he ruled Greece from 1964 until the monarchy was abolished in 1973. Constantine married Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark and was thus both King of Greece and Prince Consort of Denmark. Initially the Greek people seemed taken with the young and highly charismatic King; but his reign soon became one of unrest as economic problems plagued the country's economy. Constantine's coronation came at the same time as the left of center Central Union Party (EK) took control of Parliament after a decade of rule by the right of center and royalist supporting National Radical Union Party (ERE). Constantine and the leaders of EK fight over the power of the monarch became an added stress to the poltical turmoil that gripped the country over the next three years. In 1967 both Constantine and the EK were surprised when Georgios Papadopoulos led a group of junior army officers in a takeover of the government. This "coup" left Constantine as head of state, but with little ability to effect anything since the army and surprisingly a majority of Greeks supported the new junta. Constantine saved face by reluctantly agreeing to inaugurate the junta government while planning a disastrous counter-coup in December 1967. Upon the failure of this action the King was forced to flee the country. Constantine remained a "King in Exile" until June 1973, when the junta abolished the monarchy and the existing constitution, declaring Greece a republic. Even after the junta was removed in 1974 the Greek electorate voted almost 3 to 1 abolish the monarchy. Since leaving Greece in 1967 Constantine has rarely been permitted to travel back to Greece. In 1994 a law was passed stripping the former king of citizenship unless he agreed to add a last name to his passport, Constantine refused to use any other name than "Constantine, King of the Hellenes" and was this stripped of citizenship. The former royal family has since been allowed to return to Greece as private citizens and maintains homes in London and Copenhagen as well as Greece.

3. Who was the first President of Somalia, who ruled from 1960 to 1967?

From Quiz Spots of the Leopard

Answer: Aden Abdullah Osman Daar

Aden Abdullah Osman Daar was the first President of Somalia and ruled from July 1, 1960 to June 10, 1967. His political career took off when he started in the Somali Youth League. He was elected as soon as Somalia gained independence in 1960. Abdirashid Ali Shermarke was his Prime Minister and defeated him in the next elections for President.

4. The world's first and oldest parliament was founded by people from which 'nations' that originally settled the island of Iceland?

From Quiz What's That Thing? The Althing!

Answer: Vikings

Ironically, it was those vicious and uncivilised Vikings that were the people who founded the world's oldest parliament. The Vikings inhabited the northern countries that are now known as Scandinavia; Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Famed for their voyages of exploration, the Vikings are believed to have stumbled across Iceland by accident in around 850 whilst on one of their many voyages westwards. It did not take long for news of this discovery to reach those living on the Scandinavian peninsula and, with the promise of new lands to occupy, as many as ten thousand, but possibly many more than this figure, emigrated the six hundred miles or so across the north Atlantic between 870 and 930 to settle there.

5. Can you name the leader whom Thomas Sankara overthrew in August 1983?

From Quiz Thomas Sankara, Africa's Che

Answer: Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo

"We hope and believe that the best way of limiting the usurpation of power by individuals, military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge. Between fractions, between clans, plots and coups d'etats can be perpetrated. Against the people, a durable coup d'état cannot be perpetrated. Therefore, the best way of preventing the army from confiscating power for itself and for itself alone is to make this power shared by the voltaic people from the outset. That's what we are aiming for." Sankara (1983) While only 33, Sankara became the leader of Burkina Faso, after a coup organised by Blaise Compaore. Sankara identified himself as an anti-imperialist.

6. Ho Chi Minh was born in 1890 in Vietnam. His father was a scholar, teacher and a magistrate who found himself in disgrace by causing the death of a powerful figure in their town. How did he do this?

From Quiz Wait Just a Ho Chi Minh-Ute

Answer: 100 strokes of a cane for an infraction of the law

It isn't recorded as to what that infraction was, but the punishment was considered an abuse of power, and the dishonoured magistrate was promptly demoted. As a child, Ho Chi Minh was given the name Nguyen Sinh Cung. He studied Chinese writing in addition to his own country's language skills. This was a requirement for the Confucian studies he had to undertake. When he was ten, and in accordance with Confucian tradition, his name was changed to Nguyen Tat Thanh (Nguyen the Accomplished). As a child, his hobbies included kite flying and fishing. In short, there was nothing in his youth to indicate the path his life would later follow.

7. Vaclav Havel was president twice. He was the last president and the first president. He was president of two countries. Which two?

From Quiz Truth and Love and Vaclav Havel

Answer: Czechoslovakia and The Czech Republic

Vaclav Havel (1936-2011), as head of the dissident 'Civic Forum' was elected first president of a newly-democratic Czechoslovakia in 1989. During his term he faced ever increasing opposition from the Slovak delegates in parliament because of his opposition to their demands for an independent Slovak state. He resigned from the presidency in July 1992, refusing to preside over the breakup of the country. On January 1, 1993 Czechoslovakia ceased to exist and was replaced by two new republics, Czech and Slovak. On January 26, Havel was elected the first president of the Czech Republic.

8. Where was Tito born?

From Quiz Josip Tito

Answer: Kumrovec, Croatia

Kumrovec is a village in the Croatian province of Zagorje. Tito was born Josip Broz (Tito being his nickname) in 1892 into a poor family. His father was Croatian and his mother Slovenian. He died in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1980. The house he was born in is now a museum and tourist attraction.

9. When and where was Hugo Chavez Born?

From Quiz Hugo Chavez

Answer: 28th July 1954, Sabaneta,Venezuela

Hugo Chavez was born in Sabaneta, a rural village in the Barinas state of Venezuela on 28th of July 1954. He was born in his paternal grandmother's home and was 2nd eldest of seven children after Adan Chavez. His full name was Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias. Chavez's parents were school teachers but lived in poverty, so sent young Chavez to live with his grandmother. She was a devout Roman Catholic and Chavez described her as a pure human being, having pure love and pure kindness.

10. Faure Gnassingbé became the president of what country in 2005?

From Quiz VI: The Illegitimate Dictator: Faure Gnassingbé

Answer: Togo

Faure became President of Togo on May 4th, 2005. He had also served as Togo's president from February 5th to 25th that year, having been inaugurated to "ensure stability" after his father died. This was not constitutional, as the Constitution of Togo states that the president of the National Assembly will become President after a President's death. Fambaré Ouattara Natchaba was the President of the National Assembly at the time, but he was visiting Benin at the time, and couldn't return to Togo because the army had closed the borders. These actions were severely condemned by the international community, which regarded them as a coup d'etat.

11. Just before Christmas of 2008, Moussa Camara came to power in which country?

From Quiz The Violent Dictator: Moussa Camara

Answer: Guinea

On December 22nd, 2008, Guinea's president Lansana Conté died. He had been Guinea's president for 24 years, from 1984 to 2008. The public was informed of Lansana's passing the next day by Aboubacar Somparé, the President of the National Assembly. Aboubacar was next in line to become president, but the coup made sure that didn't happen. On television, Moussa announced the coup the very same day.

12. Of which country was Robert Mugabe elected Prime Minister in 1980?

From Quiz The Elected Dictator: Robert Mugabe

Answer: Zimbabwe

Robert Mugabe was elected in a turbulent election on March 4th, 1980. The campaign left a legacy of intimidation, mistrust from security forces, and reports of full ballot boxes found on the road. The newly independent country of Zimbabwe, formerly called Rhodesia, had its first government.

13. Omar al-Bashir became the Prime Minister of what nation in a coup?

From Quiz The Islamist Dictator: Omar al-Bashir

Answer: Sudan

Omar led a coup of military officers and removed the Coalition Government of Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi, which was greatly unstable, in a military coup. He became the Prime Minister on June 30th, 1989 and abolished the position on October 16th, 1993. The new government suspended political parties and established a national legal code based on Islam. After that, he became the chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council for National Salvation, which was a body that was newly established at the time and had legislative and executive powers over the period of transition. After the Prime Minister position was destroyed, Omar became the President of Sudan on the same date.

14. Who was the first president of Lithuania?

From Quiz Presidents of Lithuania

Answer: Antanas Smetona

Antanas Smetona was the first president of Lithuania from 1919 to 1920. Augustinas Voldemaras was the first prime minister of Lithuania. Aleksandras Stulginskis was a president of Lithuania after Smetona. Jonas Basanavicius was a politician that worked for Lithuania's independence, but never actually was a president.

15. Under which political party did Alvaro Uribe Velez get reelected in 2006?

From Quiz Colombian Politics

Answer: Independent

Uribe started his political career as a member of the liberal party. However, for the presidential elections of 2002 and 2006 he has claimed to be independent, notwithstanding the support given to him by "uribista" parties such as cambio radical or partido de la u.

16. How long is a member voted to sit in the Greenlandic parliament for and by what electoral system?

From Quiz The Politics of Greenland

Answer: 4 years by proportional representation

Greenland uses proportional representation which results in the percentage of votes received equating to the percentage of seats won in parliament. A parliamentary term is 4 years long.

17. What former president once said that Idi Amin was "the greatest brute an African mother ever brought to life"?

From Quiz Idi Amin: Larger Than Life

Answer: Milton Obote

Obote was the Ugandan president that Amin overthrew in a military coup in 1971 while Obote was out of the country. After Amin was deposed in 1979, Obote was returned to the presidency of Uganda in elections held in 1980. There are many who say that his regime was even more oppresive than Amin's, he just didn't get the press that Amin did.

18. Yasser Arafat was born in Cairo under what name?

From Quiz Yasser Arafat

Answer: Abu Ammar

19. When was Muammar Qaddafi born?

From Quiz Maumar Qaddafi

Answer: 1942

Qaddafi was a member of the Qaddaf Bedouin tribe of Libya.

20. According to most historians, Khomeini was born in which year?

From Quiz Ayotollah Khomeini

Answer: 1902

Khomeini was born in Khomein on September 24, 1902, although some historians argue it was in 1900.

21. In what year was the president Leonid Kuchma first elected?

From Quiz Ukrainian Politics

Answer: 1994

Leonid Kuchma was born in 1938 in the Chernihiv region of Northern Ukraine. Between 1960 and 1982 he worked as a technical designer at the "Pivdenne" Design Bureau, the world's largest space industry complex, which produced many of the USSR's best missiles. His political career began in 1990, when he was elected to the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, for his first four-year term as a deputy. Rumours claim he voted against the Ukrainian Independence. He then served as Ukrainian prime minister between October 1992 and September 1993. He was reelected in 1999. Kuchma involves accusations that he was complicit in the September 2000 murder of Georgiy Gongadze, an opposition journalist for "Ukrainian truth" online - newspaper. Audio recordings, secretly made by the president's own guard, suggest that Leonid Kuchma asked his security services to rid him of an awkward and outspoken opponent. Most Western countries have drastically downgraded contacts with Kuchma.

22. Much of the executive power in Malaysia is invested in the Cabinet. Members of the Cabinet are selected from which group?

From Quiz Malaysian Government

Answer: Members of Parliament

Cabinet ministers are selected from the Parliament, and are answerable to the Parliament. The Cabinet is directed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (monarch). The Prime Minister is generally selected based on the likelihood of commanding a majority opinion within the Parliament. The makeup of the Cabinet varies by need, except for the Minister of Finance which is a role specified by law. The number of ministers has ranged from 13 to 38 from independence to the 2020s. The Cabinet formulates economic policy and sets the budget, and proposes legislation which is then considered by the Parliament. Player pusdoc of the Phoenix Rising Red Crew has built kitchen cabinets but not an executive Cabinet.

23. Aung San Lin, Aung San Suu Kyi's brother, passed away by drowning in a lake situated where?

From Quiz Aung San Suu Kyi's Family Life [Burma]

Answer: In the grounds of their house

Aung San Lin sadly passed away at the age of 8.

24. Beginning with the 1975 Constitution, the Greek government is best described as what type of system?

From Quiz All Greek To Them

Answer: Presidential Parliamentary Republic

Greece's long history has seen all types of poltical systems and models. Classic Athenian democracy was a form of "direct democracy" where political decisions were made by vote of each eligible voter (citizen/male/over 21/owner of property in Athens for example). Alexander the Great ruled Greece as an "absolute monarch" as did the Roman Emperors and Ottoman Emirs thereafter. Greece's presidential based parliamentary republic is similar to other European systems of this era. A President is elected directly by the nation and manages the executive branch of the government. Presidential powers are tightly defined and limited as the majority of policy decisions are determined by the parliamentary legislature. The party or coalition of parties that can organize a majority of legislators names the Prime Minister who then sets the ministers to manage the administrative branch of the government. A separate judicial branch exists to administer justice, through judges appointed by the President for life from a list of national school of judge graduates.

25. Abdirashid Ali Shermarke was the second President of Somalia. His term ended due to what?

From Quiz Spots of the Leopard

Answer: His assassination

Abdirashid Ali Shermarke was the second President of Somalia and ruled from June 10, 1967 to October 15, 1969, the day of his assassination. He was shot by one of his bodyguards and his death marked the start of military rule in Somalia. He was the father of another Prime Minister of Somalia, Omar Abdirashid Ali Shermarke. He beat Daar, under whom he was Prime Minister, to become the President of Somalia.

26. It is generally accepted that the Icelandic parliament, known as the 'Alþingi', was founded at around which date?

From Quiz What's That Thing? The Althing!

Answer: 930

The 'Alþingi' in its native Icelandic (pronounced 'Althing' in English), was founded to serve as a general assembly in which the settlers, the vast majority of which lived in small isolated communities, had a place in which they could come together, discuss issues and make decisions that would be of benefit to all. One of the unique aspects of the Alþingi at this point in history was that, unlike many other governments of the time, it was not instituted for the benefit of the wealthy chieftains, warlords or kings, but instead looked after the interests of the Icelandic freeman farmers.

27. Ho Chi Minh initially began work as a teacher. By 1912 however, he was working as an assistant cook on a ship that was heading towards a country that would later play an enormous role in Vietnam. Which country was this?

From Quiz Wait Just a Ho Chi Minh-Ute

Answer: USA

Ho Chi Minh worked in various low paying menial employment while in the States. He was there, at different times, from 1912 to 1919, and centred his time in Harlem, Boston and Brooklyn. He would later claim that he worked for wealthy families and as a manager for General Motors during this time. While he was in America, his first interest in politics began to stir. It is thought he was greatly influenced in this by Korean Nationalists and their blossoming interest in maintaining their own country's identity and history.

28. Vaclav Havel was born with a silver spoon. His mother was an intellectual socialite and his father (also Vaclav) was a wheel in a very new industry in pre-war Czechoslovakia. What did Vaclav Sr. do?

From Quiz Truth and Love and Vaclav Havel

Answer: He founded a movie studio

Back in the early 1920's, Vaclav Havel Sr. and his brother Milos were businessmen who purchased a hill overlooking Prague, planning to build an upscale development there. They called the new area 'Barrandov', after a 19th century French geologist who had worked extensively in the area. They built a luxury restaurant complex (The Terrace) and a movie studio, 'Barrandov' (1933). It quickly became one of the major film producers in Europe. During the Nazi occupation it was used as a propaganda machine, and then it and all the Havel holdings were expropriated when the Communists took over in 1949. After 1989, Barrandov Studios underwent a shaky transition to the free market, but eventually grew into the best equipped and biggest studios in Europe. Because of all the international films made there, including 'Mission: Impossible" and the "Narnia" series, it has become a real 'Hollywood East'.

29. In which army did Tito serve as Sergeant-Major?

From Quiz Josip Tito

Answer: Austro-Hungarian Army

Tito was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in 1913. By 1914, at the age of 22, he became the youngest Sergeant Major and was sent to the Eastern front to fight the Russians. He was wounded and captured by the Russians and spent 13 months in a Russian hospital. It was in Russia that Tito discovered Communism, which was to change his destiny and the country he was to eventually rule. He joined the South Slav Bolsheviks and the Red Guard (but not as Sergeant Major) and fought in the Russian Revolution. The JNA was the army under his regime, of which he was Marshal.

30. From the age of 17, Chavez studied at the Venezuelan Academy of Military Sciences. In which city was it located?

From Quiz Hugo Chavez

Answer: Caracas

Chavez enrolled at the Venezuelan Academy of Military Sciences in Caracas at the age of 17 in 1971 and stayed there until 1975. During his time, fellow pupils studied under an Andres Bello plan where cadets studied more general subjects alongside their military studies, so professors from civilian universities were brought in to teach military cadets too. The other cities mentioned are capitals of the various provinces of Venezuela.

This is category 17826
Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:50 AM
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