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Quiz about Rising Sun Board Game
Quiz about Rising Sun Board Game

Rising Sun (Board Game) Trivia Quiz

"Rising Sun" is a 2018 board game designed by Eric Lang and published by CMON. It is a strategy game of feudal, mythical Japan in which players negotiate, maneuver, and fight for the most points. It is the second game in Lang's "Mythic Trilogy."

A multiple-choice quiz by qrayx. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Jul 07 22
# Qns
Avg Score
12 / 20
- -
Question 1 of 20
1. Each playable clan in "Rising Sun" has a set Honor Rank, which will determine the seating order and who will go first. Which clan will always begin the game with the highest Honor and will always go first? Hint

Question 2 of 20
2. What is the special ability of the Turtle (green) Clan? Hint

Question 3 of 20
3. There are lots opportunities for ties in "Rising Sun." How are they resolved? Hint

Question 4 of 20
4. "Rising Sun" is played over three Seasons. Each Season starts with the Tea Ceremony in which players can make alliances. What is the benefit of an alliance? Hint

Question 5 of 20
5. In "Rising Sun" players can (and are encouraged to) negotiate and make deals. Which of the following can be freely exchanged between players as part of this process? Hint

Question 6 of 20
6. In each game of "Rising Sun" there are four Kami (gods) that can bestow benefits to players during the Political Phase. How do players get these benefits?

Question 7 of 20
7. The ability to build a new Stronghold is the secondary action of which Mandate? Hint

Question 8 of 20
8. When building a new Stronghold, where may you place it? Hint

Question 9 of 20
9. The Betray mandate will break your existing alliance and will allow you to perform what other action? Hint

Question 10 of 20
10. Do you lose honor if you select the Betray Mandate while not in an alliance?

Question 11 of 20
11. The Komainu (lion-dog) is a Monster in all games of "Rising Sun" that has what ability? Hint

Question 12 of 20
12. The Oni are a set of Monsters that usually provide an extra benefit to players that have what? Hint

Question 13 of 20
13. During a Battle there are four War Advantages. Which advantage occurs AFTER the Battle Outcome? Hint

Question 14 of 20
14. Losing a Battle can be brutal because all your Figures in that Province are removed. How is this disadvantage offset? Hint

Question 15 of 20
15. What happens to your Stronghold in a Province where you lose a battle? Hint

Question 16 of 20
16. After you take a hostage during a Battle with the Take Hostages War Advantage, the owner gives you one of their Coins at the beginning of the next Season.

Question 17 of 20
17. Monsters are immune to the Take Hostages War Advantage during a battle.

Question 18 of 20
18. If you lose all your figures during the Sepukku or Take Hostages War Advantages, do you still participate in the battle?

Question 19 of 20
19. During the War phase, if two allied players are the only ones with Force in a Province, do they still have a battle?

Question 20 of 20
20. At the end of the game, you get bonus Victory Points for what? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Each playable clan in "Rising Sun" has a set Honor Rank, which will determine the seating order and who will go first. Which clan will always begin the game with the highest Honor and will always go first?

Answer: Koi (red) - the clan that can use Coins as Ronin

The order of the five clans are: Koi - Lotus - Turtle - Dragonfly - Bonsai. The Starting Honor Ranks of each are: 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7. The 2, 6, and 8 are used for the clans found in the expansion and in the Kickstarter exclusive content. Kickstarter was the crowd-funding platform used to fund "Rising Sun."
2. What is the special ability of the Turtle (green) Clan?

Answer: Their Strongholds can move and provide Force

Each player has the same boring Stronghold tokens except the Turtle Clan, which has Strongholds on the backs of giant turtles. They can move between Provinces just like any other Figure, and contribute Force, unlike all other Strongholds.

The incorrect answers for this question were simplified versions of the special abilities of the expansion clans: the Sun Clan, Moon Clan, and Fox Clan.
3. There are lots opportunities for ties in "Rising Sun." How are they resolved?

Answer: Whoever is higher on the Honor track

Players cannot occupy the same spot on the Honor Track; when a player moves up or down, they trade places with the player immediately beside them. Ties are settled using the Honor Track in both the Political Phase, the War Phase, and at the end of the game when looking at Victory Points.

The only time the Honor Track is not used to break a tie is if the two players with the most Victory Points at the end of the game also happen to be in an alliance. Then the victory is shared.
4. "Rising Sun" is played over three Seasons. Each Season starts with the Tea Ceremony in which players can make alliances. What is the benefit of an alliance?

Answer: You get the additional benefit of your Ally's Mandates

During the Political Phase, a player will chose a Mandate (action), and then every player will take that action. Each Mandate has a secondary action that is only available to the player who chose the Mandate, and that player's Ally.
5. In "Rising Sun" players can (and are encouraged to) negotiate and make deals. Which of the following can be freely exchanged between players as part of this process?

Answer: Ronin tokens

During the Tea Ceremony and Political Phase, players are allowed to exchange Ronin tokens and Coins to sweeten deals, but no deals are binding. Once the War Phase starts, players are no longer allowed exchange Coins or Ronin.
6. In each game of "Rising Sun" there are four Kami (gods) that can bestow benefits to players during the Political Phase. How do players get these benefits?

Answer: By sending the most Shinto to a Kami's Shrine

Each player has one Daimyo (leader), six Bushi (warriors), and three Shinto (priests). When a Shinto is recruited, its controller can chose to immediately move it from the board to one of the four Kami Shrines. Three times during each Season, the Kami Shrines will be evaluated, with the player with the most Shinto on a given Shrine receiving that Kami's boon.
7. The ability to build a new Stronghold is the secondary action of which Mandate?

Answer: Marshall (move Figures to adjacent Provinces)

During a Recruit action, players place one figure in each Stronghold, so getting more Strongholds on the board is important. A strong first move of the game is to play a Marshall Mandate just to place a new Stronghold before a Recruit Mandate is played. Players have to pay 3 Coins to build a Stronghold.
8. When building a new Stronghold, where may you place it?

Answer: In any Province

Each player starts with one Stronghold in their starting Province. There are no restrictions when purchasing and placing a new Stronghold during the Marshall Mandate. Players could place a new Stronghold in a Province on the other side of the board, where they have no presence, or they could place one in a Province where they already have one, doubling or tripling up, which would let them bring a lot of Force into a single Province with one Recruit Mandate.
9. The Betray mandate will break your existing alliance and will allow you to perform what other action?

Answer: Replace two opponent Figures with your own

The Betray Mandate lets the player replace two opponent Figures with their own, but it has to target two different opponents. The Figures replaced have to be of a matching type: Bushi, Shinto, or Monster. Daimyo are immune to Betrayal. The Betray Mandate is the only one that no other player performs any action on.
10. Do you lose honor if you select the Betray Mandate while not in an alliance?

Answer: No

Playing the Betray Mandate when in an alliance will break the Alliance and cause the player to lose Honor. If the player never was in an alliance, then no Honor is lost, but they still replace opponent figures.
11. The Komainu (lion-dog) is a Monster in all games of "Rising Sun" that has what ability?

Answer: It counts as a Shinto

Each player has only three Shinto, so gaining control of a particular Kami Shrine can be difficult, especially for players with lower Honor (they lose ties). By being a fourth Shinto, Komainu can be used to lock down a specific Kami, or make it easier to get the boons of two Kami.
12. The Oni are a set of Monsters that usually provide an extra benefit to players that have what?

Answer: Lower Honor

Every Figure in "Rising Sun" counts as one Force unless otherwise specified. The Oni of Skulls counts as three Force when it is in a Province where its controller has the lowest Honor. Whenever the Oni of Spite moves into a new Province, it will steal Victory Points from any player with Force there who has higher Honor than the Oni's controller.
13. During a Battle there are four War Advantages. Which advantage occurs AFTER the Battle Outcome?

Answer: Imperial Poets

The first advantage is Seppuku, which lets a player remove all their Figures in the Province and gain both Victory Points and Honor. Next is Take Hostage, which lets a player remove an opponent's Figure, gaining a Victory Point. Then comes Hire Ronin, which lets a player add Force equal to their Ronin tokens.

The Battle Outcome is won by the player now with the most Force in the Province. They take the War Province token, and the Figures for all other players are removed. Lastly, the player who won Imperial Poets gets one Victory Point for each Figure killed in the Battle.

It's normal for a loser of the Battle to get more Victory Points than the winner.
14. Losing a Battle can be brutal because all your Figures in that Province are removed. How is this disadvantage offset?

Answer: Winners give Coins to the losers

During a Battle, each participating player secretly bids Coins on the four War Advantages. After a Battle is concluded, the losers return their bids to the common pile, but the winner passes along any spent Coins to the losers, split as evenly as possible with ties decided by the winner.

This should ensure that the losers will have a better chance of winning in subsequent Battles of the Season.
15. What happens to your Stronghold in a Province where you lose a battle?

Answer: Nothing

Strongholds cannot be destroyed, so they can always be used to Recruit new Figures in the next Season. This makes the Turtle Clan's Strongholds, which provide Force, particularly good. There was a Monster, Daikaiju, that was exclusively available to crowd-funding backers on Kickstarter. It's special ability was to destroy Strongholds when it entered a Province.
16. After you take a hostage during a Battle with the Take Hostages War Advantage, the owner gives you one of their Coins at the beginning of the next Season.

Answer: False

After a player has successfully taken a hostage, they get an extra Coin from the common pile at the beginning of the next Season, not from the Figure's owner. The hostage taker does steal a Victory Point from the owner, though.
17. Monsters are immune to the Take Hostages War Advantage during a battle.

Answer: False

It might seem unintuitive that the 5-Force Dragon can be taken hostage, but it's a viable play. When using the Water Dragon in a Battle, it's important to protect it from being taken hostage by bidding on the Take Hostages Advantage. The only Figures immune to hostage taking are Daimyo.
18. If you lose all your figures during the Sepukku or Take Hostages War Advantages, do you still participate in the battle?

Answer: Yes

If a player has Force in a Province at the beginning of a Battle, they are participants for the whole thing. It's possible for a player to lose all their Figures in the first two War Advantages, but still win the Battle by winning the Hire Ronin Advantage, and to gain Victory Points from the Imperial Poets Advantage.
19. During the War phase, if two allied players are the only ones with Force in a Province, do they still have a battle?

Answer: No

No Battle takes place, meaning no Victory Points can be gained from the Seppuku, Take Hostage, or Imperial Poets War Advantages. The War Province token is given to the player with more Force in the Province.
20. At the end of the game, you get bonus Victory Points for what?

Answer: Having different War Province tokens

Each War Province token will grant 1, 2, or 3 Victory Points depending on which season it was acquired in. Then there are the bonuses for getting tokens for different Provinces. Players with 3 or 4 different tokens will get 10 points; 5 or 6 tokens will get 20 points, and 7-8 (the maximum) will get 30 points. This encourages players to move around and conquer different provinces each Season instead of focusing on the same Province multiple times.

There are also Winter Upgrade cards that can provide bonus points for different conditions when purchased.
Source: Author qrayx

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