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Fun Trivia
Here's the category where those games we love to play can be found. Look at the sub-categories as well as the quizzes below.
814 quizzes and 11,396 trivia questions.
  US National Toy Hall of Fame    
Collection Quiz
 1 Qns
Original Inductees or Not?
The US National Toy Hall of Fame honours toys and games that have inspired generations of children and adults. Can you pick out the original 17 inductees from 1998?
Average, 1 Qns, wellenbrecher, Mar 05 25
wellenbrecher gold member
Mar 05 25
292 plays
  Toy soldiers and Models    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When I was a child in the 1960s and 1970s, toy soldiers and military models were some of the most popular toys for boys. How much do you know about these toys and the companies that made them?
Tough, 10 Qns, Reamar42, Mar 04 25
Reamar42 gold member
Mar 04 25
109 plays
  The Operation Game   top quiz  
Collection Quiz
 12 Qns
Are you a good operator?
Can you sort out the parts that you have to remove from the body, to win the game of Operation?
Average, 12 Qns, ozzz2002, Feb 16 24
ozzz2002 gold member
Feb 16 24
527 plays
  Game Mystery Sort   great trivia quiz  
Mystery Sort
 16 Qns
These are just 16 of the many games we have at our disposal as sources of entertainment. They can be neatly categorized into four distinct categories. What are the categories? Figure it out :)
Easier, 16 Qns, dim_dude, Aug 15 24
dim_dude gold member
Aug 15 24
597 plays
  Fall of the House of Cards    
Classification Quiz
 10 Qns
Card games can be a fun pastime for everyone. They fall into many different types, however. Try your "hand" at some of these!
Average, 10 Qns, lordprescott, Jan 22 24
Jan 22 24
373 plays
  Shake the Dice    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Although there are numerous games in this world to play, some require the use of dice. In this quiz we will take a look at ten games that were designed to be used with dice. Enjoy! Using indirect questions for all.
Average, 10 Qns, jbooker8, Sep 23 23
Sep 23 23
451 plays
  Help, I'm a Piece in a Game!   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'm trapped in some kind of dream where I keep changing into different pieces from different games. Help me get out of this nightmare by figuring out what game I'm playing.
Easier, 10 Qns, skunkee, Mar 31 19
skunkee gold member
Mar 31 19
21003 plays
  Just One More to Go    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Just one more turn to go and the game is over. The questions describe a game that is near the end of its gameplay. Do you know which games these are?
Average, 10 Qns, Buddy1, Sep 06 23
Buddy1 gold member
Sep 06 23
294 plays
  Help, It's Happening Again!   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Oh no, I'm back in that dream where I keep changing into different pieces from different games. Help me get out of this nightmare by figuring out what game I'm playing.
Easier, 10 Qns, skunkee, Oct 31 06
skunkee gold member
10314 plays
Things Found Round the Toybox
  Things Found 'Round the Toybox   top quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Here is a quiz on some of the toys and games that were, at one time, commonly found in children's toy-boxes. For our younger players, you might find it amusing to see what some of us played with before computers and video games appeared.
Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Aug 22 24
Aug 22 24
4399 plays
trivia question Quick Question
A game you can play by yourself or with a group using one type of equipment.

From Quiz "School Yard Recess"

  Games We Love    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Games we love.
Easier, 10 Qns, Ace417, Jun 09 18
Jun 09 18
18805 plays
  When We Were Young - Toys and Games   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Scrambled Eggheads team take a trip down memory lane and bring you a quiz on our favourite toys and games when we were kids.
Easier, 10 Qns, Plodd, Jun 21 13
6387 plays
  Fifteen Minutes of Fun   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you like playing games but get really bored of the ones that drag on and on like Monopoly or Scrabble, this quiz is for you! All of these games, or at least a few rounds of them, can be played in fifteen minutes or fewer.
Easier, 10 Qns, guitargoddess, Apr 29 11
guitargoddess gold member
4771 plays
BestSelling Retro Toys
  Best-Selling Retro Toys   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Here are some treasured toys from the past. The images may help jog your memory. Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, PootyPootwell, Aug 22 17
PootyPootwell gold member
1814 plays
  No Computer? No problem! We Had Fun Games!!   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When I was a child (in the 60s and 70s) we would play games that didn't include computers or lap tops. We would use other items to create a game. See if you can find out what game I played.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, linkan, Jun 11 19
Very Easy
linkan gold member
Jun 11 19
1692 plays
  Game Conversations   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Things you might overhear if you stumbled upon people playing their favorite games.
Easier, 10 Qns, astorian, Jun 29 12
12838 plays
  Should You Choose To Accept It   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When you play a game, the most important part is the "objective" for how to win - here's your mission, should you choose to accept it! Now, you tell me which game has the mission in question.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, merylfederman, Apr 05 13
Very Easy
merylfederman gold member
3930 plays
And Then You Shake It All About
  And Then You Shake It All About   top quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Shake that dice cup, and shake it all about. Here are ten questions about the tiny little game pieces known as "bones".
Average, 10 Qns, trident, Jun 05 15
trident editor
883 plays
  Games and Toys and their pieces.   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the game with the item used in the game.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, bigjohnsludge, Feb 06 17
Very Easy
bigjohnsludge gold member
1881 plays
  What a Party Game!   best quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
The idea here is to match the description of the game on the left with the name of the game on the right. Some games are for children, some for adults and some would suit either.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, spanishliz, May 06 18
Very Easy
spanishliz editor
1281 plays
  An Old Fashioned Toybox   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Toys change in popularity over time, but many are eternally popular. Here are some toys which would have featured in an 'Old Fashioned Toybox' and see how many we can identify from the clues.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, Tan72, Sep 28 21
Very Easy
Sep 28 21
879 plays
  Toys Through Time   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Starting with the 1900s, this quiz will take you through each decade of the twentieth century, and test your knowledge of the toys produced in each one. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, poshprice, Feb 16 13
2915 plays
  Are You Game?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Name That Classic Game
This is a mixed quiz about well-known (but primarily British) games.
Average, 10 Qns, heatherlois, Feb 14 23
heatherlois gold member
Feb 14 23
390 plays
  Games People Play    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is an easy quiz with multiple choice questions. These are games that are as popular today as when they were invented long ago. Give it a try and Good Luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, califredrose, Aug 04 23
Aug 04 23
14699 plays
  A Little Quiz on Games   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These popular games are fun for any occasion. See what you know from any of your fun social occasions.
Easier, 10 Qns, happy1, Aug 28 22
Aug 28 22
7286 plays
  Fifteen Minutes to Clean the House   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Your mother is coming to see you and you have cleaned the whole house since she called. However, the kids didn't keep their rooms clean and you have to clean it up again before your mother arrives. She's coming in fifteen minutes, so hurry!
Easier, 10 Qns, mathking97, Oct 13 23
Oct 13 23
3751 plays
  "Wordle" Me This!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Invented by Josh Wardle and published by the New York Times Company since January 2022, "Wordle" has taken the world by storm! Let's see what you know about playing the game!
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, May 23 22
ponycargirl editor
May 23 22
447 plays
  Dear Santa    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You have just been hired as Santa Claus' new personal assistant. Your job is to identify what toy or game a child is asking for from the descriptions written in each letter. Get moving, Christmas will be here before you know it.
Easier, 10 Qns, RedHook13, Sep 08 20
Recommended for grades: 5,6,7,8
RedHook13 gold member
Sep 08 20
898 plays
  Games I Played As a Child   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I looked into my closet of old games and found 10 old boxes of games I played when I was younger. Can you figure them out? Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, Lpez, Jul 27 22
Lpez gold member
Jul 27 22
2193 plays
  So You Think You Know About Wordle ...    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
... but do you know about some of the variations? Many are quite similar to the original game, but others involve numbers, maps, music, graphics, chemistry, chess, etc. Your task, if you choose to accept it, is to match the challenge to the game title.
Easier, 10 Qns, Lottie1001, May 18 22
Lottie1001 gold member
May 18 22
305 plays
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Games & Toys Trivia Questions

1. The objective of this game is to score points making certain combinations by rolling five dice.

From Quiz
Shake the Dice

Answer: Yahtzee

The object of "Yahtzee" is for each player to obtain the best rolls they can in 13 different combinations. The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins. Edwin S. Lowe is credited with inventing "Yahtzee".

2. When does the "Wordle" game reset each day as of May 2022?

From Quiz "Wordle" Me This!

Answer: Midnight

According to "GAMINGINTEL", "Wordle" used to reset once a day at the exact same time for everyone worldwide, irregardless of time zone. It now officially resets at midnight in whatever time zone the player happens to be occupying at the time. While some fans are frustrated by this once-a-day play plan, the creator of the game, Josh Wardle, has stated that he believes playing only once a day for about three minutes, leaves the players wanting more - which is a good thing!

3. The game was invented by Josh Wardle for whom?

From Quiz The International Phenomenon that is Wordle

Answer: His partner

The game was based on an old pencil and paper game, Jotto, and an American game show, Lingo. Wardle made the first version of the game in 2013 and used a variation of his name for it. He revived the idea in January 2021 as a game that he and his partner, Palak Shah, could play together. He shared it with his family, and posted a link on his website in October. In November the number of players rose from ninety to over two million.

4. The ultimate goal of Wordle is to guess a pre-determined word of how many letters?

From Quiz Wordle by Wardle

Answer: 5

In a game of Wordle, players need to guess a pre-determined 5-letter word. Though the creator of the game, Josh Wardle, is Welsh, the word game uses American spelling. Wardle created the first prototype of Wordle in 2013 while working as an artist at Reddit.

5. The little cousins are usually up for a game of Hi-Ho Cherry-O, in which you try to transfer all the fruit from your tree to your basket. How do you figure out how much fruit goes in your basket in each turn?

From Quiz Family Game Night

Answer: With a spinner

Each player has a tree on the board, studded with little holes to accommodate plastic fruit. You spin the spinner to find out what happens on your turn. Maybe you can pick between 1 and 4 fruits and put them into your basket; maybe an animal steals some fruit; or maybe you accidentally tip over your basket and lose it all! (Lost fruit goes back on the tree. Don't think about it too hard.) This luck-based game is a great way to start teaching small kids about board games: taking turns, following instructions, and learning to accept the occasional upended basket.

6. In this simple yet effective game, players take turns to roll the dice and then race to be the first to snatch the tile with a matching pattern. In which game do you need to be able to strike fast in order to win?

From Quiz Game Night

Answer: Cobra Paw

Although it's called "Cobra Paw", this game has a ninja cat theme, even featuring cat-related humor in the instructions. Cobra Paw, which is fun for the whole family, has its own mythology. It tells the story of an ancient stone-snatching game called Clawfuku, invented by the mysterious Phee Lion. Phee Lion's paws were so fast that when he snatched a stone a destructive wind would wreak havoc on the land. Eventually he was defeated by Master Meow, a wandering ninja cat who had perfected the better "Cobra Paw" technique. Cobra Paw tournaments are held to honour the legacy of Master Meow and try to rediscover his Cobra Paw technique. The tiles are each decorated with a unique pair of "ancient" Japanese style symbols, with matching symbols on the dice. After they are rolled, everyone tries to snatch the tile matching the two symbols shown on the dice. Players are encouraged to respect their opponents and to use ninja-like accuracy to grab stones using one hand, or in this case "paw".

7. The first game most of us learn is peek-a-boo. What action is shown to a baby that hopefully makes them giggle?

From Quiz Grow Up Playing

Answer: You hide your face with your hands then quickly open them

Most babies smile and giggle when a face they are familiar with suddenly appears and says, "Peek-a-boo!"

8. Lincoln Logs have been around since the 1920s, and once were as popular as video games are today. They were invented by the son of which famous architect, known for his unique designs?

From Quiz Hall-of-Fame-Worthy Toys

Answer: Frank Lloyd Wright

John Lloyd Wright got the idea for the interlocking wooden logs from his father's design for the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. They were named after Abraham Lincoln, and the initial set contained instructions to build his log cabin. Lincoln Logs were among the first inductees in November, 1999.

9. Mölkky is similar to the bowling family of games. The pins you knock over are called skittles and the object you throw to knock the skittles over is called the mölkky. What exactly is a mölkky?

From Quiz Mastering mölkky?

Answer: a wood pin similiar to the target skittles

The mölkky is a cylindrical piece of wood slightly longer than the target skittles. It can still roll on its side but obviously it is handled quite a bit differently than a bowling ball. The 12 skittles are arranged in a tight formation, like a pyramid, with the corners removed. The skittle numbers are arranged as shown in the crude (top view) diagram below. The player taking their turn stands in a designated throwing box (indicated below by the *) some 3-4 meters (10-12 feet) away and centered between the 1 and 2 skittles at the start (the throwing position does not move as the skittle formation warps and breaks throughout the game). ------7 8 9 --5 11 12 6 -----3 10 4 -------1 2 --------*

10. This game has a square board with corners cut off, a clear plastic dome with a die, and plastic pegs of different color. The object is to get the pieces around the board and home safe. What's the name of this game?

From Quiz Name the Game IV

Answer: Trouble

"Trouble" was introduced in 1965 by Kohner Toys. Players push the "Pop-o-Matic" dome that has a die in it, and move around the board. Players must get all of their pieces into the safe row to win.

11. Small cup, placemat, small thin plastic discs?

From Quiz Name the Game III

Answer: Tiddly Winks

The object of the game is to flip your discs into a cup by using one disc to press down on the back edge of another disc in a dragging motion causing it to jump. Hopefully, into the cup.

12. In the game of MONOPOLY, what type of dice are used?

From Quiz Dice, Dice Baby

Answer: Two six sided dice

MONOPOLY has been printed in more than 37 languages. It was originally designed in 1803 by Elizabeth Phillips who named it "The Landlord's Game".

13. Akin to a coconut shy, my grandfather made a stand on which four hinged wooden heads were fixed. Whose head did we try and knock over?

From Quiz Ahead of the Game

Answer: Aunt Sally

There are several theories as to how the game got its name, but the aim is the same in each, to knock the head over. In the original game, wooden batons were likely to be used as the weapon that was thrown, but my granny used to bundle up several pairs of old socks (which she had originally knitted!) and sew them into a ball to use instead. It was probably safer that way!

14. This game has more dice than any other game I've played: each player gets five dice, and the game can be played with two to six players. Which game, a type of "Liar's Dice", am I talking about?

From Quiz Board, Card and Dice Games

Answer: Perudo

"Perudo" is the name I used to call it, although it also goes by "Dudo" (Spanish for "I doubt"), "Cacho" or "Dadinho". In the game, people each have their own concealed set of dice and make bids, guessing how many dice of a certain type there are in total (e.g. "four threes" means "there are at least four dice showing the number three"). The round continues with bids increasing until someone calls the previous player by shouting "Perudo". If the player who calls is right, the one who bid incorrectly loses a die; if the bidder was right, the person who called incorrectly loses a die. Play continues until only one player has any dice left.

15. This toy has amused infants for centuries. Made of wood, cloth or plastic, with many designs, name the grasping toy that baby can shake, ____ and roll.

From Quiz Baby's First Bungee

Answer: Rattle

Infant rattles are small toys with bells, beans, pebbles, or even sand inside. Baby curls fingers around the handle and can track with eyes and ears while learning to produce the noise with the hand. Native Americans made rattles out of rawhide, Paul Revere designed them in silver, and Tiffany & Co. made sterling-silver rattles. Rattles are also part of Greek mythology. Often made of cloth, wood or plastic, taking the shapes of birds, animals or shells, rattles teach baby eye-hand coordination, and stimulate the brain. Adults like rattles too--they are said to be the only instrument found in every society across the world. Rattles make great music, and many societies believe they create a link between humans and the divine.

16. What game, released in 1959 by Parker Brothers, is described as "The world conquest game"?

From Quiz Welcome to My Parlour

Answer: Risk

"Risk" was designed by French film director Albert Lamorisse. The game is played on a board depicting the world divided into 42 territories. Each played is, secretly, given a mission that he/she has to accomplish in order to win the game. The mission normally involves the capture of specific territories or the destruction of enemy armies. The game is played by 3 to 6 players. The other three games are similar to "Risk", two of them "Axis & Allies" and "Attack" are set during WWII and the third during the age of Imperialism (1830 - 1900).

17. So, what do we have? A rectangular set of tiles with up to two groups of dimples on one side of each tile is my first specimen. No two tiles are the same. What game do I have here?

From Quiz On the Tiles

Answer: Dominoes

Dominoes have been around for quite some time. The earliest written reference to the game dates back to 13th Century China. When the game made its way to the West in the 18th Century, tiles with blanks on at least one half were introduced. Duplicate tiles were also removed.

18. Which American playing card brand celebrated its 125th anniversary in the year 2010?

From Quiz It's in the Cards

Answer: The Bicycle Playing Card

The Bicycle Playing Card Company originated in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. Bicycle playing cards are manufactured by the US Playing Card Company. Most of us who play card games are familiar with the distinctive designs on the back of their cards. The backs of the cards are usually red or blue and always have a bicycle design on them. The bicycle was chosen as a logo because bicycles were very popular in the late 1800's. Some special editions, or collectors' items can have different designs. You may also submit your own design or personal photographs to be placed on the card backs.

19. Silkl's favorite game is a card game. People are designated North, South, East, and West. The game involves bidding and contracts, and in each hand someone is always a dummy. What is her favorite game?

From Quiz Palmetto Players' Favorite Games

Answer: Bridge

Bridge uses a standard deck of cards. Partners (North and South vs East and West) work together to decide how many tricks they can take. One player in each hand has to lay his/her cards on the table and let his/her partner play them. That person is the "dummy".

20. If the caller says "Cricket stumps ", what number have they called out?

From Quiz Roman Bingo II

Answer: III

A set of Cricket stumps looks like three Is or III. The Roman number for 3 is III

21. If the Caller said "Cyclops", what number have they pulled out?

From Quiz Roman Bingo

Answer: I

Cyclops only had one eye and I is the roman numeral for 1.

22. What is the name of the device that you press in the centre of the board to roll the dice in the popular board game "Trouble"?

From Quiz Family Game Night Favourites

Answer: Pop-O-Matic

"Trouble" is a Milton Bradley game which has been popular since the 1960's.

23. In fifteen minutes, you could play five rounds of this Hasbro word game - that is, not counting the time it takes for reading out your words and scoring the rounds. Which game fits this description?

From Quiz Fifteen Minutes of Fun

Answer: Boggle

In the game of Boggle, invented by Allan Turoff, 16 letter cubes are shaken and allowed to fall back into place, however they may fall. Players (at least two players are needed, though one person could play alone for practice) then have three minutes to form as many words as they can out of adjacent letter cubes. Words need to be at least three letters long, and you get more points for longer words. Points are scored if you find a legitimate word that no other player did.

24. A group of girls are playing a game with a stretchy cord held by two people. The other take turns to tangle themselves up in the cord and jump out again. What are they playing?

From Quiz Just Play the Game Already!

Answer: Elastics

In this game you need a long length of elastic and at least three people. Two people start by holding the elastic into a rectangle shape around their ankles. The other person then has to jump into and over the cords in a certain order, and then jump out again. Once a sequence is successfully completed, the elastic goes from the ankles to the knees and you start over. When I was at school, there was one girl who could do "necksies", but she was taller than everyone else, so in a way she had the advantage. A lot of people remember having rhymes to go with the jumping sequences, but the murky crevices of my mind can't remember if we had any at all.

25. This game can be played both outside and inside as long as the area is large enough and free of dangerous obstacles. One person is 'It' and has their eyes covered trying to catch others. What game are we playing?

From Quiz Where Do The Children Play?

Answer: Blind Man's Bluff

Blind Man's Bluff, or Blind Man's Buff, is thought to have been played in Tudor times and was popular in Victorian times as a parlour game. The object of the game is for the blindfolded person, 'It', to catch or tag another person who either then is out of the game or becomes the new 'It'.

26. In the standard UK version of Monopoly, how many properties could you buy, but never build houses or hotels on?

From Quiz Know Your Board Games?

Answer: 6

You cannot build on either of the two utilities, nor on the four railway stations.

27. How long do you have to win AtmosFear?

From Quiz AtmosFear DVD Game

Answer: 49 minutes

In a way, you have slightly longer, because the Gatekeeper says "Chosen One! Roll the dice!" The Gatekeeper is a freaky person from the "Other Side" who guards the six creatures (The Werewolf, the Zombie, the Vampire, the Mummy, the Witch, and the Poltergeist), but gets bored of being a guardian, and thus created the game.

28. In the game of checkers, which piece can move forward and backward diagonally, and jump over other pieces?

From Quiz Assorted Games

Answer: king

After a piece reaches the other side, it becomes a 'king' and may move in any direction and jump other pieces.

29. Although "Ouija Board" is now a registered trademark of "Hasbro", which toy company was the first to manufacture it?

From Quiz Toy or Oracle? You Decide

Answer: Ouija Novelty Company

Ouija Novelty Company, owned by William Fuld, was the first manufacturer of "Ouija Board." After Fuld's death, his family sold the rights to the game to Parker Brothers in 1966. By 1968, "Ouija Board" was outselling perennial board game favorite, "Monopoly." "Ouija Board" became a licensed trademark of Hasbro upon its acquisition of Parker Brothers in 1996.

30. In this popular pastime you're likely to hear the terms point, blot and die. Name it.

From Quiz Hit Me!

Answer: backgammon

A point is one of those narrow triangles on the backgammon board. A blot is an unprotected man and a die (singular of dice) is what you throw to determine who goes first.

This is category 166
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:44 AM
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