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The Dark Knight (2008) Trivia Questions & Answers

Dark Knight, The (2008) There are 72 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 14 2025.
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51 What did you see Joker constantly doing?
Answer: Licking his lips

Heath Ledger added what looked like a nervous habit to his version of the Joker. Almost every (if not every time) you saw Joker he was randomly licking his lips. Many people interpreted this as him licking his facial scars. This was most noticeable in the interrogation scene, when Batman took over the questioning. Joker got a lot of close up shots when he turned the tables on Batman in this sequence.
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When the Joker gives Harvey the gun in the hospital, what does the Joker want Harvey to introduce?

52 Who says, "You think that your client, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante who beats criminals to a pulp with his bare hands, and your plan is to blackmail this person? Good luck?"
Answer: Lucius Fox

Coleman Reese is some kind of consultant who has done some digging into the R and D Department of Wayne Enterprises and come to the correct conclusion that Bruce is Batman. He confronts Lucius with his suspicions and demands ten million dollars a year for the rest of his life. Lucius responds with the above quote, which apparently makes Reese change his mind. He later goes on TV and is prepared to reveal the identity of Batman because the Joker is killing people every day until the Bat reveals himself.
Coleman Reese is played by Joshua Harto.
Question Reference: Quiz: The Dark Knight.
53 The Joker makes a video tape of himself and a man dressed up as Batman (who he kills, hangs and throws into the mayor's window). This video is shown on the news. What is the name of the man dressed up as Batman?
Answer: Brian Douglas

Brian Douglas is the dressed up Batman at the beginning of the movie. He is later revealed to be captured by the Joker. Brian mentions his full name during the video tape that the Joker makes.

Andy Luther is the actor who plays Brian Douglas. Evan is the name of a very minor character in the movie and Freel is the last name of one of the judges. Kirk Stedden is another very minor character.
54 "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message". What is the Joker's message?
Answer: "Everything burns!"

The Joker is angry that the mobsters of Gotham care only about money. So he burns their money, takes over their henchmen and decides to give Gotham 'a better class of criminals'. The Joker proclaims his message as the Chechen is dragged away to be killed.
55 What name is used at the end of the movie, to shut off the cell phone signals?
Answer: Lucius Fox

Lucius Fox is the head of the Reasearch and Development Department for Batman. He makes and provides Batman with his gear and weapons. Batman puts Fox in charge of locating the Joker. His name is typed in because Batman says the power should be in one trustworthy man's hands, and that is Lucius.
56 When the Joker is being interrogated by Batman, he reveals that he doesn't want to kill Batman. What does he say his reason for this is?
Answer: You complete me

The Joker has come to enjoy his confrontations with Batman and likes to push Batman to the limit and further. Batman is frustrated by this because the Joker doesn't respond to his methods.
57 When the Joker gives Harvey the gun in the hospital, what does the Joker want Harvey to introduce?
Answer: Anarchy

He tells this to Harvey (Two-Face) near the end of his conversation with him. The Joker is finishing planting the seeds for his overall plan, in this part, by corrupting Harvey's thoughts. Harvey is led to believe, after his talk with the Joker, that he wasn't responsible for the death of Rachel, but it was everyone who helped capture her or didn't do anything to stop it.
58 Coleman Reese goes on TV and offers to reveal the identity of Batman, to stop the Joker's killing spree. The Joker decides that he doesn't want to find out Batman's identity after all. What does he threaten to blow up, if Reese is not killed?
Answer: a hospital

Police immediately begin evacuating the hospitals, including the one in which Harvey Dent is recovering from his severe burns. Dressed in a nurse's uniform, the Joker goes in and corrupts an already enraged Dent, taking great satisfaction in corrupting the city's shining knight.
Gotham General Hospital is indeed blown up, although virtually all of the patients have been successfully evacuated. No one is sure about the whereabouts of Dent though. The last we see of Reese is when Bruce Wayne crashes his car in an attempt to save Reese, being transferred by police, from being captured by the Joker's thugs.
Question Reference: Quiz: The Dark Knight.
59 Who plays the role of the Joker and who plays Batman in "the Dark Knight?"
Answer: Heath Ledger and Christian Bale

Heath Ledger was found dead in his NYC Apartment on January 22, 2008. Surrounding his body, were prescription drugs and sleeping pills, which caused his death. It was an accidental overdose, but because of this, the Joker was his last completed role before dying. This was Christian Bale's second Batman movie.

Batman is the hero of Gotham City and when he saw his parents get shot when he was young, he wanted to save the town from criminals. He feels he has a duty.
The Joker is the main villain of the sequel. He is a murdering psychopath who finds joy in killing and wants Batman to take off his mask and turn himself in, otherwise he will kill people.
60 Who is Gotham's White Knight?
Answer: Harvey Dent

Harvey Dent is Gotham's White knight because he is the number one man at stopping crime. He can take out criminals that no one else can. The Joker uses this to show Gotham that the best can be taken down to the villian's level. Batman says this in the middle of the movie that Gotham needs one.
61 The Joker corners Harvey Dent at the hospital in an attempt to corrupt him. During their conversation, what does he compare himself to?
Answer: "A dog chasing cars."

The Joker corners Harvey Dent in the hospital after half of Harvey's face is burnt off.
In his monologue to Harvey he says "I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. I just do things". This means that the Joker doesn't think rationally and just acts upon impulse.
He says this to convince Harvey that it wasn't his fault Rachel died. This later leads to Harvey targeting the corrupt cops of Gotham, as well as Commissioner Gordon and Batman.
62 Who is the news anchorman that the Joker kidnaps, to deliver his message to the people that if they are still in the city by nightfall they will be part of his game?
Answer: Mike Engel

Mike Engel is first seen when he is interviewing Coleman Reese about the true identity of Batman. He is also seen when the Joker blows up the hospital. This is where he is taken by the Joker's men and put on the school bus that they had taken.
Anthony Garcia is the name of the mayor of the city. The other two names are crosses of other characters' first and last names.
63 What brand of suit did Joker wear?
Answer: It was a custom

After Joker was arrested they did a normal search of his person. One of the officers reported their findings to Gordon by telling him that Joker had "No name, no other alias, clothing is custom, nothing in his pockets but knives and lint..."

Earlier in the movie, while talking to the mob Joker mentioned that "The suit wasn't cheap, you outta know bought it." This was in retaliation to Maroni's remark "Just some freak clown in a cheap purple suit". He mentioned the "clown" when Lau (who was on the TV monitor) gave the mob the news that a portion of their money had been stolen from the bank.
64 Crazed with rage, and calling himself Two Face, Dent lets the flip of his coin decide whether he kills someone or not. When he confronts mob boss Salvatore Maroni, the toss is heads and Dent doesn't shoot him. Who does he shoot instead?
Answer: Maroni's driver

Before his transformation to Two Face, Dent pretends to decide things by the flip of a coin, but the coin is double-headed. After he is badly scarred by the fire, he continues to flip the coin, but since one side of the coin has been damaged by the same fire, it truly becomes a question of chance. While in the car with Maroni, he flips the coin and it comes up heads, so he doesn't shoot Maroni. He flips it again and the damaged side appears, so he fastens his seatbelt and shoots the driver through the seat, causing the car to crash. Presumably Maroni dies in the crash.
Salvatore Maroni is played by Eric Roberts.
Question Reference: Quiz: The Dark Knight.
65 The Joker poisons Commissioner Loeb's drink and manages to get rid of him for the mob. What brand is this bottle of whiskey that the Commissioner keeps in his office as 'an appropriate response' to situations of dire threat?
Answer: Clyburn

This was a prop used for the movie and there is no actual whiskey by this name. The label can be read during a close-up of the bottle when the Commissioner places it on the table, and proceeds to blame Gordon for making him late for dinner with his wife.
66 At the end of the movie does Batman kill the Joker?
Answer: No

Batman does not kill the Joker but he does capture him on top of a building. The last we see of the Joker, he is hanging off the building alive. Batman is seen fleeing the scene of an accident.
67 Harvey Dent almost shot me in the head! When Batman tackled Harvey, I almost fell to the ground but Batman saved me. Which actor played me?
Answer: Nathan Gamble

It was Gamble who starred in "The Dark Knight" as the son of Barbara and James Gordon, Sr. We only saw him on two occasions in the film. The first one was when the police officers came to notify Barbara of Jim's "death" and James Jr. got a look at Batman. The next was when Harvey Dent held him, his mom, and his sister at gunpoint where Rachel died. Harvey took James Jr. and held him at gunpoint, threatening to shoot him in the head. Harvey tossed a coin up into the air to determine if he should kill James Jr. depending on where the coin landed. He flipped the coin and it landed on the side that meant James Jr. would be spared. Then, Dent planned to shoot himself and flipped a coin to determine his fate, all the while as he held James Jr. near him. When he flipped the coin, Batman tackled him and Dent fell over the ledge to his death. Batman grabbed onto James Jr. and brought him up to safety before he fell. James Sr. rushed down to see if either one was alive and Batman came to, but not Dent. Batman then said he would take the blame for Dent's death and James Sr. said his men would hunt him. When Batman ran off, James Jr. had just gotten down to where Dent had fallen to his death and that was where James Sr. gave the final monologue to the film. Gamble's other credits range from a guest spot on the TV show "Ghost Whisperer" to roles in the films "Babel", "Dry Rain" and "Marley and Me".

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68 After Batman beats the Joker, the Joker refers to Harvey as his "ace in the hole". He goes on to say it wasn't hard to do because madness is like what?
Answer: gravity

The Joker says, "I took Gotham's white knight, and I brought him down to our level. It wasn't hard. You see madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push."
Even though he was defeated, the Joker is still confident that his plan succeeded, because he ruined Harvey. This is why he is calm and not completely upset that he is captured by Batman.
69 When Bruce Wayne told Alfred he was going to turn himself in, Alfred mentioned they were probably going to pick him up too. He stated that the police would probably take him in as an accomplice. What did Wayne have to say about it?
Answer: "I'm going to tell them it was your idea."

Bruce and Alfred were leaving his brightly lit version of the Bat Cave when this was said. Bruce was on his way to the press conference Batman had Harvey Dent had set up. Bruce was teasing Alfred that he was going to let him take the blame for the creation of Batman.

Alfred Pennyworth was played by Michael Caine. He also played Alfred in the 2005 Batman ("Batman Begins") Another very good (and very funny) movie he had been in is "Austin Powers". He played Austin's father, Nigel Powers.

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70 How does Harvey Dent appear to die?
Answer: Batman knocks him off of the building.

Dent captures Commissioner Gordon's wife and children, and takes them to the place where Rachel died. He wants Gordon to feel the way he felt when he talked to her on the phone, knowing that one of them was going to die. Batman arrives and Dent flips the coin and shoots him. He then holds the gun to his own head and flips the coin, but it comes up heads, so he doesn't shoot himself. He is about to kill Gordon's son when Batman gets up and tackles him, sending him flying over the edge of the building. Batman rescues the boy and then falls himself.
Batman decides that Dent's reputation must not be tarnished, for the good of the city. He makes Gordon blame the murders on him and leaves as a fugitive. There is some speculation that Dent really isn't dead, but he is certainly seems to be dead at the end of the film.
Commissioner Gordon is played by Gary Oldman.
Question Reference: Quiz: The Dark Knight.
71 Who is considered the White Knight and who is the Dark Knight?
Answer: Harvey Dent and Batman

Harvey is the District Attorney of Gotham and love interest to Rachel Dawes. In the film, a love triangle forms between him, Rachel, and Bruce. He wants to protect the city and says that Batman will give up because he doesn't want to do this forever. He gets burned on the side of his face and goes crazy over the death of Rachel. The Joker takes an interest in him and tells him that Batman and Gordon are the enemies. He was to kill Gordon, while the Joker killed Batman.
Batman says to Gordon at the end of the film that he will take responsibility for Two-face, aka Harvey Dent's murders. He also states that Harvey should be the hero and he is the White Knight of the city and people look up to him. Batman orders Gordon to destroy the bat-signal and signal a manhunt against him. Batman flees while soldiers and dogs chase him. Gordon states that he is the the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. He also says He is the Dark Knight.
72 In the ending scene, Gordon's child asked his father why Batman was running away. Gordon replied, "He is not a hero, he is a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a ______." Fill in the quote.
Answer: Dark Knight

Bruce told Gordon that the public must not know about Harvey's killing because Harvey was a great attorney who had contributed greatly to the city. So, in order to cover up Harvey's story, Bruce chose to blame the whole incident on himself. The policemen showed up and Batman escaped in his Batpod.
Question Reference: Quiz: The Dark Knight.