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The Hobbit Trivia Questions

Hobbit, The There are 102 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 14 2025.
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26 What did Bilbo finally remember Gandalf for?
Answer: His fireworks

Upon greeting Gandalf, it took Bilbo some moments to place the Wizard with a name and then he remembered because of the fireworks that Gandalf used to let off at the parties the Old Took used to throw.
It was some years later that Bilbo would remark on how Gandalf didn't approve of being late.
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of the Elven King who visited Erebor?

27 What did Bilbo tell Frodo that the small chest of gold smelled like?
Answer: Troll

As he hurried to put valuables away in an effort to hide them from the Sackville-Baggins, Bilbo replied to Frodo's comment about tunnels of gold by saying that it was only one small chest and that it still smelled of Troll.
28 Who says, 'I've never been so wrong in all my life.'?
Answer: Thorin

Thorin says this to Bilbo, after Bilbo rescues him from Azog the Defiler. The complete quote is: 'You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive, in the wild? And that you had no place amongst us? I've never been so wrong in all my life.' After this, he hugs Bilbo as an apology.
29 Bilbo puts on the ring during the battle with the spiders and it allows him to do what, besides disappear?
Answer: Understand what the spiders are saying

When Bilbo puts on the ring he can hear and understand exactly what the spiders are saying. They are getting ready to eat the Dwarves so he distracts them by throwing a rock and the vibration causes them to go off to investigate. Only one spider stays behind. Bilbo sticks him with his sword several times and the spider says it stings. This is where Bilbo gets the name for his sword Sting.
30 Who drives the spirit of Sauron and the Nazgul from High Fells of Rhudaur after Gandalf is rescued?
Answer: Galadriel

Elrond and Saruman defeat the Nazgul but they re-appear when Sauron makes his presence known. At this point Galadriel turns dark and casts a spell on the Nazgul and the spirit of Sauron, forcing them to retreat into the East. Elrond wants to pursue Sauron to defeat him once and for all but Saruman tells him to take Galadriel to Lothlórien so she can recover her power, since she spent so much driving the spirit of Sauron out.
31 What Middle Earth group turned their backs on the Dwarves when they were in need of help?
Answer: Elves

Elves were the group that turned their backs on the Dwarves because the leader didn't want to put his city in danger to help the Dwarves because the Orcs are very powerful.
32 When looking at the map to the alternate entrance into the Lonely Mountain, who says, "Fate is with you Thorin Oakenshield. The same moon is upon us tonight."?
Answer: Elrond

Gandalf has given Thorin a map and a key, to provide them with an alternate way to get into the mountain that does not involve going past the dragon. However not everything is clear on the map and Gandalf needs Elrond to look at it (against Thorin's wishes). Elrond finds Moon Runes and explains that these can only be read at the same time of year, under the same moon as they were written. He then speaks the above lines.
Elrond is played by Hugo Weaving.
33 Who makes the biting observation, "He looks more like a grocer than a burglar."?
Answer: Thorin

Bilbo has been asked to join the party for two reasons, to change their number from the unlucky 13 at which it stands, and to serve as a burglar. Charged with finding a burglar, Gandalf choose Bilbo. Thorin is less than impressed with Bilbo as his burglar and has no problem in telling Gandalf this, in front of Bilbo.
Thorin is played by Richard Armitage (who is actually over 6'2").
34 Which dwarf did Bilbo take the doily from?
Answer: Nori

As the dwarves were attempting to clean up and Bilbo was still trying to regain control of his home, he had a small tug of war to get a doily from Nori who had decided to use it as a dishcloth.

Bofur made the comment that it was full of holes, to which Bilbo explained it was crocheted to explain all the holes and the ever helpful dwarf remarked "that it was a fine game if you had the balls for it". I guess to a dwarf crocheted could be mistaken for the game croquet.

Bifur was actually doing the dishes and catching them as they flew through the air as his companions tossed them his way.

Ori just wanted to know what he should do with his plate which was what started the flying dishes.
35 What four occupations did Balin mention when referring to the other Dwarves?
Answer: merchants, miners, tinkerers, toymakers

After Bilbo refused to sign the burglar's contract and walked away, the scene switched to Balin speaking with Thorin about it perhaps being for the best for what were they? Merchants, miners, tinkerers, and toymakers.

It was Thorin who chose to remind his friend that there were a few warriors amongst them.
36 When Dori offered Gandalf a drink, what beverage did the Wizard say he'd prefer?
Answer: Red Wine

When Dori offered Gandalf a cup of tea as the Dwarves were setting the table with the entire contents of Bilbo's pantry, the Wizard kindly refused and instead asked for red wine. Which turned out to be a Hobbit sized glass of red wine with a nice fruity bouquet...or so Dori said of the flavor.
37 Bilbo Baggins mother was a member of which Hobbit family?
Answer: The Tooks

Bilbo's mother was Belladonna Took before marrying Bilbo's Father. Gandalf's mention of Bilbo's Mother is the first time her name was mentioned.
38 Who are these two people talking about? Person 1: 'I cannot guarantee his safety.' Person 2: 'Understood.' Person 1: 'Nor will I be responsible for his fate.' Person 2: 'Agreed.'
Answer: Bilbo

Thorin is telling Gandalf that if Bilbo comes along with them, then Bilbo's on his own, and that he cannot guarantee his safety, nor be responsible for his fate. Thorin and Company want a 'burglar' to join, because 13 is an unlucky number after all. Gandalf chooses Bilbo, and they have this short conversation.
39 Who played the hobbit whose home was invaded by dwarves in the movie?
Answer: Martin Freeman

An English actor known for his roles as Tim Canterbury in BBC's "The Office", John in "Love Actually", Doctor Watson in "Sherlock" and many others, Martin Freeman was chosen to play the role of Bilbo Baggins for "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". Peter Jackson and his team chose Freeman from a number of other actors such as Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter - "Harry Potter"), Shia LaBeouf (Sam Witwicky - "Transformers"), James McAvoy (Charles Xavier - "X Men: First Class"), Erryn Arkin (Ledo Wright - "CSI: Crime scene Investigation"), and Tobey Maguire (Peter Parker - "Spider-Man"). Though Freeman originally turned it down because of scheduling conflicts with "Sherlock", Peter adjusted the entire shooting schedule to accommodate him.
40 Bilbo helps the Dwarves escape from the Elves by putting them in empty barrels and sending them down the river. What had been in the barrels?
Answer: Wine

The barrels had been filled with wine from Laketown. When the barrels are empty the Elves send them down the river back to Laketown to be refilled. Bilbo discovers this while retrieving the keys to unlock the cells the Dwarves are being kept in. He leads them back to the wine cellar and places them in the empty barrels so they can escape down the river, out of the Elf kingdom.
41 What illness does Balin tell Bilbo Thorin is suffering from?
Answer: Dragon sickness

Balin tells Bilbo that Thorin has Dragon sickness and it comes from the gold. Balin has seen it before in Thorin's grandfather who was driven mad by it. Bilbo asks if the Arkenstone will make the sickness better or worse and Balin says he fears it will make it worse. Bilbo keeps the Arkenstone from Thorin to protect him from himself.
42 Radagast the Brown warns Gandalf about what two terrifying things?
Answer: Necromancer and Giant Spiders

Radagast the Brown is the wizard that lives in the forest along with the animals. He is the first to encounter the giant spiders that start casting a shadow and killing/injuring many animals, including Sebastian the hedgehog. Then Radagast goes to Mirkwood where he finds out that the Necromancer has taken residence in Mirkwood. After he has encountered both these evil creatures he goes out to tell Gandalf the Grey about them.
43 "You've been busy of late my friend. Did you think these plans and schemes of yours would go unnoticed?" Who, after surprising Gandalf with his presence in Rivendell, says this to Gandalf?
Answer: Saruman

Despite Thorin's objections, Gandalf has deliberately brought the dwarves to Rivendell to seek Elrond's help with the map. He is pleasantly surprised to find Galadriel in attendance, but is not as happy to find Saruman, the head of his order, also there. Saruman explains his presence with the above statements and then goes on to tell Gandalf that he disapproves of the plan to stir up trouble be attempting to retake the mountain back from the dragon. He also refuses to believe anything that Radagast has imparted, even when confronted with the Mordor blade.
44 "And thus the battle was won and the game of golf invented at the same time." When trying to convince Bilbo that he does have some adventurous blood, who shares this interesting information with us?
Answer: Gandalf

When Bilbo tells Gandalf that he cannot be a burglar, Gandalf reminds him of the exploits of his Great, Great, Great, Great Uncle Bullroarer Took, who had apparently been large enough to ride a horse and not a pony. In battle, said Took had beheaded the goblin king by hitting him with a club. The king's head then allegedly fell down a rabbit hole.
Bilbo accuses Gandalf of making that up but all Gandalf will admit to is some embellishment.
45 What fruit did Bilbo feed his pony?
Answer: Apple

As the Company camped out, Bilbo decided to make friends with Myrtle, his pony, by feeding her an apple.
46 How did Thorin's grandfather die?
Answer: He was beheaded.

As told by Balin, in a flashback scene, to explain Thorin's hate of Orcs, Thorin's grandfather was beheaded by Azog the Defiler as the dwarves tried to reclaimed Moria.
Thorin also believed the Pale Orc had fallen in this battle as well, only to learn differently.
47 Who says, 'All of them at once, I suppose.'?
Answer: Bilbo

Bilbo has just met Gandalf. He wishes him good morning, and Gandalf asks, 'What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you are saying that you feel good on this particular morning. Or maybe you are suggesting that it is a morning to be good on.' Bilbo responds with the above quote.
48 Who was the first dwarf to come to the unexpected party?
Answer: Dwalin

Dwalin was the first to knock on the round green door of Bag End, surprising and confusing Bilbo for, after all, it was an unexpected party. The dwarf greeted Bilbo with "Dwalin, at your service" followed by the baffled reply,"Uh... Bilbo Baggins at yours", before placing his dark green hood on the coat hanger. He also ate Bilbo's supper while he was looking for the food that was supposed to be offered to the dwarves. After Dwalin came, his older brother Balin got to Bagend, followed by, Fili and Kili, and so on. The character Dwalin is more of a warrior type of dwarf. He caries paired axes on his back and knuckle-dusters on his tattooed hands, something that gives him a more tough and dangerous look.
49 Clearly nervous about having to ride a pony, Bilbo made a special effort to make friends with her. What did he give her?
Answer: an apple

After establishing that his pony's name was Myrtle, Bilbo approached her at night and offered her an apple from his pocket, which she quickly ate. Bilbo told her that this treat was to be between him and her, presumably because the apple had been taken out of the supplies intended for the party to eat, not their mounts. Later, when the trolls took some of their ponies, Bilbo was quite distressed to see that Myrtle was one of the ponies they had taken.
50 Which Dwarf is wounded by the Orcs while escaping from the Elves?
Answer: Kili

As the Dwarves head down the river, the Elves close a gate across the river sealing them in so they cannot escape. Kili gets out of his barrel to open the gate and is shot by an arrow from Bolg, who is leading the Orcs as they attack the Elf kingdom from the river searching for the Dwarves. Kili still manages to open the gate and the Dwarves head down river pursued by both Elves and Orcs.