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The Hobbit Trivia Questions & Answers

Hobbit, The There are 102 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 14 2025.
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51 Who is the leader of the Orc armies and the main antagonist in the story?
Answer: Azog

Although Azog is the main antagonist in the film, he was not so in the book. His role was expanded in the trilogy to provide continuity of the threat faced by the Dwarves. His full name is Azog the Defiler. He has vowed to wipeout the line of Durin. He kills Thorin's grandfather, Thror, at the Battle of Battle of Azanulbizar but then loses his left arm and is forced to retreat. The feud between Thorin and Azog is a major theme of all three movies and culminates in this movie.
trivia question Quick Question
Who says, 'All of them at once, I suppose.'?

52 During the council at Rivendell, who speaks telepathically with Gandalf, asking "Mithrandir, why the Halfling?"?
Answer: Galadriel

While Saruman is going on about the foolishness of Radagast's news, Galadriel begins speaking with Gandalf using only her mind (but said in voiceover for our benefit). Initially she indicates that she realises that Gandalf has brought proof. Then she asks Gandalf why he has chose Bilbo for the party. Gandalf replies that, unlike Saruman, he believes that little acts can make huge changes. He also admits that he is afraid and Bilbo somehow gives him courage.
Galadriel is played by Cate Blanchett.
53 While admitting a new member to his party, who says, "Loyalty, honour, a willing heart... I can ask no more than that."?
Answer: Thorin

The morning after his unexpected party, Bilbo wakes to find his Hobbit hole restored and empty. He picks up the contract he had refused to sign the night before and finds that he wants to go on the adventure after all. Throwing a few things together, he sets out at a run, across fields and fences, to catch up with the party. When he catches up with the group he waves the contract and announces that he has signed it. Thorin accepts him into the party with the above words.
54 Upon catching Bilbo, the three trolls wondered if there were enough burglar-hobbits out there to make a what?
Answer: A Pie

Not sure what to make of the wriggling little creature they suddenly had in their midst, the trolls were wondering if there were others out there so they could have enough to make a pie. Squishing them to jelly was a popular suggestion after they had captured everyone.
55 Which Dwarf decided to bury some of the gold found in the Troll cave?
Answer: Gloin

As Gandalf and Thorin examined the swords found in the cave of the three Trolls, the other dwarves were contemplating the shame of just leaving the found gold laying around.

Gloin decided it best to make a long term deposit and told Nori to get a shovel.
56 Who handed out the gold after Bilbo caught up to the Company and learned that some of the Dwarves had taken bets on him showing up?
Answer: Nori

After reconsidering his earlier choice to not go on the adventure, Bilbo signed the contract and then ran to catch up with the Company. He then learned, as Oin called to Nori to pay up and pouches of gold began flying back and forth, that some of the Dwarves had taken wagers on him showing up at all. Gandalf, it seemed, had also taken part of that wager since he earned a pouch as well.
57 Who began throwing Bilbo's dishes around Bag End while in the process of clearing the table?
Answer: Fili

Ori approached Bilbo and Gandalf to ask what he should do with his plate, only to have Fili take care of it by taking the plate and tossing it around Gandalf to the waiting hands of Kili, who then tossed it toward Bifur who was doing dishes.
Bofur was the dwarf who began tapping the silverware on the table which started the dwarves singing of the things that Bilbo Baggin's hated.
58 Gollum says, 'Shut up!' Bilbo responds, 'I didn't say anything.' Gollum's reply is, 'Wasn't talking to you.' Who is he really talking to?
Answer: Himself

This occurs in Gollum's cave right before the riddle game between Bilbo and Golloum. He has been down here for so long that he starts talking to himself. Thorin, Gandalf, and Balin aren't even present.
59 Trussed up by the trolls, Bilbo caught onto the fact that they needed to be underground before dawn. He engaged them in a debate to delay them. What did he start talking to them about?
Answer: the best way to cook the dwarves

The one troll was talking about using a little sage on the dwarves and Bilbo suggested something stronger, asking the trolls if they had smelled the dwarves. The troll who seemed most interested in cooking seemed quite involved in this discussion. Then Bilbo suggested that the best way to cook the dwarves was to skin them first. This caused a lot of argument among the trolls, one of whom just wanted to get it done, even suggesting that they just sit on the dwarves and turn them into jelly. Bilbo then suggested that the dwarves all had parasites and the trolls shouldn't eat them at all. The dwarves were initially offended by this, but then Thorin realized what Bilbo was doing and soon they were all agreeing. The discussion went on long enough for Gandalf to arrive and split the rock that was hiding the sunrise. Exposed to the sun, the trolls turned to rock.
60 Bard sneaks the Dwarves into Laketown and hides them in his home. Later on the Dwarves learn who Bard really is. Who is he?
Answer: A descendant of Girion Lord of Dale

Bard is known as Bard the Bowman and is descended from Girion, the man who failed to slay Smaug when he first attacked the Lonely Mountain and Dale. As such he is held somewhat responsible for the failings of his ancestor. He is at odds with the Master of Laketown because Alfrid, the Master's steward, has been telling the Master that Bard is behind the civil unrest in the town. Bard has one remaining Black Arrow that he gives to his son to hide at the end of the movie. This arrow figures prominently in "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies".
61 How do the initial Orc armies get to the Lonely Mountain?
Answer: Tunnels dug by Wereworms

The Orcs use Wereworms to tunnel under the ground so that no one knows they are coming to attack Erebor. The Wereworms burst forth from the ground right as the Elves and Dwarves are about to do battle.

The bats bred for war show up later with the second Orc army, coming from Gundabad and led by Azog's son, Bolg. That army travelled over land not caring whether it was day or night.
62 What is the ancient city where the Dwarves use to live called?
Answer: Moria

Dale was the city where the Dwarves live but Moria was the ANCIENT CITY where they lived.
63 What goblin-eating cave dweller, who talks to himself and makes strange sounds in his throat, excitedly exclaims "Games! We Love games."?
Answer: Gollum

After eluding capture with the rest of the dwarves, Bilbo wrestles with a solitary goblin. They fall a great distance into the area under the mountain occupied by goblin. Bilbo watches in horror as Gollum kills the goblin and then starts to speculate about what manner of creature Bilbo is and how he might taste. Misunderstanding something Bilbo says, Gollum gets very excited about playing a game with him. If Bilbo wins Gollum agrees to lead him to the exit. If Gollum wins he will eat Bilbo.
Gollum is played by Andy Serkis.
64 "You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" Who chastises the younger dwarves with this line?
Answer: Thorin

Making camp for the night, Bilbo is worried by some disturbing noises. He asks the younger dwarves if the noises are made by wolves, but the younger dwarves say no, they are made by orcs. They have a bit of fun with Bilbo's obvious fear but Thorin, seeing no humour in the situation, steps in to stop them.
65 In the cave, after the Stone Giant attack and before being captured by the goblins, who had first watch?
Answer: Bofur

Thorin ordered Bofur on first watch while the others slept. It was Bofur who caught Bilbo as he decided to go back to Rivendell, because Thorin had said he didn't belong and shouldn't have come.
66 Who was the first Dwarf to try to free Bilbo from the Trolls?
Answer: Kili

After learning that three Mountain Trolls were stealing the ponies, Kili and Fili had encouraged Bilbo to get in close to rescue them, since mountain Trolls are big and slow and he was so small. However, after being grabbed by the Trolls, it was Kili who first burst out of the brush to slice the nearest Troll and order them to drop Bilbo. The others rushed out to join the fray after Bilbo was tossed Kili's way.
67 What dwarf did the one troll pick up to eat whole before Bilbo stopped him by saying the whole lot of them were infected with parasites?
Answer: Bombur

To prove that dwarves didn't need cooking or skinned, one of the three trolls had picked up Bombur to eat, only to have Bilbo announce that the Dwarves were infected with parasites and shouldn't be eaten at all...or squished to jelly.
Thorin and Kili were tied up on the ground while Gloin was tied on the rotating spit with several other dwarves including Dwalin, Dori, and Ori.
68 Who says, 'I'm going on an adventure!'?
Answer: Bilbo

Bilbo sees the contract from the night before, and decides that he wants to go on an adventure. As he's running to catch up to the dwarves, another unnamed hobbit asks him what he is doing. Bilbo answers with the above quote. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a movie!
69 Who appears the oldest dwarf of the company?
Answer: Balin

Balin offers a great amount of wisdom and guidance as the oldest of the company. As seen in the prologue of the movie, he makes an appearance in the battle for Erebor when Smaug the Terrible is shown attacking the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain. Played by Scottish actor Ken Stott, this dwarf is seen in the movie explaining things and helping others understand many issues within the company and illustrating past stories. Balin is also one of the dwarves who are mentioned in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Later, after everything that happens in "The Hobbit", Balin returns to the Mines of Moria to reclaim it. In the "Lord of the Rings", his tomb is seen, on which is written "Balin, son of Fundin - Lord of Moria".
70 While in Laketown who saves the wounded Dwarf from the poison of the Morgul arrow?
Answer: Tauriel

Tauriel learns from the captive Orc that the arrow that hit Kili will kill him because it had poison on it. Against her king's command she leaves the Elf kingdom to go to try to find Kili and save him. In Laketown she finds the Dwarves who stayed behind in Bard's house and uses her Elven healing powers and the herbs found by Fili to save Kili's life.
71 Who asks the game-winning question, "What have I got in my pocket?"?
Answer: Bilbo

Engaged in a life-and-death game with Gollum, Bilbo is running out of riddles to try and stump Gollum with. He discovers the ring which he had previously found and put into his pocket, but had forgotten about. He wonders out loud what it could be. Gollum, taking this for one of Bilbo's riddles, responds angrily that it is unfair. Although he never intended it as a riddle, Bilbo sees this as his way of winning and insists that Gollum had told him to 'ask a question' and he had done just that.
Bilbo is played by Martin Freeman.
72 "Azog the defiler learned that day that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken." Who speaks this line, while relating some of the Thorin's history?
Answer: Balin

Prompted by Thorin's outburst about orcs, Balin explains to Bilbo how Thorin's family had a long history of problems with one particular orc band, lead by a large, white orc named Azog. Azog had killed both Thorin's father and grandfather and had come after Thorin. But Thorin, with only an oak branch for protection, had cut off Azog's arm. Azog he had been taken away by his followers.
Balin is played by Ken Stott.
73 What was the name of the Hedgehog that Radagast was trying to save from the dark magic?
Answer: Sebastian

A clear lover of the little animals in his woods, Radagast was quick to take the tiny little hedgehog back to his house and did several things to try to help Sebastian until finally realizing that it wasn't poison but evil dark magic that was hurting him.
74 Which Dwarf uses a bow?
Answer: Kili

Several times it has shown Kili using a bow with some success to kill Orcs and Wargs. While Fili has an assortment of weapons it hasn't shown him using a bow. Ori uses his slingshot deftly while one of Bifur's main weapons is a spear.
75 Where did the secret pass lead the Company?
Answer: Rivendell

Escaping the pursuing pack of Warg-riding Orcs by following Gandalf down a secret hole in the ground and following the path, the company of Dwarves found themselves in Rivendell, or Imladris, which was not something Thorin was pleased with since he has a serious mistrust of Elves.