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The Hobbit

Hobbit, The There are 102 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 14 2025.
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76 Who says, 'And thus the battle was won. And the game of golf invented at the same time.'?
Answer: Gandalf

Gandalf is telling the story of Bullroarer Took (Bilbo's distant relative) to Bilbo, to get him to join the dwarves. This is after dinner, in the living room of Bag End. The story goes like this: 'He [Bullroarer Took] charged the goblin ranks and swung his club so hard that the goblin king's head came clean off and sailed 100 yards in the air and down a rabbit hole.' Gandalf then finishes the story with the above quote.
trivia question Quick Question
Who was the first dwarf to come to the unexpected party?

77 In the riddles in the dark scene, what is the answer to Gollum's second riddle?
Answer: Wind

After making an agreement with the creature Gollum, Bilbo played a game of riddles where winning is the difference between life or death. Bilbo was given the first chance to ask. He offered a riddle on teeth. The riddle with the answer "wind" was "voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters". Bilbo got the answer after seeing the wind slightly move the water in Gollum's cave. In the end, Bilbo left with his life, finishing with the unanswered, "What have I got in my pocket". Remembering when Bilbo first came into Gollum's cave, he picked up a gold ring and put it in this pocket. If only Gollum knew, but then again, he did figure it out after the game when he went to go look for his "birthday present" and found out that it was lost.
78 Who discovers that it is moonlight that will reveal the door into Lonely Mountain and not daylight, as everyone had assumed?
Answer: Bilbo

The party arrives at the door just before sunset but they do not discover the door or the keyhole and think all is lost when the sun sets. The Dwarves head down away from the area, believing their only chance to enter the mountain has been lost. Bilbo however does not give up and as the moonbeams hit the stonewall the door is revealed. He yells back for the Dwarves to return and they do. The door is opened with the key and they are able to enter the mountain.
79 Who kills the leader of the Orc armies?
Answer: Thorin

Thorin leads Kili, Fili, and Dwalin to Ravenhill to attack Azog at his command post there. With their forces outnumbered, Thorin figures the only way to win is to cut off the head of the snake. Fili is killed by Azog and Kili is killed defending Tauriel. In the final showdown between Thorin and Azog, Thorin allows himself to be mortally stabbed so that he can deliver a mortal blow to Azog. Azog dies first and Thorin is able to make peace with Bilbo before he dies.
80 Which Hobbit does Bilbo Baggins come in contact with under the Misty Mountain?
Answer: Gollum

If you haven't known this yet Gollum was actually a Hobbit-like creature called a Stoor that lived in a village near the Misty Mountains. His actual name was Smeagol. This was mentioned in the "Lord of the Rings". But even if you haven't seen that movie or read that book you should know that because Gollum was the only creature Bilbo met under the Misty Mountains.
81 "You thought you could escape me. What are you going to do now wizard? ... That'll do it." Who has this exchange with Gandalf?
Answer: The Goblin King

After falling through a crack in the floor of the cave, the dwarves are captured by the goblins, led by the enormous Goblin King. Gandalf returns in time to stop any of them from being killed and leads them in an escape through the caves. They kill many goblins along the way but are stopped when the Goblin King crashes down from above and blocks their way. He addresses Gandalf with the first two lines, after which Gandalf hits the king with his staff and slices open his belly with his sword. The Goblin King delivers the third line and falls, presumably to his death.
The Goblin King is voiced by Barry Humphries.
82 "I don't understand why it's not working. It's not as if it's witchcraft. Witchcraft... but it is... a dark and powerful magic." Who reaches a terrible confusion with the above musings?
Answer: Radagast

Radagast the Brown is distressed to find many of his woodland friends poisoned. He works very hard to try to save a hedgehog name Sebastian, who is a favourite of his. He speaks the above line to himself, when the regular cures do not seem to have any effect on what ails Sebastian, whom he does manage to revive.
Radagast is played by Sylvester McCoy.
83 What did Radagast give to Gandalf?
Answer: A Morgul blade

Gandalf revealed to Galadriel, Elrond, and Saruman that Radagast had given him a Morgul blade that the Brown Wizard had found in Dol Goldur. Galadriel then mentioned that it was the blade of the Witch King of Angmar and had been buried with him.
84 What does Balin refer to Bilbo's sword as?
Answer: letter opener

As they dine at Rivendell and Elrond's explaining the meaning of the translations on Orcrist and Glamdring, Bilbo looks at his sword and Balin tells him not to worry since swords are named for the great things they do in battle and that he actually isn't certain it is a sword...more like a letter opener.
85 What did Ori say he didn't like to eat while at Rivendell?
Answer: Green food

Accepting, probably somewhat suspiciously, Elrond's invitation to eat, the Dwarves were examining the food given to them. Dori was trying to convince Ori to just take a bite but the younger dwarf refused by saying he didn't like green foods.
Dwalin just wanted to know where the meat was.
86 Why was Thorin late getting to Bag End?
Answer: He was at a meeting in the North.

Thorin was the last to arrive at Bag End for the meeting as he had gone North to a meeting with kin to see about getting aid in the quest to reclaim Erebor. It was Dwalin who informed Gandalf of this, after the Wizard had counted to see how many dwarves had in fact invaded Bilbo's home.
87 Who says, 'Can you promise that I will come back?'?
Answer: Bilbo

Bilbo is scared of going on an adventure, and wants Gandalf's assurance that he will come back. After hearing the story of Bullroarer Took, Bilbo feels that his Took side is getting the better of him, and he asks this question. Gandalf's reply is, 'No, and if you do, you will not be the same.'
88 When Bilbo was going towards the mountain trolls to get back their horses, what food was one of the trolls complaining about?
Answer: Mutton

"Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey, if it don't look like mutton again tomorrer!" said William.
William was one of the three mountain trolls that the company encountered during their journey. The other two went by the names of Bert and Tom. William was the one to complain about the mutton he was bringing in what he thought was sheep, only to be corrected by Bert. Bert knew that they were, as he says, "fresh nags", or in other words, horses.
89 When in council in Rivendell, Galdalf revealed the information he had learned from Radagast the Brown. Saruman dismissed any information received from Radagast as being unreliable. What vice of Radagast's allegedly made him not to be believed?
Answer: eating mushrooms

Radagast had told Gandalf about an encounter with a necromancer. When Gandalf reported this to the council of Saruman, Galadriel and Elrond, Saruman dismissed the information because of Radagast's fondness of mushrooms, saying that they addled his brain and yellowed his teeth.
90 What do Thorin and the Dwarves use to try to kill Smaug?
Answer: Molten gold

Thorin directs the Dwarves to get the furnaces going again so they can melt down gold that he can use in a trap to kill Smaug. The Dwarves trick Smaug into relighting the furnaces which they then use to melt the gold. The gold is then deposited into a mold that Thorin lures Smaug to stand before. Once Smaug is in place he releases the molten gold that overwhelms Smaug who sinks beneath the surface of the molten gold. Only the plan fails and Smaug is able to escape the molten lake. He leaves the mountain and heads towards Laketown to take his revenge on its inhabitants for helping the Dwarves.
91 When Bilbo and Gandalf arrive back at the Shire, Gandalf tells Bilbo he knows Bilbo found the ring. What does Bilbo say is the fate of the ring?
Answer: It fell out of his pocket in the battle.

Bilbo is surprised when Gandalf tells him he knows he found the ring. As they part ways he tells Gandalf he lost it in the battle but Gandalf does not believe him. Still Gandalf allows Bilbo to keep the ring and this sets up the next trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".
92 What is the name of the Orc that is trying to capture the Dwarves and also the one that beheaded Thorin's grandfather Thror?
Answer: Azog

Azog is the correct; he beheaded Thror and he is planning to attack the Dwarves because he wants revenge since Thorin cut off his hand.
93 After Thorin asks him why he came back, who says, "That's why I came back, because you don't have a home... it was taken from you."?
Answer: Bilbo

After escaping from the goblins' lair, the party notices that Bilbo is missing. Thorin declares that Bilbo has done nothing but think about his home since they left and has obviously taken his opportunity to make good his escape. Made invisible because he is wearing Gollum's ring, Bilbo hears this comment. He removes the ring and announces his return to the group. When Thorin asks him why he has come back, he answers with the above quote.
94 Who offers this advice to the hungry trolls? "They're infested with parasites. It's a terrible business."
Answer: Bilbo

The trolls have captured the party and have them either bound in sacks or turning on a spit over the fire. From their conversation, Bilbo understands that they need to be done before the dawn or they will be turned to stone. He offers bits of advice about how to prepare the dwarves, hoping to delay the trolls. He hits upon the idea of declaring the dwarves infested with parasites, an idea that initially offends them until they realize what Bilbo is doing.
The younger version of Bilbo is played by Martin Freeman.
95 Who killed the Goblin King?
Answer: Gandalf

After arriving in time to save Thorin and company from the goblins, Gandalf led them through Goblin Town in an attempt to escape. The Goblin King, who had been pushed off his platform in the early stages of the fight, suddenly reappeared to stop them but only got Gandalf's staff in the eye for his trouble. Then a swift cut from Glamdring, the other sword that the goblins feared and that he'd been using throughout the flight from the horde of goblins, took him out for good.
Bilbo, at the time, was exchanging riddles with Gollum while Dwalin, after the last platform the dwarves were on fell to the bottom of the mountain, was on the bottom of the pile when the body of the Goblin King came crashing down on all of them.
96 What's the name of the mountain range in which the Dwarves are captured by the Goblins and Bilbo finds the One Ring?
Answer: The Misty Mountains

Gollum took the Ring deep within the Misty Mountains where it consumed him and it was there that Bilbo found it after he and the Dwarves were caught by the goblins.

The Blue Mountains are the range of mountains in which most of the Dwarves finally settled after Erebor was lost.

The Grey Mountains are a range of mountains in between the Misty Mountains and the Iron Hills and the Iron Hills were another settlement of Dwarves led by Dain, a distant relation to Thorin.
97 Who defended Thorin from Azog and the Warg's attack, after the dwarves escaped the Goblins?
Answer: Bilbo

While hanging from the last tree as Wargs and Orcs circled for attack, Thorin and the Pale Orc, Azog the Defiler, met in battled or so that was Thorin's plan. He was quickly taken down by the Orc and his white Warg and lay stunned and injured after both the initial attack and being grabbed by the Warg. Bilbo had gathered his courage and charged the Orc who was about to behead Thorin, thus saving Thorin's life, for the moment, until the other dwarves could join the battle. Then the Eagles that Gandalf called for arrived to deal the final blow and carry Bilbo and the others away to safety.
98 Who says, 'I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure.'?
Answer: Gandalf

Gandalf says this after Bilbo asks if he can be of any help. The dwarves need a burglar, so Gandalf chooses Bilbo. (Besides, 13 is a very unlucky number!)
99 Who were the first two dwarves to help Bilbo fight off the wargs and Azog?
Answer: Fili and Kili

At he beginning of the battle scene between Azog the defiler and Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin charges out to challenge Azog but is defeated. Before Thorin was beheaded, Bilbo ran out into battle and attacked the orc that was going to cut off Thorin's head, killing him with his sword. Ordered by Azog, the orcs on wargs start to walk towards Bilbo to kill him but Fili and Kili join in to fight them off. After the two brothers, Dwalin helps the dwarves and Bilbo. Soon after, they join the battle, the eagles come and save the company of dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf.
Though Kili also uses a bow and arrow, during this battle the three dwarves use swords.
100 One of the reasons for stopping in Rivendell was to get help reading the map. Elrond found moon runes on the map. What did these runes reveal?
Answer: another entrance into the mountain

Moon runes can only be read at the same time of year and under the light of a same-shaped moon that was in the sky when they were written. The party was fortunate in that the time and moon shape were right for Lord Elrond to read the runes. These revealed the existence of a secret entrance into Erebor, which was great news since the main gates were guarded by the dragon. The runes also gave directions about how to find the gate, which would only be visible one night of the year.